Compile#2 May 10-16 (USS Rosenante) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Into the Darkness, Go I Day 2 Stardate: 2408.08.02 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante – USS Rosenante - Bridge – SCPO Phil Sheridan, NPC OPS NCOIC -Day 2 0902) (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Core – aCOPs -Ensign Robert Smith- Day 2 - 1801) (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Core – COPs -Lt tom Jackson - Day 2 - 1801.5) (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Centre - aCOPs – Ensign Robert Smith- Day 2 - 1846) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 1853) (USS Rosenante - Morgue- CMO - Lieutenant Aleesa Wyler - Day 2 - 1933) (USS Furious - Bridge - Sec/TAC, Ensign Andrus - Day 2 - 2011) (USS Furious - Bridge - Ensign Andrus Sec/TAc- Day 2 - 2018 (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 2019) (USS Rosenante - Sickbay- CMO - Lieutenant Aleesa Wyler - Day 2 - 2019.2) (USS Rosenante - Sickbay- ACMO-Ensign (jg) Sam Lopez- Day 2 - 2019.4) (USS Rosenante -Bridge - ATAC Ensign (jg) V'Shera -2019.5) (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CSEC- Lieutenant Chance Raschen- Day 2- 2020) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - COPS, Lieutenant Tom Jackson - Day 2 - 2023) (USS Rosenante – Bridge – 30/CCOUNS Lt. (jg) Jon Nayati – 2023.5*) (USS Rosenante- Bridge- ACEO - Ensign (jg) Mitena Rixx - Day 2 - 2024) (USS Furious- Bridge- CO, Captain Saleke - Day 2 - 2025) (USS Rosenante -secondary Sickbay- ACMO-Ensign (jg) Sam Lopez- Day 2 - 2025.5*) (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 2 - 2026) (USS Rosenante- Bridge - COPS, Lt Tom Jackson - Day 2 - 2026.5) (USS Rosenante - Secondary Sickbay - Nurse Carmen Santiago - Day 2 - 2027) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - ATAC Ensign (jg) V’Shera – 2028.5) (USS Furious- Bridge- CTSO Ensign Andrus - Day 2 - 2033) (USS Rosenante- Bridge- FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 2035) (USS Furious- Bridge- ACEO Lt. Steven Matrix - Day 2 - 2038*) (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CSEC- Lieutenant Chance Raschen- Day 2- 2050) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – USS Rosenante - Bridge – SCPO Phil Sheridan, NPC OPS NCOIC -Day 2 0902) Phil was keeping close tabs on all the AWAY Team when the Call from Lt. T'Kron came in. "“We have reached the junction and are beginning to make repairs,” reported T’Kron. ”We are also attempting to find the reason for the power build up.” Replying "Sir, Chief Sheridan here. Understood. Proceed with care Lieutenat" Sheridan added. “Yes Chief. We will be reporting in again as soon as we find out more,” replied T’Kron. Each side of the conversation close dtheir links. Phil added the Lt's report to an o-going status report Lt Jackson had ordered before he left the bridge. (reply none) (posted by Bill West) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Core – aCOPs -Ensign Robert Smith- Day 2 - 1801)   Robert entered the computer core of the facility . ~The damage looks less saver here. Good~ He moved over to one of the consoles in the corner and began access the computer system. It was a lot more complex then he had first thought. ~Well no time complaining about it okay~ He settled down to get to work cracking into the system. Using standard data retrieval programs and a few unorthodox ones.   Robert managed to hack the security codes and they were into the core. He saw that Jackson was down loading the logs and he turned his attention on finding more information.   "What the *****?: Robert looked up as Jackson muttered something. ~Must be some thing very interesting in those logs~ “All done Boss.”   Robert continued to access as much of the core’s systems as possible. The tiniest peace of information might be relevant. Robert looked at the data that Jackson passed to him. As he quickly scrolled down the data and took in what it said he got more and more worried. ~What the! The Brinite gone, Ow this is not good. There must be a glitch in the core this can’t be right~ “But there must be some thing wrong we were not here at that time entery.” He looked from Mithena to Jackson. (reply Jackson, Mitena any) (Posted by Robbie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Core – COPs -Lt tom Jackson - Day 2 - 1801.5) Tom Jackson was startled by what he saw in the logs and uncharacteristically swore. This caught Ensign Smith's attention. "Robbie, Ensign Rixx, please read these logs and make sure I am not hallucinating" Jackson instructed. (reply: Robbie, Ensign Rixx) Robbie had had the foresight to continue downloading the facility logs. It was fortunate that he had done so as Commander Caskie soon ordered them to do just that. Tom made a mental note to commend Robbie publicly for his smarts. (reply: Rixx, Smith or Caskie) (posited by: Bill ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Boronite Mining Facility - Computer Centre - aCOPs – Ensign Robert Smith- Day 2 - 1846)   Robert looked back at his console and began to work as the technician was taken away. He heard Commander Caskie talking to Jackson as he finished dumping the information into a data starage devise so that they can go over it in more detail on the Rose.   "Mr Jackson, Let's get that information and get out of here.  Pronto if you please.  Ensign Mosh please escort our guest down here so that we can all beam back to the Rose as soon as Mr Jackson gives us a go."   He saw Jackson looked over at him and Robert gave him a quick nod indicating that he had already done it.   "Commander, Ensign Smith has taken care of that for us. We're set to beam up at your discretion"   He stepped back and picked up the storage device and moved over to stand near Jackson. So that he was ready to beam out of the mining facility   (reply: any) (posted by Robbie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 1853) You need to look at this Sir. We have a very serious problem here and you are not going to like it. I would suggest that we leave this vicinity as soon as possible. You will understand why once you have reviewed the PADD. Further I need to mention that for whatever reason you decided to hold information back from us at the last briefing, it is my thought that this is now no longer relevant. However, I also suggest that given what you will find on that PADD, you will need to confine Ensign Rosenbauer, Dr Wyler and myself in custody to face serious charges." Ahmed picked up the PADD and quickly scanned through it's contents silently. He placed the PADD back on the desktop and rose to his feet. For a few moments he turned and just looked out the window , regarding the distant reflected crescent of the second planet in the Bardon System. He took a deep breath after a few moments of consideration before replying. "Commander. What I'm about to tell you, I am absolutely forbidden by regulation to reveal to you. I will most likely be removed from my position as Captain of this ship just for revealing this information to you. While I don't see a direct connection to the original reason that we are in this sector of space to the immediate data on that PADD, I feel that it's too coincidental to be anything but a direct relation." He turned back to face her. "Computer disable all recording devices, and internal sensors in the captain's Ready room. Then disable all verbal computer command recognition control in the same area." [Working- command authorization required to disable verbal command functions] "Authorization, Salid- Sierra-Lima-Nine-Nine-Nine-Echo" [Verbal command functions are now disabled in the captain's ready room. Command level input requests must now be input through the terminal console in this compartment.] Satisfied that the computers innate recording systems were now completely disabled he looked up at Caskie. "Have you ever heard of the Omega Molecule?" he asked her, already knowing the answer. Josh shook her head. "No Sir I haven't and given your last orders to the computer I'm fairly certain that I'm not supposed to have heard about it either. I'm also certain that you are about to tell me about it now and that I probably won't like what I hear and that you will be in trouble if it is found out that you have told me what you are about to tell me." "That doesn't surprise me in the slightest commander. The Omega molecule officially does not exist. At least not in any way that you would ever be able to reference. The existence of the Molecule is only revealed to officers of Flag Rank and above. Not even the Federation President or his council know of the Molecules existence." "The Omega Molecule was first Theorized as a super-energetic molecule that was present at the creation of the universe. In the late 23rd century a federation Physicist named Ketteract managed to synthesize a single omega molecule. It was done in the hopes that the super energetic nature of the molecule could power entire worlds, such was it's potential." "The molecule was unstable and only lasted for a few milliseconds before it exploded with enough force to kill 127 of the federation's top physicists and destroyed and entire star system. As a side effect of the explosion, a large swath of space was rendered a navigational hazard." "You've heard of the Lantaru sector?" Josh nodded again. "Everyone has heard about the Lantaru Sector. It's been a navigational hazard for a long time." "Of course you have. As a region, it is one of the most hazardous areas in the Quadrant. The area is riddled with subspace fractures, which make travel by warp drive and even subspace communication in or through the sector impossible. The area is, as you know, several light years in area." "Everyone is told that the region's subspace fractures are a natural phenomenon. The truth is that they are a side affect of a creation that could very well herald in the end interstellar civilization as we know it." Josh was just as capable of adding two and two together and making five as the next person and she immediately held up her hand to stop the Captain speaking. "You don't have to spell this out for me I understand where you are going with this." "Of course all research was immediately banned, and all data rigorously suppressed. The concept was that if people didn't know about the molecule they wouldn't try to create it." Josh shook her head and sighed. "I think they said the same thing about the Atomic Bomb in the 1900 and look where that got us." "Consider what kind of weapon could be made from the ability to create or even stabilize a single Omega molecule. Just one of them used in the wrong place could render an entire civilization unable to ever achieve warp travel, or to utilize subspace communications. A few could cripple any single civilization in the alpha or beta quadrant. A half dozen or so could be used to render the majority of those quadrants back into the pre warp era. The federation, Romulan Star Empire, Klingon Empire, you name it, not a single one of them could stand against such a weapon. Their fleets would be neutralized and they'd be unable to communicated across their own sovereign space. It would be the end of galactic civilization as we know it." Josh thought about that for a moment and shivered. Subspace would be unusable and everything would be consigned to the speed of light or of sound. It would take months simply to travel to the nearest planets in any given solar system and a lot longer for messages to be sent. If used it would effectively cut off any civilisations ability to not only travel between their colonies but also stop them even communicating effectively with them. The danger is so great that there is a directive that supersedes all others in the general orders. It's called the Omega Directive and it basically states, that Starfleet captains and Flag officers are to ensure the safety of the quadrant from the Omega threat. No information may be relayed to the ship's officers and crew. All other priorities are rescinded until the threat is neutralized. The prime directive may be compromised during such a mission, if necessary. If violation of the prime directive is even minimally anticipated, it is authorized and advised. If Starfleet Command cannot be contacted for any reason, the primary priority is the destruction of all Omega molecules detected." He paused for a moment. "Boronite is used in the creation of an Omega molecule if refined enough, and since the very existence of the molecule is limited to members of the federation of the Rank of captain and above, it smacks of a conspiracy. Add to that an encrypted communication that I received from the Vulcan Ambassador to the Dominion indicating that the Dominion believed that a faction of the Starfleet admiralty were developing a weapon that utilized the omega molecule, as well as the fact that they sent a Dominion war ship deep into federation space to provide me with data directly, despite the risks and you can begin to see why I suspected that there was a high level conspiracy taking place." Josh simply nodded to the Captain horrified at what she was hearing. "The very risk that there was an omega weapon being developed meant I had no moral choice but to take the Rosenante to investigate. If it turned out false, I lose my command and possibly serve time in a penal facility. If it's true I have to figure out a way to stop it. If I don't investigate and it turns out to be true, and a high-level conspiracy is in place, we lose the UFP, because no government would risk the chance that anyone possessing such a weapon wouldn't use it. Basically the UFP or any other power in the quadrant becomes held hostage by anyone willing to use the weapon even once." "The additional complication of another Rosenante class ship, only leads me to believe that there is indeed an organized and well funded faction at work here. Enough so that they could have built a second Rosenante class ship. The very type of ship that would best be suited to deliver such a weapon." Taking a deep breath Josh simply shook her head. "So weapon's grade refined Boronite has been being produced here under everyone's nose and we only heard about it from the Dominion. The first thing I would normally ask is how reliable your source was. However having seen what I have seen already on the station I believe you. However there must be a leak somewhere since who ever is responsible has quite neatly managed to dump the blame in our lap." "As for this..." he said motioning to the PADD. "I know and you know that there is no possible way that you, Rosenbauer or Wyler could have done this. It isn't a matter of ability, it's a matter of availability. Someone realized that we were on to them, and obviously arranged us to become a wanted vessel. I wouldn't doubt it if they were sending a ship to destroy us even as we speak. I'll not be placing you under arrest, it's apparent those files are forged." "As for leaving as soon as possible. I agree entirely, but I need to know where to go. I can't just guess. I'll have Raschen look at the data and see if he can see anything. Right now I have very close to nothing to work with. In fact it's even likely that the raider is still in this system hiding nearby in possession of Boronite pure enough to be used to develop that weapon. I can't take the risk that we leave without being certain that they are not simply hiding waiting for us to leave so they can continue their raid." He sighed. "You are not to discuss this with any other member of the crew. This stays completely between us. I am only telling you this because it is likely that at some point we will find ourselves elbows deep in a conflict. I can not be the only one that knows what is at risk here." Josh nodded. "Understood Sir." "Now do you understand my secrecy?" Josh nodded again. To be honest she more or less spent most of her time nodding in agreement with the Captain. There was nothing wrong with that per say but she wondered if he would not have been better off sometimes with one of those nodding dogs. A vision of one of them sitting on the main viewscreen suddenly took up part of her attention and she found it hard to keep a straight face as she visualised it. A British Bulldog perhaps since they were tenacious and never gave up. An Irish Wolfhound or perhaps a Scottish Deerhound since they were also tenacious and extremely ferocious too. Perhaps an Egyptian Gazelle Hound would suit the Captain better since they were well know to be exceptional hunters. Swallowing the laughter that threatened to become inappropriate at present Josh agreed with the Captain. "Yes Sir, I do. We have a saying where I come from. 'From my mouth to God's. Until I am told otherwise he and you are the only people that I will discuss this with. (No reply needed) (posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Morgue- CMO - Lieutenant Aleesa Wyler - Day 2 - 1933) Alee didn't have to wait very log before Ichijo arrived. “Good Evening, Ma’am” she greeted the CMO. "As good as it can be I suppose." Aleesa replied. "You said you'd made some significant finds?" “Yes, actually the were two significant finds,” the ACMO began as she pulled out her PADD, she pulled up the relevant information as she stepped up to the doctor. Aleesa glanced over at the PADD as the ACMO continued. “First thing, was the unusual use of bladed instruments. I found that the attackers used energy weapons, so there was no ritualistic quality that I could find and there was no discernable pattern of use of either weapon. Speaking of the energy weapons, they left burn patterns that I am not familiar with and not in the medicinal database on the tricorder. Second….” There was a pause as Ichijo looked down at her PADD. ""Go ahead, ensign," Wyler offered. “Case ID 08-3156-00129, showed signs of a sharp blade tracing several major nerve paths and bisecting a number of clusters, indicating the aggressor had strong knowledge of human physiology and, I hope, is quite insane.” "Insane? Why insane?" Alee queried. Kimiko grimaced “Because, if that person is displaying acceptable behavior in his/her/neuter culture, then far more than a single base or ship is in danger. This creature is not just showing a disregard of life but glorying in wholesale destruction.” Kimiko gave a half-shrug and said, “Perhaps, not particularly relevant, but may give us a insight into the attackers motivations.” "I see your point." Wyler replied, now a little more concerned than she had been just moments before. "Are you trained as a pathologist?" “Yes, I do have training in forensic pathology and rotation at Tokyo. Not to mention that I am fairly interested to see what they” Kimiko motions to the prone bodies “have to say” Aleesa nodded. "Well then I suggest you question them as thoroughly as possible, doctor. keep a detailed record and let me see it when you're finished." “Thank you, I’ll start on this immediately, ma’am” Aleesa took a deep breath and turned to leave the morgue and lose herself in a more pleasant aspect of the medical practice. (USS Rosenante - Sickbay- CMO - Lieutenant Aleesa Wyler - Day 2 - 2019.2) Despite being on red alert, there wasn't much going on. The entire medical staff was mobilized, ready for action and ready for whatever might be thrown there way. Lopez had finished his surgery. The survivor that had been brought up with him and Rosenbauer, was sleeping soundly in one of the isolation rooms. The Security Officer had been discharged but on limited duty, and their other Prisoner had been also sequestered for the moment in a medical isolation room, although Aleesa realized that there was nothing physically wrong with her, she still felt that it would be better to have the Ship's councilor question her. They were all milling around, some were re-inspecting their equipment when the call finally came. =^=Caskie to Sickbay. Stand by for incoming wounded.=^= There it was in simple and concise federation standard. they were about to engage the enemy, whomever that may be. Wyler looked over at Lopez. "Doctor Lopez, I want you to take a medical team and head to the Secondary sickbay. You'll be handling preliminary triage." (reply Lopez) Aleesa tapped her commbadge. "Wyler to Ichijo" (reply Ichijo) "You'll have to put your examination on hold doctor. we've been ordered to expect casualties. I need you to put together an emergency response team and handle triage routing. Anything immediately life threatening needs to come to main sickbay, everything else to secondary sickbay. Put together a team to attend you." (reply Ichijo) "Wyler out." she said tapping her badge a second time to close the channel. Under her breath she muttered, "Here we go." (reply Lopez, Ichijo) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Furious - Bridge - Sec/TAC, Ensign Andrus - Day 2 - 2011) Andrus stiffened as the klaxons went off signaling RED Alert. He scanned his readouts in case the CO asked for an update. Almost immediately, Captain Saleke ordered him ."Arm weapons only on my order." Andrus gulped and replied "Aye Aye Captain" and stood ready. The Bolian wondered, along with several others, what indeed was the Rose doing there? Time would tell. This would be Andrus's first combat and he was nervous. (reply none) (posted by Bill West) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Furious - Bridge - Ensign Andrus Sec/TAc- Day 2 - 2018) After the communication was terminated Saleke began issuing orders immediately. "Mr. Williams arm all phaser banks and standard quantum's at this time." Initial volleys would be done at long range, he would save them if necessary till they had closed on the Rosenante. "Yes Sir" came Andrus's quick reply. He had been studying the schematics of the Rosenante and had determined where fire from the Furious could disable the Rose but not destroy her. He wasn't sure about any of his crewmates but Andrus was not thrilled about firing on a Federation vessel! Captain Slaeke then ordered "Open a channel to starfleet command and notify them we are in pursuit of the Rosenante within the system, conflict appears imminent." "aye Captain" replied the OPS yeoman, named Bronk. "Starfleet Command - this is the USS Furious - we are in pursuit of the USS Roenante and conflict appears imminent." (reply: SF Command) (posted by Bill W..) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 2019) As the other ship entered the system and contacted the Rose Josh watched as the Captain agreed to contact them, all the while listening to the conversations going on between the Captains. Josh was paying strict attention to everything that was said. Since one slip would consign her, Wyler and Rosenbauer to a penal colony for the rest of their lives. Rather than do anything else the Captain began to issue a flurry of orders. Eventually turning to her he began speaking. "Now you know what we're facing and why we're doing it. If we're captured now, without evidence, you know what the outcome will, be. I don't see we have any other choice." he said quietly. Josh simply nodded. "I agree." With those two words she had simply put her entire career on the line. Agreeing to follow a Captain whom the Federation might simply designate as crazy, misaligned or simply downright wrong was one thing and Josh would indeed have been happy to do so, for this captain.. However doing so whilst she was supposedly a fugitive from justice herself was a whole different ball game. However do it she would. As the Captain nodded solemnly Josh began to follow his orders. Tapping her comm badge she contacted Engineering first. "Caskie to Engineering. Please begin to organise Damage Control Teams to disperse throughout the ship as and when necessary." (Reply anyone in Engineering) Tapping her badge again she contacted Sickbay. "Caskie to Sickbay. Stand by for incoming wounded." (Reply Sickbay) Her job done Josh simply sat down in her chair and began to pay attention to the Captain and the main screen once more. (Reply Engineering and Sickbay and anyone else who cares to) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Sickbay- CMO - Lieutenant Aleesa Wyler - Day 2 - 2019.2) Despite being on red alert, there wasn't much going on. The entire medical staff was mobilized, ready for action and ready for whatever might be thrown there way. Lopez had finished his surgery. The survivor that had been brought up with him and Rosenbauer, was sleeping soundly in one of the isolation rooms. The Security Officer had been discharged but on limited duty, and their other Prisoner had been also sequestered for the moment in a medical isolation room, although Aleesa realized that there was nothing physically wrong with her, she still felt that it would be better to have the Ship's councilor question her. They were all milling around, some were re-inspecting their equipment when the call finally came. =^=Caskie to Sickbay. Stand by for incoming wounded.=^= There it was in simple and concise federation standard. they were about to engage the enemy, whomever that may be. Wyler looked over at Lopez. "Doctor Lopez, I want you to take a medical team and head to the Secondary sickbay. You'll be handling preliminary triage." (reply Lopez) Aleesa tapped her commbadge. "Wyler to Ichijo" (reply Ichijo) "You'll have to put your examination on hold doctor. we've been ordered to expect casualties. I need you to put together an emergency response team and handle triage routing. Anything immediately life threatening needs to come to main sickbay, everything else to secondary sickbay. Put together a team to attend you." (reply Ichijo) "Wyler out." she said tapping her badge a second time to close the channel. Under her breath she muttered, "Here we go." (reply Lopez, Ichijo) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Sickbay- ACMO-Ensign (jg) Sam Lopez- Day 2 - 2019.4) Wyler looked over at Lopez. "Doctor Lopez, I want you to take a medical team and head to the Secondary sickbay. You'll be handling preliminary triage." "yes,sir"Sam said. Sam watched as CMO finished giving orders and everybody started to disperse.Sam called out his medical team to follow him to the secondary sickbay. He was followed to the sickbay by his team which was comprised of nurses which included M’Epak. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante -Bridge - ATAC Ensign (jg) V'Shera -2019.5) V'Shera was on tactical when a sjartp dialogue between Captain Salid and Captain Saleke played out. V’Shera had never met the famous Saleke but knew of him by reputation only. Other than his part in the 52nd Fleet rebellion against the odious Admiral Doenitz, Captain Saleke had never been accused of any professional misconduct whatsoever. It was for that reason that V’Shera was so surprised when she heard Captain Salid say; “I know what you will find when your beam down to the planet to conduct your investigation. You'll find exactly what you will need to justify whatever action the people who sent you here will want you to perform." Her captain’s voice was both sad and conspiratorial in its tone. ~Clearly there are things going here that were far stranger than what already transpired earlier in the day. No wonder Captain Salid had been so secretive about this rogue mission from the get go.~ Both captains exchanged some highly charged dialogue, culminating with Captain Saleke finally threatening to fire on Rose if it wouldn’t stand down. At that point, her captain deliberately lied about giving Captain Saleke a well considered answer. Captain Salid then closed communication with the Furious and, after going over some tactical ideas in his head, began issuing well thought out commands to everyone on the bridge. Captain Salid turned in his chair and looked at her and Mister Sullivan. "Mister V'Shera and Mister Sullivan, you will not fire on the Furious unless we are fired upon first, and only then with the intention to cause her to lose bearing and intercept us. Watch your weapon fire closely and focus on forcing her to deviate course just long enough to buy us some time. That should start Saleke thinking." “Affirmative, Captain, “V’Shera replied as her nimble fingers flew over her tactical console’s pads. “I’ve keyed up engineering specs on the Furious class ships and am now targeting those structural points related to navigation and sensor controls.” Another touch on the her pads, “our weapons are now locked onto those points on the Furious, should she fire on us, Captain. I believe we will have a excellent chance with effectively interfere with the Furious’ pursuit of us, if we see her charging her weapons.” ~If we're faster on the proverbial draw than the Furious is, of course!~ Lt. Sullivan replied in the affirmative as well. (Reply Captain Salid, Any) (Posted by Jim McCrary) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CSEC- Lieutenant Chance Raschen- Day 2- 2020) "Saleke will be forced to drop to impulse when he gets a little closer. The Gravity well variants will rip his ship apart if he doesn't. Mister Raschen, as soon as the planet is between us, we need to head for the asteroid field.. We'll activate the SEDIS and have the sensor ghost diverge from us along a different vector. That should buy us a few additional moments. Once we're at optimum distance Chance you're to activate the SEDIS and vector us into the Mill." “Aye sir just ready for the alarms to start going off; I’m gonna to dip into the planet’s gravity well and sling-shot us around to the other side faster.” Raschen said as he recalled the pirate style tactics he had ever used while sitting down at the helm. He only knew Saleke by reputation only, and if rumor were true, Raschen had every reason to be worried about being hunted by the Vulcan. “Ready when you are captain.” Chance said with his fingers poised over the console ready to get moving. (Reply Salid) When the privateer was given the word, Chance started piloting the Rosenante toward the planet and into the upper part of its gravity well. The faster Chance got the Rose to go, alarms started blaring and his crewmates were shouting. He didn’t know how many orders he was ignoring and blowing off, but the Furious kept getting smaller and smaller every second until the planet was between the two. Once Chance pulled the ship out of the planet’s gravity well after the sling-shot maneuver he ordered “Activate SEDIS on my mark!” yelling over the alarms that were still going off “3…2…1…MARK!” (Reply any) Once the system was activated, “Rixx, take control of the SEDIS” Raschen directed as he started punching in commands to make way for the Mill. “Next stop the Mill, and a possible explosive death.” (Reply Salid, any) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - COPS, Lieutenant Tom Jackson - Day 2 - 2023) Jackson and the rest of the bridge crew listened in on the conversation between the two captains. Tom didn't know Saleke well - he had heard of him by word of mouth. The grapevine had indicated Captain Saleke was honest an would follow his orders to the letter. This did not bode well for the Rosenante. Sighing, Tom had that recurrent thought of ~why always fighting?~ Tom wished he could be an explorer or discoverer of next races and scientific phenomena. Brought back to reality when his CO ordered "Mister Jackson, shift additional power to shields and weapons, be ready to initiate the HISS when we reach the Asteroid field. Stay on top of Damage control coordination." Tom quickly acknowledged his orders with "Aye Sir". T.J. tapped out instructions and began to shut down all non-essential systems. He instructed Ensign Smith and Chief Sheridan to move people from those areas and systems. He ran a quick diagnostic on the HISS system to make sure it was functioning at 100%. Tom Jackson had seen plenty of combat but fighting a fellow Federation vessel made his very nervous. ~Maybe I should have taken that job ob Pez's trade vessel~ Jackson thought gloomily. (reply: None) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Bridge – 30/CCOUNS Lt. (jg) Jon Nayati – 2023.5*) Jon listened and watched the intense dialogue going on between Captain Salid and Captain Saleke. Jon watched the auras of both captains as they spoke. Jon could tell through the viewscreen Captain Saleke’s words and aura indicated genuine desire to find out what actually had happened at the Bardon Mining Colony. Captain Salid’s words and aura reflected a profound distrust of the Vulcan’s intent and motivation. “I know what you will find when you beam down to the planet to conduct your investigation. You'll find exactly what you will need to justify whatever action the people who sent you here will want you to perform," Salid said to Captain Saleke just before he ended communication with him. Then after talking about the tactical aspects of going into the adjacent asteroid field, Captain Salid gave orders to move the Rose out. ~What in Frak’s accursed name is going on here?~ He then ordered Lt. Sullivan and Ensign V’Shera to focus the ship’s firepower on causing the Furious to deviate in its pursuit of the Rose. Both subordinate officers complied with their captain’s orders. Jon watched as Ensign V’Shera pulled up the schematics of the Furious class star ship and reported that she had targeted weapons on the Furious in relation to its navigational and sensory arrays. Both Captain Salid and Jon were satisfied with V’Shera’s tactical performance. Captain Salid then turned his attention to Lt. Jackson. “Mister Jackson, shift additional power to shields and weapons. Be ready to initiate the HISS when we reach the asteroid field. Stay on top of damage control coordination." Lt. Jackson compiled as ordered. Captain Salid then spoke to Jon. "Mister Nayati,” Captain Salid said. “Tell me what you saw from Saleke while he was on the screen." Jon answered, “Sir, I saw a logical Vulcan starship captain on the horns of a dilemma. My read on his aura indicated that he had a genuine desire to find out why the Rose is out here and what had happened on the Bardon Colony. I also saw that he was quite conflicted over the idea of having to fight a ship-to-ship with us. I suspect this is why he was so interested in having us stand down, so he could determine what was going on here. It was his logical mind and sense of duty fighting with his Vulcan reticence to unnecessarily kill other sentient life. I also saw a Vulcan who was genuinely surprised in reference to your assertion that he was a part of a deliberate conspiracy against you and the Rose. He is an idealistic, logic driven captain who uses his formidable powers to carry out Star Fleet orders. He is not the type of starship captain who would violate the constraints of Star Fleet for personal gain.” (Reply Ahmed ibn Salid, IYW) Jon paused for a moment, and then spoke again. “Our unexpected escape from Captain Saleke’s custody with be perceived by him as an admission of guilt. Star Fleet dictates will leave him no other options but to pursue, capture and possibly destroy us.” (Reply Ahmed ibn Salid, IYW) “Our only hope is to catch those posing as the Rosenante crew and find out what’s going on before the Furious catches up to us. I suggest Mr. V’Shera also needs to target the Furious’ communication arrays, as well, Captain. That would prevent the Furious from re-routing any other Federation star ships that could be heading toward the Bardon Colony to begin pursuing us.” (Reply Ahmed ibn Salid, Any) (Posted by Jim McCrary) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge- ACEO - Ensign (jg) Mitena Rixx - Day 2 - 2024) Once Mitena had assisted Lieutenant Jackson with the transfer of the data they had collected from the mining facility to the Rosenante she headed immediately to Main Engineering to take her duty station. Lt. Marrow had redirected her to take the engineering position on the bridge. As she stepped onto the bridge, she heard the First Officer's orders to engineering. "Caskie to Engineering. Please begin to organize Damage Control Teams to disperse throughout the ship as and when necessary." "I'll take care of that, Sir." Mitena said as she took the engineering station. As quickly as she could manage to get her fingers to move across the console, she began sending orders to the already assembled teams. She had about an instant to be thankful for all the time the ship had spent in Geneva station for repairs. It had given her ample time to become familiar with the most critical stress points in the ship's structure. Movement on the view screen caught her attention and she looked up from her console to see another federation ship. As if in slow motion she turned her head to look at the other officers on the bride, finally hearing and seeing exactly what was about to occur. Mitena took a deep breath and completed the assignments she had started. ~This can't be a good thing.~ Was the only thing she could think. The alarms on her console alerting potential gravitational effects that the ship was experiencing. Inertial dampeners were compensating, but she hoped that they wouldn't have to be stressed for very long. "Activate SEDIS on my mark!" Came the order over the cacophony of alarms and personnel. "3....2....1...MARK!" She heard the confirmation that the system was active as she turned her attention back to the engineering readout, looking for the slightest anomaly. "Rixx, take control of the SEDIS" "Yes sir." She said, having not expected the order. She reconfigured the console to the appropriate layout for the SEDIS system and began deviating the path of the sensor ghost from their own. Nothing too extreme too quickly, she reasoned. If their flight path was too far from their own initially, it might register to the sensors on the other ship and defeat the whole purpose. "Transferring the trajectory of our ghost image to sensors. It is currently deviating three degrees off our flight path." (reply any on the bridge) "At current, I have it moving to a distance of 400 kilometers at 3 degrees and then altering course to widen the gap to five degrees and 600 kilometers to the starboard." (reply any) (posted by Ruby) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Furious- Bridge- CO, Captain Saleke - Day 2 - 2025) "Captain they've rounded the curve of the planet, sensor contact has been lost." Saleke didn't look at Holis, he merely nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Captain our vector equidiscent to theirs will have us cutting across their path roughly 200,000 kilometers from the asteroid belt, gravitational forces though necessitate we drop out of warp at this time." The navigator called from the helm. "Leave warp and go to full impulse Ensign." He ordered in response. "Aye sir." "Starfleet command has been notified of our contact with the Rosenante and has ordered she be stopped captain, Admiral Heatherby has been advised." "Maintain contact with starfleet command, advise them we will continue to update as necessary." "Aye sir." There was nothing to do now but wait, the THIS had been activated and Ensign Williams was maintaining vigilance while standing within the holographic ring at the tactical console, the controls to fire the weapons quite literally at his fingertips. Saleke himself had been qualified in the use of the interface and was well aware the Rosenante had the system as well which gave no advantage to either side, the system was deadly in the extreme however and had been used with devestating effect countless times during the war, a true tactical disadvantage when one ship was without it. As the Furious rounded the planet Saleke began giving orders again, well aware of the Rosenante's capabilities. "Mr. Williams using the Rosenante's given coordinates at time of firing as the central nexus make a thirty degree delta pattern with the quantum torpedoes set on proximity fuse of 500 kilometers. The Sedis system will give a "ghost" image of the ship that will confuse sensors. Continue firing until you receive a positive detonation then use that detonation point to triangulate the Rosenante's true position based on their projected vector . At that point you may begin using phasers as well. Do not load the modified torpedoes till we are at short range with a positive lock on the ship. Do you understand?" (Reply: Andrus) Seconds crawled by like minutes to Holis and the rest of the bridge crew as the Furious rounded the planet, the vulcan however was so focused he took little notice of time. Then the Rosenante showed herself, streaking toward the asteroid belt. "Got her captain!" Holis called out. "We had her vector pegged within five degrees, she's making directly for the asteroid belt." Saleke looked toward the OPS station. "Send a hail to the Rosenante, advise her to surrender, there will be no further warning." The OPS officer shook his head after a moment, all the while the Furious was gaining ground on the Rosenante, having taken an inside vector in an effort to cut off the ships flight to safety. "She's not answering captain." The vulcan shook his head almost imperceptibly. "Very well, Mr. Williams begin firing." (Reply: Andrus, any) (Posted by Charles) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante -secondary Sickbay- ACMO-Ensign (jg) Sam Lopez- Day 2 - 2025.5*) Sam and his team arrived at the sickbay."i want every body to get this sickbay into triage mode as fast as you can."Sam said. Sam watched as his team carried out his order.~my order~ (reply by any) (posted by shawn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 2 - 2026) "Mister Jackson, shift additional power to shields and weapons, be ready to initiate the HISS when we reach the Asteroid field. Stay on top of Damage control coordination." Salid ordered Tom quickly acknowledged his orders with "Aye Sir". Ahmed watched on his command console as Jackson did what he did best, sucking every bit of available power from non-essential systems and putting it where it was needed most. "Saleke will be forced to drop to impulse when he gets a little closer. The Gravity well variants will rip his ship apart if he doesn't. Mister Raschen, as soon as the planet is between us, we need to head for the asteroid field. We'll activate the SEDIS and have the sensor ghost diverge from us along a different vector. That should buy us a few additional moments. Once we're at optimum distance Chance you're to activate the SEDIS and vector us into the Mill." Ahmed ordered. "Aye sir just be ready for the alarms to start going off; I'm gonna to dip into the planet's gravity well and sling-shot us around to the other side faster." Raschen said as he explained the upcoming tactics he had was about to employ as he took the helm station. "Ready when you are captain." Chance said with his fingers poised over the console ready to get moving. "Let's do it." Ahmed replied, knowing the general danger of the maneuver, even before taking into consideration that Saleke's ship had the tactical advantage. Chance started piloting the Rosenante toward the planet and into the upper part of its gravity well. The faster the Rosenante went, the more the alarms started blaring and the other officers on the bridge were forced to raise their voices to make reports. Ahmed watched as the Rosenante began to pull away from the Furious, but he realized that the advantage was only temporary. It was a transitive success and might only buy then a few moments. In Ahmed's mind however, every moment counted. Once Chance pulled the ship out of the planet's gravity well after the sling-shot maneuver he ordered "Activate SEDIS on my mark!" yelling over the alarms that were still going off "3.2.1.MARK!" "SEDIS activated," Sullivan replied, noting that the system was now online. "Rixx, take control of the SEDIS" Raschen directed as he started punching commands into the console. "Next stop the Mill, and a possible explosive death." Ahmed raised an eyebrow at the explosive death comment but dropped it when he went back to the situation at hand. "Yes sir." Rixx replied as she reconfigured the console, "Transferring the trajectory of our ghost image to sensors. It is currently deviating three degrees off our flight path." "what is it's relative position from us?" Ahmed asked. "At current, I have it moving to a distance of 400 kilometers at 3 degrees and then altering course to widen the gap to five degrees and 600 kilometers to the starboard." Ahmed nodded. "Very good maintain the SEDIS until it becomes apparent that it's no longer effective." (reply Rixx) Ahmed watched with growing tension. Not only were they invisible for the moment to the Furious, but the Furious was as equally invisible to them. The only real advantage that Salid had was the knowledge that the Furious couldn't deviate course very much, for fear of the Rosenante shifting to a radically different vector. The Furious suddenly appeared on their sensors and V'Shera confirmed her orders and detailed the sections of the Furious where she would focus her fire. "Impulse engines are preferable to their warp drive, mister V'Shera. Try to minimize casualties if possible." The captain ordered. (reply V'Shera) Sullivan activated the THIS system, now that the Furious was about to enter extreme weapons range. Ahmed could only assume that Saleke would be well versed on the tactical systems of the Rosenante. He'd know about the SEDIS, the HISS and the THIS system. What he didn't know was the crew and their abilities. "Mister Sullivan, they'll be firing torpedoes with the intention of triangulating our location to defeat the SEDIS. Use phasers to destroy as many of them as you can. Their premature destruction will make it that much harder for them to get a solid location lock." ~At least that's what I would do.~ he thought. "Understood captain." Sullivan replied and turned all her attention to the display hovering around her. "Captain, the Furious is calling for our surrender. they are warning that we will not receive another opportunity." Ahmed looked at Caskie. "Do not respond to their hails." he said aloud, as he looked her in the eye. (reply Caskie iyw) "Sir the Furious is firing torpedoes." Sullivan reported. "On screen." The main viewer shifted to show a volley of three torpedoes quickly diverging into a delta pattern. "You're up Mister Sullivan." Ahmed replied, before giving orders to V'Shera. "Mister V'Shera prepare to return fire, focus on their sensors and impulse engines." (reply V'Shera) Ahmed watched as Sullivan's fingers extended outwards, and the Rosenante's tactical computer responded with brilliant red-orange beams of phaser fire, which reached out towards the incoming torpedoes. The red hot lances of raw energy obliterated two of the incoming projectiles, while the third one overshot them to the aft before detonating. the distance was great enough that the Rosenante's shields didn't even realize that the torpedo had detonated. "They can't triangulate our location off a single torpedo." Ahmed commented. Another stream of torpedoes, followed by another, making a double volley, streamed towards them, all the while the Furious gained ground. The Rosenante was already running at full impulse, but the Furious still had the positional advantage. Their vector still put them on an intercept course that would bisect the Rosenante's course a little less that a quarter of a million kilometers from the asteroid belt that would offer them refuge. "Stand by mister V'Shera." Ahmed ordered. (reply V'Shera) Sullivan once again unleashed a flurry of phaser fire into the incoming torpedoes. While she was often considered one of the most accurate operators of the THIS that there was, even she could not move fast enough to destroy all the torpedoes that had been launched. At least the act of using the phasers would not reveal their actual position, since the SEDIS mimicked the Rosenante's sensor signature perfectly. The phaser beams ripped through two of the torpedoes in the first volley, but only managed to destroy one of the second volley. This time when they detonated the Rosenante shook slightly. They had detonated away from the ship and the shockwaves that the detonation generated is what Ahmed had felt. "Any damage?" Ahmed asked. (reply Rixx) The captain nodded. "Another volley incoming." Sullivan reported. (reply all) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge - COPS, Lt Tom Jackson - Day 2 - 2026.5) Tom was tensed. Yet more combat. This time his ship was being fired upon by a supposed 'friendly' vessel. Lt Cmdr Sullivan deftly dodged the first volley. He thanked the gods she was manning tactical. Sullivan indicated another volley was incoming. Two of the three torpedoes were destroyed but one maned a hit on deck 8 near the secondary phaser array. "Sir, hit on Deck 8 near the secondary phaser array. I have routed power to strengthened the structural integrity fields there as a precaution" Jackson reported. (reply: Capt Salid) Tom ordered Robbie and Chief Sheridan to " You and The Chief help with damage control Ensign Smith" Sheridan responded first "Aye, Aye Sir" and looked at Robbie. (reply: Robbie) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Secondary Sickbay - Nurse Carmen Santiago - Day 2 - 2027) Sam and his team arrived at the sickbay. "I want every body to get this sickbay into triage mode as fast as you can." Sam watched as his team carried out his order.~my order~ Carmen immediately began checking that all the biobeds were working. As the various nurses and Med Techs reported to her she began handing them all out assignments ranging from checking supplies and equipment to setting up a triage facility at the door. Whilst the main sickbay would indeed send triage team out through the ship, a lot of injured personnel would be brought to the nearest Sickbays by their workmates and friends and a triage system needed to be set up to deal specifically with those casualties. Carmen wanted most of that to be set up before E'Mpak arrived since she certainly knew that it would reflect well on her, but mostly because she really did not want to have E'Mpak chew her out. Getting the thumbs up from the rest of the team Carmen smiled to herself. Everything was more or less taken care of and once E'Mpak arrived hopefully there would be nothing for her to chew Carmen out about. Just as she was feeling confident E'Mpak strode through the doors and Carmen's heart dropped into her boots. Putting on a brave face she crossed to meet her and updated her on everything that had been done. "I haven't yet updated ACMO Lopez on what we have done yet. I was just about to do so. Perhaps you would care to do so yourself." (Reply Robbie and Shawn) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - ATAC Ensign (jg) V’Shera – 2028.5) Lt Raschen had successfully moved the Rose into the Mill. V’Shera was tense and alert at her tactical console as she waited to detect the dangerous presence of the Furious in their immediate vicinity. As she watched, the Furious suddenly appeared on her sensors. V'Shera confirmed her orders and indictated the sections of the Furious where she would focus her fire. "Impulse engines are preferable to their warp drive, Mister V'Shera. Try to minimize casualties if possible," the captain ordered. “Aye, aye, Sir,” V’Shera said. “Targeting confirmed and locked on.” (Reply any) V’Shera noted that Lt. Sullivan activate the TIHS system, now that the Furious was about to enter extreme weapons range. "Mister Sullivan, they'll be firing torpedoes with the intention of triangulating our location to defeat the SEDIS. Use phasers to destroy as many of them as you can. Their premature destruction will make it that much harder for them to get a solid location lock." "Understood Captain," Sullivan replied. "Captain, the Furious is calling for our surrender,” said Commander Caskie. “They are warning that we will not receive another opportunity." Ahmed looked at Caskie. "Do not respond to their hails," he ordered. (Reply Caskie iyw) "Sir the Furious is firing torpedoes," Sullivan reported. "On screen,” ordered the Captain. The main viewer shifted to show a volley of three torpedoes quickly diverging into a delta pattern. "You're up Mister Sullivan," Ahmed replied, before giving orders to V'Shera. "Mister V'Shera prepare to return fire. Focus on their sensors and impulse engines." “Targets locked on Sir. Firing phasers now.” V’Shera deftly pressed the firing buttons and the phasers reached out with their destructive energy to touch the other ship. V’Shera’s console told her the other ship’s shields were holding. “Their shields are down by 20%, Sir.” Ahmed watched as Sullivan's fingers extended outwards, and the Rosenante's tactical computer responded with brilliant red-orange beams of phaser fire, which reached out towards the incoming torpedoes. The red hot lances of raw energy obliterated two of the incoming projectiles, while the third one overshot them to the aft before detonating. The distance was great enough that the Rosenante's shields didn't even realize that the torpedo had detonated. "They can't triangulate our location off a single torpedo," Ahmed commented. Another stream of torpedoes, followed by another, making a double volley, streamed towards them, all the while the Furious gained ground. The Rosenante was already running at full impulse, but the Furious still had the positional advantage. Their vector still put them on an intercept course that would bisect the Rosenante's course a little less that a quarter of a million kilometers from the asteroid belt that would offer them refuge. "Stand by mister V'Shera," the Captain ordered. “Yes Sir,” replied V’Shera. Her training routines were a help to her. She was able to maintain a certain detached calm now that she was in actual combat. “Standing by.” But her finger hovered over the firing button, ready to engage at the Captain’s command. Sullivan once again unleashed a flurry of phaser fire into the incoming torpedoes. While she was often considered one of the most accurate operators of the TIHS that there was, even she could not move fast enough to destroy all the torpedoes that had been launched. At least the act of using the phasers would not reveal their actual position, since the SEDIS mimicked the Rosenante's sensor signature perfectly. The phaser beams ripped through two of the torpedoes in the first volley, but only managed to destroy one of the second volley. This time when they detonated the Rosenante shook slightly. They had detonated away from the ship and the shockwaves that the detonation generated is what they felt. The ship shook slightly. "Any damage?" Ahmed asked. (reply Rixx) The captain nodded. "Another volley incoming," Sullivan reported. (Reply Any) “Permission to fire Sir?” asked V’Shera. (Reply Ahmed ibn Salid, Any) (Posted by Jim McCrary) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Furious- Bridge- CTSO Ensign Andrus - Day 2 - 2033) The Furious and Rosenate ended their hails to the other. Captain Saleke ordered Andrus to "Mr. Williams using the Rosenante's given coordinates at time of firing as the central nexus make a thirty degree delta pattern with the quantum torpedoes set on proximity fuse of 500 kilometers. The Sedis system will give a "ghost" image of the ship that will confuse sensors. Continue firing until you receive a positive detonation then use that detonation point to triangulate the Rosenante's true position based on their projected vector . At that point you may begin using phase rs as well. Do not load the modified torpedoes till we are at short range with a positive lock on the ship. Do you understand?" Gulping Andrus replied a bit quietly "Yes Sir" and entered the information. He began the firing pattern. The first barrage had one torpedo was wide of the mark. The to her two were destroyed by the Rosenante. Cursing slightly, Andrus corrected and launched a second spread. The Rose's tactical person eliminated two of the three in the spread. The third torpedo hit the Roseante near its secondary dorsal phaser array. "Captain, confirmed hit near their secondary dorsal phasrer array, on deck 8" Andrus reported. (reply: Captain Saleke) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge- FO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 2035) Josh had activated her own THIS as soon as the Captain had began giving orders to outrun the Furious. At present she was only monitoring all the activity, but she was ready to step in as and where she was needed. Thankfully at present she wasn't needed and she could simply keep an eye on the whole situation rather than just one piece of it. Suddenly a voice managed to carry above the rest. "Captain, the Furious is calling for our surrender. they are warning that we will not receive another opportunity." Ahmed looked at Caskie. "Do not respond to their hails." he said aloud, as he looked her in the eye. Josh looked over at him briefly. "Understood Sir." Almost immediately she dragged her eyes back to her THIS display and continued to monitor it as three torpedoes showed up as incoming. Thankfully Sullivan managed to destroy two out of the three and the third thankfully overshot to Rose by a reasonable margin. Unfortunately another stream of torpedoes, followed by another were sent on their way towards the Rose. Sullivan only managed to eliminate one of them this time and as the Rose shook from the detonation shockwave Josh began to wonder if they would manage to outrun the Furious to the asteroid belt. (No reply needed) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Furious- Bridge- ACEO Lt. Steven Matrix - Day 2 - 2038*) Matrix was busy monitoring the engineering station. ~Let's hold together surprises..damn it.~ Matrix heard the Ensign confirm a hit on the Rosenante, but his brain had a hard time accepting they just fired on his former ship. "Captain, the targeting computers are having a hard time syncing a firing looks like a subroutine problem within the target scanners. I doubt we'll have time to correct the error before the Rosenante blows us out of the stars." said Matrix. (Reply Captain Saleke, any) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Bridge- CSEC- Lieutenant Chance Raschen- Day 2- 2050) With the ship shifting and being rocked with impacts from the Furious’ weapons, Chance was starting to revert into his privateer captain frame of mind. As if in a flashback to when he was chased through that territory by Cardassian warships, Raschen looked over his shoulder and raised his voice to be heard over another explosion “Captain, we are coming up on the Mill, request full control of the ship from point of entry till we exit on the other side sir.” Chance said in one of those tones of voice that indicated that it was less of a request and more of a demand or order. (Reply Salid) “Sorry sir, I just need full maneuvering and weapons control.” He said in a more subdued tone as he turned to face the center of the bridge. (Reply any who wish) “Because any weapon that gets fired causes the ship to ever so slightly rock and/or shift; I need to control all the ship’s shifting and rocking while we’re in there. Especially if I’m expected to get us back out alive. Is that a reasonable enough answer sir?” Chance explained his request as he checked the helm to double check to make sure the closed circuit monitor was working. (Reply Salis, any) “Might I suggest that we prepare a few torpedoes armed with shockwave warheads set to detonate a half click off the Furious’ bow? Fired from the aft tube, it’ll shake them up without causing any real damage and get them off our tail long enough to enter the Mill.” (Reply Salid, any who wish) (Reply Salid, any who wish) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------