From: Sent: Monday, 12 April 2004 4:47 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compiles March 29-April 5 (pt 1) Spectre compile March 29-April 5 Mission: Unknown Country, Day 1 Stardate: 2406.05.10 (Space: Escape Pod in orbit around planet - TAC/SC Orde - 1616) (unknown place of captivity, Kahila Lono, 16:16) (USS Spectre - Bridge- Agent Soval - 16.42) (USS Spectre - Bridge- Agent Soval - 16.42) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 16.55) (USS Spectre - Transporter Room 1 - ACMO Ensign Ariana Torelle - 1705) (USS Spectre, Engineering, ACEO Peabody - 17.10) (USS Spectre: Engineering - George Orde - 1717) (unknown place of captivity, Kahila Lono, 17:40) (Shuttlepod Three: Aft Compartment - Pierce Orde - 1802) (Shuttlepod Three, Helm, CO, Captain Remae - 18.05) (USS Spectre: Shuttlebay - TAC/SC Orde - 1815) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 18.22) (Space: Escape Pod in orbit around planet - TAC/SC Orde - 1616) ::Where are you, Pierce?:: he heard in his mind. ~I haven't been captured, Kahlia,~ he replied, ~I'm in an escape pod in orbit... much to my own chagrin. The Captain ejected pods before phasing the ship through the planet. Remember: I'll always be with you.~ (Reply Kahlia) (Posted by Lenox) (unknown place of captivity, Kahila Lono, 16:16) For a few moments Kahila was not alone, not within her own mind, as she communicated inwardly with Pierce. He said: ~I haven't been captured, Kahlia,~ ~I'm in an escape pod in orbit... much to my own chagrin. The Captain ejected pods before phasing the ship through the planet. Remember: I'll always be with you.~ Just as she started to ask further about the Spectre, Kahila was startled to see the wall before her distort, and a figure moved through. It didn't walk so much as glide. It was swathed in robes of white and gold; a hood completely hid its face. She wasn't given time to even voice the questions that came into her mind. The being merely gestured towards the far barrier instantly propelling her back against the surface where he held her suspended. “Who are you Miss Lono?” "I'm Lieutenant Commander Kahila Lono." “That is merely a name, a term allowing rapid identification. Who are you Miss Lono?” "I am First Officer of the Spectre, a Starfleet ship; from the United Federation of Planets," she continued, making her voice as formal as she could, under the circumstances. "Why did you bring me here?" Kahila felt a sudden jolt, much as when she'd touched the forcefields that made up the walls of the room. Instinctively, her eyes squinched shut; when they opened she found she'd been - transported. Either that or her mind had been once again tampered with, and she was in the midst of a very lucid dream. But it was not some place she herself would have ever dreamed. She was in the center of a place that seemed more machine than room; but the parts of the machine were girders and struts made of light. As she glanced around, the connections between the parts of the machine flashed off, and pulses of sound took their place. As the pulses rushed through the room, they also became shapes. Though she didn't recognize these, she knew they were symbols. She felt an urge within her to group the shapes, to make them connect in a way she'd understand. ~They could be binary,~ she supposed. It was a beginning. When she looked toward a symbol, it stood still in the air before her. She gave them equivalencies, counted by twos and then tens. She stopped suddenly; thinking, ~Why am I doing this?!~ At the moment she questioned, she found herself enclosed in a . . .it could be a coffin! . . .airless, and dark. ~I can't breathe! I have to get out of here~. Then she was out, back in the machine-like room, and realized she'd been punished for not working on her task. She began again, drawing the symbols toward her, moving them around, just by focusing her gaze on them. It was difficult to remember what familiar number she'd assigned to each symbol, as she worked them into multiplication tables, then began to square them. Suddenly - the symbols she'd been using disappeared. Blobs of color combinations took their place. "This is meaningless!" she shouted angrily, then found herself back in the coffin. When she was released, she sighed, and sat down, assuming she could do the work ‘they' wanted, if she were a little more comfortable. ~Do they want the colors to take the place of the symbols?~ But when she tried that, simply substituting at random, she was again enclosed by the coffin, though for only an instant. She realized she'd have to try something new. So she assigned letters to the color-combinations, made an alphabet of them, and began to form words. For an instant the words changed into the girders that she'd seen when she was brought there. Then they disappeared, and the pulsing sound returned; now it grew louder, throbbing through her muscles and bones. She was urged to move, to dance. But she soon learned that the dance had to have a certain form. It had to correspond to the sound pulses, precisely. Once she'd worked it out, she was startled to discover she actually enjoyed the precision for its own sake, without knowing why she was doing it, though at the same time she felt angry for being put through these . . .tests, she supposed they were. Then abruptly, it all came together in her mind, for just an instant: she perceived the sets of symbols, the connected girders, the alphabet of colored shapes, the pulsing sounds and movements, as if the categories fit together in some new way. Then the perception was gone; it was all disconnected and chaotic. And she was back in her original prison, alone. Exhausted, she sank down to the floor, and said. "Now what was all That about?" (posted by Josephine Goodman) (USS Spectre - Bridge- Agent Soval - 16.42) Soval moved towards the science terminal, "Ensign Tyrell, do you believe it would be possible to launch several class V probes into orbit of this planet so as to provide information on the planet as well as events occuring within this system?" (reply Tyrell) "Please do so as soon as is feasible. Also if you would assign any available science officers to assist engineering with its repair efforts." (reply Tyrell) - room for more (reply Tyrell, any) (posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre - Bridge- Agent Soval - 16.42) Soval moved towards the science terminal, "Ensign Tyrell, do you believe it would be possible to launch several class V probes into orbit of this planet so as to provide information on the planet as well as events occuring within this system?" (reply Tyrell) "Please do so as soon as is feasible. Also if you would assign any available science officers to assist engineering with its repair efforts." (reply Tyrell) - room for more NRPG: i think this is when we get the signal from Octan RPG "What is their location" (reply Tyrell) - sorry for the assumption but needed it to get things working "So their co-ordinates are located on this planet but not the planet we are currently located upon. Logic would therefore dictate that they are on the other side of the dimensional portal, specifically on the duplicate of this planet. Prepare a Class X probe for launch throught the rift, also please continue to analyse the sensor data from Ensign Octan and notify me immediately of any pertinent information." (reply Tyrell) "Soval to Captain Remae, we have ascertained the location of the missing crewmembers. They would appear to have been transported through the dimensional rift, we are preparing to launch a probe to gather further information however we may be required to take the Spectre through the rift to retrive the missing crew." (reply Remae) - room for more Soval was distracted from his response by one of the security personel, "One moment please Captain," he turned to face the Vulcan ensign, "Report" "Sir we have intruders within Stellar Cartography, they do not appear to be similar to the drones." "Dispatch a security team immediately, attempt to disable one of the attackers if possible however utilise maximum force if necessary. I will join you shortly. Captain you heard?" (reply Remae) (reply Remae, Tyrell, any) (posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 16.55) "For the present time it would appear logical to continue our efforts to retrieve the crewmembers who are currently within escape pods, security should be increased throughout the vessel to prevent further incursions and particularly to prevent the establishment of a foothold. Once our repairs are completed we may be able to assist the Nights Watch in combating the other vessels and also to determine the cause of their sudden appearance however it would be illogical to act now given our present condition." "I agree, thanks for your insight. Can you organise the increased Security. Dismissed.", the Bajoran was glad of the logical approach of the Vulcan, even though he was SFI, he seemed to be doing all he could to assist, that had earned him a little bit more respect in Remae's eyes. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 17.05) Remae wasn't going to hang around, his crew was out there and he was going to get them, whatever the price. "Prep a shuttle, I am going out to get the rest of the crew wherever they maybe, Lt Commander Soval, you have the Bridge. Carry on." "Captain . logically you should not travel unaccompanied given the present circumstances therefore may I request security to assist you?", said Soval, rasing an eyebrow towards the CO. "Very well, Commander - proceed.", said Remae leaving the Bridge as he heard Soval organise a Security Detail for him. (USS Spectre, Engineering, CO, Captain Remae - 17.10) ~ One more stop to make before I head onto the shuttle ~ "Crewman, where can I find 'Doc'?", asked Remae as he was already used to calling the Acting CEO Ensign Peabody, by his nickname. A few moments later, he was standing in the aCEO's company. "Doc, what's the status?", he asked. The Spectre had crashed again on a planet although not as bad as the past 2 times it had done so. With the database of launches under her belt, the Spectre would be easier to get underway than previous attempts. (Reply from Doc) "I need the Spectre back up in orbit but not until we are ready. Concentrate on making the impulse engines and some kind of launching procedure your priorities." Remae accessed the computer and brought up a design for cradle/launching ramp designed by the previous ACEO. "Perhaps you can use this? I have to go, I have to retrieve 2/3s of the crew from their pods.", said Remae, heading back out the way he came. The cold inactive core behind him encouraged his swift departure to allow the engineers to continue their work. (More from Doc, if required) (Shuttlepod Three, Helm, CO, Captain Remae - 17.20) "All systems go, Spectre. launching.", said Remae as he and his two bodyguards shot out the main Shuttlebay and towards their first set of co-ordinates of missing crewman. (Shuttlepod Three, Helm, CO, Captain Remae - 18.00) Remae had relay-beamed most of the pods back to the Spectre, linking into the two transporters had doubled their range but the rest of the crew would have to be taken onboard, he knew he would have to make many trips back and forth to transporter range of the Spectre. "What's this?", he said to the Security Officer. "One of the pods is in orbit. stand-by.", he said, angling the nose of the pod orbit bound, "Keep a close eye on the sensors, I don't want to be in the middle of any battle." The pod screamed skywards, the Bajoran had the throttle wide open, and then a little more. "In range, detecting one life sign, energising.", said Remae as he slid the controls of the transporter towards him. Materialising in the aft compartment of the cabin, the Security Chief didn't seem too surprised to see his Captain. "Welcome board, Pierce.", said Remae as he began to re-enter the atmosphere. He was scanning all the time, looking for Captain Lee's USS Night's Watch but wherever he was, he wasn't in scanning range. (Reply from Pierce) "Remae to Spectre, Commander Soval, I am returning with the last load. prepare the Shuttlebay for arrival.", said the CO. (Reply from Soval, Pierce, Peabody, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======Ship Assignment===== Captain Remae Ktell, Commanding Officer, USS Spectre <> (USS Spectre - Transporter Room 1 - ACMO Ensign Ariana Torelle - 1705) Ariana appeared out of the transporter beam and sputtered slightly. Initially the plan had been to get to the Spectre before she had left on this mission, but the Runabout pilot had taken his time and not pushed the engines. They hid missed the Spectre and Nights Watch by mere seconds, but thankfully Ariana had been able to get hold of the co-ordinates that the Spectre was due to travel to just in case such an incident had occurred. Arriving in the system with the Spectre crashed on a planter was one thing, but they had arrived mid space battle a well. Ariana's stomach was now dealing with a transporter drop at hi speed, the only way she had convinced the Runabout pilot to get her on board. ~I have no idea what has happened, but I had best find the captain~ "Computer, located Captain Remae" [Please identify for authorisation purposes] ~Ah nuts, I won't necessarily of been given authorisation yet~ "Ensign Ariana Torelle, new Assistant Medical Officer" [confirmed, Captain Remae is in Turbolift one] Ariana breathed a sign of relief. Thankfully someone knew she was supposed to be here. "Ok, whats his destination?" [Deck 5, Shuttle Bay 1] "Right, cheers" Ariana mumbled. She had to report in before the Captain disappeared, after all there would be lots to do and she didn't want to be hanging around like a wet lemon. Leaving her duffle bag behind, Ariana ran out of the Transporter room and towards a Turbolift access. (USS Spectre - Shuttle Bay 1 - ACMO Ensign Ariana Torelle - 1715) Ariana sprinted into the Shuttle Bay. It was pretty daft really, as it wasn't overly important that she report into Captain Remae at such a rush especially not when the ship was in trouble and he would obviously have his hands full. Still Ariana was determined to start helping out as soon as possible, and her Symbiont Torelle was encouraging her enthusiasm. ~Right, someone in Red, decent number of pips on his neck, just over there walking towards that shuttle. Erm, better get moving~ Ariana quickley began to walk over to the shuttle, and the gentleman who she assumed as the Captain. She shifted the orders she was sent with out of her pocket and activated the PADD. "Captain. Captain Remae Ktell". Ariana watched as the gentleman in front of her turned round quizitively. "Captain. I'm Ensign Ariana Torelle. I've been assigned her recently, and just about managed to get on board before the runabouthad to leave the sector. I was hoping I could help out" (reply Remae) (posted by Matthew Hackett)