From: Sent: Wednesday, 25 February 2004 5:13 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Feb 8-16 (pt 2) Spectre compile Feb 8-16 (pt 2) Mission: Return to Wonderland, Day 1 Stardate: 2406.03.12 (USS Spectre, Security Office, TAC/ASC - Ensign(Jg) K'ahret, 22.00) K'ahret had had a long day since his arrival. After the meeting in the Observation Lounge he had decided that it was not his place to grieve for fallen warriors with whom he didn't have the honor of serving and so decided to explore the ship but now it was time to meet his SC Lieutenant Orde. He had noticed when he called to the office an hour earlier that Orde was busy with a Vulcan, it had looked like a tense meeting so K'ahret had decided to call back. He approached the door and pressed the chime. "Enter" K'ahret surveyed the office as he entered and his sight was drawn straight away to Ordes weapon of choice close by. ~I like his thinking, always ready..... A portable staff if I'm not mistaken ~ K'ahret always believed security should have a weapon of some sort on their person. His was a D'ktahg given to him by his father when he Joined the IKS Valsa.... it seemed now a lifetime ago , just as it was given to him by his Father before that. It was always discreetly positioned under the back of his uniform top. Orde turned from his computer to face K'ahret as he entered. "Ensign K'ahret, reporting as ordered Sir!" K'ahret stood to attention still never taking his eyes away from Ordes Gray eyed, steely gaze. ~ He wants to impress his authority at the very least.....its to be expected ~ (Reply Orde, Any) (Posted by Rory O'Grady) (USS Spectre - Security Office - Agent Soval - 21.23) "Mr. Soval," he sighed, crossing over to sit at his desk, "what do you need? No word games -- just a plain request." "The cooperation of the Security personel aboard the Spectre" "Mr. Soval, allow me to make something painfully clear: while your job may be to ensure the success of operations involving the Spectre, my job is to ensure the safety of both her and her crew; those two goals are not always identical." Taking off his glasses, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Mr. Soval, I will tell you something now: I don't mind spooks -- spies/agents/whatever -- at all. You have your purpose, just as Security has its purpose and Medical has its purpose. What I do mind is the general lack of information forthcoming from spooks when they are tasked with working with another department. Any assistance you recieve from this department is completly cognizant upon your divulgence of information to me. I want to know, if you are to recieve my help, what exactly the aims are for any action you place my men into. Secrets between allies are something I do not care for, and will not tolerate when it is my personnel who are on the line. Understood?" "Indeed, i had in fact intended to inform you of the relevant information Lt. Logically an individual in your position cannot function without the proper data, however i also agree that sometimes it is neccessary that information be restricted. Logically it was however neccessary to determine the loyalties of the command staff before divulging any critical information, hence my concentration on interaction with Captain Remae followed by Lt Comdr Lono and yourself. If you would therefore detain the three individuals i have requested; so as to ensure the safety of this vessel, i will inform the command officers of this vessel of any information they wish. Is that accetpable Lt." (reply Orde - assume in the affirmative) "Excellent," Soval tapped his combadge, "Soval to Captain Remae, may i request a meeting in your ready room captain with yourself and Lt Comdr Lono." (reply Remae) (reply Remae, Orde, any) (Posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre: Security Office - TAC/SC Orde - 2125) "Indeed, i had in fact intended to inform you of the relevant information Lt. Logically an individual in your position cannot function without the proper data, however i also agree that sometimes it is neccessary that information be restricted. Logically it was however neccessary to determine the loyalties of the command staff before divulging any critical information, hence my concentration on interaction with Captain Remae followed by Lt Comdr Lono and yourself. If you would therefore detain the three individuals i have requested; so as to ensure the safety of this vessel, i will inform the command officers of this vessel of any information they wish. Is that accetpable Lt," the spook was saying. "Mr. Soval, I have already 'bagged' one of the individuals on your list. I will not detain the others at this time -- I do not want to spark a confrontation. They will be closely watched by my staff for their links to the outside; it is of far greater importantce that we know how far their influences reach than to detain them now." "Excellent," Soval tapped his combadge, "Soval to Captain Remae, may I request a meeting in your ready room captain with yourself and Lt Comdr Lono." ~Bet he'll be happy,~ Pierce thought darkly. (USS Spectre: Security Office - TAC/SC Orde - 2201) Orde observed with some amusement the burly Klingon nearly burst with exhuberance. ~I hope he doesn't get himself killed with that.~ "At ease, Ensign. Mr. K'ahret, how many weapons are you currently carrying on your person?" (Reply K'ahret) Pierce nodded. "It is policy in my department to have at least two weapons at one's disposal at any time. Ensign, I have on this PADD here your quartering assignments -- you are next door to the other ASC and third in the security hit list, John Maxwell. You and he will work in tandem as necessary, promoting the general security of the ship and her crew. How adaptable are you to nonstandard weaponry?" (Reply K'ahert) (Reply Soval, K'ahert, any) (Posted by Lenox) -Lenox - Lord of Hyphens (USS Spectre - Security Office - Agent Soval - 21.26) "Mr. Soval, I have already 'bagged' one of the individuals on your list. I will not detain the others at this time -- I do not want to spark a confrontation. They will be closely watched by my staff for their links to the outside; it is of far greater importantce that we know how far their influences reach than to detain them now." "Mr Orde i do not wish to jeapordise the lives of the individuals onboard this vessel, i assure you that my rationale for this decision will be apparent soon however until then you may treat the request to detain the individuals as an order. Also Mr Orde, i have worked within Starfleet since before your birth, during my service i have attained the rank of Lt Comdr and you respect that position by refering to me either as Lt Comdr; or prefferably as agent since i am outside your chain of command. Do i make myself clear?" NRPG: thought it would be logical for Soval to establish that Orde should obey instructions in some situations for what comes next. Checked the matter and SFI are usually refered to as Agent, as part of their position and also people like to differentiate them from normal officers. RPG (USS Spectre - Ready Room - 2140) “Firstly it would seem logical to thank you all for your cooperation over the past few hours, they have not been straightforward however the following information will justify my actions. As you are aware Starfleet has currently separated due to the activities of a significant number of officers who believe the peace-keeping mandate of Starfleet to be insufficient to ensure the continued survival of the Federation given recent events. Intelligence indicates a significant proportion of Starfleet officers concur with this position and as a result the Admiral has ordered the 52nd fleet to separate itself from Starfleet so that it can effectively combat these subversives. It is improbable however; given the area of space you were previously within, that you are fully knowledgeable concerning the actions of such individuals onboard vessels within this fleet. Approximately six days ago militant individuals aboard the USS Einstein attempted to commandeer the vessel before it relocated to the Beta Quadrant, the vessels first officer instigated the takeover along with several ranking officers, however their efforts were unsuccessful. In order to prevent the vessels usage by Admiral LoDona the FO shut down the warp core containment fields.” Soval paused briefly to allow the situation to be fully understood by the officers and out of respect for the deceased officers, “The Einstein; as you are aware, was a Galaxy class vessel with a crew compliment of 1,243 including family members. There were no survivors. In response to this incident in conjunction with several other similar events SFI dispatched agents to the remaining unaffected vessels to ensure such a disaster would not occur again. Given you lack of communication with Starfleet your vessel was a high priority, since logically submissive elements could be neutralised before any attempts to seize the ship were initiated, thereby limiting casualties to absolute minimum.” (Reply any) “Given this data you are logically capable of understanding my reluctance to divulge full information until the loyalty of yourselves was established beyond any reasonable doubt. If one of the individuals within this room were to be a submissive then the knowledge that their actions would suspect to scrutiny would in all probability result in an attempt to destroy the Spectre rather than allowing the individual or the vessel to fall into apparent enemy possession.” (reply any) “These events are also why I considered your earlier reaction to be illogical Captain Remae; although given the information available to yourself at the time it was the only probable reaction. However I would now respond that individuals who are unable to respect the sanctity of life are not citizens of the Federation nor Starfleet officers.” (reply any - room for more) Soval handed a PADD to the Captain of the Spectre, “Full information regarding all events has been provided by the Admiral within the attachment to his message, however I have downloaded the most recent information to this PADD along with conformation of the status of the USS Einstein, and the relevant data regarding significant events. You would also be satisfied to know that interviews of your remaining crew are unnecessary; the majority of individuals that were identified as probable subversives have already revealed themselves, and been detained by the Spectres security personnel. Upon arrival at Geneva they will be relocated to a transport vessel, which will then take them to Starbase 18; thereby removing the internal threat without substantial harm to individuals. There are presently three individuals who have been detained by security on my request; their intentions will need to be determined before further action is taken. The information upon which the possibility of subversion was based is contained within the data I have provided; the individuals will be required to submit to a simple interview. Logically they will be made aware of the submissions made against them and given the opportunity to refute the data, given that the preponderance of evidence has been produced through interviews with other militant individuals and their lack of hostile action they will logically succeed. Reservations regarding my impartiality would be illogical however if any of yourselves wish to be present you may do so, indeed the assistance of Lt Comdr Lono would be the logical in these circumstances.” (reply any) “The modifying descriptor ‘substantial’ was required as one of the individuals who attacked myself sustained inconsequential injury to his arm. The breakage was precise and improbable to require significant treatment, therefore I considered such action logical to rapidly resolve the situation.” (Reply Remae, Kahila, Orde) (Posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 21.30) =^= Doc to Captain Remae, the nacelles are fully online and ready for activation. Standing by for your orders sir. =^= "Good work Doc, engage warp drive as soon as possible, best speed to the Subspace River.", said Remae, after his conversation with Soval, he was slightly shaken and annoyed with himself. =^= Soval to Captain Remae, may I request a meeting in your ready room captain with yourself and Lt Comdr Lono. =^= His face fell into his hands, "Very well, Commander Lono, to the Ready Room please.", he said. ~ Here we go again ~ (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 21.40) Remae sat back down after the Agent appeared and began talking, he had a good idea that he wasn't going to like what SFI was going to say. The USS Einstein, Remae knew Captain Rittman and his family. When he heard of the deaths of the entire crew, anger began to brew inside him, something he hadn't expected. "SFI agents, are you saying they are all loyal to the cause? How many can you say are on the side of LoDona? Is there any chance that subversive Agents have been dispatched as well?", asked Remae. (Reply from Soval) ". the Spectre rather than allowing the individual or the vessel to fall into apparent enemy possession.", said Soval with another piece of good news! "The crew are largely experienced and as you said, we have been out of touch for sometime, however, we've had a number of new people arrive recently, they should be checked out.", said Remae, looking away from the Agent and ordering the Commander to look into the mentioned officers. "These events are also why I considered your earlier reaction to be illogical Captain Remae; although given the information available to yourself at the time it was the only probable reaction. However I would now respond that individuals who are unable to respect the sanctity of life are not citizens of the Federation nor Starfleet officers." Remae snorted, "Agent Soval, I would have enforced the same if anyone on the crew had show such prejudices before this whole mess began!" ". Reservations regarding my impartiality would be illogical however if any of yourselves wish to be present you may do so, indeed the assistance of Lt Comdr Lono would be the logical in these circumstances." "Of course, Agent Soval. I agree, in my capacity as COUNS as well as FO, I should be in attendance.", said the Commander. Remae nodded, "Final fate of these crewmembers of the Spectre will come down to me, and I want to be kept fully informed on anything regarding my crew. I hope that's clear." (Reply from Soval) "The modifying descriptor 'substantial' was required as one of the individuals who attacked me sustained inconsequential injury to his arm. The breakage was precise and improbable to require significant treatment, therefore I considered such action logical to rapidly resolve the situation." "Let's get that seen to, Agent Soval, get yourself to Sickbay. If that's all.", started Remae as the Red Alert sounded and the CO headed out onto the Bridge. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 22.00) "Report?", he said, heading down to the command chair. "Main power is out, the cloak is out, looks like the warp core has been ejected!", said someone at the OPS controls. "All senior officers to the Bridge!", said Remae as someone switched the viewscreen to show a Federation ship approaching." "Captain the vessel approaching us has been established as hostile through attacks on several vessels, while that status may have altered I would advise significant caution.", said Soval giving an order to Orde to lock down Deck 12 and then disappearing off the Bridge. =^= This is the Federation Starship Nightingale, under the flag of Admiral Doenitz, you are ordered to heave to and prepare to be boarded! =^= "Give them static... weapon and shield status?", Remae said looking up at his Tactical Officer. Just been through a war with the Xenolithe and now this.? (Reply from Orde) =^= Doc to Captain, I've got some guys down here who think they're smarter than us. The core should be retrieved shortly, as we're running on battery right now and we need it. Oh and we're under lockdown, although I don't know where that came from... =^= Remae thought about the shuttle heading back for the core, would the Nightingale try and stop them from getting the core back?" "Doc, get your crew back, we've got a hostile ship off the port bow, I can't risk the shuttle unprotected. I want every generator on the ship brought to 120% now; divert everything we've got to the warp nacelles. Prepare for warp." (Reply from Peabody) "I don't care! Just do it!", said Remae closing the channel. "Pierce, target anything you can at the core, were going to make one hell of a bang." (Reply from Pierce) "CONN, prepare for warp in 30 seconds! Let's hope the Nightingale gives us the time we need.", said Remae, fully expecting for the ship to either fire or beam over security, either way, they were going to make history. (Reply from ALL) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Spectre - Ready Room - Agent Soval - 21.42) "SFI agents, are you saying they are all loyal to the cause? How many can you say are on the side of LoDona? Is there any chance that subversive Agents have been dispatched as well?", asked Remae. "Quite the contrary Captain, a substantial proportion of SFI is believed to be now operating under the authority of Admiral Doenitz however there are approximately 36 SFI agents who are currently confirmed to be loyal to LoDonna, including myself. Given the circumstances it would seem logical that Admiral Doenitz will utilise SFI agents." ". the Spectre rather than allowing the individual or the vessel to fall into apparent enemy possession.", "The crew are largely experienced and as you said, we have been out of touch for sometime, however, we've had a number of new people arrive recently, they should be checked out.", said Remae, looking away from the Agent and ordering the Commander to look into the mentioned officers. "These events are also why I considered your earlier reaction to be illogical Captain Remae; although given the information available to yourself at the time it was the only probable reaction. However I would now respond that individuals who are unable to respect the sanctity of life are not citizens of the Federation nor Starfleet officers." Remae snorted, "Agent Soval, I would have enforced the same if anyone on the crew had show such prejudices before this whole mess began!" ". Reservations regarding my impartiality would be illogical however if any of yourselves wish to be present you may do so, indeed the assistance of Lt Comdr Lono would be the logical in these circumstances." "Of course, Agent Soval. I agree, in my capacity as COUNS as well as FO, I should be in attendance.", said the Commander. Remae nodded, "Final fate of these crewmembers of the Spectre will come down to me, and I want to be kept fully informed on anything regarding my crew. I hope that's clear." "Logically Captain the final fate of these individuals is under no persons control, however as their commanding officer you will logically be highly influential regarding their destination upon our arrival at Geneva." "The modifying descriptor 'substantial' was required as one of the individuals who attacked me sustained inconsequential injury to his arm. The breakage was precise and improbable to require significant treatment, therefore I considered such action logical to rapidly resolve the situation." "Let's get that seen to, Agent Soval, get yourself to Sickbay. If that's all.", started Remae as the Red Alert sounded and the CO headed out onto the Bridge. (reply any) (posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre, Ready Room, Kahila Lono 21:45) Kahila listened with growing horror as Agent Soval told of the mutiny and disaster happening aboard the USS Einstein. ~And to think this was instigated by an FO!~ She couldn't get her mind around the facts, found it almost impossible to believe that a Starfleet officer could be responsible for killing all the crew of his/her ship. ~Yet I suppose I must believe Soval, until or unless I have reason not to do so.~ Soval continued, as he handed a PADD to the Captain: “Full information regarding all events has been provided by the Admiral within the attachment to his message, however I have downloaded the most recent information to this PADD along with conformation of the status of the USS Einstein, and the relevant data regarding significant events. You would also be satisfied to know that interviews of your remaining crew are unnecessary; the majority of individuals that were identified as probable subversives have already revealed themselves, and been detained by the Spectres security personnel. Upon arrival at Geneva they will be relocated to a transport vessel, which will then take them to Starbase 18; thereby removing the internal threat without substantial harm to individuals. There are presently three individuals who have been detained by security on my request; their intentions will need to be determined before further action is taken. The information upon which the possibility of subversion was based is contained within the data I have provided; the individuals will be required to submit to a simple interview. Logically they will be made aware of the submissions made against them and given the opportunity to refute the data, given that the preponderance of evidence has been produced through interviews with other militant individuals and their lack of hostile action they will logically succeed. Reservations regarding my impartiality would be illogical however if any of yourselves wish to be present you may do so, indeed the assistance of Lt Comdr Lono would be the logical in these circumstances.” Kahila felt a strong sense of relief that most of the Spectre's crew would not be involved in questioning and were not under suspicion. She replied, "Of course, Agent Soval. I agree, in my capacity as COUNS as well as FO, I should be in attendance." Soval began to explain then about the injury sustained to one of the subversives, but then everyone's attention turned to the Spectre's sudden deceleration, dropping form warp and coming to a standstill. Her quick glance toward the Catpain, told her that he was as shocked as she by the unexpected manuever. By the time the red alert klaxon sounded they had all rushed onto the Bridge. Kahila forced her mind into calm alertness, suppressing the panic she felt when learning that the warp core had been ejected. With the recent knowledge of the USS Einstein's disaster still haunting her, she realized a similar fate must be planned for the Spectre. At the moment she could do nothing except follow the happenings as they rapidly unfolded around her. reply any posted by Josephine Goodman (USS Spectre - Ready Room- Agent Soval - 21.50) “The modifying descriptor ‘substantial’ was required as one of the individuals who attacked myself sustained inconsequential injury to his arm. The breakage was precise and improbable to require significant treatment, therefore I considered such action logical to rapidly resolve the situation.” (reply any) Soval began to answer the question however his thoughts were interrupted as the Spectre suddenly decelerated; the interial dampeners failing to compensate as the vessel dropped from warp to an apparent standstill. Moments later the red alert sirens sounded throughout the vessel and Soval logically followed Remae onto the bridge. He manoeuvred towards the rear of the ships bridge listening intently as various officers responded to the Captains orders by providing reports on recent events. He quickly began forumulating probable causes for the event as well as the logical outcome and how he could alter it to be significantly more beneficial. The facts were simple; the warp core had been ejected while at warp, such a procedure could only be carried out manually from engineering therefore the persons responsible were on deck 12 and such action would only be taken if the individual required the Spectre to be helpless, therefore they would have external support in the area. His hypothesis was confirmed when a Nebula class vessel was detected apporaching them at high warp, a vessel quickly identified as the USS Nightingale. "Captain the vessel approaching us has been established as hostile through attacks on several vessels, while that status may have altered i would advise significant caution." Soval moved towards the security chief, "Lt Orde lock down deck 12, prevent any individual leaving until further notice is given." Soval continued past the security officer calculating a significant possibility that Orde would carry out the instrcutions quickly as he entered the trubo lift. "Deck 12" (Reply Remae, Kahila, Orde) (Posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre - Engineering- ACEO Peabody - 21.52) They had managed to get power back online and the warp nacelles back in order for the most part. Peabody stood at the master situations monitor, his hand to the console, feeling the energy of the Spectre as she traveled through space. Deep inside her was a soul, something more than just the mechanics and conduits filled with power and signalds. She was alive and feeling. At least, that's how Peabody felt about her. He was unsure about the rest of them, minus one or two. It was an enigma for him. They had served under someone totally different and now were dealing with a very eccentric senior officer. Walter didn't blame them. He just hoped they would accept him for who he was and move on. Suddenly a red flag went up from the back of his mind to the front and he snapped around and glimpsed someone at a console. Doing something they were not supposed to do. And then it happened. Manual dump of the warp core. "Brace for....!" The room went dark and then was dimly lit as the batteries kicked in. Alarms and klaxons went off through the room as it shook a bit and the sound of the warp core they had rebuilt was flung into space. Curses and screams were heard throughout the room as small flashlights were activated. Peabody went straight for the instigator, who was now trying to escape his fate. The 'Doc' would have none of it. Jumping into the air, the Assistant Chief Engineer slammed into Jackob Newton, sending him sprawling to the floor and both men to the ground facing each other. Peabody quickly collected himself as Newton scrambled up and pulled a knife, his eyes wild. "You're not going anywhere Peabody...nowhere.." Walter was getting tired of this already. He'd had enough just getting onto the ship and fixing all her problems and this extra problem was just the icing on the cake. He slowly walked towards Newton. "Listen young punk...I'm tird. I've put this ship back together from scratch. We all have." A few had gathered behind Newton and pulled thier own knives. There was insurrection on the Spectre. This would require more than just what he had. "I want to go home, wherever that's gonna be. You just stopped me from getting know what that makes you?" The short and not so stocky group looked at the tall and thin ACEO and slowly came to understand what was about to happen. "That makes you my bitch..." And without warning, Peabody had knocked Newton's knife out and into his hand, send his foot in a round kick, laying down three instigators who were quickly subdued. The remaining two say they were losing and turned to run, but the Doc threw his body into them, forcing thier faces into the ground. He leaned down to Newton. "Never touch my girl like that again. I will kill you." Several others, thankfully loyal sat on the two men, giving a little breathing room. "Where the hell is my core?" A officer spoke up. It was outside the ship, near where they had dropped out of warp. Peabody nodded. "Armenson and Gerry, get to a shuttle and get the damned thing onboard and back here. I want it transported back into it's casing before these idiots plan goes into action." The men quickly headed out the door. A moment later, alarms rang through. Deck 12 was being secured and locked down. Walter shuddered and tapped his commbadge. "Doc to Gerry, status?" They quickly informed him they had made it out and were quickly activating a shuttle with the help of the officers there. They would be in transit in moments. The ACEO tapped his commbadge. "Doc to Captain, I've got some guys down here who think they're smarter than us. The core should be retrieved shortly, as we're running on batttery right now and we need it. Oh and we're under lockdown, although I don't know where that came from..." (reply Remae, Agent, any, all) (posted by adelay) (USS Spectre - Engineering- Agent SOval - 21.54) Soval entered engineering at running pace however quickly determined that his assistance would not be required in neutralising the subversives, he had never encountered combat capable engineering officers however the Spectre was producing several unpredictable events. He quickly made his way to the officer shouting commands as logically that individual was invariably in charge. "Doc to Captain, I've got some guys down here who think they're smarter than us. The core should be retrieved shortly, as we're running on batttery right now and we need it. Oh and we're under lockdown, although I don't know where that came from..." "Given the circumstances ensign it appeared to be a logical action, although evidiently they chose an incorrect target." Soval gestured towards the officers currently pinned down by the enginnering crew sitting ontop of them, "however logically you will require assistance; my engineering knowledge is considerable although academic in nature nevertheless logically it should be sufficient for damage control duties if you so wish?" (reply Peabody, any) (posted by John Morrison)