From: Sent: Monday, 17 November 2003 7:08 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Nov 3-10 (pt 1) Spectre compile Nov 3-10 Mission: The Prisoners Dilemma Stardate 2406.03.10 (USS Spectre, Sickbay - CMO Cambridge - 1709) (USS Spectre, Containment area, Kahila Lono, 17:15) USS Spectre, Felicity's quarters, Ensign Felicity Wells, - 17.30) USS Spectre, Felicity's quarters, Ensign Felicity Wells, - 17.30) (USS Spectre - Containment Unit - ACMO Anderson - 17.49) (USS Spectre - Containment Unit - CMO Cambridge - 17.52) (inside cavern of imprisonment, K'tara, 18:35) (Planet's Surface, Native Village, CO, Captain Remae - 18.35) (USS Spectre, Shuttlebay, CO, Captain Remae - 18.45) (USS Spectre, Shuttlebay - Emergency Medical Hologram - 1845) (USS Spectre, shuttlebay, K'Tara, 18:45) (USS Spectre, Sickbay, CO, Captain Remae - 18.55) (USS Spectre, Sickbay, ACOUNS Felicity Wells - 18.55) (USS Spectre, Sickbay - CMO Cambridge - 1709) "It might work, but on the other hand their natural functions may be inhibiting the spread of the nanotech. By slowing the organics we may be giving the technology an advantage and speeding up the reaction we'd hoped to decrease." Cambridge nodded. The OPS chief had a point. And he didn't need it accelerated. His mind was still dealing with the solution should the situation get ugly. Sugary on a nanotechnology unit. He wasn't terribly excited about these things. "On the other hand, I *can* tell you my best guess as to what will happen with we do nothing, so I'd say we don't have much choice." The CMO nodded, his hands working a PADD, filling out all the variables he knew of and the ones he probably wasn't expecting. Removing something unknown didn't rank on his list of things. "Can you get me a full analysis of the radiation signature coming from them? There may be a way to isolate and target the technology. Either way I have avery bad feeling about the way it's reaching out and implanting something into our hardware - but perhaps that's something best discussed more privately, and with the Captain." Cambridge nodded grimly. "Edison, get on it. Grab two more officers if you need and get the report to Mr. Gort, on the double." (USS Spectre, Sickbay, CMO Cambridge - 17.25) Doctor Maxwell Cambridge looked at the officers on the other side of the field. They were support officers, and very valuable. He was becoming concerned with the future, and wasn't to happy with the results he was coming up with. When the body is invaded by something unfamiliar and unknown to it, it tended to fight back and sometimes killing the very temple it was tasked to protect. 'Mac' was concerned what would happen if the nanotech became noticed by the body. Very nasty results could ensue. Quickly, the Captain entered the room and Cambridge merely raised an eyebrow. Suprises were for the uninformed. "Report." Cambridge looked to Gort and took the lead. "We've got a nanotechnology that is interfering with our systems. It's locate at the hind brain. And it could be growing every moment. And it's becoming a problem with the current field settings and we're going to have to continue upping the ante. And that's a prospect I don't look forward to. Right now, we're trying to figure out what is going and how it became attached...but at best guess, the Spectre will be disabled if this continues..." "Lt Gort, Lt Cambridge, I can't have the Spectre disabled, not with what's going on with the Romulans and who knows what else, if you can't find a solution to the possibility of all our systems going off-line, I want you to prepare a plan to evacuate all infected members of the Spectre to the planet below. give yourself enough leeway, I don't want a mass panic if we have to follow this plan, understood?" Cambridge nodded somberly. It was the last ditch effort and it wasn't something the CMO wanted to consider. But it was a very real possibility. He begun to think it through in his mind, snagging up a PADD and putting his thoughts into the system. "Aye sir. We'll have it ready should we have to. (reply Gort, iyw) "Ensign Tyrell, can you report to Sickbay, we need you here as soon as possible." The Captain turned away and Cambridge noticed Rain raising her hand. "May I say something?" "Go ahead Rain..." "We need to have a Plan B for where we are going to go when this force field can't contain us. That should be a priority. The safety of the ship has to come first. What about attempting to transport the node out.... has it integrated with our central nervous system? I don't feel any different. Maybe we could try that before transporters are ineffective in our presence." 'Mac' nodded. "I think that would be a possibility, but we'll need to be double sure before we do anything that could hurt you all." Cambridge turned back to Gort and cringed. "We've got a tough assignment ahead of us Chief and I don't see any definite solution to the problem. What we're going to be doing is flying by the seat of our pants right now. I don't like doing that." The Captain returned to speak to the containment area a moment later. (USS Spectre, Contamination Area, CMO Cambridge - 17.30) "We're working on a way to get you out of here, as soon as possible but I have to warn you, it won't be long before these force fields fail and this area of the ship will be vulnerable. We're protecting as much of it as we can, but, if we can't find a way to stop this, I have no choice but to evacuate all infected crew to the planet." "At least, we can protect the ship and continue working up here if all else fails." Cambridge moved to a station slightly away from the others. Transporters were still operating. He checked the scans from the room. It was only getting worse, increasing with the minutes they were standing here talking over the impossible problem. Nothing was for certain, but Maxwell was starting to see what would have to happen. If they went planet side, they couldn't take any technology with them. They would be forced to deal with the problem face to face, unless they found a way out of the problem quickly. "Kahila. We've found the life signs of L'Tal, he's alive and I have his coordinates, but it looks like he's not alone. I am going to get a shuttle and go and get him, you have command, if it looks like the ship is in danger, get all infected personnel off the ship as best you can. I'll be as quick as I can." Maxwell heard the conversations going on behind him as he checked the sensors again. The concentrated emanations of the signal was becoming worse. They could try and move the officers to the secure medical bay, but at this point it would be useless. There was no stopping it. They were against a wall. Cambridge started to work through the sensor logs, knowing they had a limited amount of time before all hell broke loose. (USS Spectre, Sickbay, CMO Cambridge - 17.40) "I'd prefer not to go alone but I need you all up here, I can handle this. Commander Lono is in command while I am gone, can you check on the Bridge from time to time? We've a bunch of crewman running the ship! Carry on." Cambridge cringed again. It was only getting worse. (USS Spectre, Sickbay - CMO Cambridge - 1745) "Doctor, I may have found a way to increase our time span. The EM field surrounding Rain is less than it should be if taken as just a part of the entire EM field they were generating as a whole. It must be something to do with her proximity to the other infected crew members... The more the crew group together, the heavier the EM build-up... Which means if we could split them into smaller groups and spread them throughout the ship then that might help decrease the EM gradient." The CMO raised an eyebrow. It was an idea, but he was still concerned. If they remained on the ship, there would be continued interference. If so, they would be forced to evacuate. Maxwell took another look at the sensors. The readings were accelerating. "Rain? Can you hear me?" Cambridge came up beside him. "We may not have a choice. Sensors are reporting the phenom is increasing more and more every fifteen minutes now. There may be little chance to remain on board. In that case, you would retain command of the Spectre until Remae's return. And I would escort my medical team to the planet side while we attempt to discover the solution. However, I'd like to try transporters and see how it would work..." He looked to Rain, a pained expression on his face. (Reply Gort, Rain, ANY) (posted by Sulu) (USS Spectre, Containment area, Kahila Lono, 17:15) Kahila watched Pierce as he punched the butt of his rifle against the force field, creating an audible sound. ~You give the order,~ he sent to Kahlia, ~and I can relay it.~ "Morse code! Very good idea, Pierce." Kahila felt a bit better about their situation now that there was a means of communication with the outside world. Then, a few moments later, Horacio Tyrell spoke up, from where he'd been sitting quietly in the back of the room. Kahila motioned for the others to be silent, and said, "Yes, Horacio?" " I just remembered something I've read at the academy concerning the effects of EM waves and how it was possible to block it. If I remember correctly it was written by Professor Eisenduller, I was so panicked when I've discovered the symptoms that I had completely forgotten about him. In some ways it's simple, Professor Eisenduller had built some kind of Energy stimulator, which is a device used for the reduction of the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body. The energy stimulator, by equalizing the level of energy in all acupuncture channels (meridians), offers protection against the influence by restoring the overall energetic balance and harmony of the human body." he explained Then he continued, " According to the literature, it's very simple to build, it's made with ceramic disc and several magnetic substances placed in a precise, mathematically defined spatial arrangement. All this could be fitted in a armband, with that we should be able to block the emission of EM field from our body and retrieve a normal use of all the equipment. There is just two problems, first I'm not sure it will work and second who is going to build it, all the Science team has been infected. " Kahila considered Horacio's idea for a few moments, without speaking. She knew very little about the details of the workings of acupucture, though she'd had a treatment for migraine's during her first year at the Academy. "Thank you Ensign. This is certainly an interesting possibility." Then she turned to Rain, assuming she would be better acquainted with the basics of acupuncture. (reply Rain) "This will mean quite a lengthy Morse Code explanation," Kahila said to Pierce. But then, Ensign Longfellow approached the containment area with some boards and markers. She smiled her appreciation, and gave him a thumbs up signal. When the boards were transported into the area, Kahila picked up a board and marker and gave them to Horacio, and said, "Enisgn, please write your ideas on this, in as much detail as possible." (reply Horacio, any) posted by Josephine Goodman USS Spectre, Felicity's quarters, Ensign Felicity Wells, - 17.30) Felicity's eyes opened slowly, she was now in what she hoped was her own quarters on what she had discovered to be the Spectre. She no longer felt the fierce headache that had tormented her earlier, although feeling week she was not exhausted. Pushing herself up onto one elbow she experienced a head rush, but her limbs felt strong enough to stand. Pivoting around an letting her legs dangle from the bed she used her arms to steady herself ~Ok take it easy one foot at a time, I'm sure I can manage this, no sense in putting it off~ Felicity placed both bare feet on the floor, then using her arms pushed herself into a standing position. ~not so bad, if I can managed a few steps to the closet~ To Felicity astonishment she made the few steps to the closet with relative ease and in no time although slowly, was walking around her new quarters checking out the new surroundings. ~The spectre is more advanced than the Athene, the quarters are slightly bigger, ohhhh nice lounging area, and oh my god my own replicator~ There was also a small but compact desk with personal data unit which Felicity soon discovered, she sat herself down and began to program the unit for her voice recognition. ~ok unit what am I going to call you, hmmmm male or female voice, what will it be. Ok ok I got it~ Overriding the normal functions she wanted to give it a personality of its own. She decided on Kyle and found a warm masculine voice in the data base. "Kyle, I am Felicity Wells, please respond" "Welcome Felicity, I am Kyle what is your request" came back the warm friendly voice. Then It dawned on Felicity, She was actually a technobimbo, she had trouble enough with the simplest devices let alone programming a personal data unit to have it's own voice and personality, she was a counselor not a technician. "Never mind Kyle, um I'll chat with you later" ~Ok ok, calm down, maybe Technology got easier in four years, no but I used the keyboard to programme it, I didn't even think twice I just did it~ Felicity found the sonic shower, ~Ok here goes~ "Kyle, Sonic shower on" instantly the shower began to steam. Felicity shed her sick bay attire and stepped into the shower closing the door. She was interrupted from the soothing sensation by a calming voice. "Thank you Kyle, would have been nice Felicity" ~what was I thinking?~ "Oh yes.....Thank you Kyle" said Felicity, and she enjoyed the rest of her shower. She found a uniform to wear and dressed feeing refreshed and ready to find out what was happening on the Spectre. "Kyle, "rundown" what's been happening in the past few hours" The data unit gave a report ~That's why I was moved to my own quarters so quickly~ Felicity had heard not read everything but enough to realise that there was trouble in the sickbay and that her help may be welcomed at this point, she looked over floor plans of the ship locating the sickbay and how to get there from her current position. "Thanks Kyle" she left her quarters not bothering to tie her hair back in it's normally tight confines and hurried to the sick bay. It did however, cross her mind that she should not be feeling so strong after over 4 years suspended in an animation chamber. (USS Spectre, Sickbay, Ensign Felicity Wells, - 18.56) Felicity Walked into the sickbay where things were to say the least, very chaotic. Then she recognised the back of someone familiar, that voice was unmistakable, it was Captain Remae, he had just finished talking to another Ensign so she took a deep breath and said Assistant Councilor Felicity Wells reporting for duty sir. (Reply Reme, any) (USS Spectre - Containment Unit - ACMO Anderson - 17.49) Rain's gesturing for paper and pen seemed to go unheeded. Instead, Gort stood gesturing madly at them as they stood together. She was trying to understand what he wanted to communicate. Eventually she realised that he wanted them to move closer together. Gort seemed to listen for a moment and then he indicated for Rain to move to the other side of the room. He used his tricorder to gather readings. Rain wished she knew what he was doing. He moved closer to the forcefield and activated the commpanel. Rain tensed waiting for the shrill whistle.... but instead there was just a hiss of static and the sound of Gort's voice. "Rain?........... hear me?" was what she heard "I can... just." She said and nodded. Before Gort could continue, Cambridge moved to his side. "We may not have a choice. Sensors are reporting the phenomenon is increasing more and more every fifteen minutes now. There may be little chance to remain on board. In that case, you would retain command of the Spectre until Remae's return. And I would escort my medical team to the planet side while we attempt to discover the solution. However, I'd like to try transporters and see how it would work..." He looked to Rain, a pained expression on his face. Rain nodded. The ACEO in his suit was still working on the forcefield generator. "I'm going to see if I can find someway of simply draining off the extra EM energy at least to slow things down," Rain heard him stay through the static-filled connection. As soon as anyone else tried to approach the panel with her, the quality got worse. It seemed that Gort was right about the cumulative effects of the group. "The way I see it" she said to her fellow "patients'" as well the assembled officers in sickbay "is we don't have anyway to know what sort of integration has happened between the node and our CNS. Transporting them out could destroy enough synapses to cause our entire autonomic system to fail before you could blink once. Having a stake in ensuring that this works., I'd like to suggest that we allow Ensign Tyrell and Ensign Longfellow to investigate their options to give us a bit more time. If we can bleed off some of the EM or block it all together with Tyrell's plan, I'm all in favour of anything that will keep my synapses in place. What do you think? (Reply containment buddies, Gort, Cambridge, Longfellow, any) (Posted by Wendy Keen) <>