USS Paladin - September 2007 Compiled by Jason French ======================================================================================================================== Mission: New Beginnings Day: 1 Stardate: 2407.04.02 ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1758) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 1759) (USS Paladin, FO's Office - Deck 3, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 20.00) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1758) "The only reason I have to sacrifice myself is because LoDona is unwilling to go on the offensive. The only news we get from the front is one planet falling after another. And where are we? Patrolling the Neutral Zone. Helping out aliens. Getting pushed over two months away by who knows what. What are we doing? Are we in a war or aren't we? The Paladin is one of the most sophisticated ships in the fleet and she's sitting on the sidelines. I understand my duties, but how can I feel like I'm contributing to the liberation of the United Federation of Planets, when the ship I'm on is sitting on the sidelines?" Adams retorted angrily. Eva's eyes narrowed threateningly feeling her own anger rising. "Unwilling to go on the offensive?" She almost laughed. "Lieutenant, you have no idea what you are talking about. The Paladin spear headed the assault that punched a hole in Doenitz's perimeter defenses at Star Base 234 providing a hole for the rest of the fleet to drive deeper into the Federation. The Paladin liberated two colony worlds providing crucial industrial, pharmaceutical, and food supplies for the fleet." She typed in a command on her console screen and turned it so the Lt. could see the list displayed on the screen. "This is a list of all the worlds and bases retaken by the 52nd fleet in the past several months. In war you do not attack the target you *want* to attack, you attack the target that you *need* to attack. Overextend yourself, or push too far too fast and you will end up opening yourself to defeat at the hands of your enemy. LoDona knows what he is doing. He is 37 year veteran who has seen a hell of a lot more combat than you have, and so have I. Don't presume to stand there and tell me what we should or should not be doing. The Paladin is one ship amongst thousands. Why we might have been out of the fighting for awhile that doesn't mean the fight to retake our homes has stopped. The Paladin is currently on the side lines because Fleet Command says we sit on the side lines. The Paladin, and her crew, will do it's part in winning this war. If that means we do boarder patrol to keep the Romulans from swooping in and capturing our frontier worlds then that is what we will do. If it means we lead a fleet of ships to recapture a core world of the Federation and put all our lives on the line for the people of the Federation, then that is exactly what we will do. That choice is not yours, or mine, to make. Now get out of my sight, Lieutenant." Eva scowled at her Operation Officer, greatly disappointed in him and his behavior. (Reply Adams, Any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 1759) A feeling of dread came over Lieutenant Adams at the can of worms he had opened up. Captain Straton kept going on and on explaining to the young lieutenant how inept he was in his knowledge of the war. Her final words caused his world to collapse around him. "Now get out of my sight, Lieutenant." Stunned for a moment, Lieutenant Adams just stood there collecting his thoughts. Finally, anger took over and he stormed out of the Captain's Ready Room and stomped up the steps to the turbolift at the rear of the bridge. As he approached, the doors slid open and he walked inside. "Deck 9," stated Adams teeth still clinched with rage. (USS Paladin - Deck 9, Personal Quarters Lieutenant JG Adams - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 1804) Adams continued his rampage into his quarters going over to his desk and dumping all the contents onto the floor with a slide of his arms. Pictures came crashing down along with the computer interface terminal which broke apart with a tiny spark as it hit the floor. He reached down to his chest and ripped his comm badge from his uniform and looked down at the Starfleet symbol in the palm of his hand. A fury started to build up inside of him and the only way to release it was to fling it as far away from him as he could. He reared back his arm when something caught his eye on the floor. A picture of his mother and himself stared back at him through shattered glass. The badge dropped from his raised hand and he fell to his knees over the broken picture. ~What have I done?~ asked Adams of himself as he brushed away the glass and removed the photograph from its broken frame. "Why did I join this side?" asked Adams to the empty room looking down at the picture of his mother. "Now my choices have effected you and I'm too far away to do anything about it." Adams closed his eyes and a single tear rolled out the side of his face mixing with his beard. He held the picture close to his chest and curled up on the floor. After a few minutes he was fast asleep. Day: 2 Stardate: 2407.04.03 (USS Paladin - Deck 9, Personal Quarters Lieutenant JG Adams - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0545) Lieutenant Adams opened his eyes to a large metal object sitting close to his face. He rose with a grunt as his back popped and he wiped the drool that had formed on the edge of his mouth with the back of his wrist. Now that he was sitting up, he could see what the metal object was: his comm badge. Looking down he heard the crinkling of paper and opened up his hand to see and crumpled picture of his mother and himself. He picked up the comm badge, rose and walked towards one of the windows in his quarters. He looked off into the vastness of space. ~I can't live this way,~ thought Adams. ~Duty and honor were the ideals that I grew up with, handed down from my grandfather and his father before him. I can't abandon that just to satisfy some whim, even if it is in the best interest of my family. Duty first. That has to be my motto from here on out.~ Adams took the badge and placed it back on his uniform. He looked down at the crumpled picture of his mother. "Sorry, mom. I have a duty to my ship and my captain. That comes first. I will do my best to get back to you." He set the picture back on his desk and walked over to his bed and laid down. For the next few hours he just laid there and stared at the ceiling trying to figure out what his next move was. (USS Paladin - Deck 9, Personal Quarters Lieutenant JG Adams - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0842) After a few hours of contemplation, Lieutenant Adams figured out his plan of action. "Computer, what is the location of Captain Straton?" asked Adams to the empty room. [Captain Straton is located in her quarters,] replied the computer. Adams exited his quarters intent on talking to his captain and apologizing for his actions from the previous day. He had to convince her of his new found sense of duty and his commitment to her and their ship. (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Outside Personal Quarters Captain Straton - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0847) Adams stood outside Captain Straton's door contemplating what he would say. After a few minutes, he reached up and touched the door chime. (reply Straton) (posted by Jason French) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, FO's Office - Deck 3, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 20.00) ". yes Hamish, you heard me, we need to increase the life support to 155,000 people.", said Remae to the terminal in his bare office. It looked like a lot of it had been taken out from the last FO. All of his official belongings were in crates around; his personal gear was in his quarters. Hamish was of his contacts on Stardock Phoenix, the largest shipyards of the 52nd Fleet, not far from Geneva. =^= Aye, I gotcha. That shouldn't be a big problem; the Paladin sure has the space =^= The image of the engineer flicked for a moment as he read a padd, it contained some of the information Remae had already put together himself. =^= More shuttles, workbees, fighters. you do know there is a war on Remae? =^= "Yes Hamish and I know this ship is capable of carrying a lot more than it does currently, we're going to need it all for the push.", he said looking at his PADD. "Can you also include a Tactical Interactive Holographic System into the mix; I think we're going to need one to coordinate a large fleet.", he said pressing some buttons on the PADD. =^= Aye Commander. I'd better go and get working on a schedule for you, you did say you wanted it soon? =^= Remae nodded and the screen went blank and he returned to his PADD. (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== ************************************************************************************************************************ ======================================================================================================================== Mission: New Beginnings Day: 2 Stardate: 2407.04.03 ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Personal Quarters, Captain Straton, 0850) (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Outside Personal Quarters Captain Straton - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0851) (USS Paladin, Personal Quarters, CO Captain Straton, 0852) (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Outside Personal Quarters Captain Straton - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0853) (USS Paladin, FO's Quarters, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.00) (USS Paladin - Deck 5 - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0901) (USS Paladin, Outside FO's Quarters, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.02) (USS Paladin - Deck 5 - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0903) (USS Paladin, Main Engineering- LT Steven Matrix - 09.15) (USS Paladin, Engineering, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.17) (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, CSO Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 10.30) (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 10.50) (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, CSO Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 10.50) (USS Paladin - Stellar Cartography - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 11:32) (USS Paladin, Stellar Cartography, CO Captain Eva Straton, 11:42) (USS Paladin - Stellar Cartography - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 11:43) (USS Paladin, 10-Forward, ATT, Lt. Commander Sarouk, 11.47) (USS Paladin, 10-Forward, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 11.50) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Menelian & Ayesha Kotal - 1820) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - COUNS Lt(jg) Ayesha Kotal - 1843) (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 18.44) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1845) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Lieutenant Steven Matrix - 1845) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - COUNS Lt(jg) Ayesha Kotal - 18.46) (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 18.47) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1852) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith - 1853) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Matrix - 1853) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1853) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith - 1855) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Matrix - 1855) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1856) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1858) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith- 1858) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1858) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, ATT Lt. Cmndr Sarouk, 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO Lieutenant Steven Matrix - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1900) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1902) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1902) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, Medical Officer Dr Kellita Weir, 1903) (USS Paladin - Corridor outside Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1903) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.05) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 19.08) (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Lt Menelian - 19.10) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.10) (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 19.10) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 19.11) (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 19.12) (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.14) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Personal Quarters, Captain Straton, 0850) Eva finished recycling her breakfast dishes and putting on her uniform. She saw that Tearino had a fresh bowl of water and picked up his empty food bowl. Tearino roared playfully at her, bouncing around her feet as she put his food bowl up on it's shelf. She downed the last of her juice and then placed it in the replicator to be recycled as well. She was heading across her living quarters to retrieve her uniform jacket when the door buzzer sounded. She sighed, grabbed her jacket and moved toward the door. The door opened as put her jacket on. She stopped as the door opened, flinging her pony tail out from under her jacket. She stopped, her eyes narrowing, as she saw who was standing at her door. "Lieutenant Adams,"She said questioningly, staring the Lieutenant in the eye. ~Has he come to resign his commission and run off and get himself killed, or has he come to his senses?~ She thought waiting to see what the Lieutenant had come to say. (Reply Adams, Any) (Posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Outside Personal Quarters Captain Straton - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0851) Lieutenant Christopher Adams stood outside Straton's quarters when the door slid open revealing the captain who was placing her jacket on. She looked up to see Lieutenant Adams standing in the doorway. "Lieutenant Adams?" "Sorry to come to your quarters, sir," stated the lieutenant. "But, I wanted to talk to you first thing. I want to apologize for my actions last night. I was way out of line. I did a lot of thinking last night and I…I reevaluated the priorities in my life. My family has a long history with Starfleet. As an engineer, I walked around with a smile constantly on my face sliding from assignment from assignment and not really not really taking anything too seriously. Then, one tough moment and I snapped. I can no longer to live like that. I now see my path and that is with Starfleet. Through duty shall I save my mother. I'm sorry I let you down, Captain. I hope I can redeem myself in your eyes." (reply Straton) (posted by Jason French) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Personal Quarters, CO Captain Straton, 0852) "Sorry to come to your quarters, sir," stated the lieutenant. "But, I wanted to talk to you first thing. I want to apologize for my actions last night. I was way out of line. I did a lot of thinking last night and I.I reevaluated the priorities in my life. My family has a long history with Starfleet. As an engineer, I walked around with a smile constantly on my face sliding from assignment from assignment and not really not really taking anything too seriously. Then, one tough moment and I snapped. I can no longer to live like that. I now see my path and that is with Starfleet. Through duty shall I save my mother. I'm sorry I let you down, Captain. I hope I can redeem myself in your eyes." "I'm glad to see that you have come to your senses," Eva replied nodding. "We will free Earth and all of the Federation from Doenitz's grip, but we will do it together as a team. Commander Ktell is drawing up plans of a possible refit for the Paladin, while we are here at Geneva. I am sure he would appreciate your input Lieutenant." (Reply Adams, Any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Outside Personal Quarters Captain Straton - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0853) Captain Straton looked up at Lieutenant Adams as he apologized for his actions of the previous day. "I'm glad to see that you have come to your senses," she replied with a nod. "We will free Earth and all of the Federation from Doenitz's grip, but we will do it together as a team. Commander Ktell is drawing up plans of a possible refit for the Paladin, while we are here at Geneva. I am sure he would appreciate your input Lieutenant." "That day will be wondrous," responded Adams. "And I hope to toast a glass of campaign with you, Captain, on that day standing on the bridge of our ship." (reply Straton iyw) "Thank you for understanding," said the young lieutenant. "I will see Commander Ktell as soon as possible to start looking into the refit." With a nod, Adams turned away and started walking down the hall. Behind him the doors to the captain's quarters slid shut. (reply Straton iyw) (posted by Jason French) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, FO's Quarters, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.00) Remae had been up for a while, he had been reading logs of the senior officers and he had learned that shore leave was in effect. That would explain the lack of senior officers around and the fact noone had come to see him or talk to him. Usually a FO would have a meeting with the senior officers, to explain any orders and to get a feel for the ship's command crew. Instead, he'd not met any of the crew but he did note that was some kind of holodeck party tonight scheduled, he'd have to make time to attend that one but now, he had his orders and he set out to talk to the officers mentioned by the Captain. "Computer, locate Lieutenant Matrix.", he said as he walked out of his quarters. (USS Paladin, Engineering FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.15) Remae entered the massive engineering section, he was still getting used to the sheer scale of this ship and the core of the ship was no exception. After getting some directions, he made his way over to the office of the Chief Engineering Officer. "Lieutenant Matrix? I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer of the Paladin. I am sorry we've not be introduced but a lot of the crew is on shore leave and I need to talk to you about something important.", he said trying not to overwhelm the CEO. NRPG: Room for a lot more here! (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 10.30) "Mr Brownlee?", said Remae knocking on the open door of the CSO's Office, "I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer, I was wondering if I can speak to you about the possible refit of the Paladin and any ideas you would like to incorporate?", said Remae waiting just outside the office of the CSO. NRPG: Room for a lot more here! (USS Paladin, 10-Forward, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 11.45) Remae tracked down Commander Sarouk, it wasn't easy but the trip took him to 10-Forward where he found the Vulcan, the Bajoran introduced himself. "Lt Commander Sarouk? I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer, may I have a moment of your time to schedule a meeting to discuss the potential refit of the Paladin?", he asked, all too aware that the crew was suppose to be on shore-leave and he could imagine not wanted to be disturbed during this rare quiet time. (Reply from Sarouk, Brownlee, Matrix, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5 - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0901) Lieutenant Adams continued to walk down the hall after leaving the Captain's doorway. ~She said to talk to Commander Ktell,~ thought Adams. ~I've never even met the commander. He must have come on board while I was on the station.~ He walked up to one of the black panels on the wall and placed his hand on it. "Computer," said Adams out loud addressing the invisible microphones which gave him access to the computer's personnel location system. "Please locate Commander Ktell." "Commander Ktell is in his quarters," responded to monotone female voice of the computer. "Deck 5 section 31." Adams looked around for the nearest door to see which section he was in. ~Section 2,~ thought Adams. ~Just around the bend.~ He approached the commanders door and was about to reach for the door chime when the door slid open and he was face to face with his new first officer. "Oh, sir," said Adams startled coming to attention. "I was just coming to see you. Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams, Chief of Operations." Adams gave a nod. (reply Ktell) "Yes. Nice to meet you," responded the lieutenant coming to at ease. "Captain Straton said I should come talk to you about a refit. My department would be in charge of tracking the upgrade and making sure it all ran smoothly. Are there any details you can give me?" (reply Ktell) (posted by Jason French) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Outside FO's Quarters, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.02) Remae was leaving his room intent of talking to the Senior Officers before he nearly ran one of them down. "Oh, sir, I was just coming to see you. Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams, Chief of Operations.", said the officer and Remae took a look for a moment before saying, "Oh, hi there Lieutenant... at east please.", he said before smiling, "I've just basically arrived so I've not had a chance to meet up with all the senior officers as of yet, which is fine give the R&R going on at the moment, nice to meet you.", he said extending a hand to the Operations Chief. "Yes. Nice to meet you, Captain Straton said I should come talk to you about a refit. My department would be in charge of tracking the upgrade and making sure it all ran smoothly. Are there any details you can give me?" "She doesn't much around, well, as of yet, I don't know if there is going to be a refit, I am gathering together a report to see if it's possible in the middle of war, I've got less than 36 hours to finish it and present it... in order to do that, I need to talk to each of the senior officers, CEO, CSO and so on but I can't speak to yourself, as Operations Officer until I've spoken to each of these department heads and I have an idea on specifics.", he said pausing to think for a moment. "I would like to arrange a meeting with yourself, 0900 tomorrow to discuss the specifics of the plan, assuming I have on by then and in the meantime, I want you to come up with refit ideas for the departments that you look after... then we'll come up with a plan. How does that sound?", he said looking at the OPS. (Reply from Adams) "Great, I'll see you then but I've got to get to Engineering now!", he said nodding again at the officer before running and then leaping into a closing turbolift no doubt giving a fright to anyone who was inside! (Reply from Adams, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5 - Lieutenant JG Christopher Adams - 0903) Commander Remae seemed full of energy as he explained his plains around gathering the information he needed to get the refit started to Lieutenant Adams. "I would like to arrange a meeting with yourself, 0900 tomorrow to discuss the specifics of the plan," explained the commander. "Assuming I have one by then and in the meantime, I want you to come up with refit ideas for the departments that you look after... then we'll come up with a plan. How does that sound?" "Sounds great, but…" started Adams. "Great," Remae said cutting the lieutenant off. "I'll see you then but I've got to get to Engineering now!" The commander then ran down the hall and squeezed into a closing turbolift. "He seems full of energy," stated Chris to the empty hall way. (reply any iyw) (posted by Jason French) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Main Engineering- LT Steven Matrix - 09.15) Matrix was at his desk as usual...working on something related to ships business... "Lieutenant Matrix? I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer of the Paladin. I am sorry we've not be introduced but a lot of the crew is on shore leave and I need to talk to you about something important.", he said trying not to overwhelm the CEO. Matrix was startled at the FO's entrance, but composed, he stood up from his duty station. "Commander, not at all. Good to meet you. I'm at your disposal." replied Matrix as he extended his hand to the Commander. (Reply Remae) Matrix straightened his uniform, "What can I do for you Commander?" said Matrix. "My apologies. I've been in the dungeon for so long I wasn't aware that we have a new first officer. I feel...uniformed sir." said Matrix standing at attention. (Reply Remae) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Engineering, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 09.17) Remae was in Engineering, he had a refit to organise and he wanted to know what the CEO felt about it. "My apologies. I've been in the dungeon for so long I wasn't aware that we have a new First Officer. I feel...uniformed sir." said Matrix standing at attention. "Relax Lt Matrix.", he said pointing to one of the seats, taking one himself, he sat with one foot resting on the opposite knee, arms crossed, looking at the CEO for a moment. "I've not been officially welcomed aboard yet, we're in the middle of R&R and I am not going to recall the senior officers just to meet me...", he said stopped for a moment before pointing at the CEO, "Make sure you get out of here and get some rest too, that's an order.", he said smiling a little before continuing on. "Steve? Can I call you Steve? Well, we're going to refit the ship during the next few weeks, or rather, I hope to present that plan and be approved by the Captain before the Paladin heads out again... I can't do that if the CEO isn't fully informed and is happy with the changes to their ship, plus I want you to run the refit.", he produced a PADD with some ideas he had and continued, "I've friends at Phoenix and I think we can get a few updates and upgrades done but this is the chance for the senior officers to get enhancements completed that they may have been waiting a lot time for.", he passed the PADD to the CEO. "Hit me with what you want, anything... I'll consider anything you want to do.", he said sitting back, arms recrossed once more waiting for the ideas of the Chief Engineer to come forth, and Remae knew that none of his ideas would have a chance of being completed unless the CEO agreed they were possible and acceptable. (Reply from Matrix) (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 10.50) The FO was listening to the CSO's refit ideas and he was making notes of what was being said. "... warp field. It keeps fluctuating in frequency, which means it is harder to disrupt. If we incorporate that, it could give us the edge in a skirmish. Also, the tractor beam in the Dyson sphere we saw had similar adaptations. Oh, and since we're on the topic of holographics, Stellar Cartography and the Astrometrics could use some projectors..." Remae was taking it all in, it was excellent, the ideas were just following from the Chief Science Officer, it was like he'd uncorked a bottle. "Brilliant, send me what you have on the warp field and the tractor beam, I will run them past Matrix and the teams on Phoenix, if they agree Mr Brownlee, you'll be in charge of those projects and you can use as many people as we can get from Geneva and Phoenix... and of course, extra emitters aren't a problem, please draw up a plan of where you want them... we can't holodeck every inch of the Paladin but we can do the vital areas.", he said and stood up. "Thanks a lot Lieutenant, I'll leave you to get some R&R, please take the chance to get some while we're docked, we may not get another chance soon.", he said waiting for a moment before heading back out to the ship once more. (Reply from Brownlee) (USS Paladin, ATT's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 14.00) He pressed the door chime and was asked to enter. When he did so, he greeted Lt. Commander Sarouk once more before adding, "Commander, can we talk about the refit operations? I've several ideas from the crew and from Stardock Phoenix and I eager to hear any suggestions and recommendations you may have to offer?", he said producing his PADD once more, waiting for the Commander to speak. (Reply from Matrix, Brownlee, Sarouk, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, CSO Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 10.30) "Mr Brownlee?", said Remae knocking on the open door of the CSO's Office, "I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer, I was wondering if I can speak to you about the possible refit of the Paladin and any ideas you would like to incorporate?", said Remae waiting just outside the office of the CSO. "Ah, good timing, Commander," Joran said, looking up from his screen. "I was just looking over some notes from the technology we have encountered lately. There are a few ideas I have. Take a seat, this may take a while." (reply Remae, room for plenty more) (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 10.50) Remae and Joran had spent a short while going over some specifications of a new sensor array that Remae had heard of before and they were working out if it could be adapted for the Paladin, also, a whole range of ideas were coming up, everything from new probe configurations to science decks fitouts to some of the civilian teams of science personnel that had requested on coming onboard. "Holographic systems are the current buzz word of Spacedock Phoenix, they want to install a holographic communications system and a holodeck tactical system.", said Remae, before adding, "Okay, that's some of the systems I know about that would the science department, Lt, what do you have in mind?", he said sitting back in his chair and with a PADD in his hand, he waited for the CSO. (Reply from Brownlee, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CSO's Office, CSO Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 10.50) Remae and Joran had spent a short while going over some specifications of a new sensor array that Remae had heard of before and they were working out if it could be adapted for the Paladin, also, a whole range of ideas were coming up, everything from new probe configurations to science decks fitouts to some of the civilian teams of science personnel that had requested on coming onboard. "Holographic systems are the current buzz word of Spacedock Phoenix, they want to install a holographic communications system and a holodeck tactical system.", said Remae, before adding, "Okay, that's some of the systems I know about that would the science department, Lt, what do you have in mind?", he said sitting back in his chair and with a PADD in his hand, he waited for the CSO. "Well," Joran started, "I've been looking through some of the technology we've encountered over the past three months, and there are a few ideas I think we could use." He moved the computer screen around to let te FO see it. "As you can see, the Kirim ships we encountered about 2 months ago have some very ingenious technologies built into them. I have drawn up plans to reverse engineer some of it, especially their warp field. It keeps flucuating in frequency, which means it is harder to disrupt. If we incorporate that, it could give us the edge in a skirmish. Also, the tractor beam in the Dyson sphere we saw had similar adaptations. Oh, and since we're on the topic of holographics, Stellar Cartography and the Astrometrics could use some projectors. Also, if I work with the refit teams, we may be able to adapt the holodeck tactical system to the sensors, boosting their efficiency by a good 500%. What do you think?" (Reply Remae, Any) (Posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Stellar Cartography - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 11:32) Olesia was mapping the new additions to the starcharts that they had compiled since their exchange with the Kirim 2 months ago, and uploading them to the fleet subspace net. She also input the formulae to chart the most probable course of the subspace river in the new regions, and she discovered something. She immediately called up to the bridge. "Belden to Straton." (reply Straton) "I've found something interesting about the subspace river. If you could come down to Stellar Cartography?" (reply Straton, any) (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Stellar Cartography, CO Captain Eva Straton, 11:42) Eva stepped into Stellar Cartography and looked around the large room. She noticed Ensign Belden and walked over to her. "What have you found Ensign?" Eva asked, as she came up to the Ensign. (Reply Belden, Any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Stellar Cartography - Science Officer Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 11:43) Olesia was busying about confirming her findings when the captain walked in. "What have you found, Ensign?" she asked, coming up behind Olesia. "Ma'am, you know as well as I the occurrence of termina for the subspace river. One terminus in every system with a Class G Star. Well, it is my hypothesis that the Kirim don't know about it." She pressed a few buttons on her control panel. The holographic display zoomed in on Kirim space. She then overlayed the map of the suspace river over the previous map. "As I was adding in the formula for charting the subspace river, I noticed it absolutely permeates their territory. Yet the way their ships are equipped, it seems they don't use it. I know this may seem trivial, but I just thought I'd let you know." (reply Straton, any) (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, 10-Forward, ATT, Lt. Commander Sarouk, 11.47) Sarouk was waiting for his wife to arrive for their daily lunch time meal that they usually shared together when he noticed a tall Bajoran officer approaching his table. Sarouk regarded the officer impassively. "Lt Commander Sarouk? I am Commander Remae, the new First Officer, may I have a moment of your time to schedule a meeting to discuss the potential refit of the Paladin?", The officer said introducing himself. Sarouk rose to his full seven foot four height and inclined his head slightly toward the Commander. "Commander Remae," Sarouk said in way of greeting. "I am currently awaiting my wife for our mid-day meal." Sarouk quickly ran his daily schedule through his mind to determine when he would be free to meet with the Commander. "I will be free at 1400 hours today and can meet with you then to discuss a possible refit, if this time is acceptable to you." (Reply Ktell, Any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, 10-Forward, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 11.50) Remae was arranging meetings with the senior officers ordered and he was introducing himself to Commander Sarouk. "I am currently awaiting my wife for our mid-day meal.", he said for a moment, he drifted away before adding, "I will be free at 1400 hours today and can meet with you then to discuss a possible refit, if this time is acceptable to you.", said Vulcan, polite and to the point as any Vulcan Remae had met in his time. "Very good, Commander, that'll be fine, can we meet up with you in your office?", he said before making a quick note on a PADD, something he always carried when planning or arranging. He simply nodded when his own stomach reminded him that it was going to be time for him to grab 'the midday meal' himself but he wanted to keep working, he had a message from his contacts on Phoenix to deal with and he kept hearing rumours about a party ensuing this evening on the holdoeck, noone had spoken to him about it but he would arrange time to visit this evening. (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Menelian & Ayesha Kotal - 1820) "Our dance, I believe?" Menelian eyed his dance partner and his smile grew all the bolder. He took her hand and pulled her close, and then began taking measured steps out onto the dance floor. "Your stock has improved. At least you realized you couldn't dance in those robes." He said almost nose to nose with her. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the room, and then tipped her back and slowly rotated her. When she was back up, nose to nose, he moved his face down her arm... almost like he was going to kiss it... until he got to the rose, still clasped gently between his and Ayesha's hands. He took the flower delicately between his teeth and brushed it all along her arm back up to her face, as the dance continued. Aya felt his lips brush gently against hers, and she took the rose between her teeth. They moved around the floor, their movements in sync with the pulsing beat of the music. As she span away and he pulled her back the tempo increased slightly, and her pulse seemed to quicken with it. Their movements were formal, but fluid, and true to her training she kept her eyes locked on his and her face impassive, the sparkle in them the only sign that she was enjoying herself immensely. ~Finally, someone who can be silent and enjoy life.~ Menelian thought as he turned Ayesha once, and pulled her across the dance floor. He took the rose from her lips, snapped it out at arms length, then snapped it back and took it in his own. A moment later he stood her back up and pulled her close again. As the music built to a climax, he slid her to the floor, bending over her as she arched backwards. Holding the position for a few beats, they then rose fluidly and whirled across the floor, finishing with Menelian lifting her above his head and then setting her down and as she leant backwards again, one leg crooked around his back, he took the rose in one hand and leant into her neck, timing the move perfectly as the music finished. The last beats of the music faded into nothingness, and several people took up applause as Menelian let Ayesha back down slowly. "As dance partners go," he said- not even out of breath. "You are the most acceptable one I've found on this ship thus far." Aya smiled, a little out of breath though whether from the exercise or the excitement of the dance (which she found exhilarating) was debatable. "Why thank you, Menelian. I take that as a great compliment. You're not so bad yourself, you know. A quite acceptable partner," she said, teasing him a little, although not sure how he would take it. "Hmm," Menelian said as he took the rose and broke it off close to the bud. "I'll remember that." He stuck the flower just above and in front of her ear, he'd left just enough of the stem that it would stay in place... for a while, at least. It wasn't a Romulan custom, but it was something he'd been trained to do, and he always did things as properly as he could. The music started up around them again, and people started taking to the dance floor. Yet another Waltz, something Menelian had little interest in. He was about to say something else to Aya when someone stepped up behind him and said, "Hello, Lieutenant," he said, "are you enjoying yourself?" Menelian turned slightly, then nodded his head. "Lieutenant;" He said, back to being coldly formal in an instant. "I enjoyed myself well enough." He was about to turn again and have more words with the Counselor when Brownlee said, "It seems to me that it may be just about time for supper. What do you think?" "It doesn't really matter, Lieutenant. The food usually served at these functions is not usually to my... taste." The Romulan said as he halted mid-turn, "Though I'm sure most here will find it perfectly palatable." "I think that would be a good idea, Joran," Aya added diplomatically. "Maybe announce it after this dance? I think that would be a good time, you don't want to interrupt their fun." Menelian looked back out over the dancers and the corner of his mouth quirked slightly without him realizing it. If this is what most humans called fun, it was no wonder they'd given birth to such idiotic dances. Give him a good, stirring, beat anytime. He looked back at the two he was speaking with and clasped his hands behind his back. All he could say was a non-committal "Indeed." (reply: Brownlee, with room for more.) He took a couple steps to the side of the dance-floor, bent over, and picked up the almost-forgotten remnants of Aya's garment. He stepped back over, and offered them up formally, as if he hadn't just spent the last few minutes breathing down her neck like he was going to rip her clothes off then and there. "Your clothing, Counselor." She accepted the garment gracefully. "My thanks," she said, and deftly twisted the length of cloth around her waist, folding and tucking the fabric into place with practiced ease. The last length she draped over her shoulder again, careful not to dislodge the rose from where he had placed it. "There," she said. "I'm decent again." She looked around and saw a waiter with a tray of full glasses. "Would you like some more champagne? Or do you think we could find something with a bit more of a kick to it?" "Soon, I will need something with more kick." Menelian said. "After you," he said, gesturing. (reply: Brownlee, any) (posted by Trout & Liz Geuken) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - COUNS Lt(jg) Ayesha Kotal - 1843) After talking to Menelian a little longer, Aya had reluctantly excused herself. She found the Romulan interesting; his arrogant attitude fascinated her because it wasn't assumed - he really *did* seem to believe he was superior to most of his shipmates. His dry sarcasm was probably, she speculated, partly born of that air of arrogance and partly a device to keep people at a distance. His skill at dancing intrigued her too, with his obvious preference for the tango, a dance she associated with passion and romance, not qualities she would have immediately associated with Lieutenant Menelian. His technical performance had been flawless, which hadn't surprised her. And the presentation of the rose had been a romantic gesture, one which he made with perfect grace and timing, but also almost as if it were part and parcel of the performance. That hadn't surprised her as much as the compliment he had paid her. She was in no doubt that he meant it - even on such a short acquaintance she was reasonably sure that Menelian didn't say things he didn't mean. All in all Aya would willingly have spent more time with him, but she had remembered her promise to Detron. And to a certain extent she felt obliged to speak to some at least of the other guests. So, having snatched a couple of sandwiches as she walked past the buffet that was being laid out, she approached the ATAC. The band was starting to play another waltz as she did so. "May I claim that dance now, Detron?" she asked. (Reply Detron) (Posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 18.44) "Yes you may Aya." Detron hooked her left arm and led her to the dance floor. "Bear with me Aya because I am poor at this." Detron said appologetically. They began the dance roughly but slowly became more comfortable. Detron kept it slow to give Aya a break and also to not look like a fool. He suggested that they talk with Reme sitting all alone. (Reply Aya) (Posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1845) After leaving Engineering, instead of going to her quarters as she'd originally intended, 'Lura decided to visit the party in the holodeck. When she entered she felt a little awkward. So many people were attired in civvies and she was still in her uniform. People moved around the room expressing themselves in various forms of dancing steps. Some she recognized, some were unfamiliar. (Reply: any) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Lieutenant Steven Matrix - 1845) Matrix sat back in his chair and rubbed his neck. As he eased back he frowned at the PADD he clung to with his other hand. He tossed it on his desk in disgust. ~I need a break.~ "Computer, is the party still going on in holodeck 2?" inquired Matrix. [Affirmative] "Good, I'm going to see what this party is all about." boasted Matrix as he stood up and headed out of engineering. [Please restate your inquiry.] "Nevermind computer. Disregard. " bellowed Matrix as he left engineering. The turbolift doors closed and Matrix commanded, "Holodeck 2." (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Lieutenant Steven Matrix - 1850) The holodeck doors opened and Matrix was treated to a lively party. He knew most of the staff there, many of the characters he did not. He walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. "Romulan ale. Neat." said Matrix to the bartender. Matrix noted Alura off in the distance looking a bit uncomfortable at the dancing and music. He took a seat and observed everyone, especially Alura. He waited to see if she noticed him. Matrix hoped their stay at the Geneva would ease things, the workload and perhaps he would have time to talk with Alura, perhaps a date. She seemed uneasy lately and he didn't know why. (Reply: any) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - COUNS Lt(jg) Ayesha Kotal - 18.46) Detron led her onto the dance floor. "Bear with me Aya because I am poor at this." Detron said apologetically. As other couples joined in, they began the dance, a little roughly at first but Aya noticed that gradually they found the rhythm. Fortunately it was a slow waltz and Aya smiled at her partner. "You are not as poor at this as you think," she said. "A little practice is all you need." Truth be told, she was happy enough to dance with anyone who didn't step on her feet, and Detron managed to avoid doing so. She sensed, however, that he was afraid of looking foolish on the dance-floor, so she tried a little conversation to put him at his ease. He suggested they talk with Remae later, and she agreed that it might be a good thing to do after the dance was over. "I know you are half-Betazoid like me," she said, as they continued to dance. "Did you grow up on Betazed or on Q'onos?" (reply Detron) "I see. Did you find it difficult, being different I mean?" (Reply Detron, Any) (Posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 18.47) "Thanks Aya. That makes me feel better." Aya tried to establish a comfortable connection between them by stating she was half Betazoid as well. She said, "Did you grow up on Betazed or Q'onos?" Detron responded, " I grew up on Betazed." Aya showed some compassion with, "That must have been tough being different." Detron nodded, "Yes. it was uncomfortable at times looking like a Klingon in Betazed, but I never really had trouble in school or public society. Everyone is so laid back on Betazed. I had a very understanding group around me. How about you. What was life like for you?" ~We may have common ground after all. That will be useful on away missions.~ (Reply Aya) (Posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1852) Kennith was crossing the room back to Jennifer. He saw her looking at a older human. ~Go for it. @ooks like the petrol pigeon is getting to know people. Good for her~ He stopped and looked around the room at the dancing people. He spotted a Bajoran engineer looking a bit awkward. ~Looks like I'm not the only one~ He walked over to her. "Nice party. Are you having a good time?" (Reply Rathyn) (Reply Rathyn, any) (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith - 1853) "Romulan ale. Neat." Jennifer turned to see Matrix standing near her. She had not had a chance to meet him due to the fact that she had spent allot of time sorting out her squadron. ~Him and the rest of the crew~ She picked up her drink and walked over to him. ~Looks like a good time to get to know people~ "Hallo Lieutenant having a good time?" (reply Matrix) (reply Matrix, any) (Posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Matrix - 1853) Matrix noted Alura off in the distance looking a bit uncomfortable at the dancing and music. He took a seat and observed everyone, especially Alura. He waited to see if she noticed him. Matrix hoped their stay at the Geneva would ease things, the workload and perhaps he would have time to talk with Alura, perhaps a date. She seemed uneasy lately and he didn't know why. "Hallo Lieutenant having a good time?" Matrix was startled and almost spilled his drink. Looking at the pilot officer with a smile and some of his ale running down his chin he quickly wiped it off. "My apologies. I wasn't expecting that." replied Matrix while standing up from the bar and brushing off his uniform. Picking up a napkin to wipe the liquid off his uniform Matrix continued, "Yes, I think so to answer your question, but its been a while since I attended something like this." said Matrix. (Reply Smith) "I don't think we've met before. I'm the Paladin's chief engineering officer, Lieutenant Matrix. I'm glad to meet you and you are?" questioned Matrix. (Reply Smith) "Its a big ship the Paladin. I don't think I've met everyone on board yet myself.Now that we're docked with the Geneva its hard to tell who's who." Matrix smiled. (Reply Smith) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1853) 'Lura watched the dancing couples moving around the room for several moments, and she felt very out of place. She hadn't been to a suaree like this is some time. Tools in hand breaking down a quantal multiphasic register, that was more her scene. She spotted the familiar face of Steve Matrix talking to a lady. Feeling a little disappointed she decided not to interrupt them. Rathyn had almost convinced herself to turn and leave, when stepped up beside her and spoke. "Nice party. Are you having a good time?" She turned to face the man. "I - just got here, sir" she said a little more abruptly than intended. Feeling like the odd sock was putting her off. Her slight brow ridges, inherited from a Cardassian grandfather, tingled softly with mild embarrassment. "Haven't really had time to start having fun," she said with a more even tone. A weak sociable smile was all she could manage at that moment. (REply: Lt. Smith, any) (Reply Rathyn) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith - 1855) "My apologies. I wasn't expecting that." "Yes, I think so to answer your question, but its been a while since I attended something like this." “Sorry about that.” Jennifer watched as Matrix wiped the beer of him. “I’ve not been to a party for a long time. Its nice to see a lot of people here.” "I don't think we've met before. I'm the Paladin's chief engineering officer, Lieutenant Matrix. I'm glad to meet you and you are?" Jennifer blushed slightly. “Ow Sorry. I’m Shark bait’s squadron leader, 2nd Lieutenant Smith.” "Its a big ship the Paladin. I don't think I've met everyone on board Yet myself. Now that we're docked with the Geneva its hard to tell who's who." Jennifer grinned. “Yes your right. There are so many people on the Paladin alone. Let alone the new ones that have arrived since we have docked. I just know the people in my department.” She at the drink in Matrix’s hand. “Can I get you another drink. Since I made you spill the first one.” (reply Matrix) (reply Matrix, any) (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Matrix - 1855) Matrix was growing impatient after seeing Alura across the room, but the pilot officer was cordial. Matrix wasn't so worried that Alura might think he was no longer interested in her, after all, this was a party and people talk. Matrix had been clear of this feelings toward Alura and that hadn't changed. ³Can I get you another drink. Since I made you spill the first one.² asked the squadron leader. Matrix smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Thank you for the offer, but no I'm fine. Just a little embarrassed at myself." (Reply Smith) Matrix set the remaining portion of this drink on the bar, determined he would just go and talk with Alura. ~No sense being coy about this.~ "Lieutenant, please don't take offense as I don't mean to be rude, but one of my engineers is across the room and I'd like to catch up on some ships business. Please excuse me." said Matrix. (Reply Smith) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1856) "Haven't really had time to start having fun," Kenneth smiled. He noticed that she had been looking at the man that Jennifer was talking to. ~Oh ow Petrol Pigeon. Looks like your bloke got some one else~ “Well then, can I get you a drink?” (reply Rathyn) (reply Rathyn, any) (Posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1858) "Haven't really had time to start having fun," 'Lura told the other officer. “Well then, can I get you a drink?” he suggested. She didn't answer immediately. It had been too long since she'd been in the retinue of sociable singles. A movement to one side caught her eye and she turned her head to see Steve Matrix ambling across the room in her direction. ~This could get awkward real fast,~ she thought. "That's very sweet lieutenant, but I think I see my date coming," she said turning back to the other. As Matrix drew closer, Rathyn began to feel a boxed in. (Reply: Smith, Matrix) (Reply Rathyn) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Pilot Officer Smith- 1858) "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Thank you for the offer, but No I'm fine. Just a little embarrassed at myself." Jennifer nodded. “Don’t worry about it.” ~No sense being coy about this.~ "Lieutenant, please don't take offense as I don't mean to be rude, but one of my engineers is across the room and I'd like to catch up on some ships business. Please excuse me." She looked at where Matrix was indicating and saw that Kenneth was speaking to the woman. ~Poor love she looks board as hell. Better to and get him out of there~ “Not at all, better rescue her from my brother.” She stood and went over to the Kenneth and the engineer. She put her arm around Kenneth and grinned. “Come on Kenneth we have some family business to discuss.” (reply Smith) (Reply any) (Posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1858) Matrix fixed his eyes on Alura, trying not to be rude. Matrix smiled at the officer next to Alura, then turned his attention to her. "Ensign Rathyn...may I have this dance?" asked Matrix with a polite smile on his face. He took her left arm and motioned toward the dance floor with his right. (Reply Rathyn) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, ATT Lt. Cmndr Sarouk, 1900) Sarouk entered the holo-deck, his wife at his side, wearing the formal robes of his family. The first two fingers of his right hand were extending and gently caressed the first two fingers of his wife's left hand as the two stepped into the ball room. They had left their daughter in the care of a friend of Kellita's from the medical staff. He silently gazed around the room at the party goers both real and holographic before looking toward his wife. He inclined his head ever so slightly and together they stepped further into the room heading toward the refreshment bar. "Lieutenant Brownlee," Sarouk said, inclining his head slightly in greeting. He turned to the server behind the bar. "A glass of fruit juice," He ordered. Taking his drink he sipped at it, turning to take another look around the room before looking down at his wife as if to say 'now what?' (Reply Kellita, Brownlee, Any at Party) (Posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - 2nd Lieutenant Smith - 1900) "That's very sweet lieutenant, but I think I see my date coming," Kennith turned and saw the man Rathyn was talking to. He also saw Jennifer a few steppes behind. She came over and put her arm around him. “Come on Kenneth we have some family business to discuss.” He did not need to be told twice. He nodded to Rathyn and to her data as he approached. He then moved off with Jennifer towards a large observation window. leaving the two others alone. ~Hope they have a nice evening~ They found a small table, sat down and looked out at the stars. (reply Any) (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) "Ensign Rathyn...may I have this dance?" asked Matrix with a polite smile on his face. He took her left arm and motioned toward the dance floor with his right. "I'm a bit out of step with this sort of thing," 'Lura told him, "but I'll give it a shot." He swept her across the floor and she moved with him, rough at first but the pattern of dance moves were already engrained in her mind from previous years of experience. Soon she moving deftly like an old pro and having fun with it. "I guess I've still got it," she said genuinely pleased with herself. "Haven't had this much fun in some time." (Reply: Matrix) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO Lieutenant Steven Matrix - 1900) "I'm a bit out of step with this sort of thing," 'Lura told him, "but I'll give it a shot." Matrix smiled as Alura's response. Matrix had been working on his dance routine for sometime in the holodeck and now had an opportunity to use his new, but artificial talents. "I guess I've still got it," she said genuinely pleased with herself. "Haven't had this much fun in some time." Matrix thought to himself, ~She's good.~ "You are a very good dancer Alura and I'm glad you're having fun. I wasn't sure if you'd do this with me or not. " said Matrix. (Reply Rathyn) Together Steve and Alura took up the dance floor with their elegant and somewhat astonishing dance routine reminiscent of a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers routine. Some of the other holo-characters and ship staff were noticing the performance and were moving off the floor to watch. Matrix smiled and was enjoying the moment. He hoped Alura was despite the obvious attention there were getting. Matrix was starting to sweat with all of the physical activity, but was enjoying the Glen Miller music the holo-band was playing. Alura seemed to be enjoying the moment too. "You're fantastic Alura" said Matrix. (Reply Alura) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) "You are a very good dancer Alura and I'm glad you're having fun. I wasn't sure if you'd do this with me or not. " said Matrix. "Why not you?" Alura said. "You're definitely my preferred dance partner." Together Steve and Alura took up the dance floor with their elegant and somewhat astonishing dance routine reminiscent of a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers routine. Alura felt a little awkward at the attention. Matrix was starting to sweat "You're fantastic Alura" said Matrix. "Thank you," she told him and returned the compliment. "I get the idea you've done this before." (REply: Matrix) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1900) Matrix was in a sweat, only due to the heat of the holodeck and the intense dancing he hadn't been doing for some time. Alura looked fantastic and was more than keeping up with the dance moves. Many around the holodeck were taking notice at the couple. Matrix was enjoying the attention and decided to relax and enjoy the moment. "You're fantastic Alura" said Matrix. "Thank you," she told him and returned the compliment. "I get the idea you've done this before." Matrix smiled, "I've been practicing and I've had to attend a number of formal Star Fleet functions." replied Matrix They were silent for a few moments, dancing and enjoying the music and the closeness. Matrix hoped that Alura was also enjoying the moment. He looked at her with a big smile. "You're really good at this." said Matrix. "After this dance how about I buy you dinner?" asked Matrix. (Reply Rathyn) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1900) "I'm famished," Steve said as the dance ended. "I think some seafood is in order. Shall we?" 'Lura nodded, and they strolled toward the exit arch, acknowledging the people they passed. She recognized a few faces, but wasn't entirely sure who among the rest were real and who was simulated "party decoration." Matrix stopped in the hallway briefly and looked at Alura, "Thank you, that was fantastic! That really made my week, Alura, thank you!" said Matrix. "Thank you," she returned. "I haven't danced like that in a long time. Feels good to circulate a little." (Reply: Matrix) They began walking down the corridor again. She felt very relaxed with him, which was unusual. Her headstrong nature didn't let her make friends easily, but she could relate to Steve Matrix. They were both engineers. Both were very familiar with the workings of the Paladin. It was good friendship. She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm as she spoke. "What do you do in your spare time?" (Reply: Matrix) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1900) Matrix was in a sweat. He was a little out of shape which didn't help, but the dancing was fantastic. Matrix stopped in the hallway briefly and looked at Alura, "Thank you, that was fantastic! That really made my week, Alura, thank you!" said Matrix. "Thank you," she returned. "I haven't danced like that in a long time. Feels good to circulate a little." Matrix smiled, "I'm not sure who in there was real or not. I guess we'll learn that in time. These damn holodecks are too real I think." (Reply Rathyn) She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm as she spoke. "What do you do in your spare time?" Matrix laughed, "Spare time? Well, lately just reading tech manuals, a few hours of sleep here and there and I've been known to do a little holodeck dancing with a rather beautiful engineer." Matrix smiled at Alura. They continued up to the turbolift. Matrix turned to face Alura. "When I do get some spare time I do like a good holo-program, something like hiking. If we have shore leave on an M class I try to do the same. I need to get in the gym more...I'm so out of shape." said Matrix. (Reply Rathyn) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1902) "You're fantastic Alura" said Matrix. "Thank you," she told him and returned the compliment. "I get the idea you've done this before." Matrix smiled, "I've been practicing and I've had to attend a number of formal Star Fleet functions." replied Matrix They were silent for a few moments, dancing and enjoying the music and the closeness. Matrix hoped that Alura was also enjoying the moment. He looked at her with a big smile. "You're really good at this." said Matrix. "After this dance how about I buy you dinner?" asked Matrix. "Sound very nice," she said. "I'd like that." They swirled again then she looked down at her uniform. "You make me wish I'd worn a formal gown to this affair now. I didn't really plan to stay very long but this is great." (Reply: Steve) "Geneva has plenty of restaurants with Terran cuisine," Alura told him. "I'm in the mood for a good shrimp salad." (Reply: Steve) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - CEO LT Steven Matrix - 1902) "Sound very nice," she said. "I'd like that." They swirled again then she looked down at her uniform. "You make me wish I'd worn a formal gown to this affair now. I didn't really plan to stay very long but this is great." Matrix was all smiles, "I wish I had a tux on too...only fitting for such a song and company. You're beautiful Alura." replied Matrix. "Geneva has plenty of restaurants with Terran cuisine," Alura told him. "I'm in the mood for a good shrimp salad." As the music tapered off Matrix and Alura slowly ended their dance number. Tired, sweating and hungry Matrix replied, "I'm famished. I think some seafood is in order. Shall we?" (Reply Alura) Matrix and Alura acknowledged the holodeck characters as well as the crew who were enjoying the festivities and exited the holodeck. Matrix stopped in the hallway briefly and looked at Alura, "Thank you, that was fantastic! That really made my week, Alura, thank you!" said Matrix. (Reply Alura) (Posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, Medical Officer Dr Kellita Weir, 1903) Kellita, wearing a simple full-length evening dress with a high neck and long sleeves, looked around the 'ballroom' with delight. The room itself was lovely, and the guests who had arrived so far were colourfully dressed in a variety of formal wear reflecting the many races represented on the ship and in Starfleet. She was interested to see that some people had chosen to dress historically; there were some tuxedos to be seen, a fashion that was 400 years old. She wondered if some of them had misunderstood 'masquerade' to mean 'costume party'. It didn't matter though, somehow it fitted with the décor and the setting for this party. One person, however, had chosen not to come either masked or in costume. The TAC/SC had turned up in uniform. Kellita shook her head. She remembered him doing the same at the luau. ~Some people just don't know how to behave socially~ she thought. "Lieutenant Brownlee," Sarouk said, inclining his head slightly in greeting to the science officer. He turned to the server behind the bar and ordered a glass of fruit juice. Taking his drink he sipped at it, then looked down at Kellita. She ordered her own drink, a wine spritzer made with alcohol-free wine, then suggested they socialise a bit. "Isn't that the new FO, sitting on his own?" she said. "Let's go and talk to him, it must be awkward not knowing many people here." (Reply Sarouk, Brownlee, Any at Party) (Posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Corridor outside Holodeck 2 - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1903) They continued up to the turbolift. Matrix turned to face Alura. "When I do get some spare time I do like a good holo-program, something like hiking. If we have shore leave on an M class I try to do the same. I need to get in the gym more...I'm so out of shape." said Matrix. The lift doors closed as they entered. "I really hadn't noticed," she told him, feeling more at ease now that there wasn't a crowd of people around her. She gave a little laugh. "It's always the ones that keep up there 'shape' that say that. But I know what you mean about hiking on the holodeck. I have a program of a monastery on my home world where an uncle of mine lived years ago. It's a good way to unwind." (Reply: Matrix) "I hope this war won't last much longer," Alura told him. "It will be nice to see Bajor again and walk on some real ground and feel real wind on my face again. Holoprograms are nice substitutes up to a point, but it's not the same when you know it's all a fake." (Reply: Matrix) (Posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.05) Remae had heard about this party although he'd only briefly met some of the senior officers around the ships has he performed his duty, organising the refit of the ship, he was amused to witness what was going on in the holodeck. It looked like the crew was letting of steam and managed to find a quiet corner. Not that soon upon arriving, he'd noticed it was a masquerade ball, everyone was dressed up to impress and he'd arriving in a normal uniform, he stood out like a sore thumb but he wasn't the only one, at least he had an excuse but he improvised and made a few entries into the computer panel close to the wall he was against, a small item appeared and he stuck it to one side of his commbadge. At least it would make a good story to break the ice with should anyone come over and say hello to him. (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 19.08) The holodeck doors slid open and Eva glided into the holodeck wearing a white ball gown that seemed to shimmer and sparkle with rainbow colors as it caught the light in the room, but left her arms and shoulders bare. A small matching mask covered her eyes and forehead. Her long red hair, normally tied back into a tight pony tail while on duty, cascaded freely down over her shoulders and back. She stopped a few steps inside the holodeck and looked around at all those who had arrived ahead of her, as the holodeck doors closed behind her. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she frowned disapprovingly as she saw that her new FO and TAC\SC had come in their duty uniforms. ~Looks like some of my officers forgot that this was suppose to be a formal black tie gathering.~ She moved deeper into the room and headed right over to where Lt. Menelian was standing. "Lt. Menelian, come with me," She said, an obvious edge in her voice as she turned and headed to where Commander Ktell was sitting. She walked up to the Commander and turned, warning off anyone else who might have tried to approach with a stern glare. The type of glare that warned of dire consequences to any foolish enough to disregard it. When she was sure no one else was approaching she turned to Ktell and Menelian. "Did you gentlemen forget that this was to be a formal black tie gathering?" She asked, glaring at each of them in turn. (Reply Ktell, Menelian, Any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck 2 - Lt Menelian - 19.10) Menelian, his left arm crossed behind his back and his right holding yet another champagne flute, did his best to keep his face neutral as he watched person after person walk by- dressed like idiots and dancing like morons. It was really, very, amusing to watch. He turned his head slightly at a suggestion of white heading his way. He sipped from his flute and noted to himself that the Captain looked- interesting- when she wasn't dressed in uniform. The look on her face was the same though, tight. He ran his tongue over his lips briefly to lick any remaining champagne away and noted, also, that she was approaching him. A few seconds later she said, "Lt. Menelian, come with me," ~Interesting.~ He followed along, however, and put his flute on a passing waiter's tray. After a few minutes, once they'd moved over to stand next to the new First Officer, she said: "Did you gentlemen forget that this was to be a formal black tie gathering?" She asked, glaring at each of them in turn. Menelian quirked an eyebrow slightly and looked at the First Officer (who was dressed the same, Menelian approved of his good sense at least) and looked back. NRPG: I'm going to leave a pause here. Ktell, by virtue of rank, can speak first if he likes. If not, then that pause is nothing more then dramatics. RPG: "No, Captain, I did not." Menelian finally said. "This is not an official Starfleet Function, which would require a dress uniform. And since it is not, I have no reason to change out of my standard duty uniform." He paused for a moment, that was probably not the answer she wanted and he didn't really want to deal with this again in the future. So, he decided to elaborate: Straton usually appreciated directness, as long as the subject remained respectful. "I have never, in all the social functions I've ever attended, worn anything but my Uniform or culturally suitable attire." He said. He didn't have to say that 'Culturally suitable' in his opinion was entirely made up of Romulan clothing. He quirked an eyebrow, "That..." he said, gesturing to an officer waltzing by in mask and suit, "Looks not only uncomfortable, but very much tailored to human tradition and culture. I am not human, Captain, and have no wish or desire to dress like one or partake. I gave up pretending to enjoy such things when I left the planet of my birth." The Chief placed both hands behind his back and continued with, "Since these are not suitable surroundings for Romulan party attire, and the only other piece of clothing I own is a bath robe: I came in the only thing I had left to me, my duty uniform." (reply: Ktell, Straton) (posted by Trout) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.10) "Did you gentlemen forget that this was to be a formal black tie gathering?", asked the CO suddenly, sneaking up on the Commander. Remae was taken aback for a moment by the sight of his Commanding Officer dressed up for the event, her hair looking quite different than normal but the eyes gave away nothing, but a stone hard exterior. Remae looked over at the Romulan for a moment who had paused; the Bajoran gave him a quizzical look and continued saying nothing. ~ What is she going to do, throw me in the brig for not wearing the correct attire to an event I wasn't even invited to? ~ He had the hardest time not to smile or laugh during Lt Menelian's description of what would happen if he turned up in a towel... but explanation or not, Remae was impressed with the quick thinking of the Romulan, it was good... he'd have to remember that one on his next ship, assuming he was about to be expelled from this one for not wearing a black tie... Remae was hoping that this CO wasn't going to be type that was a stickler for rules and regulations, if so; they were going to have a problem. "Well, Captain...", said Remae before gathering his composure, "I didn't know about this event officially, I just heard about it... but I thought I would just come in and see what the noise was but I'll be leaving in a moment.", he said before revealing his newly attached sticker to his uniform, "I had thought it was some kind of fancy dress affair and I fashioned a quick costume.", he said as he noted both officer's eyes drop to read the sticker, it said... 'Hello, my name is Q.' The joke was a probable lost cause so Remae decided to make the exit promised, "If you'll excuse me.", he said hoping that he was going to be allowed to depart without further incident; he wasn't a party person but he noted a few people trying to come over and see what was going on, perhaps he would be able to talk to them later? (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 19.10) After the dance with Aya, Detron went over to the sandwich table and grabbed a couple. He picked another champagne from an attendant and proceeded to observe the Captain talking with his CO and the new FO. She seemed upset about something by her expressions. (Reply Any) (Posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 19.11) Eva listened to Menelian with a frown and then Ktell, and her frown deepened. As the Commander turned to talk away she reached out and touched his arm with the back of her hand. "My apologies Commander," She said, sincerely. "I had assumed you had received a proper invitation as well since it was sent to all the senior officers. I failed to realize that you came on board after those invitations were sent. My mistake. You are, of course, welcome to stay if you wish." (Reply Ktell IYW) After the Commander had left, she turned her attention to Menelian. "Lieutenant," She said, her disappointment evident in her tone. "This is the second time you have shown up at one of these theme gatherings in uniform and I think it sends the wrong message to the other officers on this ship. Frankly, I don't care what you personally think of me or the rest of the senior staff, you will however show them and me the respect our respective positions and ranks deserve both on and off duty. When you repeatedly show up at these theme gatherings in your uniform you only serve to alienate yourself from the rest of the senior staff but potentially damage moral as well, that I can not have. You didn't want to wear a tux, fine. You don't want to waltz, fine. No one is saying you have to. However, I have to assume that even Romulans have what they would consider formal wear. That would have been far more appropriate, as it would have shown a degree of respect for your fellow officers, while still honoring your cultural heritage. Commander Sarouk is wearing his formal family robes, what his culture would expect him to wear to a gathering such as this. You could have, and should have, done the same in respect to your own culture. I'd expected an officer of your years of service to recognize the importance of moral among the senior officers on a star ship. I am disappointed to see that I was mistaken. I guess I expected too much from you. In the future, if you can't bring yourself to respect your fellow officers enough to mingle with them off duty in the spirit of the gathering then don't bother coming at all." She turned and walked away leaving Menelian alone. ~If he can't bring himself to be a team player, I'll have to consider moving him to a less crucial position. Perhaps a transfer to a communications relay station would be more to his liking. He could have all the isolation he could possible want there.~ She thought as she continued moving deeper into the room and the party goers. (Reply Menelian, Ktell, any) (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Hollodeck 2 - ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei - 19.12) With sandwich in hand, Detron walked over to the corner occupied by the new FO. He placed his sandwich down on the table and extended his hand, "Hi. I am ACTO Ensign(SG) Detron Trei. I just wanted to welcome you to the Paladin and see how you were doing." ~It may not look like it, but I know how you feel.~ (Reply Reme) (Posted by Edward) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Holodeck 2, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.14) Remae was about to walk away and escape the ball, the CO just touched him lightly on the arm and said, "My apologies Commander. I had assumed you had received a proper invitation as well since it was sent to all the senior officers. I failed to realize that you came on board after those invitations were sent. My mistake. You are, of course, welcome to stay if you wish.", she said honestly and quite a surpise to Remae, he simply smiled in her direction and headed out. (USS Paladin, FO's Office, FO, Commander Remae Ktell - 19.30) He shook his head after visiting the party and he found that his contact at Spacedock Phoneix had been busy and he had a lot of technical information waiting for him regarding the refit plans, along with his conversations during the day, it was going to be a long night for him. "Coffee, black, strong.", he said pushing off with his legs, sending his chair and him across the office to the replicator just as his arrived. ~ It's going to be a long night ~ (Reply from Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) ======================================================================================================================== *** End Transmission ***