From: Sent: Friday, 30 April 2004 4:08 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compile Apr 20-27 (pt 2) Spectre Compile April 20-27 (pt 2) (Unknown, Unknown, Agent Soval, 20.32) Soval opened his eyes expecting logically to be within the sickbay of the Spectre yet was somewhat surprised to find himself seated opposite a large ornate wooden desk within a large, bright and airy room. Through the large glass windows he could see the Golden Gate Bridge on a typical Earth day, blue sky with small white clouds. ~Fascinating, logically I am within a holographic simulation but why?~ “Computer end program” [Unable to comply, individual presently beyond Holodeck environment] “Computer what is the stardate?” [Stardate 2406.05.10, time is 20.32] ~A highly improbable proposition~ Soval thought to himself as he considered the possible solutions to his problem. His thoughts were interrupted when an individual entered the room, Soval immediately stood up reaching for his phaser as he recognised the individual however he was unarmed. “Sit down Mr Soval, there is no need for formalities” Soval returned to his seat remaining as impassive as always, “Admiral Doenitz” “I told you that formalities were superfluous however if you wish Admiral Soval. I am quite familiar with your Vulcan predisposition to procedure; in fact I find it rather stimulating. However the C&C of Starfleet did not invite the Director of SFI here to speak about such inconsequential matters?” Soval considered the situation as the Admiral poured himself a drink from a decanter before taking a seat opposite the Vulcan. “Indeed” “Ambassador Smith is proving to be a liability, I want him to be disposed off before he concludes his negotiations with the Kiltrak; if his death is correctly considered we should be able to place the responsibility for his death on the Kiltrak government and they will have little alternative but to join the Federation.” "It is illogical to believe that such a matter is sufficiently substantial that noraml channels could not have been followed, sir" "As to be expected a logical deduction Soval, i merely wished to demonstrate the importance of that particular mission." Soval continued to observe the motions of the Admiral as he sipped his drink, noting subtle differences from his previous encounters with him before. "As you have deduced i have asked you here for a considerably more significant matter; it has come to my attention that several individuals within Starfleet are dissatisfied with our current operations in the Delta quadrant, "the admiral pushed a PADD towards Soval, "This problem will need to be resolved delicately." “Understood”, Soval scanned the list of names contained in the PADD, curious to observe that a substantial number of the Spectres senior staff were listed, he then raised an eyebrow questioningly at the Admiral curious if he could depart “Excellent, you may go” (SFI Facility, San Francisco - SFI Directors Office - 21.00) Soval observed the glowing text that scrolled swiftly downward on the terminal in front of him at a speed most humans found illegible, he had spent twenty minutes analysing the temporal data for this timeline after requesting immediate transport to his office through the SFI transporter network. Upon arrival he had initially requested his own personnel record, however the Soval it had described was relatively unknown to him and since logically he only required to know the contents he had progressed to the rationally more beneficial task of determining what had occurred. “Computer what is the present location of Remae Ktell?” [Commandant Remae is currently within Starfleet Academy grounds] Unexpectedly a viewscreen appeared on the wall opposite his desk displaying a high resolution sensor scan of the Captain along with the surrounding area, “Computer display personnel record for Commandant Remae Ktell.” Once he had studied the information within the Captains file he moved towards a cabinet set into the wall of his office, placing his thumb upon the lockpad he waited a few seconds before the mechanism determined his identity and opened. Inside was stored a variety of items, he glanced over them briefly before collecting a phaser, tricorder, his combat staff and a personal cloaking device before stepping onto the personnel transporter PADD within one of the adjoining rooms. He placed the small circular cloaking device onto his chest observing as his arm was rendered invisible. ~Fascinating~ “Starfleet Academy” (Earth, (?) Hawaii, Kahila Lono, 20:40) Kahila knew she'd been dreaming, and now just couldn't shake the dream, though she was obviously awake. The dream still felt real. Too vividly real, with far too many details. She grew alarmed. Something must be wrong with her. She'd dreamed she had joined Starfleet, and was the FO of a ship named the Spectre. For the most part, it was a happy dream - but then she'd been captured by aliens, tested in many ways, and her ship itself was captured. And she'd been trying to find out what happened to the ship - by way of telepathy! She shook her head back and forth, briskly. She walked across the beach, through the line of palms and then placed her hand against the gate-lock, waited until it recognized her and clicked open, then strolled along the path that led away from the house, east, toward the cane fields. She expected the view to calm her, to bring her the same satisfaction she always felt, as she watched the harvesters - behemoth robots gleaming beneath the noon sun; tiny minds kept busy by their tasks, jaws gaping like dinosaurs, treads rolling steadily forward. Robots she herself had designed, and her husband's factory had developed and manufactured. But at the present moment, none of it seemed quite real. Not as real as her dream. Maybe she should eat something. She couldn't remember when she'd last eaten. She thought back - yes, she'd had breakfast with her husband, on the patio, as they often did. Corn cakes with marmalade- yes, of course. Why should she be so hungry now? As if she'd really been kept in that alien room for hours. She walked back to the huge rambling, stucco house she'd inherited from her grandmother. She'd turned the left wing of the house into a cybernetics lab. She did her best work there, though she also had a small lab in her husband's factory office. She knew that if she went into the lab and turned the workstation to the Eve program, that the almost-sentient AI would talk to her in its feminine, alto voice, would tell her of its musical studies- the studies that Kahila hoped would trigger a true, flexible intelligence. Tao sometimes teased her that she wanted to create a daughter within the AI, because she'd chosen not to have real children of her own. Kahila had thought that amusing. But now she didn't. Because she remembered an adopted daughter who'd been aboard the captured ship, a daughter who might be in terrible danger. ~A dream daughter,~ she told herself. ~A dream ship!~ Kahila went into the large airy kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Though of course there was a replicator in the room, she often preferred real food, especially fruit. She took two guavas, peeled them, and put them into the blender. She was drinking a glass of juice when she heard footsteps coming along the hall. A moment later, Tao came into the room. She knew he'd slept late, after having a meeting with his staff that lasted until well after midnight. He came to her, and brushed a kiss into her hair, then took the glass of juice and finished it. He smiled at her, and she immediately felt guilty. She knew Tao was a good husband. Their life together had given her no reason to create a fantasy life, a fantasy life that included a man she could speak to within her mind! Kahila had no reason to suddenly become dissatisfied. Her work was fascinating. She had friends. And enemies - people who hated the robots she and Tao had introduced into the life of the island. Kahila felt chilled, as if the room's air conditioning had gone into overdrive. ~Maybe that's what happened to me - the anti-robotic faction. They must have somehow poisoned me! I'd better get to the hospital.~ But before she could begin to explain any of this to Tao, another part of her thought, ~Unless it's the aliens. They can do so much I don't understand.~ Tao took her hand and said, "Kahila, is something wrong?" And she felt guilty again, because that other part of her mind was telepathically shouting, ~Pierce, where are you?!~ reply Pierce posted by Josephine Goodman <> (Earth, Oahu, Hawaii, Kahila Lono, 20:43) Kahila turned away from her 'husband' Tao, and gazed out the window,across the terrace, to the garden. Though her body stood calmly, her inner voice cried out: ~Pierce, are you there? I don't know what's happening. I think the aliens are doing something to my mind. Or maybe it's a holo . . .I just don't know.~ She was startled to receive a reply, as she'd almost convinced herself that her life aboard the Spectre had been a vivid dream. ~It depends on your definition of 'there.' Obviously, we're on similar planes of existance, if we can communicate,~ he sent. ~I do not know where the Spectre is; I'm on a beach, somewhere. I never knew the sounds of the waves could be so relaxing. You said the aliens are 'playing games' with you again -- what are they doing this time? If you don't want to answer, then don't.~ Kahila wasn't at all sure that she wanted to answer. She wasn't even sure that she wasn't making the whole thing up -- including the telepathic voice she'd just heard. She glanced for a moment toward Tao, saying "I need to do some work in the lab, probably for most of the afternoon." She regretted the puzzlement Tao showed at her tone of voice, but nevertheless hurried out of the kitchen and then left along the hallway to the lab. It was a unique, beautiful room; she'd made it her own personal space. Tall windows looked out across the flagstone path that led away from the house, across low grassy hills to the cane fields. Large prints of complex schematics adorned the east wall, diagramming parts of the neural net she'd used to create 'Eve'. On the south wall was the photo of a starfield -showing M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. Kahila sat down at the console programmed with Eve's software. She turned on the interface and said, "Eve, I need for you to scan scientific journals and papers for the past fifty years for references to temporal anomalies and alternate timelines. I want the information downloaded into a file, and a summary prepared." "Sure. It won't take long," the AI replied, then said. "Is something wrong Kahila? My sensors detect your rapid heartbeat. And your words were spoken as though your throat muscles had tightened." "I'm fine, Eve. I just need the information as soon as possible." At any other time Kahila would have been pleased with Eve's taking the initiative to notice these clues about her emotional state. But now she could only wonder if she'd be able to continue with the AI's development. Kahila needed to make her thoughts logical, so she went to one of the room's other workstations and began to list the various possibilities as she thought of them. She decided that the possibilitiy she'd been placed into a holographic reality by the aliens was not very likely, though it had been one of the first ideas to occur to her. But that would't account for her double set of memories. She knew that both Pierce and Captain Remae had personal experiences with alternate realities in which they themselves resided. She'd been with Pierce when he met his parents for the first time in this reality! Or - the reality in which she'd been aboard the Spectre. Kahila looked around the room. ~If I decide to become the self that is FO aboard the Spectre, will this reality disappear? Or will I somehow divide myself into two Kahilas, with one staying here, living this life?~ Kahila knew she could accept that idea more easily, than having to cancel out this whole existence! She was in love with Tao -- had been in love with him since their first date, when they'd been university students. And everything they'd accomplished with their robotic designs -- and now her development of Eve -- how could Kahila just make all that disappear? Yet - she also didn't feel that she could just dissolve away her identity as a Starfleet officer! During her teenage years, she'd been sure that was the life she wanted. She'd studied hard, earned honors in her high school science classes, then applied to the Academy - and been accepted. It was only after she enrolled for summer classes at Stanford, that she began to question her career path. She'd read in depth about Starfleet and its officer programs - and its increasing militaristic stance. Though she didn't completely disagree politically, and she admired the scientific discoveries with which Starfleet was involved, she decided that it wasn't the life she wanted after all. So she'd stayed on at the university, eventually deciding to combine her interests of cybernetics and psychology, and in her junior yet she'd met Tao. This line of thought led Kahila to realize now that her memories of Starfleet itself were very different in both of her lifetimes! So . . .the problem was not merely a personal one. That realization only deepened her quandry. By 22.00 Kahila had the summary she'd requested of Eve, and she sat at the console scanning it, then scrolling back for details. ~It all seems fascinating if taken theoretically. But I find nothing that tells me what will happen if I do or don't try to find the other members of the crew.~ "Kahila, a message just came for you - marked high priority." Eve told her. "Display it, please," she said. Then she almost stopped breathing, as she read the return adress. ~Commandant Remae Ktell.~ TBC posted by Josehpine Goodman (Earth: Hawaiian Beach - Pierce Horatio Orde - 2045) Pierce felt around in his clothing and found a tricorder. ~Hm... at least I can figure out where I am now,~ he thought. Opening it, he scanned and noted an uplink signal: he was on a Federation world. ~I wonder which one?~ Activating the uplink, he discovered that he was on Earth. He rechecked the date and the time, standing there on that beach. ~The time is exactly what it should be, but I'm on a beach in Hawaii. Something is definitely odd.~ Switching the unit to a 'read' mode, he checked the datanets and then Starfleet channels. Almost on a hunch, he checked his own service record. It read: "Orde, Pierce Horatio "Rank: Captain. "Age: 50 "Current Posting: USS Galadriel." He didn't read any farther -- it almost wasn't necessary. ~I hate it when this happens,~ he mused. (Reply any, Kahlia) (Posted by Lenox) (Romulan Warbird Shetar, Commanders Office, Commander Selera - 21.00.) Selera was reading some notes about the mission they had to comlete. She hated this kind of missions, but there was nothing she could do at the moment. As the time passed by, this situation seemed more and more wrong, and she begun to remember some other details that didn't fit in present time. She had complete memory of this time line, but also a parts and flashes of the other, and that begun to worry her. So she started listing information about history, technology and some other thinks. The more she read, the bigger mess she had in her head. Although she couldn't remember eveything, there was still significant diference between what this was, and what it should be. At the point when she could already remember her home from the other time line, she was already panicing. ~This is not happing! It can't be thrue ... This is wrong... ~ she jumped from her seet and walked around the desk. She started thinking how could it come to this. The memories she had were not complete, but there had to be a answer. From what she could figure, it seemed that time line was somehow changed. She couldn't remember how, but she knew that must be something she could do to return this to what it should be. She took the PADD and tryed to put her memories in some order. She figured that the ship she could remember was probably the last place she was in. There were only several people she could conect to the ship. So she entered the database about Officers present in the Starfleet. That what should be Romulan Empire was now part of Federation, and although she hated this idea, this could be usefull in this moment. It could help her find those people. There was possibility that they also remember something, perhaps even more that she did. Although she could never completly understand Starfleet Officers, and although she didn't like them very much, she believed that if they do remember the real time line, they will not like this one. After all, there was nothing else she could do. (Romulan Warbird Shetar, Commanres Office, Commander Selera - 21.35.) The search for the people she needed could take days, so she set some parametars of what she was looking for to find them faster. The only thing she needed was names and places where to find them. After some time she spent listing the pictures of huge number of the people, she stoped at the picture of man she could recognize. Then she made her decision. "Commander to the Bridge. How far are we from Earth?" =/\= At present speed, two hours, sir.=/\= "Set a course for Earth, maximum warp!" She coutinued listing the Officers. After a couple of minutes, there was someone at the door. "Come in." she said. Sub-commander entered the room. He was a young man, one of small number of people she ever trusted. "Sir, our mission..." he started. "There's been a change of plans." she said. She knew that he will never doubt her decisions, although he seemed very confused. "But the mission ..." "The mission can't wait, I know. In fact, I know everything you will tell me, Rael. But right now, the mission is not important." She said that, somehow holping he will not ask any other question. Even though they were now the part of Federation, still they were secretly using any chance they could against Federation. "Sir, what is going on?" When she had no other option, she told him everything in short version. "There's one thing I know for sure, I hate this whole thing, and although I'm not quite in love with Federation, I like it better the way it should be. I'm sure we all would. So, now get me to Earth, as soon as possable! And try to contact Commandant Remae Ktell at Starfleet Academy as soon as you can! Let me know when you do." The man had nothing else to add, so he just noded to confirm and walked out. Selera remained gazing through the window wondering what was next, and holping it would't be worst than this. (Reply Ktell, Any) (Posted by Ivona) <> (Earth, Starfleet Academy, Main Complex, Remae Ktell - 21.15) =^= Captain... its Ensign Ariana you recognize me? Sir?" =^= The viewscreen clicked on in the communications panel. The Commandant looked at himself in the reflection, if indeed, the uniform Remae was wearing could be trusted. "Ensign Torelle, of course I do - you just healed my arm, at least, I think you did. Captain? That was quick, Ensign, do I need to look out for my job?", smiled Remae at the sight of a familiar face. (Reply from Torelle) "Beam down here as soon as you can. contact me when you get into orbit. Remae out.", he said as he headed out the door. "Captain" ~ Woah ~ "Soval! What is it with you can personal cloaking devices? Can't you just walk around without sneaking up on someone?", said Remae, relaxing a little. "I apologise sir however I did not believe it to be logical for me to be seen within the Campus. I assume you have determined that we are no longer within our timeline?" "Well, I don't know about our timeline, but I do know we're not were we should be. I mean, look at me, the Commandant of the Academy? I was thrown out of this place more times than I can count. have you determined what is happening?" Remae and Soval remained tucked inside the communications area. "Over the past few hours temporal investigations has detected an unusual temporal wavefront, or more precisely they have detected the chronotonic discrepancy produced by that wavefront, they have determined that the timeline is not as its originally was however are unable to determine what alterations took place. By comparing my own knowledge of history with the records of this timeline I have as yet been unable to determine the precise event were convergence occurs however there is a notable difference from approximately Stardate 3240.8 in Starfleet policy. Within our timeline the Federation is a peaceful entity however within this timeline the Federation is considerably more aggressive, it does appear to have been of considerable benefit however." "Go on, this sounds fascinating." "In this timeline the Federation defeated the Klingons, the Romulans, the Dominion and even the Borg, all with the exception of the Borg are now members of the Federation and the Dominion was defeated within three days of the initiation of hostilities. On a more personal note Captain in this timeline the Cardassians were attacked by the Federation approximately one year into the occupation of Bajor, they were defeated and Bajor is presently an influential world within the Federation. This Federation is considerably larger than we are familiar with, its territory extents considerably into the Delta quadrant and is presently expanding into the Gamma quadrant, present membership is 516 member worlds and over two hundred protectorates. The technology level is also considerably higher; slipstream technology, advanced nanite technology, quantum bio-computers, even miniaturised cloaking devices." Soval gestured to the black metallic disc attached to his uniform. "To conclude sir, this timeline would appear to be substantially improved upon our own." Remae gave the SFI Agent a frown. "Think of it as a vacation, a home away from home but right now, we've got to find a way back and take everyone with us. meet me in the Commandant's Office in 15 minutes." He walked away in time to see Soval disappear once more using his cloaking device. (Earth, Starfleet Academy, Commandant's Office, Remae Ktell - 22.00) "Very well Cadet. Well, all I can say is that, if you want the top bunk and you were the first one to claim it, it's yours. why don't you try and work it out with your room-mate? Dismissed." The Cardassian cadet left the room and Remae sighed, this wasn't the life he wanted, even if everything else was perfect. "Computer, I want location reports on the follow personnel, search all databases.", Remae began to run off the list of names off the Spectre personnel he could remember. A shimmering was noticeable in the room, and Remae looked up to see Soval appear. "How's your memory, Commander? We need to locate every member of the Spectre's crew. the initial search on the senior crew is coming in now, there are gaps though, I don't see Octan on any of these lists. can you access SFI records, I fully expect your information to be more complete that these public records?" (Reply from Soval) Remae took a PADD and began to make a note of names, a lot of these people were on Earth and he sent messages to as many of them as he could. As the head of the Academy, he would be easy to find, all anyone had to do is type his name into any database to find him. (Reply from Soval, Torelle, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>