USS Rosenante Compile, 13 Janauary - 16 January 2008 Compile Index: Mission: Do not go gentle, Day: 8 Stardate: 2407.07.10 *The Final Flight of the Champlain* Mission: Picking up the Pieces Stardate: 2408.01.06 (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – ACMO Ensign Henna-star – 1659) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - CEO Lt.( jg ) Bird - 1700) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Engineer Ensign T'kron - 1701) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - COUNS – Lt (JG) Olen Rhinehart – 1704) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – ACMO - Lt. (jg) Nissa Whetari – 1705) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Ops Ensign Smith / 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 17.06) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - ACOUNS Ens(Sg) Dorga 'cha Nooras & SO Ens(Sg) Ro'Dal - 1707 & 1709) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Sciences - Ensign(jg) Alba Tuk - 1711) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Ops - Ensign(jg) Zanarra - 1713) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Second Officer/ Security & Tactical Chief, Lt. Jono Janeway – 1718) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - COUNS – Lt (JG) Olen Rhinehart – 1723) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Ops – Ensign Smith -1729) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Ops - Ensign(jg) Zanarra - 1732) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - ACOUNS Ens(Sg) Dorga 'cha Nooras & SO Ens(Sg) Ro'Dal - 1734 & 1736) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1737) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – CO - Captain Susan Rivers – 1739) (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – ACMO Lt. (jg) Nissa Whetari – 1754) (USS Rosenante - Deck 1 - Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1800) (USS Rosenante - Botanical Gardens / Arboretum - Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1805) Compile begins: Mission: Do not go gentle, Day: 8 Stardate: 2407.07.10 The Final Flight of the Champlain EXT – USS Champlain The modified Galaxy class vessel hangs suspended against a dusting of stars. Slowly the camera sweeps around her hull, a beautiful unbroken steadicam shot that is trademark Davok. The sheer bulk of this vessel, not often appreciated even by her crew, is apparent, from the tapered elegance of her saucer, to the ungainly vestigial warp nacelle she carries on her back like a mother turtle. In space. HAL STANZA (VO): The USS Champlain. Three months ago, an explorer under the authority of Starfleet's so-called seditionist 52nd fleet. Yesterday, a fully-fanged ship of the line poised to form the tip of the spear that would breach the Mars Defence Perimeter. Today – merely a memory, along with dozens of her kind, and many of the brave souls that served aboard them. Gone, but not forgotten, a heroic footnote to the fleet action that may prove to be a turning point of Federation history. This... is their story. CUT TO: INT – Ship's corridor, outside Ten Forward STANZA stands in the foreground, as he delivers his trademark narration, poker-face in place. Behind him, the usual bustle of shipboard activity, officers coming and going. Some notice the camera, most studiously avoid it. STANZA: Six months ago, war came home for Federation citizens, something nobody thought would ever happen again. The Federation has torn itself apart, planetary bombardments have brought untold devastation to worlds across the galaxy, and Starfleet's very name is mud. But that, say the crew of this battleship, is all about to change. CUT TO: INT – Federation Council chamber The grandiose central chamber of the Federation's legislature is austere and simple, for all its size, dominated by sleek, angular silver-grey surfaces. At the head of the room, Rodrigo Doenitz holds forth behind a podium, animated and intense. His speech is muted beneath Stanza's voice-over. STANZA (VO): President Doenitz calls them terrorists, traitors, pretenders to the Federation executive, and a cancer on the soul of Starfleet. According to his regime, they are the very reason for the current miserable state of our society, floundering under martial law and riven with strife these past months, setting back centuries of political progress. The 52nd fleet, meanwhile, insist that's all a lie, and they are the hot needle that will lance the boil of corruption and restore the Federation to its former glory. But for the people of the Federation, it's difficult to know just what to believe. CUT TO: INT – USS Champlain, Captain's Ready Room CAPTION: Captain Susan Rivers, Commanding Officer. A sharp-featured woman, brown-haired and serious, fills the screen. The camera makes a focal point of her pips of rank, underscoring her authority, which oozes from her words. Her eyes blaze as she speaks. RIVERS: History will be a better judge than you or I. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that you can always find clear space between our two positions. War - and particularly civil war - is a nasty, brutal business. No side can ever say they alone stand in the light and do no wrong. There's honour and dishonour on both sides. But - and this is a big but - we are fighting for freedom, as anachronistic as that sounds. Not just for ourselves but for the Federation. And I daresay there are those who disagree. The difference between us and Doenitz is they are free to do so here. Under Doenitz disagreement is a death sentence. EXT – Mars Defence Perimeter Stock footage of the MDP filmed from extreme range. It has been used in countless news reports. A defence platform looms large, specks of shadow belonging to patrol ships passing across its surface. STANZA (VO): For the Champlain and her sister vessels of the 52nd then, it's destination: Earth. But before the Federation capital can be recaptured, they must contend with the Mars Defence Perimeter. It's been breached before, but it took a Borg flotilla to do it. This time, the odds are not in the attackers' favour. But even in the face of that, they remain sanguine. INT – USS Champlain, Observation Lounge A handsome man of clear Mediterranean origin stares into the camera, speaking impassively. He is framed against the majestic vista of space glimpsed through the large windows. CAPTION: Lt Cdr Ahmed Ibn Salid, First Officer SALID: It's true that most of the simulations have been less than shining, but there have been a few that show promise. It is in that vein that we are undertaking this action. Additionally other military actions will be taking place at various other key locations in the quadrant to tie down any possible reinforcements that Doenitz may have had access to previously. I'd say that while everything is not as assured as I may like, there is an acceptable chance of success for the risk involved. If there was not. We wouldn't be undertaking such a risky maneuver. CUT TO: INT – USS Champlain, Captain's Ready Room, as above RIVERS: In any battle, one's chances of survival depend on a number of factors. In something as big as this... I wouldn't put money on anyone I know in the fleet, and especially not on this ship, coming out alive. The camera lingers on her face as she stares at her unseen interrogator, punctuating the powerful statement. STANZA (VO): And barely a week later, we discovered for ourselves just how prophetic those words had been. CUT TO: INT – Deck 10, outside Sickbay. All is flickering lights and chaos. Red Alert sirens are blaring, the camera is shaking crazily in spite of Davok's formidable efforts. Stanza is standing, bedraggled and looking the worse for wear. STANZA (shouting): It's been at least three hours now since we started our attack run on the MDP, and let me tell you, it's been the longest three hours of my life. As you can - He is interrupted by a large booming that echoes through the structure, followed by the creak of straining bulkheads. The picture tilts crazily and Stanza struggles to keep his balance. A moment later, his composure returns. STANZA: As you can see, it's chaos here. Sickbay is out of action, we know that much for sure. There have already been casualties, some of them bridge personnel, but the worst may be yet to come. There are plasma fires and hull breaches across the ship, but nobody can tell us the status of the mi- His words are again swallowed by a huge boom and this time the picture goes fuzzy as the camera bounces violently. It comes to rest on the face of a Vulcan, apparently unconscious. STANZA (off-camera): Dave?! Oh god! Can you hea- Stanza's voice is drowned again by the sudden exclamation from the PA system. RIVERS (VO): All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Abandon ship! All hands, abandon ship! This is an order. I say again, abandon ship! The camera moves and Stanza manages to get the lens pointed at his face. He seems to be trying to switch the machine off. A gash has opened up on his soot-smudged forehead, trickling blood over his features. He is frowning, attempting to get orientated, babbling senselessly. STANZA (off-camera): Oh god. Oh my god. Oh my fu- CUT TO: INT – Escape Pod The pod is cramped with bodies. A sussurration of chatter fills the air, over the small sounds of sobs and the pained cries of the wounded. Stanza sits against a viewport showing the Champlain against the starry backdrop. Her hull is scorched and battered, the third nacelle utterly gone, drive plasma venting from the wound. It is ugly. The other occupants of the pod are shooting Stanza ugly glances, but he is oblivious, caught in a news-trance unlike anything he has experienced before. Phaser fire lights the pod's interior every now and then, and once or twice the coruscating glow of a photon torpedo glitters. STANZA (whispering): We're outside the ship now, inside an escape pod. I don't know what just happened but it looks like the Champlain has lost a nacelle. I'm not an expert, but I believe that's catastrophic. We were lucky enough to get out in time, but I don't know how many are still left aboard. We spotted some of the enemy ships actually opening fire on escape pods. Incredible. It's surely just a matter of time now befHOLY . Before the screen whites out, there is the briefest glimpse of the Champlain's outline tearing itself to shreds. The pod erupts in screams and cries of disbelief. The picture flickers, static fogging the screen as the blast's radiation reaches the camera's sensitive imaging hardware. Then, abruptly, the picture goes black. It stays that way for two seconds. FADE IN: USS CHAMPLAIN LAUNCHED 2407.03.02 DESTROYED 2407.07.09 375 SOULS LOST FADE OUT CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Shuttle Bay The shuttle bay is crowded with refugees and escape craft. Stanza's face is framed in the shot closer than usual. He has clearly tried his best to clean himself up, but his features remain smudged and a brown smear of dried blood mats the sideburn on his left cheek. His eyes are bright and he is talking a shade too fast. STANZA: It's now approximately 2130 Federation Standard Time, and we're just getting word that the fleet action is over, and it's victory for the 52nd. We're waiting for confirmation that Doenitz has officially offered his surrender, but we're reasonably certain that the worst is behind us. Only time will tell now what lies in store for the Federation in this post-war epoch. Victory hasn't come without a price though. The Champlain is lost with dozens, possibly hundreds of hands on board, along with unconfirmed numbers of other 52nd vessels. A costly offensive, then, but one that will surely enter the annals of Starfleet history. INT – USS Hypatia, Transporter Room The room is as crowded as the cargo bay. The atmosphere seems strange, a volatile mix of relief, joy and sorrow. Animated chatter mingles with the sound of muted crying. STANZA (VO): Costly indeed. It will be weeks before the true toll can be tallied, but even as we try to make the best of it aboard this vessel, the USS Hypatia, there's a sense that the losses were not in vain, that our comrades died as heroes. EXT – Budapest, Hungary A tumbled ruin of scorched rubble fills the screen, cracked plasticrete shot through with tortured rebar, still smoking days after the bombardment that levelled the city. It is an all too familiar glimpse of devastation on a massive scale. Mercifully, there are no body parts visible, but the occasional patch of dried blood points up the real carnage of the scene. STANZA (VO): For the citizens of Earth though, along with those of Tellar Prime, Betazed and Andoria, who finally claimed the victory will perhaps matter little. It will take time for the wounds of this senseless and bloody conflict to heal. Something the survivors of the conflict know all too well. CUT TO: INT – USS Champlain, Captain's Ready Room RIVERS: I could sit here and talk platitudes about not making omelettes without breaking eggs but I'm not going to. It's about people dying - innocents along with the guilty. None of us have hands untainted by blood. And I, for one, expect to be held to account for my part in it and will do so willingly. What I've done - what all of us have done - will stay with me the rest of my life. What enables me to sleep at night is the knowledge that if I had not taken those actions then things would be far, far worse and thousands, possibly millions, more lives would have been lost. Whether those actions were 'right' in some wonderful, blame free, holier-than-thou sense is not for me to judge. CUT TO INT – USS Champlain, Observation Lounge SALID: My ideology doesn't have anything to do with this situation. It's the heart of who I am that is driving me to do this. We could all give up. We could stop fighting and we could disappear somewhere. But every man and woman in this fleet has sacrificed everything that they held dear to do the only thing that they could do to put an end to these atrocities. They left behind their families and friends under the rule of a dictator, knowing full well that Doenitz would have no qualms about killing them in retaliation. They gave up their homeworld. They did it to do the right thing. CUT TO: EXT – Federation Council Chamber, San Francisco A swooping shot of a squat building, rounded and looming, dominates the horizon, the familiar outline of the Federation legislature. Across the large apron of concrete before it, beings swarm about their business. STANZA (VO): So, then, begins the tiring business of rebuilding. Not only rebuilding the homes and lives of those left bereaved and destitute by this incomparably difficult time; not only rebuilding the ideals and philosophies that allowed the Federation to flourish in relative peace for so long; but also rebuilding the trust that we once had in ourselves and in Starfleet to be the vanguard of that trust as we extend the hand of peaceful advancement to all in the galaxy that will take it. And for the crew of the Champlain too, it is a time for reflection and high emotions in the wake of her destruction. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Sickbay The face of chief medical officer Jennifer Caskie, expression hard and cynical, glares off-screen. CAPTION: Dr Jennifer 'Josh' Caskie, Chief Medical Officer CASKIE: I am not a 'ship as a person'. Person. I am far more interested in the people on the ship so its destruction simply equates to me the number of people who died there. Far, far too many. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Arboretum The striking plumage of Lt Dralar makes for an arresting image. CAPTION: Lt Dralar, Flight Operations Officer DRALAR: She was a marvelous ship. Her captain is a true warrior who understand sacrifice and duty. I am honored to have served as her helmsman. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Ten Forward The brows of Counsellor Rhinehart are knitted deeply, as he considers his words carefully, clearly unnerved by the prospect of galaxy-wide broadcast. CAPTION: Lt Olen Rhinehart, Chief Counsellor RHINEHART: I think... I think we as a whole have a great deal of philosophical rethinking ahead of us. This... this conflict must become a stain, a badge of shame in our history, if we are ever to prove ourselves worthy of the ideals we claim for ourselves. If nothing else, it's proven what liars we can be. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Arboretum DRALAR: Victory is a bitter thing. There is first elation then sadness when the costs are tallied. There will be those that say, never again' but you will see that there will be another war when the horrors of this one are forgotten. I am pleased for the victory and have hope that the federation may regain it's strength. The honor of Star Fleet will take longer to rebuild than the cities. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Sickbay CASKIE: I sat in a totally destroyed Sickbay waiting for one of my nurses to die because I could not rescue her from under a pile of rubble and ceiling beams. I sat with her until she finally died, in my arms, because the one thing I would not do was walk away and leave her to die alone in the dark. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Ten Forward The friendly faces of Durnik and Ari beam amiably into the camera, clearly the worse for wear. CAPTION: Durnik, Marine DURNIK: 'Sgood. Lost some good mates though. Ol' Crabs Macaulay didn't make it. Nor Heckler Djinn. And what's his name. The one with a face like a targ's . CAPTION: Ari, Marine ARI: Targ-face. DURNIK: Yeah, Targ-face. Good man in a fight, Targ-face. CUT TO: USS Hypatia, Arboretum STANZA (off-camera): What's next for you? DRALAR: I will return for a while to Skorria and tend to my District, then I shall return and shall continue my service to Starfleet and my Captain. I have plans to construct a Starfleet Preparatory Academy on Skorria so that others of my people may see the nobility of the Federation Alliance for themselves. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Sickbay CASKIE: If I am allowed, I will go back home and try to find my son and my family. I imagine that will be the same for most of the crew. CUT TO: INT – USS Hypatia, Ten Forward DURNIK: Dunno. Prolly got some eksher...eksher....exercises tomorrow. Should get some sleep soon I 'spose. Ari smiles beatifically, and then slowly slides off his barstool to lie on the floor. A snore drifts up, followed by an even less genteel sound. CUT TO: INT – USS Champlain, Captain's Ready Room RIVERS: I believe I'm in the right place, fighting for what I believe to the the right cause. I'm not in favour of tyranny and oppression, Mr Stanza. I believe it is my duty to fight it, to protect the ideals I hold dear. We didn't sign up to stay alive. We signed up to protect the Federation. And we're doing that the best way we can. Even if it means we give our lives for it. CUT TO: EXT – Earth Viewed from orbit, the blue-green orb seems as peaceful as it ever was, an anachronistic image to end the film. STANZA (VO): And so, life continues. Let us never forget the blood price that has been paid for our privilege to enjoy it. This is Hal Stanza, for FNN. * (USS Hypatia – Temporary Quarters – FNN – Correspondent Hal Stanza - 0342) Stanza sat back, a grin on his face as he hit the 'Stop' button on his voice recorded. A yawn crept up on him and he stretched as he loosed it, gazing around the cramped quarters he was sharing with Davok, and the impromptu editing suite they had crammed into one corner. He caught sight of the Vulcan's impassive gaze at his exuberant gesture and cracked up. “Oh man,” he said. “Wait till they get a load of this.” ===== Mission: Picking up the Pieces Stardate: 2408.01.06 (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge – ACMO Ensign Henna-star – 1659) Henna looked down at the hand before her. ~Sally Trent~ she said to herself. The name rang a bell but she could not quite put her finger on why. She lifted her hand and firmly shook her hand. She looked Sally in the face and smiled trying to hide the blushing feeling inside of her. Henna was not one the most confident of people, but she really did not want it to show all the time. “Henna-star” She announced in a weak voice. She was about to say more but the captain had started the meeting. ~phew~ she breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Not because she did not want to talk but more because she knew that if she had, she would have looked like a babbling idiot. Silence had fallen across the room. She looked across at her new acquaintance. ~she seems friendly enough~ she thought. Trent turned, her dark eyes narrowed as she saw her staring. Henna, hand gesture a sign for a drink. Not only to stop a potential friend from getting the wrong idea, but she really could do with a drink, at the particular moment in time, for courage. (USS Rosenante-Observation Lounge - CEO Lt.( jg ) Bird - 1700) Paul picked up what he thought was a cinnamon danish , but as he started to munch down on it , he realised it wasn't cinnamon but some strange exotic spice . It was even better than Cinnamon ~ Gotta ask Shadow what it is when we finish here . It was therefore with a bit of a shock when the captain began to speak , first asking for everybody to introduce themselves . Paul was even more surprised when a new Lt. stood up and stated he was a former CEO , and assigned to the ship in some way . ~ Grief , He outranks me ~ he thought as the Lt. sat down , ~ what going on ?~ . It was therefore not until after the Smith's had introduced themselves , that Paul was ready to do the same . Standing he addressed the room . " Err , hi to all those who already know me , and to those of you who don't " at this point he looked at the new Lt. ", My name is Lt. Paul Bird , and I'm going to be the CEO of this fine ship . " This last was a statement , but Paul thought that it might come across more as an enquiry , as he felt it might be . With this he sat down and listened to the rest of the introductions and then the awards ceremony . (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Engineer Ensign T'kron - 1701) After Lt. Paul Bird introduced himself, T'Kron decided it was appropriate to make his own introduction. T'Kron stood up and facing the assembly of crew, he said, "I am Ensign T'Kron. I was an Engineer on board the Champlain and the Nimitz. I am sure that working aqain with Chief Bird and all of you on this ship will be mutually beneficial. I look forward to missions without civil war conflict such as we have recently experienced." T'Kron sat down and waited quietly for the rest of the meeting to continue. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - COUNS – Lt (JG) Olen Rhinehart – 1704) Suppressing a sigh, he got to his feet. Better to do it sooner rather than later. “Chief Counsellor Olen Rhinehart, at your service,” he said to the entire room. “Please call me Rhinehart,” he added, after a moment's pause. ~Where'd that come from?~ “I have the good fortune to share the counselling department with my two distinguished assistants,” he continued, indicating Dorga and Trent seated nearby, “without the help of whom the ship's hallways would surely be choked by my unorthodox approach to admin. Those of you we haven't met, I'm sure we'll be seeing face-to-face in the near future. Uh... thanks.” He gave a curt, thin smile and took his seat again. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – ACMO Lt. (jg) Nissa Whetari – 1705) Nissa stood with a calm smile. “I am ACMO Doctor Nissa Whetari and I look forward to working with all of you.” Sitting back down, Nissa felt slightly bad that she didn’t have anything more to say, but she knew that her colleagues would have plenty to talk about and she was sure that the captain had other things to cover at the meeting. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Ops Ensign Smith / 2nd Lieutenant Smith -17.06) Robert stood up after the person beside him had sat down. He really wished that the Captain would not do this. He was shy at the best of times and talking to a group of people made him feel extremely nervous. “Hallo. My name is Ensign Robert Smith. I am part of the Operations team on board.” He quickly sat down and looked at Kenneth who then stood up. “Hallo. I am 2nd Lieutenant Smith. I am part of the marine contingent which is on board to assist the security department on and off the ship.” He then sat down. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - ACOUNS Ens(Sg) Dorga 'cha Nooras & SO Ens(Sg) Ro'Dal - 1707 & 1709) "Good day." Dorga said as she stood up clasping her hands loosely together behind her, when the aCMO sat down. "My name is Dorga 'cha Nooras, I am an Ensign and an Assistant Counselor. I am honored to know both those of you that I already know, and those of you I will come to know...though I hope not in a professional manner." Dorga grinned and her brown eyes twinkled, "even if it makes my job redundant." She cleared her throat softly. "I am excited to be aboard this wonderful 'newly out of the box' ship and I cannot think of a more deserving Captain to be in command than our own Captain Rivers. I am proud and pleased to be serving under her, and to have my children Parami and Rivers joining me on our missions again. Thank you." She gave one curt nod as was her habit and sat down again. Ro'Dal then took the opportunity to rise. ~Best just get it over with.~ She had thought, while Dorga was talking and she was waiting for her chance. Her sentences were clipped. "I am Security Officer, Ensign Ro'Dal. I have no other name. I am a Takaran. My associates call me Ro' for short, I neither like nor dislike it. You may call me whatever you wish." Her eyes locked with Dorga's as she said that and she smiled slightly. Dorga's eyes narrowed slightly, was this Takaran saying that to her? She stared at the Takaran coolly. Still looking at Dorga, Ro'Dal continued. "*My* job is to serve and protect the Captain, the crew and the ship and I will do everything in my power to carry out my duties fully." Ro'Dal's calm gaze traversed the occupants of the observation lounge. "That is all." As swiftly as she'd risen, she sat down again and listened quietly as the others introduced themselves. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Sciences - Ensign(jg) Alba Tuk - 1711) As each person in turn stood and said something about themselves, Alba couldn't help but think about the name sharing ceremony that she had participated in when she was taking her very first classes. This was very much the same. Well, the same minus the hugging. The thought only added to her broad smile as she took her turn. ~This time I won't include a 10 minute long story about my seekle fish. ~ "My name Ensign Alba Tuk. I am very pleased to be a part of this wonderful crew." She started to sit back down and stopping herself just short, she stood again. "In addition, I will be part of the Sciences Department." She smiled at the assembled group and then sat down, hoping that she had made a good impression with them all. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Ops - Ensign(jg) Zanarra - 1713) As the officer before Zanarra concluded her introduction, Zanarra stood. There wasn't really much that she had to say. "I am Ensign Zanarra. My function aboard this vessel is in Operations. I currently am designated as the Assistant Chief of Operations." She thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that she had nothing more to add to her introduction. With that realization, she reclaimed her seat and glanced around to see who would be next. (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge – Second Officer/ Security & Tactical Chief, Lt. Jono Janeway – 1718) Jono smiled as Ahmed sat back down and he nodded to him. He looked precariously at the pile of medals the Captain had to give out and suddenly felt very proud of the crew he had served with. "Lieutenant Janeway, front and centre." Rivers said. He looked at her and quickly got up. He moved around to a good distance from her and said, “Present as ordered, Sir.” Smiling slightly. "Lieutenant Jono Janeway, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Cross of Fire in recognition of your bravery in volunteering to remain on the bridge of the Champlain after the call to abandon ship was given. You are also awarded the Combat Action Ribbon. That is from Starfleet Command. In my personal gift is the Captain's Commendation, which is given by me in recognition of all your actions during and after the battle. I also have pleasure in confirming your appointment as Second Officer of the USS Rosenante." She handed Jono the box containing his medals, then offered him her hand. "Congratulations, Jono." He took the box of medals and smiled slightly more broadly now, he shook Susans hand and nodded to her. “I know everyone usually says it Captain, but I won’t let you down, Sir.” He was about to turn away and sit back down when Susan said something more; "I would also like you to do something for me. Captain Martin O'Shea has been posthumously awarded the Starfleet Shield for the actions which led to the destruction of the Wyvern but allowed the Champlain crew much-needed time to evacuate. I understand you and he were friends; accordingly I would like you to ensure that his family receive his medal and the accompanying notation." Jono nodded, slightly more solemnly now. “Most of Martin’s family were killed by Doenitz’s forces as he switched sides, Captain. However I’m sure his brother would appreciate it greatly.” He said taking the award on Martin’s behalf. ~If he’s calmed down, now that is~ He thought to himself. (Reply any, if at all) Jono made his way back to his seat and placed the medals on the table infront of him. He sat back and continued to watch the rest of the promotions; he smiled at each one but in-particularly the medal that Ro’Dal received and the medals/promotion that Sam Moto received, both from his departments. By the end of it there was only one box left and he thought he knew who it was for. He was sure of it when he squinted slightly and noticed Susan’s name on it. He sighed as she quickly moved on, quite obviously not about to present herself a medal. ~I’ll probably be in BIG trouble for this~ He thought to himself, as he decided on a course of action. She placed the box on the floor and then quickly said "After the meeting is over I would like to speak to Lieutenants Bird and Matrix, and also to Dr Whetari, if anyone else wishes to talk to me individually please also wait behind. Are there any questions? I have no details as yet about our first mission or when it will start, but I do know we will have a week or so to get to know our way around the ship." “WELL actually. There is one thing, Captain.” He said loud enough to stop any rustling there was of people moving. He stood up and his stomach moved quite considerably. Nervous he was for taking the floor off the Captain, but confident that the crew would back him up, even if Susan didn’t like it. He moved around the table to where the Captain was stood. “If you don’t mind, Captain?” He said trying to usher her slightly to one side. He quickly bent down and took the black box from the floor and read the inscription. “Captain, it seems you mis-placed one award.” He said looking at her quite seriously, but with a small hint of a smile. “If anyone deserves some recognition, Captain. I would say it would be this person. For the women that lead us to victory and the Captain that saved us all. A truly inspirational woman, this…” He looked down at the box again “…Cross of Fire medal, greatly deserved If I may add… His presented to Captain Susan Rivers.” “If you please, Captain?” He said to Susan, He handed her the box and nodded. “I’m glad I met you, Susan and I’m very glad we’re still with you.” He let the sentence linger a moment before saying, “Sir.” He nodded and then moved back to his seat before beginning to clap. He wasn’t quite sure why he began to clap he just began to hope that everyone else would join in so he didn’t look particularly foolish. He began to wonder whether he had managed to pull it off. He was particulary glad to hear at least one person begin to clap, he looked around and saw Sally Trent clapping and then Sam Fiacie began, hopefully the effect would be infectious… (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - COUNS – Lt (JG) Olen Rhinehart – 1723) "Lieutenant Rhinehart, front and centre," said the captain. It sounded odd. People didn't often call him by his rank. He stood and walked around the table, only half-wondering what might be coming. Decoration for the debacle he had been a party to seemed a slap in the face to those they had 'liberated' from their lives, his mother included, but this was neither the time, nor the place for ethical debate. "Lieutenant Olen Rhinehart, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Cross of Fire in recognition of your bravery in volunteering to remain on the bridge of the Champlain after the call to abandon ship was given. That is from Starfleet Command. In my personal gift is the Captain's Commendation, which is given by me in recognition of all your actions during and after the battle. Congratulations, Olen," said Susan, holding out her hand. He took it, looking down at the boxes she held in the other. The use of his given name stung, and a face swam into his mind's eye. What would his mother have said if she could see this? Would she want him to accept the commendations, the honours, even as her ashes mingled with those of her home, tossed on winds she would never feel again? How could he take pride in what he, what they had done? He knew right away that every time he pinned the medals to his chest, his heart would break anew. Could he live with that? He glanced briefly at the faces around the table, each seeming to stare back into him, his moment of indecision stretching like toffee, flayed naked for all to see. Salid had beamed proudly as he took the gongs, as had the new guy... Matrix? There had been no such conflict for them. It was just what you did, he supposed. He turned back to the captain and grasped the boxes. “Thank-you sir,” he mumbled, unable to raise a smile; not really trying. "I have pleasure in promoting you to Lieutenant (sg), with all the rights, privileges and duties that entails. Since Lt Janeway is now confirmed as Second Officer, I would like you to take on the position of acting Third Officer of the USS Rosenante. I think you would make a valuable contribution to the command team, and I hope you will accept," she said, offering another box. He blinked. This was unexpected, and for once, his mind was a blank. He gawked. Then he gaped. Finally, he goggled a little. “I... uh,” he muttered, a sudden flush creeping out of the neck of his uniform, up under the beard. “Um... yes, sir.” He took the box and frowned down at it. Third officer, full lieutenant, and two decorations for bravery, on the back of the singular social and philosophical disaster that might very well have wrecked the entire fabric of their society. It was cognitive dissonance at its finest. ~And they say there's no justice...~ “I, uh... Thank-you, sir,” he added, his voice sounding hollow, eyes meeting Susan's once more. “I won't let you down.” ~I hope,~ he thought, as he marched back to his seat. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – Ops – Ensign Smith -1729) "Ensign Robert Smith, front and centre." Robert was startled at hearing his name being called. ~Hurry up they are all waiting for you~ “Yes Captain.” He quickly stood up and went over to Captain Rivers. "Ensign Robert Smith, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Cross of Fire in recognition of your bravery in volunteering to remain on the bridge of the Champlain after the call to abandon ship was given. . You are also awarded the Combat Action Ribbon. That is from Starfleet Command. In my personal gift is the Captain's Commendation, which is given by me in recognition of all your actions during and after the battle. Also in view of the fact that at the moment we do not have a Chief Operations Officer, I appoint you as temporary acting Chief of Operations, until such time as we are assigned a permanent officer to that position. Congratulations, Robert," she added with a smile, holding out the box containing his medals to him and offering him her hand. Robert took the box that Rivers had given him. “Thank you Sir.” He said quietly feeling rather embarrassed about being in front of all the senior staff. He quickly returned to his seat. “Way to go Chops.” Whispered Kenneth beside him. Robert grinned back at him for a moment. He slowly turned the box in his hands as he half listened to what was happening around him. He was thinking about the significance of what the box contained and how he had gotten it. He suddenly realised that he had missed most of the meeting and quickly pulled himself out of his own thoughts. "After the meeting is over I would like to speak to Lieutenants Bird and Matrix, and also to Dr Whetari, if anyone else wishes to talk to me individually please also wait behind. Are there any questions? I have no details as yet about our first mission or when it will start, but I do know we will have a week or so to get to know our way around the ship." Robert nodded and slowly got to his feet. He had a lot to do. He needed to discuss things with Zanarra. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - Ops - Ensign(jg) Zanarra - 1732) With much interest, Zanarra listened as the Captain as she gave accolades to her fellow crewmates. It was very apparent that much thought had gone into her decisions. With Commander Frazier not returning to the ship, it was obvious that there would need to be a new Chief of Operations appointed. The appointment of Ensign Smith to the position of Acting Chief of Operations was one that Zanarra could agree with. His work was always well done and he managed his duties efficiently. "Ensign Zanarra, front and centre." Without thinking about it too much, Zanarra stood and took the same position that the officers before her had. "Ensign Zanarra, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Cross of Fire in recognition of your bravery in volunteering to remain on the Champlain to assist with the evacuation after the call to abandon ship was given. Congratulations, Zanarra," Captain Rivers said, holding out the box containing the medal to her. "Thank you, Sir." Zanarra replied, taking the offered box. As she returned to her place at the table, she found it interesting that she would want to place so much value on the small medal that rested within the box. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - ACOUNS Ens(Sg) Dorga 'cha Nooras & SO Ens(Sg) Ro'Dal - 1734 & 1736) Ensign Zanarra resumed her seat when Captain River's authorative voice rang out again. This time it was Dorga's turn to be called to front and centre. She stood smoothy, her chair pushing back and stepped briskly forward to stand at a respectful distance from her commanding officer and friend. This was nothing new for her, but it still embarrassed her a little to have attention drawn to her. Dorga smiled at Susan as she began to speak. "Ensign Dorga cha'Nooras, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Prisoner of War medal in recognition of your capture by the enemy during the battle. Congratulations, Dorga," she added warmly, holding out the box containing the medal to her friend and offering her hand. ~Really, a POW Medal?~ Dorga was surprised but pleased, ~Perhaps it's a reward for being as big a pain in the rump to my captors as I possibly could be.~ She thought, seeing Susan's eyes twinkling. Dorga inclined her head and shook the Captain's hand heartily. "Thank you Captain, I am honored as always." Her smile deepened as she gave Susan a wink nobody else could see, saluted her and turned smartly to return to her seat, placing the box on the table before her. "Ensign Ro'Dal, front and centre." ~Seems she is still following me.~ Dorga thought, though she was more amused than irritated. "Ro'Dal rose and glided silently to stand before Captain Rivers, standing easily before her, staring just past River's head with a slight smile on her lips, as she listened to what her CO had to say. "Ensign Ro'Dal, in addition to the commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd, you are hereby awarded the Combat Action Ribbon. That is from Starfleet Command. In my personal gift is the Captain's Commendation, which is given by me in recognition of all your actions during and after the battle. Congratulations, Ro'Dal," Rivers added with a smile, holding out the box containing the medal to her and offering her hand. Now Ro' looked Captain Rivers squarely in the eyes and liked what she saw there, just as she knew she would. The Captain had earned Ro'Dal's respect and loyalty, and the strange kind of affection that a subordinate had for an experienced and inspiring leader, by her exemplary examples of leadership, honor, courage and tenaciousness. The tall Takaran bowed her head respectfully and took the small hand offered her to shake firmly. "It is not only my duty to serve you and the new ship, Captain." She said solemnly and very quietly, "I am proud to serve a Captain of your calibre, and I will do so with my life." Ro'Dal smiled and released River's hand, inclined her head once more and returned to her seat where she briefly opened the box to see the medals. "Ensign Moto, front and centre." The SO heard her Captain say. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge -Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1737) "Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles, front and centre." Shadow's tail wrapped around her leg in misery as she was dragged up before the crowd again. "Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles, in addition to the commemorative commemorative medal from the command of the 52nd I wish to add the Captain's Commendation, which is given by me in recognition of all your actions during and after the battle. Congratulations, Shadow," she added with a smile, holding out a box a little larger than the norm. That was because it contained a special 'dress uniform' collar for Shadow, with her awards fixed to it. She offered Shadow her hand to shake. "I - thank you?" She managed, taking the box and remembering to shake the Captain's hand as she'd seen Terrans do. She carefully kept her claws very sheathed. The Captain's hand was warm and soft. Shadow wondered at herself that furless didn't feel strange anymore. She wanted to protest she hadn't done *anything* to help in the battle, that she didn't deserve such things, but a part of her was feeling like breaking into song that she'd been recognized and considered worthy of the camp. It was strange, she'd changed camps three times in seemingly as many moons, but she seemed to have gained a family somewhere in the walk between them. She wondered if Captain Susan would be insulted if she knew Shadow thought of her as a mother? (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – CO - Captain Susan Rivers – 1739) “WELL actually. There is one thing, Captain.” Jono said loudly enough to stop any rustling there was of people moving. He stood up and moved around the table to where Susan was standing. “If you don’t mind, Captain?” Susan moved aside a little, unsure what was going on but willing to give him the floor. Janeway quickly bent down and retrieved the black box, reading the inscription as he did so. “Captain, it seems you misplaced one award,” he said looking at her quite seriously, but with a small hint of a smile. “If anyone deserves some recognition, Captain. I would say it would be this person. For the woman that lead us to victory and the Captain that saved us all. A truly inspirational woman, this…” He looked down at the box again “…Cross of Fire medal, greatly deserved If I may add… is presented to Captain Susan Rivers.” “If you please, Captain?” He said to Susan, as he handed her the box and nodded. “I’m glad I met you, Susan and I’m very glad we’re still with you.” He let the sentence linger a moment before saying, “Sir.” Susan swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. "Thank you, Jono," she said quietly. "It's an honour to serve with you - with all of you," she added, looking around the room at the familiar faces, and the one or two unfamiliar ones. "And I'm very glad that you are all here with me on the Rosenante. Whatever I did was only possible because of the officers and crew of the Champlain. Without you all, many more people would have died that day. So thank you, Jono. I had thought a medal for doing no more and no less than my duty was undeserved. You have reminded me that it stands for more than that. It will always symbolise to me the friendship and loyalty that we all share, through good times and bad, and how very proud I am to be your Captain. Thank you." Jono nodded and then moved back to his seat before beginning to clap. As others joined in, Susan sat down, both pleased and embarrassed in equal measure. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – ACMO Lt. (jg) Nissa Whetari – 1754) ~Stop jiggling your foot.~ Nissa had fidgeted since she was a small child and it had taken her some time to realize that some cultures and people found it rude and/or distracting. Tapping her fingers on a table, playing with her hands, and moving her foot in a tapping motion while it was in the air - all of these were habits that she tried to curb, at least during meetings. At least during senior officer meetings, anyway. She had done well, watching proudly as her fellow officers received a number of accolades and listening to the Captain present those awards and commendations. Of course, she never planned to fidget; it was the kinda thing that just happened, usually without her noticing that it had started. Nissa had noticed Dr. Caskie's absence, and the Captain's mention of it may have given Nissa's left foot cause to worry. She had only noticed it at the end of the meetings, when the Captain requested that she remain after the meeting ended to speak about something. Watching the others leave the room, while a few others remained behind, Nissa gave the Captain a small and serious smile with a ever-so-slightly raised eyebrow*, waiting to be addressed by her superior officer. (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge – CO, Captain Susan Rivers– 1755) "Thank you for remaining behind," Susan said to those who remained behind. "Dr Whetari - Nissa - as you know Josh is ill and although she is assigned to the ship, I don't know when she'll be well enough to join us. As you are the senior ACMO, I would like you to take over until she returns as acting CMO." (reply Nissa) Once Nissa had given her answer, Susan said, "Thank you for waiting behind, Nissa. I imagine you'll want to speak to Henna-Star and familiarise yourselves with Sickbay. It's rather larger and better equipped than on other ships; we'll have a number of families travelling with us, since our missions may take us away from Federation territory for some time." She smiled. "I have every confidence that you and Henna-Star will manage just fine until Josh returns." (reply Nissa, room for more iyw) Once the doctor had left, Susan turned to the two engineers. "I'm pleased to meet you properly at last, Lt Matrix. I understand that during the last few months you have had some opportunity to assess the spiral warp drive, at least from the documentation?" (reply Matrix, room for more iyw) Susan smiled at Paul Bird. "Paul here is our CEO, he's an excellent engineer and I'm pretty sure he's raring to get a look at the spiral drive. I'd like the two of you to come up with some testing simulations, and assess any likely problems or issues we might run into when we test it out for real. Starfleet is anxious to get feed-back from us before they look at installing it on other ships. I know you've had a lot of experience, Mr Matrix, and have previously been a CEO yourself. You understand the pressures of the job, and your position as specialist engineer will be a valuable one. So I'm sure you and Paul will make a good team." (USS Rosenante - Deck 1 -Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1800) "I wish there were trees." Shadow said, wanting a climb to have a good stop and think. [The Arboretum is on deck 14.] The computer told her helpfully. Shadow tried not to jump at the bodiless voice, but wasn't quite sure she managed it. Fortunately, no one seemed to have noticed her strange antics. So she slunk to the nearest turbolift and asked it to take her to the arboretum place, pretty please. (USS Rosenante - Botanical Gardens / Arboretum - Yeoman Shadow to Sretalles - 1805) She stepped into the heady aroma of plants and forest with wonder. She couldn't really wrap her tail around the idea of a piece of planet within the ship, but it was before her in smell, sight and sound. She could hear small animals houses within. She wasn't sure if that was the human fondness for things fuzzy or it was realization animal life was needed for healthy plant life. Some humans understood the circle, some didn't. She walked in wonder up to the trees and placed a palm against the trunk. The trees weren't as old as her before-home, but they were plenty large with their green, thin, spiky, non-leaves. Sivao probably had trees like, but she had not explored much of her birth home. Claws out and tail for balance, it was an easy climb up the non-branched section to find limbs solid enough for her to rest in. As she breathed in the scents of life around her, Shadow could only wonder if she'd be allowed to move into this place from her sterile quarters. The quarters were nice, yes, but hard and angular with no life within. They were quiet and hollow and did not breath or talk. There were no spirits to sing within. A strong tree was a good friend. Authors: Lorna Appleby Hanspeter Bosshard Jono Bradley Sarah Feldman Paul Foden Liz Geuken Robbie Gray Ruby Greene Sal Hammond Sheila Mayer Rebecca Parker