From: Sent: Monday, 27 October 2003 11:29 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Oct 13-19 (pt 1) Spectre compile Oct 13-19 Mission: The Prisoners Dilemma, Day 2 Stardate 2406.03.10 (USS Spectre, Bridge, Kahila Lono 13:50) (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 13:48) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 14.00) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 14:00) (USS Spectre: Ready Room - TAC/SC Orde - 14.20) (USS Spectre: Ready Room - TAC/SC Orde - 14.20) (USS Spectre, Ready Room MCO/CCE 'Spider' Drizzt - 14.20) (USS Spectre, Holodeck 1, Ensign Rak'han- 14.40) (USS Spectre - Ready Room - Lt Major Drizzt - 14.42) (USS Spectre: Turbolift From Bridge - TAC/SC Lt. Pierce Horatio Orde - 1443) (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 14.45) (Shuttle Legolas, CONN, Lt(JG) L'Tal - 15:04) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Kahila Lono, 15:05) Aquamarin, animation chamber, Ensign Felicity Wells - 16.00) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Kahila Lono 13:50) Just as the battle with the three Nageri ships began, Kahila heard the CMO's communication. =^= Cambridge to Bridge, sickbay standing by. What is our status? =^= "Kahila, answer the Doctor.", said Remae as he concentrating on the screen an explosion blew out a monitor aft of him. Kahila tapped her comm badge, "The Spectre's commenced battle with three Nageri, Dr. Alert Sickbay to ready itself for casualties, and recommend diagnostic for backup systems. Stand ready for turbulence. Lono out." There was not only turbulence from the attack but power failure and explosions from damaged stations. Kahila rode out the attack as best she could, strapped into her chair, admiring the swift decisions of the Captain and the efficient carrying through of orders by the CONN and Security. Eventually two of the Nageri were killed and the third fled. Kahila listened as the Captain spoke with Sickbay and Engineering. Then she took a tricorder and made her way through the rubble, to help the Bridge officers diagnose the damaged stations. (USS Spectre, Captain's Ready Room, 14:15) Kahila had stopped her diagnostic work when she heard the message from the Captain ordering her, Orde and Drizzt to report to his Ready Room. She stood at ease as the Captain told them of the contents of the message from Starfleet: Commander Talath is known to Starfleet, he was responsible for a massacre on the USS Nimitz, where he killed a lot of the crew. why he is helping now, I don't know.", Remae's voice fought down the anger, with the Spectre, there was no way they were going to be able to take on a Warbird, even if they were at full operating capacity, which they weren't. Kahila felt the horror of what had happened, as she listened to the report. ~I suppose what I felt when I tried to 'read' Talath was only the tip of the iceberg. Even then I had no idea he was capable of mass murder.~ "Ensign Gort is repairing the message, Lt Lono, ask him to set up the message so we can view it as it is being replaced and ask the Ferengi to monitor the process." "Yes sir," Kahila said, then went out of the room, as the Captain continued speaking to the others. She went to Gort's workstation, and relayed the Captain's orders. Then she went back into the Ready Room, as the Captain continued his briefing to the three of them. "In the meantime, we'll have to pretend we don't know or at least, pretend that we know that they know what we know until this mission is complete, we continue. we'll be running into the first planets of this system soon, they'll all need to be surveyed, have teams prepared for scouting and insertion, the call could come at anytime, any questions?", he said, looking up once more. Kahila was surprised when, as he dismissed the others, the Captain said: "Dismissed, one moment Kahila.", he said, as the other two left the Ready Room, Remae wanted a private chat with the First Officer. "There was another part of the mission addressed to me from Command regarding command, they've accepted my recommendation for your promotion, congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Lono.", Remae managed a small smile before handing over a small box that contained her new pips. "We'll have a formal ceremony as soon as this nightmare is over. but for now, congratulations.", he said, extending his hand. Kahila was speechless for a few moments. This was so completely unexpected, in the midst of battle and beneath the emotional shadow of the nearness of the Red Claw, their supposed allies. Then she answered the Captain's smile, and said, "Thank you, Sir. I really had no idea . . .thank you." She took the box he handed her, and shook his hand. "It's well earned, Commander. now, return to the Bridge, I'll be there shortly. Well done.", he said, nodding. "One other thing, although I debated not mentioning this to you. we've been ordered not to allow the Cloaking Device to fall into enemy hands, under any circumstances. if they do come and we can't stop them, I'll order the destruction of the Spectre, understood?" Again, Kahila was speechless, this time with a renewed sense of horror. Then she suppressed her emotions, and said, "Yes. Understood." Then she went back onto the Bridge, making sure her expression was one of calm professionalism. ~I do understand the reasoning behind Starfleet's orders. But the possibility of imminent death-- I can no more face that with equanimity than anyone. How hard it must be for Captain Remae to realize he might have to make such a decision!~ She sat down for a few moments then, gazing at the box with her new pips. ~I wonder if we'll have that ceremony. Well, it is wonderful to have these, nevertheless. Regardless of what may happen.~ (reply any) posted by Josephine Goodman <> (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 13:48) "Diverting power from warp drives to the launchers," someone called out as Hank shook his head. "Looks like we're going to fight this one out," he muttered as he moved to grab a bundle next to the desk and slipped it over his shoulder even as one hand checked his engineering kit and the phaser. "Shields are being depleted," reported a voice calmly even as the ship shook. "Multiple strikes and overloads in a few of the subsystems," the Vulcan engineer reported. "Acknowledged," Hank called out as he started to run for the large display. The deck rocking under his feet almost toppled him but only sent him staggering into a wall before he managed to reach his target. "Reroute EPS flow away from the areas they are hitting and prime targets except where needed," Hank said as his fingertips traced the conduits schematic he was calling up. "Damage control teams are working on repairing the damaged systems on the force field generators now," reported the Bolian and Hank glanced over to the man with a nod before looking over the board again. "Someone tell the Orde's that they're needed for keeping that warp drive running," Hank said with a frown as he watched areas of yellow with reddish tints popping up on the systems board. "I hate red," Hank muttered under his breath with a look over to the Bolian once more. The ACEO had just started to open his mouth when a shudder went through the ship along with a crackle of energy from the warp core. "One of the damage control teams is down, minor breach on the starboard side but the internal fields in that area are holding and it wasn't occupied," reported the Bolian. "Shields are regenerating on port side but there has been too much damage to the starboard shields to risk putting more power through the generators without repairs," reported the Vulcan and Hank nodded before glancing back up to the display. He frowned as his eyes moved to a red patch, over the bridge area. "EPS overload on the bridge, get two teams from port shields up there and have them take different paths," Hank demanded with a frown as he scanned for life signs in the area. The sensors for that area flickered on and off for a moment even as Hank worked to stabilize the power flow and reroute it around the damaged systems. "I protests this action, and would state that the safety of maintaining the shields is more important at this time," said the Vulcan as she turned around to look at Hank with her hands clasped behind her back. "Log it later," Hank stated without turning from the display. "My opinion is that the health of the rest of the body doesn't mean a whole lot if the head is blown off," he pointed out causing the Vulcan to raise an eyebrow but she turned back around and started back to work at her station. Longfellow half hoped she'd log the protest and it would get him in enough trouble to be dropped down in position, but such self-destructive thoughts weren't to be followed for the moment as he watched a system being brought up to full power. The system he'd only seen brought to that level once before. "Prep for a power drain, but keep the flow to the shields and drives at level. Adjust auxiliary systems to take the brunt of it," Hank said as he called up and looked over the Flux Cannon's systems once more quickly. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) <> (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 14.00) The battle had been hard, two of the Nageri had been killed but the third had fled, the Spectre was unable to pursue unlike the Romulans who didn't want their prey to escape. "Sickbay, this is the Bridge - causality report?", he said, nursing his own wound, his left arm was bleeding a little and he had put some cloth around it, that would hold it for now. (Reply from Sickbay) "Keep me informed. How bad is it?", said Remae, who had called the ACEO, Ensign Longfellow to the Bridge for a moment from his repair stations. (Reply from Longfellow) "Concentrate on the shields and the weapons, the cloak and the warp drive won't do us any good out here.", said Remae, nodding to the Engineer, "If you want to use anyone, you have permission to ask them." (Reply from Longfellow) Remae looked around at the Bridge - what a mess, the Spectre had a rough time dealing with the Xenolithe, if it hadn't been for the Romulans, they wouldn't have survived, even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that the Red Claw was holding back looking after them, just to see what they were made of. The lights came back on to full strength as Ensign Gort, working hard at his station reported, "Impulse power is back online." The viewscreen showed an aft view of the Spectre, drive plasma was leaking from the starboard nacelle, like a glowing trail, anyone could follow it and discover where they were. "Ensign Walker, any sign of the Romulans?", he asked, not expecting the sensors to be worked well without main power. but wherever they are, they were covering the Spectre's back. (Reply from Walker) "Very well, thank you, L'Tal, see if you can get us deeper into the system, we have to start looking for more Xenolithe, wherever the Romulans are, I am sure they'll keep an eye on us.", said Remae, once the course had been laid in, the ship engaged its engines and began to move, slowly, into the system they were going to have to search to find a base of operations, or something that would confirm the presence of a full time Xenolithe force. Even though they had found some, they had to be sure. "Gort, transfer that message from Starfleet Command to my Ready Room, Lt Lono, you have the Bridge.", he said, walking amongst the rubble and destroyed stations to get to the doors to his office. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 14.15) "Computer, decode message - Ktell Epsilon Gamma Nine." << Acknowledged, message is 45% fragmented >> "Remae to Gort, Lieutenant, can you spare some computer resources to try and repair this message faster? I'll view what I can but if you can repair it, that'll be useful." (Reply from Gort) "Understood computer, play message.", said Remae, listening while getting himself some Bajoran Tea. ~ Ah Commodore Kaitrin Devlin ~ =^= Captain, normally I would insist that this information /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ warn you that the information you are about to receive appears nowhere on any official records, for information /buzzzzzincomprehensible/. If this incident were to become public knowledge it would be almost /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ war with the RSE. And that, as you know, we cannot afford at the moment. =^= ~ Oh joy ~ "About a year ago, the USS Nimitz was on what /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ routine mission investigating a message requesting help from an area previously thought to be uninhabited. Shortly after her arrival she was attacked by a Romulan /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ be /buzzzzzincomprehensible/, under the command of one Commander /buzzzzzincomprehensible/. The attack /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ unprovoked and since the Nimitz /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ shields up fully, almost completely successful. Casualties /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ horrendous; I believe over one /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ complement were killed, /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ once they were boarded by the Romulans. Some died in combat /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ executions, /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ diplomatic way of putting it. A virus /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ borders, later identified as an ancient /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ Windows, wreaked havoc with the Nimitz's computer systems." Commodore Devlin continued, as best as Remae could make out, the Romulans killed, maimed and basically went mad with revenge. Marines, Security, Engineering, Sickbay, it made no difference. =^= Thanks to some heroic work by the officers and crew, /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ commended by Admiral Eileen Greeley, the borders were first contained and then gradually repelled. A distress beacon was also launched, and /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ CEO got enough power up to power /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ weapons systems, the Romulan ship was targeted and its cloak damaged. The sudden appearance of a previously undetected Klingon vessel /buzzzzzincomprehensible/, and the /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ withdrew, unable /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ capture the Nimitz without the Klingons /buzzzzzincomprehensible/. /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ was allegedly acting without authority but the fact that he not only continues to serve the RSE but /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ seems to indicate friends in very high places if not actual involvement by the Senate. You might also take into consideration that the Nimitz was so badly damaged /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ months to make the journey back to Geneva. =^= =^= Commander Talath is to be regarded with the highest degree of mistrust, Captain. He is on past /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ capable of turning on you and attempting to capture or destroy your ship. The Spectre's phase cloak would /buzzzzzincomprehensible/ indeed for him to give to the RSE. Under no circumstances is that to happen. I trust I make myself plain? =^= The viewscreen winked of as Remae's hand shook a little, spilling his tea over his desk. ~ Talath!! ~ << Additional information has been attached from Starfleet Command >> Remae read the additional information that had been sent by the Subspace Probe and he nodded at the screen. "Captain to Lono, Pierce, Drizzt report to the Captain's Ready Room.", he said, closing the channel before anyone could reply to the message. ~ Talath ~ (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 14.20) It wasn't long before the requested officers had reported into the Ready Room, silence filled the room before the CO looked up at them. "Commander Talath is known to Starfleet, he was responsible for a massacre on the USS Nimitz, where he killed a lot of the crew. why he is helping now, I don't know.", Remae's voice fought down the anger, with the Spectre, there was no way they were going to be able to take on a Warbird, even if they were at full operating capacity, which they weren't. "Ensign Gort is repairing the message, Lt Lono, ask him to set up the message so we can view it as it is being replaced and ask the Ferengi to monitor the process. Major Drizzt and Lieutenant Orde, when we're through with the Xenolithe and this mission, Talath may think to try and take the Phase Cloaking Device from the Spectre, we can't stop the Warbird so we'll have to make do to slow him down, if he boards." "Secure the Spectre, every entrance, every exit, I want the entire ship locked down, double the Security in Engineering and other vital system, from now on, everyone works a double shift. understood?", said Remae, who looked up once more before adding, "Phasers are to be set on kill from this moment on, Xenolithe or Romulans, if they come over, I want them dead!" (Reply from Orde and Drizzt) "In the meantime, we'll have to pretend we don't know or at least, pretend that we know that they know what we know until this mission is complete, we continue. we'll be running into the first planets of this system soon, they'll all need to be surveyed, have teams prepared for scouting and insertion, the call could come at anytime, any questions?", he said, looking up once more. (Reply from Orde and Drizzt or Lono) "Dismissed, one moment Kahila.", he said, as the other two left the Ready Room, Remae wanted a private chat with the First Officer. "There was another part of the mission addressed to me from Command regarding command, they've accepted my recommendation for your promotion, congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Lono.", Remae managed a small smile before handing over a small box that contained her new pips. (Reply from Lono) "We'll have a formal ceremony as soon as this nightmare is over. but for now, congratulations.", he said, extending his hand. (Reply from Lono) "It's well earned, Commander. now, return to the Bridge, I'll be there shortly. Well done.", he said, nodding, "One other thing, although I debated not mentioning this to you. we've been ordered not to allow the Cloaking Device to fall into enemy hands, under any circumstances. if they do come and we can't stop them, I'll order the destruction of the Spectre, understood?" (Reply from Lono) Nodding sympathetically as the First Officer left, Remae was alone once more, his anger was still there, and he doubted it was going to go anywhere for quite sometime, he looked at the hand phaser. He had been wearing it for sometime but he couldn't sit down with the uncomfortable thing on his hip. picking it up, he increased the power setting to kill. Standing once more, he placed the phaser in its pocket just as the comm. Sounded. =^= Captain, we've a planet ahead =^= "Thank you L'Tal, standard orbit.", he said, heading for the door. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 14.45) "Ensign Walker, what can you tell me about the planet?", he said, sitting as his seat once more. (Planet information please Jason) "I see.", said the CO as he turned to the CONN Officer, "L'Tal, take a shuttle and perform a low level scan of this planet, quick pass and see if the sensors can detect anything, make sure the shuttle sends it data directly to the CSO so we can monitor, we'll have to do this on each planet we come across, so lets get it right!", the Bajoran said as he watched the CONN Office leave his station. (Reply from L'Tal) Scanners limited, no warp drive, weapons depleted, a reengage Romulan Madman on their hands, probably as mad as the Tal Shiar, this was turning into one nasty mission. (Reply from All) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>