From: Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2004 11:44 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Feb 2-9 (pt 3) Spectre compile Feb 2-8 (pt3) Mission: Return to Wonderland, Day 1 Stardate: 2406.03.12 (USS Spectre, OL, CO, Captain Remae - 17.30) "Captain...I do believe Admiral LoDona from his message. What little I've known about the man gives me trust in his word. I do wonder what awaits us at Geneva and if we should prepare for a possible battle situation. If this message came into the wrong hands, there could be a fleet on its way already..." Remae looked over at the Acting Chief Engineer as he continued. "But we are cloaked and safe. My apologies, I didn't intend to throw ideas out without thought to them." He looked to the captain. "I do think we need to be ready for anything. I'm ready to answer the call sir." "We may need it, Ensign - there is a good chance you are right, which is why we're going to see for ourselves.", said the CO. "Anyone else?", he sat back and waited for the debate to continue. (USS Spectre, Torpedo Tube 1, CO, Captain Remae - 17.55) They had gathered for the ceremony, the start of the final journey for those who had died. Remae was already prepared in his full dress uniform as he quietly moved amongst the several torpedo casing that contained the bodies of the deceased. Before long, he returned to the front of the lane that each torpedo was going to be sent, one at a time. As each senior officer entered, they took position. "We are here, gathered to pay our final respects to our honoured dead. Each gave their life for the protection and security and the ideals of the Federation. We commit their bodies to the deep of space which they helped to explore." The first tube was lowered onto the launching ramp as Remae read the first name, "Ensign Hank Longfellow." With a pace not too slow but not quick to rush the occasion, the torpedo was loaded and then fired into space. Remae continued onto the next name until each name had been read and each body had been returned to the depths of the universe. (Room for anyone else to say or do anything) (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Spectre, OL, CO, Captain Remae - 17.40) "Anyone else?", he sat back and waited for the debate to continue. "Captain, I think that this situation will bring a lot of distrust and suspicion amongst the crew. Do you support LoDona? Could you be a traitor? And so on. I recommend that we keep the knowledge confined to senior staff to control the paranoia." Remae spun around and looked directly at the Acting CMO. "Very well, even though the message was sent to every ship in the fleet, I doubt the majority of the crew would know but if rumours get out of hand, we'll have to inform the crew. Thank you Ensign." "Anyone else?", he asked the assembled senior officers. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 19.40) Remae had managed to get a few hours to himself, not anything as inviting as getting some sleep but he managed to speak to some of the families of the dead since the ceremony. He had a few letters to write home for the family members and try to explain what happened to their loved ones. "Captain, we've got a shuttle decloaking aft of us.", said the officer at the OPS station. =^= Agent Soval to USS Spectre, request permission to dock =^= The Bajoran felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise but seconds later, something shook the ship, the shuttle was gone! Remae barked orders and quickly found out that the explosion had been contained, suddenly next to him, an officer simply appeared. "Captain Remae, Agent Soval reporting for assignment to the Spectre. I apologise for the subterfuge however I predicted it was necessary. You may detain this crewmember upon the charge of attempted murder Captain," The SFI agent handed Remae a PADD as Security all around him raised their weapons, he raised his hand to indicate everyone to hold their ground. "And I must request to interview several other crewmembers as soon as possible." Everyone relaxed for a moment, before passing the PADD to Pierce. "Lieutenant, take a team and find out what the hell is going on.", he said before turning back to the SFI Agent. (Reply from Pierce) "I am not in the habit of allowing just anyone to beam onto my ship, Mr Soval, but by all means, I'll take your request into consideration." "Excellent, then I shall meet with you later Captain however it has been a prolonged journey without sufficient time for adequate meditation. If I could retire to my quarters?" Remae relaxed for a moment, "Kahila please escort our guest to some quarters." He said to the First Officer before returning to his seat. As they left the Bridge together he began to access the ships computers and he began to learn all he could about Soval. (Reply from Pierce, Lono, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (Vulcan, Sh'Rok's Family Monastery, Main Gardens - 18.00) The Vulcan Ambassador stood in the middle of his gardens where had spent the past decade reflecting on a career and life that had nearly spun two centauries. Dust and decay now replaced what was once a magnificent array of buildings, where many of his family members had studied logic and examined their own lives with him. Now they were all dead and his line had come to an end, there would be no heir to continue on his work, all he had now was the time he had left. Slowly shuffling away and out of the courtyard, his staff rattling on the cobblestones, Sh'Rok had been dispatched on one final mission, a mission that many other Elders had refused but one that interested him, even though the Federation didn't sanction it, he still wanted to go. A new Sector of space was opening up with many new species and a chance to peaceful exploration had returned to the Alpha Quadrant once more, even with the internal bickering and posture making that was tearing apart Starfleet and the Federation, he sought the knowledge and comfort that once more, before the end, he would make a difference to something he cared for. A few moments later, he was aboard the Vulcan shuttle heading away from Vulcan for the last time and towards this new sector the drew him towards it so completely and his first stepping stone in getting there lay ahead, a Federation Starbase called Geneva. (Reply from None) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Spectre - Captains Ready Room- Agent Soval - 1900) Soval sat in the indicated seat crossing his fingers as he placed his hands infront of himself. (reply Remae) "My mission instructions were realtively simple Captain, to ensure the success of all Starfleet operations regarding the Spectre. Initially i intend to investigate the crew of this vessel to ascertain any individuals who may appose the actions of Admiral LeDonna. After the conclusion of the investigation i am as the humans say 'at your disposal'" (reply Remae) "I understand your concerns Captain however the interviews are necessary. Most other vessels within the fleet received knowledge of Admiral LoDonas' plans several days ago, onboard the majority of those vessels a small number of militant individuals attempted to sabotage vital systems and in some cases attacked the crew. They however are not the primary concern; they are apparent and predicatable and therefore can be dealt with, those who remain hidden however pose a considerable threat to our success during this crisis and consequently must be identified and removed before they are able to prove a threat." (reply Remae, any) (posted by John Morrison) (Shuttlecraft Gandalf - Bridge - Agent Soval - 1935) Soval continued to study the crew files for the Spectre; isolating the records of any individuals who attracted his attention for examination after his arrival, while nonchalantly manipulating a Takaran puzzle box so that the multifaceted structure gradually altered to become spherical. His attention was distracted by an audio indication that the shuttle was approaching the Spectre; Soval modified the shuttles course to bring it astern of the starship before accessing SFI databanks to retrieve the command access codes for the vessel, maintain the shuttles cloak so he could not be detected. ~Individuals react ineffectively against that which is unexpected~ he thought to himself as he modified the transporter so that it could penetrate the shields of the vessel, on some occasions it was more efficient to adopt the position of a crewmember however given that this was to be a long-term assignment he had decided honesty would be required, to a certain extent. (USS Spectre - Bridge - 1946) Soval remained positioned towards the rear of the bridge utilising a modified personal cloak of his own design to remain unnoticed by the crew who continued with their ordinary duties and lacked the time or the inclination to search for such an anomaly. He activated a control on his arm unit and as intended an officer reported a shuttle decloaking off the port bow as a sensor buoy Soval had positioned earlier began transmitting the appropriate readings. He watched as the view screen displayed the black shuttlecraft, intentionally coated in microdiffacted carbon to absorb all radiation that fell upon it. Moments later he heard his own voice over the com, =/\=Agent Soval to USS Spectre, request permission to dock=/\= (reply any) Soval meticulously observed the bridge crew for any reaction beyond the standard distrust that the majority of individuals felt towards SFI, ~a logical reaction since we do not trust them either~ he thought as he monitored his simulated approach. Moments after the sensor buoy entered the shuttlebay the ship pitched, Soval accessed the computer network to determine that an anti-matter pod had ruptured in the cargo bay, the detonation had been contained by the containment fields in place however the shuttle had apparently been completely destroyed. Tracing the command subroutines he located the individual who had deactivated the magnetic containment fields, Soval removed the officers’ access codes and proceeded towards the Captain, deactivating his cloak a short distance away. “Captain Remae, Agent Soval reporting for assignment to the Spectre. I apologise for the subterfuge however I predicted it was necessary. You may detain this crewmember upon the charge of attempted murder Captain,” Soval handed a PADD containing details of the officers concerned, “And I must request to interview several other crewmembers as soon as possible.” (reply Remae) - room for more “Excellent, then I shall meet with you later captain however it has been a prolonged journey without sufficient time for adequate meditation. If I could retire to my quarters.” (reply Remae) (reply Remae, any) (posted by John Morrison) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ex Astris, scientia - from the stars, knowledge You are about to move into areas of the galaxy containing wonders more incredible than you can possibly imagine … and terrors to freeze your soul - Q All of this might just be an elaborate simulation running inside a little device, sitting on someone’s table - Jean-Luc Picard Wasn’t it your own Hartley who said “nothing reveals humanity so well as the games it plays?” Almost right. Actually, you reveal more in how you play - Q _________________________________________________________________ It's fast, it's easy and it's free. Get MSN Messenger today! (USS Spectre, Bridge, Kahila Lono, 19:42) Kahila had taken a few minutes off-duty to meditate, after the funeral service, then changed into her regular duty uniform, and reported to the Bridge. Feelings of sadness still seemed to permeate the ship, but also a feeling of quietude-- as the crew returned attention to the running of the Spectre, but the officers perhaps not ready yet to deal with questions of what might come next. Kahila had just begun to scroll through Security reports -- surprise widening her eyes, as she noted the mention of a ferret -- then everything seemed to happen at once! The Ops officer announced the arrival and decloaking of a shuttle, and a communication came: =^= Agent Soval to USS Spectre, request permission to dock =^= At the same moment, Kahila's empathic sense felt a --shudder--or flicker of mind-- nearby, that had not been there a moment before. She stood and turned, eyes and ears seeing nothing. When the ship rocked from an explosion she grabbed onto her chair, barely able to keep on her feet. A moment after the Starfleet agent made his appearance on the Bridge, Kahila sent a psychic probe in his direction -- and met an easy deflection. Only then did she register that he was Vulcan. She smiled wryly. Never had she been able to sense more from a Vulcan than his/her mental presence. In her own mental background, she'd been aware of Pierce's fast reaction in pulling his phaser. She moved closer to the Captain, as the Agent said: "Captain Remae, Agent Soval reporting for assignment to the Spectre. I apologise for the subterfuge however I predicted it was necessary. You may detain this crewmember upon the charge of attempted murder Captain," Remae took the PADD from Soval, and raised his hand, gesturing for the security forces to hold their ground. Soval continued: "And I must request to interview several other crewmembers as soon as possible." Kahila felt chilled by the agent's mission -- some of their crew implicated in attempted murder! After Remae gave orders to Pierce, Soval asked to retire to quarters, and the Captain turned to her: "Kahila please escort our guest to some quarters." "Yes Captain." Kahila met the gaze of the Vulcan, and led him to the turbolift. She had the impulse to say: This is the way most people come come and go from the Bridge-- but stopped herself. Though she let the thought linger in her mind for a moment, in case he cared to find it there. Kahila usually did not take a dislike to someone, but now, at this moment she did so. And those feelings she did hide, in her own way. She called up a map on her pad, showing available quarters, and led the way there. "I hope you'll be comfortable here," she said to Soval. reply Soval, any posted by Josephine Goodman <> (USS Spectre: Bridge - TAC/SC Pierce Orde - 1946) Something pricked at the rear of Pierce's mind as he monitored the approach of the shuttlecraft. ~Something doesn't feel right here, almost like I'm being watched,~ he thought. Agents didn't bother him overmuch -- they were just doing their jobs, after all -- but the 'superiority' that they often carried about them did: he, as Security Chief, needed to know what the hell was going on his ship, and their noncommittal attitudes annoyed him to no end. When the shuttle blew, he noticed the flicker of a decloak less than ten meters away; he had his phaser out in a quickdraw that would have made old cowpokes jealous. “Captain Remae, Agent Soval reporting for assignment to the Spectre. I apologise for the subterfuge however I predicted it was necessary. You may detain this crewmember upon the charge of attempted murder Captain,” Soval said, handing a PADD to the captain containing details of the officers concerned, “And I must request to interview several other crewmembers as soon as possible.” Pierce put the phaser away: it would be suicidal to attempt to takeover a starship... and Kahlia would have picked something up from him by now, were his intentions hostile. And Vulcan spooks were notoriously good at their jobs and logically loyal to their causes. (Reply any) (Posted by Lenox) -Lenox - Lord of Hyphens (USS Spectre: Bridge - Pierce Orde - 1947) "Lieutenant, take a team and find out what the hell is going on," the Captain told Pierce, passing the PADD to him. Pierce accepted the pad and peered down at its contents -- not good. ~At least, I hope, I won't have to deal with ninja ferrets -- that would be a bit too much, even for this ship.~ "Aye, sir," the chief replied, heading into the turbolift. Reading the PADD, he noted its contents and then tapped his commbadge. "Pierce to Ricardo, gather a small team and meet me in Sensor Control," he ordered. "Keep a security camera on that corridor and notify me if anyone leaves." =/\=Aye, sir,=/\= came the reply. (USS Spectre: Corridor outside Sensor control - Pierce Orde - 1947) The security chief looked over the two officers (well, 'officers' because they were really crewmen) he had had routed to this point. Drawing his phaser (but keeping the cricket phaser concealed in his hand), he opened the door to Sensor control -- where one could send a signal off-ship without notifying the bridge -- to see one Crewman Harold Micheals. Pierce cursed silently. "Mr. Micheals, aren't you assigned to Engineering?" "Aye, sir -- the new engineering chief sent me up here to look at something," Micheals replied. "Understood. How is Engineering doing for you, anyway? I know you didn't consider yourself cut out for Security." "It's moving along fine, but I've been thinking about a change." "Perhaps a spook?" "Why would I become one of them? All that secrecy and other nonsense." "Crewman Micheals, where are the technicians that are supposed to be onduty here?" At that -- when Micheals appeared to be going for something -- Pierce stunned the man. "You never were a good security officer, but I always thought that the spooks could use you well. Guess you weren't smart enough for that." He consulted the PADD in his other hand, the one that contained the traced access codes of one Ensign Hank Longfellow, former ACEO. Stealing was bad enough, but stealing and using the access codes of a dead man... that went way beyond stupid. "Get him into the brig." The two officers nodded and dragged the traitorous man off, while Pierce checked the area and found a cricket phaser on the floor (formely underneath Micheals) and two stunned crewmembers in the closet. He tapped his commbadge. "Orde to Medical, I've got two stunned crew here, don't know how hard." (Reply Medical) Looking at another item he spied on the ground -- a PADD -- he read it, looking for anything relevant. Nothing about ferrets ~Thank God!~ and it was just a copy of Hank's access codes plus a version of the message that apparently was from Earth: the traitor's call to arms. Swearing silently, he waited for Medical to come onto the scene while checking to make sure no other messages had been sent at the same time as the detonation codes. (Reply Medical, any) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Spectre - Private Quarters - Agent Soval - 2020) “Enter”, Soval turned to face the door in response to the door chime however no one entered the room instead the chime sounded again. ~Statistically one assignment should be uneventful~ he thought to himself as he collected his phaser and his own Na'kanok staff, which he compressed before concealing both items beneath the ceremonial robes he now wore instead of the black SFI uniform. The intricate embroidery described timeless principles of logic in metallic threads and Vulcan script which shimmered as he entered the brighter lights of the corridor. Soval dodged to the side as the bulkhead behind him shattered, quickly scanning the corridor for his assailants as he analysed his attackers motives. Projectile weapons meant they were unable to deactivate the internal sensors and could not utilise phasers. Alternatively they wished to have a body to use as an example, in either situation they did not want him alive, as they logically would have chosen another method. He ducked again hearing the approach of the projectile moments before it impacted he swiftly reached the only logical conclusion as to the attackers weapon. ~A modified TR-116 rifle; since Starfleet had restricted access to the rifles schematics after incidents onboard DS9 the attacker is logically high ranking. Perhaps the leader of the militant group aboard this vessel.~ He returned to his quarters relying on his enhanced senses to indicate further projectiles as he collected and activated his personal cloak. “Soval to security, code Ezrie 11-alpha” Soval waited as security scanned the vessel for the transporter pattern attributed to a modified TR-116. (reply security) “Very good, seal of that section and have a security team meet me at that location.” (USS Spectre - Deck 7 - 1826) Soval decloaked confident that the attacker would no be able to transport projectiles through the containment fields erected by security personel. His assailant stood perfectly motionless within the enclosed area, a Bolian officer who Soval had previously decided was a highly probable risk. “Logically you have no choice other than to survender.” Soval performed a brief surface scan of the individual; the Bolians body language appeared too confident for someone who was defeated, yet he could not detect anything significant. He considered a deeper scan however although he could justify such a breach of the telepathic morality laws Soval always considered alternatives. (reply Traitor) “Your statement is illogical” “Afraid not sir,” Soval turned to face the security officer stood behind him, “you say our leader has help.” The officer struck Soval throwing him back against the forcefield; he arched in pain briefly before he was able to suppress the emotion. Retrieving his staff which he brought the weapon forward extending it in a fluid motion so it impacted the security officer who had attacked him propelling him against the bulkhead where he was restrained by holding the staff under his shoulder blade. Soval examined the other officers all of whom had drawn their weapons, he began predicting any offensive as well as who could be trusted to defend him, pateiently waiting for them to make the first move. (reply traitor, security who wish to betray the Federation and any who want to protect Soval, any) (posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre: Security Office - John Maxwell - 2020) “Soval to security, code Ezrie 11-alpha,” the commpanel squalked to Ensign Maxwell. ~Ezrie Eleven-Alpha?~ he thought. ~That's a TR-116!~ Quickly, he ran a security scan for the signature produced by that rifle and found it to be on Deck 7, Section 03. "Found it, sir: Deck Seven, Section Three," he replied. “Very good, seal off that section and have a security team meet me at that location.” "Aye." Maxwell cut the connection and sealed off the section. "Jameson, T'Pan, Yuri: with me. We've got an Ezrie Eleven-Alpha to deal with." The three officers nodded and followed Maxwell, all toting standard duty phasers (excepting Maxwell, who carried a Pha/Pro that he had began to favor). (USS Spectre: Deck 7, Section 03 - John Maxwell - 2026) Maxwell appeared on the scene with his fellow officers, just in time to hear the agent debating with the suspect. “Logically you have no choice other than to surrender,” the agent said. Maxwell recongnized the Bolian; he was an agreeable chap named Bosten. How the man had gotten ahold of a TR-116 was beyond the assistant chief at the moment. "Bullshit," Bosten spat at the agent, clearly vehement at his capture. “Your statement is illogical.” “Afraid not sir,” Jameson said as he advanced on the agent and threw the Vulcan into the forcefield. T'Pan and Yuri held back, waiting for Maxwell's lead as the Vulcan agent quickly disarmed the traitorous security officer. Maxwell trained his rifle (on phaser mode, light stun) on Jameson, a questioning look in his eyes. "Why," he asked of the officer, "why did you have to do this?" "You could have helped us, John," Jameson replied, a plea in his tone. "No, not with murder and mutiny." Maxwell pressed the firing stud and stunned the traitorous officer. Whipping around, he checked for any signs from Yuri or T'Pan, there was none in either's eyes save for disgust. ~Good, they're still with me.~ He reset his rifle on a higher stun setting (one suitable for Bolians) and nodded back to T'Pan. She complied with lowering the security forcefield surreptitiously, giving Maxwell just enough time to squeeze of a shot at the mutinous Bosten, stunning the Bolian. "T'Pan, Yuri, search him and Jameson and get them into the brig. Call the chief. Mr. Soval, I think you have a little bit of explaining to do in the security office." Yuri and T'Pan nodded their assertions and proceeded to drag the downed men to the brig. (Reply Soval, any) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Spectre - Captains Ready Room- Agent Soval - 2100) Soval sat in the indicated seat crossing his fingers as he placed his hands infront of himself. (reply Remae) "My mission instructions were realtively simple Captain, to ensure the success of all Starfleet operations regarding the Spectre. Initially i intend to investigate the crew of this vessel to ascertain any individuals who may appose the actions of Admiral LeDonna. After the conclusion of the investigation i am as the humans say 'at your disposal'" (reply Remae) "I understand your concerns Captain however the interviews are necessary. Most other vessels within the fleet received knowledge of Admiral LoDonas' plans several days ago, onboard the majority of those vessels a small number of militant individuals attempted to sabotage vital systems and in some cases attacked the crew. They however are not the primary concern; they are apparent and predicatable and therefore can be dealt with, those who remain hidden however pose a considerable threat to our success during this crisis and consequently must be identified and removed before they are able to prove a threat." (reply Remae, any) (posted by John Morrison)