- Mission: The Flames of Ragnarock Stardate: 2407.07.07 Day: 1 (USS Dennison - 10 Forward- Lt. Alosar and Lt. Darsons- 2340) Alosar raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen someone with a bad attitude towards Vulcans. In fact, many wondered about a Vulcan counselor. Still, Alosar was strong on his conviction that being removed from his emotions gave him a clarity that those with stronger emotions did not have. “I see,” Alosar sat down and looked at the bottle in Darsons’ hand. “So intend to drink yourself into some kind of alcoholic stupor in order to deal with your problems? How does that help you... how did you put it... ‘deal’?” Haley didn’t even look at the Vulcan this time as she took a large swig, “It just does, it makes me numb and then I can forget everything,” she said, “Do you know how I feel right now?” she said not expecting a response, “No you don’t do you.” She finnally turned around to him, tears welling up in her vivid green eyes, “You don’t know what I have been through, you don’t know the memories I have of things.” Alosar looked at her passively. He was certain that she was trying to hurt him in some manner. However her words, nor her tears, swayed him. “You are correct,” he said, “I do not know how you feel, nor do I have your memories. That has nothing to do with my being a Vulcan. You have not shared your thoughts with anyone. Why don’t you tell me now?” Alosar sat next to the engineer, giving the air that he was not going anywhere soon. Haley just sighed and sunk into the chair, she could see this was a futile effort trying to match patience with the Vulcan. She looked around the room, see a few familliar faces even at this late hour, and then looked back at Alosar, “I see that this is going to take a while, can we go somewhere else to talk. Too many ears here,” she said and then realized that it sounded like a joke about his ears, “Um, no offence.” It took Alosar a moment to realize that Darsons was apologizing about the reference to ears. She must have thought he would personalize the comment. He had actually not noticed it. “I was not offended,” the counselor said. “However, I was under the impression that you wanted my ears to hear what you had to say.” Unused to the use of humor he hoped that he got his point across. Haley just rolled her eyes, ‘God he always takes things so literally’ she thought, “Um, I think your office would suffice.” (USS Dennison- Counselor’s Office- Lt Haley Darsons, Lt. Alosar - 2356) The office, as she figured with a typical Vulcan, was sparse but functional. She spotted a comfy chair and plopped herself in it waiting for Alosar to start talking. “Well,” she replied, “I can’t sleep much. I’ve been having terrible dreams and I think I am remembering but I can’t tell the difference between a dream and what actually happened to me.” Alosar, for the second time, was surprised. There was no other way to describe his situation. Here was a young woman who, moments ago, was telling that there was nothing for them to talk about, and now she was readily telling him of her neuroses. Alosar slipped easily into the chair next to the chair Darsons had sat in and leaned forward to listen. He didn’t want to lose the moment, as it was obvious that she had something on her mind that she needed to talk about. “Perhaps it would be easier if you explained what you actually remember, and then we can discuss your dreams, and together we might be able to sort out the fact from the dream.” Haley squeezed the arm of the chair letting it’s softness absorb some of her anxiety, she took a deep breath and began. “Well, I remember some things like being on the Beowulf and accessing technical data. I don’t know how I can do these things without being aware of them,” Haley went on to explain the other memories that she was sure of, “Having a meeting with some Starfleet high up guy, I can’t remember the details of his face though.” Again a flood of memories came to her, “WAIT! I remember, I remember!” she exclaimed to the Vulcan, “It was a Admiral I think. About your height, maybe forty-five standard years and human. We were in a small room with only one door and a chair. There were about six or seven security guards there with him, and I remember at least once being shot,” she said thinking about the time before she moved to the Beowulf. Alosar could tell that the memory, at least, felt real, as Darsons flinched at the thought of being shot. Her description was fairly common and there was little more that he could tell from it. “Why don’t you tell me about the dreams,” he encouraged. “Perhaps that can help.” “Well the dreams are a different story, things are too real to make me think they didn’t happen,” she said. Alosar raised an eyebrow, “To real? Indeed? You need to be more specific.” Haley started to try and recall some of her more recent dreams, “I was on a ship?” she paused, “No, a base but not on Earth. Gravity was close but not quite one gee. Then I am in some sort of holding room, and I was hung from the ceiling by my arms and my legs were restrained as well. Then there was a flash, and I am on the Beowulf in Engineering but everyone was speaking a language I didn’t understand. Then I saw the warp core breach and everyone getting vaporized.” “And you have no idea what was being said?” Alosar inquired. “Often dreams help us to work out, in our mind, something that troubles us in our reality. Yet you say that these dreams are ‘too real’. Do you believe that your mind is playing out events that actually occurred?” Haley considered that question for a good minute or so, trying to remember more, but was unable to, “I believe so,” she said trying to shake the feelings off of her, “I have no idea what was being said. It’s like when you and another person can’t speak the same language. You try hard to get your point across even though you know they don’t know what you’re are talking about,” she said as a burst of memory came to her. “Yes! It was all gibberish but I could tell they were trying to get my attention or something like that!” she said excitedly. She continued to explain that when she ‘dreamt’ the warp core breach, everyone was just standing around trying to talk to her. She knew that had to mean something but couldn’t figure it out. Again, the forboding and terrifying feelings crept up on her, clung to her like a wet blanket, “But the other stuff, I am convinced it happened in reality. Every time I think of it, I want to cry,” she said trying to hold back the emotion. Alosar looked at the woman carefully. He noted that the intense memories were causing her such distress and that was not the purpose of this interview. She had done enough work for one night, but there was more work to be done here, that was a certainty. And a mystery to be solved. He made a mental note to look more thoroughly into the history of young Lieutenant Darsons. “”Yes, I can see that,” Alosar stated plainly. He paused for a moment and then continued, “I think that we have done enough for this evening Lieutenant, but I would like to continue this discussion as soon as possible. Meanwhile...” he stood up and moved to his desk. Picking up a PADD he returned to his seat. He handed the PADD to Darsons as he sat. “This PADD is for you to record your dreams on. I would like you to keep a dream journal until we find the cause of these dreams, and of your lost reality.” He contemplated telling her that the PADD was remotely monitored by his computer, so that he could read it once she had written on it. However, he considered that most humans would be to self concerned to be honest and may not fully disclose all that needed to be disclosed, and so left that part out. However it would be unethical not to warn her that he would be reading it. “Please keep your thoughts focused to your dreams Lieutenant, as I will be reading the journal to see what information I can divine from your dreams. Our session today has been most... illuminating. Thank you for showing such trust. I will speak with you again soon.” (reply Darsons) (posted by Al Muir) The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.07.08 Day: 03 (U.S.S. Dennison – CSO Bracken and aCO West – Bridge – 1100) “West to Dale Bracken, report to my Ready Room.” he said in his firm command voice. “Acknowledged, I’m on my way. Bracken out. Dale left the main science station, turning toward the doors to the ready room. Upon reaching which, she hit the doorchime. “Come in please,” replied Trevan. She could tell from the tone that something was not well. She had not just made Lt. For nothing. That said though, so was not about to start wandering or arguing. Slowly she walked into the room. The doors behind him closed and he could see Dale’s reflection in the window, “Have a seat Lieutenant,” said Trevan in a not so impressed tone, “There is something we need to discuss,” Then he turned around finally to see her, “It seems that someone has taken out one of our shuttles. You don’t know anything about that do you?” “Sir, I read an extra signature, but felt no need to check too closely, figured it was some brass or other leaving the ship sir. End of the War like? Hawk’s scheduled for runabout anyway. Dale turned to West... is there a problem sir? ‘Hmm, she could be telling the truth’ he thought, “Well,” he said handing the report to Dale, “Perhaps you should read it a little closer,” She took the PADD off West, and read the information. “Heading 175 mark 01, full impulse, scans at the time show one female passenger.” Dale stopped, her mind slightly confused, “So, a female...officer I assume, heads to Mars. Now, according to this, there was no clearance to launch, but Sir, Science doesn’t deal with air traffic control, not in the immediate vicinity anyway. Sir...”she sighed slightly “Have I missed something? I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Trevan shook his head in frustration, and explained to Dale that in addition to the PADD she was currently looking at, Trevan received a message from his former academy roommate who was located on Mars Colony Three. “He mentioned to me that one of our shuttles at arrived there and he was hoping it was me, but when he checked the I.D. landing code he saw another name,” he explained. The ID code is registered any time a ship enters Mars Orbital Space, “It was for a person named Bracken, and since I know you never left the Dennison that leaves only one person now doesn’t it. Care to explain? Dale sighed, a long sigh of understanding. “Ah, now I understand. Explaining might be a little harder, especially when this is the first that I knew of it.” Trevan looked at her skeptically. “Oh I know what you’re thinking – how can she not know? She’s her daughter.” Dale caught West’s glance, “Sir, can I be blunt?” “I think you already are Lieutenant, but please continue,” replied Trevan. Dale’s manner was respectful, but with a slight sternness. “Can I remind you that until a couple of days ago that my mother had been dead since I was 7 years old? Now, it turns out she isn’t, and is now posted as marine CO to this ship. Now, she is my mother, and I still love her, but if you think that means that we’re best buddies sharing confidences, then I’m afraid you’re badly wrong sir.” “Noted,” he said, “All the same, I thought you would want to know, since it’s still a family member.” Trevan then went on explaining that he wasn’t sure on how to proceed in this case, “In reality she should be court-martialed right now,” Dale sighed deeply, “Sir, is that absolutely necessary, sure she’s broken the rules, but a court martial? Now?” “....but, you didn’t let me finish. I am going to forego that little detail considering no harm was done. Let it be known, and I will make it clear to her as well later that this is not tolerated on the Dennison. If it happens again,” he said trailing off, confident the message was understood by Dale. Dale nodded, the message crystal clear in her mind. From what she remembered her mother had always been somewhat a maverick, playing the rules, bending them, admittedly sometimes to breaking point. She was in no doubt that that just wouldn’t happen now, West simply wouldn’t allow it. “Thank you sir, I’m grateful for you telling me, really. I’ll have a word with her, try and real her in. I’d better get back to it...with your permission sir?” Permission having been granted, Dale left the ready room, heading toward her office. Slowly she shook her head as she did so. ~What in the world possessed her to do that?~ Whenever she reappeared, it would make for an interesting meeting (Reply West iyw, any) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher and Mark Howard) Mission: The Flames of Ragnarock Stardate: 2407.07.10 Day: 4 (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 0119) “Captain West. We’re showing serious damage to the Regnum’s Main Engineering compartment. Power spikes indicate possible warp core damage. It’s time to finish her off sir!” “Understood.” he said not bothering to state the fact they were already on it. “Helm 118 mark 014 one-eighth impulse!,” he shouted. “I am aware of how slow that is Ensign Night.” Then turning around to Divay, “Mister Divay, target the Regnums warp core all weapons and fire when ready.” West as it turned out was already moving and Eric watched as the Dennison’s main section moved in firing a massive barrage at the Caesar Regnum and was then sent spinning away by the huge blast as the death ship lost warp containment and vaporized itself just short of Saturn’s orbit. As McDermott’s labored breathing became weaker, Takashima reached up and slapped her badge again, “Takashima to West.” Trevan was confused at hearing her voice on the comm channel, “Go ahead,” “You better get over here Captain. I…don’t…think you have much time either and where the hell is your medical trauma team?!” “We’re on it,” he said, “West to Doctor Nymes, emergency on Secondary Battle Bridge! Beam over now I will follow shortly.” (reply Nymes) “Ensign Night, engage the reintegration sequence at once.” Within moments they were drawing closer to the other two sections of the Dennison. Trevan could hear the docking clamps extending and then connecting with the ventral section. A moment later, the other section connected making them whole again. (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) - (USS Dennison - ACONN/Flight - Ens. Sg Elenor Night -0601) . Ele had seemingly pulled the short straw, and had been given the task of charting the sector for the repair teams, overviewing the SAR teams and acting as Flight Control for the Dennison’s remaining battle group. Chance was roaming the sector in “his” ship, the Star Hawk, acting as a SAR team, rescuing the stranded. It hadn’t escaped her notice that he was picking up pilots first. A rush of guilt for the fighter pilots that had sacrificed themselves to protect the Dennison alongside her briefly fluttered from her heart, then mixed with the shock ofnot knowing who had survived the final battle of the war. Section Two had been struck at Sickbay by four torpedoes, and she managed to maintain her professionalism by not thinking about the obvious loss of life, and her good friends in that department, including Nymes. =/\=Dennison control, this is Star Hawk; be advised I have onboard 20 rescued fighter pilots; request instructions; over.=/\= Chance’s communique jolted Ele out of her gloomy reverie, and she snapped back to full attention. “Hawk, this is Control. Friendlies are to be debriefed back at base. Unknowns to be transferred to the USS Valkyrie for processing. Copy?” =/\=Roger that control; Star Hawk proceeding as instructed=/\= “Understood Star Hawk. Control Out.” Night finished, sitting back in her chair, returning to her thoughts. (Reply Any) (Posted by GC) (STAR HAWK–Cockpit-Ensign Chance Raschen-0635) After Chance left the Valkyrie; he decided to contact Night “Dennison control, this is Star Hawk; be advised have left 20 pilots on Valkyrie and am returning to corralling escape-pods; request coordinates please.” (Reply Night, any) “Thanks Dennison; Star Hawk moving out as directed; over.” (STAR HAWK–Cockpit-Ensign Chance Raschen-0845) Chance had finally been released from SAR to return to the Dennison and was very thankful too. Raschen had decided long ago that at 35 he was getting to old for the 24+ hour work day. True, the medics did a good job of patching him up, and the little 1 hour power nap he took while waiting his turn to be seen had been super not to mention every caffeinated drink he could get his hands on; but no amount of stimulants made up for good old fashioned sleep. With exhaustion causing his vision to start to blur off & on, and his reactions to slow dramatically; Chance decided to make the weak but safe call, not just for himself but for the other three Dennison crew members with him. “Dennison, this is the Hawk; be advised this craft has been relieved of SAR duties for the time being and are preparing for final approach. Request tractor assisted landing please; Over.” (Reply Night, any) “Star Hawk copies, thanks Dennison.” (USS Dennison - Ready Room – SECO - Ensign T’vel - 0858) T’vel entered the Ready Room with three PADD’s in hand when she was granted entry by Commander West. Walking smartly up to him she presented him the reports saying, “The first is the official battle log for section two during the battle with the Caesar Regnum sir. The second is my personal report on the battle as well as the conduct of the personnel and…the third is Commander McDermott’s log of the battle…incomplete of course.” (Reply: West) She considered what West had said for a moment and then said; “I would say that it is my opinion sir that the crew handled themselves in a highly competent and professional manner sir. I do not believe that I could point out any areas in which there could have been improved performance however sir, keep in mind that my role in the battle was on the Battle Bridge.” (Reply: West) T’vel did not hesitate saying, “I discovered Commander McDermott had been injured only shortly after it had occurred. I tried to see to it that he got medical attention sir but he ordered me to return to my post. He refused to…he refused to seek medical attention until the battle had been concluded. It is my…opinion sir that he knew very well what he was doing and that his act was…deliberate.” T’vel paused for a moment and then looked away from West and it was obvious that she was hesitant about continuing. Finally she went on with, “I believe sir that Commander McDermott was willing to sacrifice himself to ensure the safety of the ship and to ensure that the Regnum was destroyed. His injuries were severe enough that there would have been no…shame in him allowing himself to be treated. It was…an act of selflessness that I have never before witnessed sir. I would find it…unfortunate in the extreme if he were to succumb to his injuries.” (Reply: West) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison - Ready Room – Commander Trevan West 0859) T’vel entered the Ready Room with three PADD’s in hand when she was granted entry by Commander West. Walking smartly up to him she presented him the reports saying, “The first is the official battle log for section two during the battle with the Caesar Regnum sir. The second is my personal report on the battle as well as the conduct of the personnel and…the third is Commander McDermott’s log of the battle…incomplete of course.” “Of course, thank you and I will go over them as soon as I have a moment to,” he replied as he received the reports from her. Gazing at her for a moment and then easing back in the chair with arms behind his head he asked his question, “As a Vulcan, what was your opinion of how the crew reacted to the battle?” She considered what West had said for a moment and then said; “I would say that it is my opinion sir that the crew handled themselves in a highly competent and professional manner sir. I do not believe that I could point out any areas in which there could have been improved performance however sir, keep in mind that my role in the battle was on the Battle Bridge.” “Now on to more serious matters. I am reading the reports on Commander McDermott’s injuries, can I have your take on the events for the record please?” T’vel did not hesitate saying, “I discovered Commander McDermott had been injured only shortly after it had occurred. I tried to see to it that he got medical attention sir but he ordered me to return to my post. He refused to…he refused to seek medical attention until the battle had been concluded. It is my…opinion sir that he knew very well what he was doing and that his act was…deliberate.” T’vel paused for a moment and then looked away from West and it was obvious that she was hesitant about continuing. Finally she went on with, “I believe sir that Commander McDermott was willing to sacrifice himself to ensure the safety of the ship and to ensure that the Regnum was destroyed. His injuries were severe enough that there would have been no…shame in him allowing himself to be treated. It was…an act of selflessness that I have never before witnessed sir. I would find it…unfortunate in the extreme if he were to succumb to his injuries.” It was unusual for him to be able to detect any emotion from a Vulcan, so this threw him for a loop but he decided to keep quiet about it, “I believe Eric will come through just fine. He’s a fighter and will never give up no matter what. It would be unfortunate for him to succumb to the injuries but I somehow doubt it will happen.” Then after standing he looked right at her, “Thank you Lieutenant, dismissed.” (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher (STAR HAWK–Cockpit-Ensign Chance Raschen-0900) Once the Hawk was settled in place by the tractor beam; and Chance and his temp-crew shut the engines down as the boarding ramp lowered. As the three crewmen left the Hawk Raschen made one last call “Be advised, Hawk secured; over.” (Reply Night, Any) “Thanks Night; if anyone is looking for me just let them know that I’m racked out on one of the bunks here.” (Reply Night, Any) “Thank you again; out.” Once he closed the transmission, Chance went back to the multi-purpose area of his vessel, opened up one of the sleeping racks, laid down and passed out. (Reply Night, Any) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 0930) The ship had been running quietly for a good hour or so, which was a good change to have. The damage control teams were working their magic on the major systems and Trevan was just easing back into his chair in the Ready Room when the comm. unit came to life. It was from the Federation Counsel. “To all Starfleet ships, the war is over. We are victorious. All ships not on recovery missions are to report to their designated backup ship yard for repair.” Then the unit winked out. Trevan accessed the intra-ship communications, “All hands this is the Captain speaking. The war is now officially over. Well done everyone.” then closed the channel. Going over his new orders again to make sure it was complete, Trevan allowed a small smile to play across his tired face. “West to Bridge, Ensign Night set a course for the Callisto ship yards near Jupiter please.” (reply Night) “West to Sickbay, how is Commander McDermott doing doc?” (reply all) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Bridge – CSO Bracken – 0931) It had fallen quiet, order was slowly reigning from the chaos of battle. Relics of ships, parts of ships were drifting slowly across the Sol system. Dale continued to monitor the levels of various remants from warp core explosions, and not least any remaining Thalaron Radiastion. “To all Starfleet ships, the war is over. We are victorious. All ships not on recovery missions are to report to their designated backup ship yard for repair.” Dale felt herself sag slightly, feeling her head fall as she heard West’s words, “the war is over.” After which she heard little else, others on the bridge were reacting in their own way, there may be parties later, but now, there was still work to do. (Reply any, none) (posted by Mark) (USS Dennison - Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 1100) Trevan managed to be on the Bridge as the Dennison approached the Jovian system. On the viewer he could see the mammoth gas giant with her red spot as prominent as ever. Almost as if the blood of all the people killed in the war was placed there. “Helm, take us to Callisto please.” (reply Night) “Divay, open a channel to the Yard.” “Callisto, this is the Dennison requesting permission to enter the system and dock for repairs.” The young Commander on the screen replied, “Dennison, permission granted. Hold at the outer marker, we are currently full. The USS Clemenson is about to depart in about thirty minutes, the next spot is yours. Stand by please,” and with that the image of the Commander winked out and was replaced by the yellow-brown of the crater filled Callisto and the many ships surrounding it. “Well that figures,” said Trevan to himself, “Engineering, we have a thirty minute delay until we can dock. Any chance on getting the major repairs done? I just want those yard workers to have nothing more to do then polish the brass.” (reply Engineering) “Good work Chief. I am sure they can take care of the rest but keep up the good work.” Trevan looked at the time display, it showed it was almost noon ship time and he had not slept in ages, but there was still things that needed to be done. “All hands, this is Commander West. Services to commence in Ten Forward at 1200 hours, all are welcome.” (reply all) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison - CSO Bracken - CSO’s Office - 1100) “Enter” Dale called out, certain that she knew who was outside the door. “Dale!” Leola walked into her office, her manner was almost unreadable, almost. “Mummy, Coffee?” “That would be good, I’ve been awake for near 48 hours.” Her mother replied, flushing slightly. Fortunately, Dale had already turned to the replicator on the far wall of the office. Dale smiled as she replicated the coffee, “doing....?” “Oh, borrowed a shuttle, headed to Mars.” Leola flushed, knowing that her daughter’s extremely high intelligence would not let her up on this. “Mars?!”Dale Yelled, “are you out of your tiny mind? There’s still cells of resistance.” “...And you think that I’m too old to sort them out?” “NO, of course not,” Dale’s brain kicked in again, “Mars? So you spend like...15 hours full impulse each way for what? To climb Olympus Mons?” Dale was exasperated, but the train of thought didn’t derail, unfortunately. “Tell me you stayed at full impulse all the way.” Leola’s face flushed, Her daughter seemingly now was the superior officer. Dale read her mother like it was her own face, “you hit warp between here and Mars didn’t you?” “No, Of course not, there’s some rules that even I won’t bend” Dale closed her eyes, another thought reaching her. “Are you drunk?” The response was a filthy snort from Leola. “Or are you trying to get us both shot?” Leola felt slightly hard done to, sure she had broken...no...bent one or two rules, but she felt that her side of the story had been grossly misrepresented. Sadly, Once more her daughter was a step ahead of her. “Wait...Mars?...Oh tell me that you didn’t.” “Might’ve. Look, It was a good idea at the time.” “Daddy?” “Well, I had to sort it out didn’t I?” Suddenly, Leola pulled herself out the trance. “Look, I had to know didn’t I? And it seems that, well.” She laughed. Dale shuddered “Oh no, don’t tell me that you did.” “”What?? Look, your father and i yelled, fought, and then, well, there was lots of...then.” she flushed at the admission. Leola pulled herself out of the physical rut that she felt herself in, “Dale, it had to happen at some point didn’t it. At some point, this was going to happen. What was said, was said, it’s not for you...yet.” “So...let me get this right. You steal a shuttle, The Topaz I assume? It’s the faster. Head to Mars, speak to Daddy, then, well,” Dale felt her face rush with blood. “well.” “Dale?” “Mum, Go and sort your Marines out. This isn’t the time for this, and there’s somethings that I don’t want to hear.” Dale watched her mother stroll out the office, her manner unrepentant. Slowly, she smiled despite herself, and shook her head, once more picking up the reports that she had been working on. (Reply none) (Posted by Mark) USS Dennison - Bridge, Ens. sg Elenor Night, 1101) “Course laid in, sir, engaged.” Night replied, tapping out the final approach for the shipyard. “In holding pattern.” (reply none) (USS Dennison - Ten Forward, Ens.sg Elenor Night, 1159) Ele walked into Ten Forward to a sight of half the crew. Cringing, slightly, she realised that it was more than three quarters of the survivors on board. Spotting Nymes across the way, she walked over to see him, and ask him how he was coping. (reply any) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, CMO Dr Nymes, 1200) Nymes stood at his favourite corner, gazing out at the starfield, and stoicly reliving the previous day and a half in his mind. Sickbay had been totalled. The minor sickbays had had major power failures, and were unserviceable until they had been engineered back to what they were before the first phaser strike. The Cargo Bay remained the Sickbay for Nymes, and McDermott was still unconcious, medically incapacitated for his own protection. Sickbay had lost 23 staff, 15 dead, 12 seriously injured. Engineering had been worse hit, with total losses topping fifty. With bridge losses and others... Nymes struggled to comprehend it. He was lucky that his friends had survived the battle, hell, the war. Ele had wandered over for a few minutes, and they stood silently for a few moments, before swapping pleasantries, saying more with a simple hello than would otherwise be expected, pleased beyond measure that the other had survived, friends to the last. (reply any) (posted by GC) Dale had walked into the bar, and ignored everybody, this was a time for her to pay her respects to the dead and the injured, not just those that she had served with, but also with those that she hadn’t met, those that had given their lives that she had never even met. Silently, she bowed her head in vigil to all these officers that had gone before her. Silently, she regarded Lewis, and knowing the man he was, knew what he would be considering, knew that he would be thinking of the dead, slowly, she walked over to him, and in the oldest display of grief known to her race, she held him, even as her tears began to encompass her. Silently, she spoke to herselfand to Lewis, “May the Maker have mercy upon them.” (Reply Nymes, any.) (posted by Mark) (U.S.S. Dennison – 3L Bracken – Marine common area - 1200) “Kapowski, I’ve got the file.” Throwing a PADD across the room. The young Marine came rushing into the common area, an informal part of the marine facility that was used by them just to relax, without the temptation of the bar. “You lie!” Kapowski replied, catching it then flicking through its contents, whistling as she did so. “You don’t Lie, well done Boot, you’ve just earned full membership into the unit. Welcome.” “T’anks Kapowski” Smithson blushed, “This guy back at base who...” “Yeah whatever” listen up guys. He paused as the rest of the unit ran and gathered around them. Some of them leaning on Smithson’s shoulder, eager to catch a glimpse of what was on the screen in front of Kapowski, who began to read. “She’s a career marine, joined up as a boot at ... wow ... 16 ... ”His face flashed a look, impressed. “Made her way up the ranks, according to this very rapidly, hit Private First Class by 17, Lance corporal by 18, all the way up to SMaj by 24. In short she was hardcore... beyond gifted.” The word meant something at this level of the corps. ‘Able’ was someone who was, well, able, could do most things well. ‘Gifted’ was something else again, ‘gifted’ meant someone who was born in the uniform. “Then what?” Smithson called out, glowing in his new found status. “What She do then Kapowski?” “Then...” Kapowski answered, his voice tailing off. “Then she does nothing, nothing at all. She doesn’t even resign, that would show here. She just disappears, There’s some databases that show her dead, other’s she just stops existing...for 18 years, until one 3L Leola Bracken checks into customs at the starbase that we just left. For 18 Years the ‘Ell Tee’ didn’t even exist. Now what does that say?” “She hacked the D-Base?” Smithson called out again, receiving a slap round the back of the head for his idiocy. “No, fool!” Came a deep voice as it grabbed the PADD “Bortas thinks that Fleet Intel hid her. Only way that she could disappear for so long. She took a post in SFI, doing...”he whistled, and odd sound for a klingon, “doing who knows what. I’d say Counter Intel. That being the case, she’s harder than any of us...I wouldn’t take her.” He looked impassively at the rest, “would you? Listen, there’s records here too, on this stardate, she nearly killed a Cardassian single handedly in a bar brawl. This apparently was the third of the ten occasions that she refused a post at the academy. TEN occasions, not one, but TEN. You people want to go against her, you do that, but count me out. I’m on her side. She’ll win believe me.” Kapowski nodded, “you mean you’re scared of Smithsons mom grounding us all and sending us to bed with no homework?” Bortas motioned Smithson to silence, “That’s exactly what I mean, and the wisest warrior knows what battles to fight, and which side to be on.” Leola had slipped in to the common room, her presence hidden by the lighting and the noise that the Marines were making, she had been expecting this, any unit always bust their gut to find out about a new CO, Smithson had shown some promise by contacting the base staff, Leola figured that it warranted promotion to Private 3rd in itself. Kapowski was a grumbler, there was one in every unit, highly able, but not happy unless he was causing trouble. She smiled to herself knowing that her seemingly legendary status would stand her in good stead. Slowly she pulled out of the shadows, sliding toward the front of the room. Then she shouted.” “TEN-HUT.” The unit jumped, as she’d hoped that they would, “There’s an officer on deck.” Slowly, she stepped, cat-like round round the room, the marines statue-like staring at the front of the room. “Seems that we have a little problem, doesn’t it children, well, problem indeed.” She stood at the back of the room, her voice nearly silent, showing the fury that she didn’t feel. “Anyone who doesn’t make 6-10-6-10 on the next round of PT then they will be pulling double shifts serving drinks in the officers mess, AM, I, CLEAR?” “SIR, YES SIR! The reply was loud, determined, Leola smiled at the resolve, proud of them. She was sure they still hated her, but she was also sure that that would change. “Also, let it be known that Boot Smithson is now and hereby promoted to Private Third Class, for...Matters obtaining information that he had no bloody business knowing. Congratulations Private. HOO-YAH!” The reply was even louder, and Leola was certain that it would degenerate, slowly she stepped out, smiling at the unit that she was beginning to build. (Reply none) (posted by Mark) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, CMO Dr Nymes 1202) Dee had walked into the bar, with all the poise and purpose that Nymes had expected of her, matching Ele’s counternance and demeanour. As she approached, Nymes braced himself for the discomfort of silences. The silence of sacrifice, all too often as part of unbelieveable problems satisfied the only way warriors knew, rested uneasily on Lewis, and Trills in general; Nymes wanted to revel in memories shared, tempered by his own symbiont’s uncertainity of identity, fleshed with memories but no recollection of events in his past. Dale had walked over to Nymes and Night, bowng her head, murmuring silent thanks to those that had lost their lives; copying everyone in the room; this tableaux would be repeated endlessly throughout the federation today, on every surviving ship, on every surving planet. Dee hugged Lewis, her emotions overflowing with tears, imitating Nymes’ own. In their moment, Nymes was thankful that this moment could be repeated, and wasn’t at an end; happy in survival with a good friend. (Reply Dee, any.) As they parted, Nymes walked over to the display on the wall of Ten Forward, tapping a control at the side, replacing the insignia of the UFP with the Dennison’s casualty list, updating it to the 52nd Casuality list, seemingly scrolling on forever. Stepping back, he nodded at all those assembled in the room, about to bring them to attention. (reply West, Dee, Any) (posted by GC) Mission: The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.07.10 Day: 4 (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, Commander Trevan West 1202) Trevan walked up to the upper platform of the seating area where there was a small wooden and glass podium placed near one of the observation windows. Looking around he could see that Ten Forward had never been so packed with people. They were almost elbow to elbow in some places, and the sound of people talking was almost deafening if you tried too hard to hear one voice in the crowd. His senior staff was also present, including Eric McDermott, the Dennison’s First Officer, who was being assisted by T’Vel and several nurses in his hoverchair. He looked like hell and he even wondered why he would come up here. Trevan walked up to the podium and paused a moment before addressing the crowd that had slowly become silent. “Afternoon everyone,” he hated speaking to large groups, “as you have all heard by now, the war is now over,” said Trevan allowing a small pause to let that sink in. He could hear a few small cheers from the back of the room. “Now you have all done a wonderful job for the Dennison and the Federation, I commend you. First, let us have a moment of silence for the real heroes of this conflict. The ones on both sides that are no longer around,” Trevan bowed his head and closed his eyes. One full minute elapsed before he opened them again, “Thank you,” he continued, “Now to honour the dead on both sides, this ship will have a small area of interior hull plating, on deck seven, with the names of all dead and missing, plasma engraved into it. So everyone can remember,” Trevan shifted slightly and then cleared his throat, “All hands!” he shouted to get everyone’s attention, “There are still happy days to come, and I would like to start it off by giving the Starfleet Squadron Commander’s Commendation to every single member of the USS Dennison!” A nice round of applause brought waves of smiles and tears to some in the crowd, “You’ve earned it. You have made me proud, and I now can say I have had the honour to serve the finest ship in the quadrant.” Trevan then looked behind him to his own senior staff lined up in a row, “Dale Anne Bracken, step forward please,” he said to the young Ensign, “Dale Anne Bracken, you have served this ship with distinction and valor. During my time here, I have never once seen you flee from any task no matter how hard. This mission was the toughest yet and you still prevail in your brilliance,” he said smiling at her, “As of this date, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the duties and privileges of that rank,” said Trevan as he moved towards her noticing how striking she looked with her jet black hair. Trevan removed the pip from her collar and replaced it with two pips, one solid gold the other hollow black signifying her rank. “Congratulations Lieutenant.” (reply Bracken) “Now, let’s keep the memories of our fallen heroes happy by celebrating their life with us! Enjoy the party, have fun and that’s an order.” (reply ALL) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison–Ten Forward–Ops–Ensign Chance Raschen-1203) Raschen was glad that he had finally heard the “Official” announcement that the war was over. He did have one question for Trevan though, but it could wait for another time. Chance was pleased to be receiving an award; he figured he wouldn’t be getting one because of his probation. Feeling a little dehydrated, he headed toward the back of the room were the drinks were being surrounded by some of the marines. Thinking back over the years, Chance remembered a slogan and a prayer he learned from marines he had fought alongside. Once he got a glass of water, Chance raised his glass up and said just loud enough for the group around him to hear “Freedom requires sacrifices; all gave some, but some gave all.” He heard a couple of the marines respond with a reserved “hoo-ah”. Then Chance followed up with “God; may our fallen comrades rest in peace.” Then Raschen smiled as he heard some of the folks around him say “Amen.” Then after he too said “Amen” he drank down the last of the water in his glass. After getting another glass of water, Chance had an urge to leave but still wanted to stick around. As he made his way around the room making small talk, and mingling, he eventually found himself standing behind Dale. Noticing that she was already actively involved in a conversation, he simply rested a hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear “Hey Dale, congrats on the promotion.” (Reply D.Bracken) Feeling like he didn’t really belong at the party; Chance smiled, and patted her on the shoulder as he started heading for a dark corner of the room. On his way to there he passed Nymes and Night talking. Raising his hand up to his eyebrow in a mock Cub Scout salute Chance greeted them “Howdy folks; how ya’ll doing?” (Reply Nymes, Night iyw) (Reply D.Bracken, Nymes, Night iyw) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison – Ten Forward – CSO Bracken – 1204) “Dale Anne Bracken, step forward please,” Dale looked up sharply, this she had not been expecting, the entire crew had been awarded the West said to her as she reached him, a look of slight puzzlement on her face. “Dale Anne Bracken, you have served this ship with distinction and valor. During my time here, I have never once seen you flee from any task no matter how hard. This mission was the toughest yet and you still prevail in your brilliance,” he said smiling at her, “As of this date, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the duties and privileges of that rank.” Trevan removed the pip from her collar and replaced it with two pips, one solid gold the other hollow black signifying her rank. “Congratulations Lieutenant.” “Thank you Sir,” She replied, her voice filling with emotion. She had been recognised and promoted before, but only in front of the senior staff. This time, it was in front of the entire crew of the Dennison. “It’s a real honour.” “Now, let’s keep the memories of our fallen heroes happy by celebrating their life with us! Enjoy the party, have fun and that’s an order.” People clapped, some cheered, most however began talking amongst themselves, slowly making their way toward the tables where some of the Marine contingent of the Dennison were handing out drinks, proud and smart in their dress uniforms. Dale took a drink that was offered from a young Marine PFC who nodded a salute as he handed it over. She then turned to one or two of her department, who had come over to congratulate her on the promotion. “Hey Dale, congrats on the promotion.” She turned, to see the face of Charlie, he smiled gently as he spoke, though with an odd look in his face. “Thanks Charlie, got to admit I wasn’t expecting it.” He smiled again, then wandered off toward Lewis who was sat in a dark corner with Ele. She made a mental note to see speak to him at some point soon. She smiled gently as she looked around the bar, watching people as they relaxed. Some drank their relaxation, others sat sombrely in quiet groups hardly saying a word. Dale was struck by lots of thoughts as she mingled slowly. She was struck by the different characters as she did so, the multitude of people who all seemed to coalesce around her. The war was over, sure life...the job would still be challenging, near impossible at times, she wouldn’t be wearing the uniform if she couldn’t work at that level. That said, she loved every minute of it. There wasn’t a second that she regretted the decision to join the fleet, despite what her father had said at the time. She looked across the room to her mother who caught her eye and smiled at her, then mock saluted at the daughter who now really did outrank her. Dale smiled back, and winked impishly. She looked back at Lewis, Ash, Ele, ~friends~, back at her mother ~family~, then around the room, and also taking the whole ship into account “Home” Dale said to herself, unaware that she had spoken out loud. (Reply any) (posted by Mark) (USS Dennison - 10 Forward- Counselor- Lt. Alosar- 1205) When Alosar stepped into 10 forward he wondered exactly what the capacity for the lounge was. It seemed that they had already exceeded its maximum number. And still there were others following him. His natural uneasiness with actual physical contact had to be pushed back in his mind, as it was virtually impossible for anyone to wade through the sea of people without touching them. As he walked by the crew he would catch wisps of conversations. Most of the conversations were about the activities of the battle, and the condition of the ship. There were a couple that he heard complaining that this was not why they joined Starfleet, and they weren’t certain if they would continue in the service. Alosar made a mental note of the two conversing; knowing that he would, most likely, hear many more of those words over the ensuing weeks. He finally found a place to stand by the podium that had been set up at the back of the room. He wanted to be able to get a good look at the crew as Commander West spoke. He also wanted to show his support of the command staff, or at least what was able to attend. McDermott remained in his coma, which, for a human, was probably best at the moment, considering his injuries. A few minutes later West appeared at the door. He made his way through the crowd and stood with the rest of the senior officers present. West moved over to the podium and immediately went to the business of the gathering. The announcement, or rather reannouncement, was met with a murmuring of appreciation. There were even a few applauses and cheers in the crowd. He asked for a moment of silence in memory if those who fell in the battle. Alosar looked at the gathering to watch their reactions. He noted several crewmen who were openly crying and took a mental note of who they were. Then West announced that a memorial will be created on deck seven. Alosar was curious about this need for humans to erect memorials. And he wondered how deck seven had been chosen, but he realized that he had not been in the decision making process so it really did not involve him. He was sure that some would appreciate the gesture. Next, West announced that every member of the crew would receive the Squadron Commanders Commendation. He didn’t mention anything about the Combat Action Medal, and wondered if it was just assumed, as these generally come from the admiralty. There was another round of applause and cheers... and tears. Then West went on. He called Ensign Braken forward and promoted her to Lieutenant (jg). He wondered how the young woman felt, as she seemed to be the only one who was being promoted at this time. Finally West turned to the assembly and said, “Now, let’s keep the memories of our fallen heroes happy by celebrating their life with us! Enjoy the party, have fun and that’s an order.” With that he stepped away from the podium. The crew was silent for a moment and then wave of conversation and noise began to rise. Alosar watched as they began to mill about. There were several congratulatory pats for Braken. Then he noted the presence of Charles Raschen. His eyebrow raised as he thought that the man would not feel comfortable in the setting. Alosar lost track of Raschen as he turned his attention to West. He moved over to the aCO. “Commander, I appreciate your brevity.” (reply West) “Commander, I would like to have a chance to... talk with all of the command staff, as soon as possible. I was hoping that you would set the example and be the first on my list to visit me in my office.” He let his voice be louder than was required, in the hopes that the other senior staff would catch what was going on here. There would be emotions running deep with the crew, including survivor’s remorse. It would be no less so for the senior officers. He would just like to make sure of their emotional and mental state. “At your earliest convenience, of course,” he added. (reply West) (posted by Al Muir) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, Ensign jg Sanok, 1206) Ever since the war had ended, Sanok couldn’t get what had happened in the final battle out of his mind. Too many good people on both sides, had lost their lives. Too many were injured or scarred emotionally. Too many had been affected in a way they never expected would happen while serving in Starfleet. Sanok was one of them. Sanok, a Vulcan, had chosen to forsake the traditional way of Kohlinar, the purging of one’s emotions. He felt it was wrong to force oneself to eliminate something that was a natural part of who and what they were. Yes, the Vulcan past had been violent, worse than most, and the teachings of Surak, and the subsequent philosophy to eliminate emotion, had saved their race. That was something needed for the people of that time, but things were different now. The Vulcan people had grown and learned from their past. Other races had overcome their emotions and grown, so why couldn’t his? Still, for all the good Sanok had experienced in his life by keeping his emotions, he was now hurting in a way he never thought possible. The final battle had been horrible. Too many people had been brutally and violently killed. The power of emotions was great. He was beginning to understand why his race had chosen to follow Surak all those years ago. Sanok had found a small table in a corner of Ten Forward. He quietly listened to the memorial, paying his respects to those that were lost. When the time came to talk and remember, he avoided contact with everyone else. A few from security tried to talk, but Sanok was distant. It was clear he just wanted to be alone, to deal with his feelings on his own. It would take time, but perhaps there was a better solution. (Reply Any) (Posted by Bob) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, Commander Trevan West, 1207) “Commander, I appreciate your brevity.” Trevan was taken aback slightly by this kind of comment from a Vulcan, “Thank you,” was all the Trevan could say and he knew it probably didn’t make any sense. “Commander, I would like to have a chance to... talk with all of the command staff, as soon as possible. I was hoping that you would set the example and be the first on my list to visit me in my office.” He let his voice be louder than was required, in the hopes that the other senior staff would catch what was going on here. There would be emotions running deep with the crew, including survivor’s remorse. It would be no less so for the senior officers. He would just like to make sure of their emotional and mental state. “At your earliest convenience, of course,” he added. Trevan gave a slight nod, “Of course,” he said. Although he hated the idea of a counselor it would be good to get some things off his mind and it would make him feel better, “Well, like they say in the Temporal Mechanics department, there’s no time like the present,” he said with a good belly laugh. It was a good joke that was totally wasted on a Vulcan but it was still funny to Trevan, “How about in one hour?” asked Trevan. (Reply Alosar) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison - 10 Forward- Counselor- Lt. Alosar- 1209) “How about in one hour?” Alosar nodded, not sure as to the reason for the laugh that West had just displayed. Perhaps he was in more need for counseling than he had at first suspected. Humans can be such a cagey group to categorize. “That would be acceptable,” Alosar agreed. “I will see you in one hour.” As he stepped away from the aCO he eyed the other senior staff there, as if to say, you are next. They all seemed to get busy, quite suddenly. He turned back into the crowded room. He tried to stay to the outside of the crowd as he made his way towards the exit. Then he felt a strong pull at his mind. A sense of overwhelming sadness, that filled his mind. It was odd that he would catch such an emotional response, as he had trained long and hard to shield himself from any form of telepathy. Although he was a strong telepath, himself, he did not normally read anything or anyone, unless he actually opened himself up to them. That meant that whoever was feeling such despair was an untrained telepath. He scanned as he walked, the sensation of depression hanging to him like an albatross. Then his gaze turned to a lone Vulcan, sitting in a corner. Alosar knew that this was the source of the sensations. He then realized that it was Sanok, the Vulcan that had turned his back on the emotional control that his entire planet embraced. He walked to the lone figure, or as alone as one might be able to get in such a setting and looked down at the seated figure. “Ensign Sanok,” Alosar said flatly, sensing the rise of emotions in the other Vulcan, and Alosar felt ... uncomfortable. “Are you ... feeling all right?” (reply Sanok) (posted by Al Muir) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, Ensign jg Sanok, 1212) “Ensign Sanok. Are you... feeling all right?” Sanok looked up and frowned when he saw that it was Counselor Alosar that had spoken to him. He had little use for counselors, as they all felt no one was capable of working out their problems, unless the counselor had something to say about it. It also struck him as odd, that a being that chose to live life without emotion, felt he could counsel those that did. Being polite, Sanok chose to talk. “Counselor, I’m feeling just as I should feel, after such a devastating battle, that led to so much suffering and loss of life. I am grieving for those that are lost, but I will be fine. The Humans have a saying. Time heals all wounds. Thank you for asking.” (Reply Alosar) (Posted by Bob) (USS Dennison- Ten Forward- Counselor- Lt. Alosar- 1213) “Counselor, I’m feeling just as I should feel, after such a devastating battle, that led to so much suffering and loss of life. I am grieving for those that are lost, but I will be fine. The Humans have a saying. Time heals all wounds. Thank you for asking.” Alosar raised an eyebrow. He didn’t seem fine. In fact, Alosar had the distinct impression that Sanok was far from fine. Normally he did not pay much heed to “impressions” and “feelings”, however he could not ignore his own personal sensations that had increased since he came closer to the young Vulcan. There had been a few things about Sanok that had caught Alosar by surprise. The first, of course, was the statement that he had made in his file that he had chosen to ignore the general Vulcan philosophy of logic over emotion. The second was how young he was. At 25 years, by Vulcan standards, he was still, practically, a childhood. The counselor was always amazed at people who expressed their emotions so readily, found it difficult to accurately express themselves when they really needed to. Or even say things that were false, simply because they did not want to reveal their true feelings. It was part of the emotional equation that he did not understand. Still, he could not force someone to talk about their feelings if they do not want to. But sometimes they needed to be given an opportunity. “Indeed,” Alosar finally said, “I believe I have heard that before. Often spoken by those who are not enlightened enough to deal with their own emotional well being, let alone that of others. It has been my experience that time simply gives one an opportunity to repress emotions to an unhealthy level for those who need to express themselves. However, if you feel that you have to numb yourself in order to deal with your own emotions, I have to wonder how that helps you.” He looked intently at the engineer, “If you truely do not wish to talk to me, then I will honor your request and leave your numbing.” (reply Sanok) (posted by Al Muir) (USS Dennison, Ten Forward, Ensign jg Sanok, 1215) Alosar said, “Indeed. I believe I have heard that before. Often spoken by those who are not enlightened enough to deal with their own emotional well-being, let alone that of others. It has been my experience, that time simply gives one an opportunity to repress emotions to an unhealthy level, for those who need to express themselves. However, if you feel that you have to numb yourself in order to deal with your own emotions, I have to wonder how that helps you. If you truly do not wish to talk to me, then I will honor your request and leave your numbing.” Sanok stared at Alosar, various responses dancing through his mind. He marveled at the typical Vulcan arrogance the counselor was displaying. It shined like the noonday sun. The gall to think he could even remotely consider he had the ability to counsel anyone over how they felt emotionally. That arrogance was part of why Sanok had chosen to reject the philosophy of Kohlinar. Sighing deeply, he motioned for Alosar to sit. “I speak to you as a Vulcan and not as a counselor,” said Sanok. “By teaching and not by experience, you know Vulcan emotions are powerful and passionate. Our race was almost destroyed because of this. The teachings of Surak saved us from ourselves. “However, thousands of years have passed since that time, and we have learned and grown very much. To continue in a philosophy that was needed in ancient times, but should not be needed now, is...” Sanok paused. “Illogical.” “Countless races have overcome their passions and grown,” continued Sanok. “Look at the Humans. They have one of the most violent histories you’ll ever see, yet they are now a mature race, worthy of respect. Why can’t we Vulcans do the same? It just makes no sense at all to suppress and reject something that is a natural part of us.” Sanok looked away from Alosar and stared at a smudge on the table. “People have experienced pain and grief since there have been people,” said Sanok. “I’m experiencing that now, but I will recover. I just need time.” He continued to look at the smudge. (Reply Alosar) (Posted by Bob) (USS Dennison - 10 Forward- Counselor- Lt. Alosar- 1218) Alosar went from surprise to astonishment. The Kolinhar was an intense, and deeply personal journey. That was one of the reasons it was presided over by the masters of the T’Krath Sanctuary. Alosar remained hid usual passive self. “I would be honored to aid you through some of the meditation skills, but if you are truly serious you should return to Vulcan for the training from the masters. I am but a novice at such things.” Then he had a thought. “If you wish to test your readiness to enter the Kolinhar, perhaps I could set up a holodeck at some time for you to do the Kahs-wan. It would, of course, require you to be off duty for ten days, and then you would need several days to recover. That would show your fitness to proceed with the Kolinhar.” (reply Sanok) (posted by Al Muir) (USS Dennison, Deck 6, Transporter Room 2 - 1430) Matthew Porter Matterialised on the transporter pad in transporter room 2 to see a young tranposrter cheif standing infront of him. ~what no welcomming committie~ thought Matthew to himself ~as if I should have expected one~ The new ensign headed toward the doors that led on to the corridor and asked the computer: “Computer which was to the nearest Turbo Lift?” The computer beeps and green lights showed at the side of the Corridor to direct the young ensign. After a short walk Matthew found himself at the turbo lift ~better report in to the captain I guess~ he thought to himself as he shouted out his second command to the computer since his arrival “Deck 1” The doors closed swiftly and the turbo lift began to move. (USS Dennison, Deck 1, Bridge - 1435) The Lift came to a hault and the doors sprung open to show a large open bridge. matthew walked out of the lift and looked toward the center chair where a young - midage man sat with commanders pips. Matthew was already told that the Commander of the ship is the acting CO so walked toward him. “Ensign Matthew Porter Reporting for Duty Sir!” Matthew shouted loud enough for most of the bridge crew to turn around (posted by Daniel Warner) (reply Trevan West) (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West 1436) Trevan had his head down when the turbolift doors opened, so he didn’t see who was walking out of it. “Ensign Matthew Porter Reporting for Duty Sir!” Matthew shouted loud enough for most of the bridge crew to turn around. Trevan jumped about a foot off the deck, “At ease Ensign,” he said catching his breath, “Thanks for the heart attack. It’s a good thing you are a Doctor, I may need one I think.” he said with his usual humour. (reply Porter) Trevan took the PADD from the young Ensign, “Good, good. This all seems to be in order, now,” he said rising to meet his eye level and stuck out his hand, “Welcome aboard the USS Dennison. The quarter master will assign you quarters, but first as you know, you must report to Doctor Nymes for a complete physical before starting duty. When you are settled in, join me for an informal dinner in my quarters at 1700 hours and we can discuss things.” (reply Porter, any) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison, Bridge, Engisn (JG) Matthew Porter - 1436) “Ensign Matthew Porter Reporting for Duty Sir!” Matthew shouted loud enough for most of the bridge crew to turn around. Trevan jumped about a foot off the deck, “At ease Ensign,” he said catching his breath, “Thanks for the heart attack. It’s a good thing you are a Doctor, I may need one I think.” he said with his usual humour. Matthew laughed slightly. “Here Sir” Matthew puts his hand foward holding a Padd within it. Trevan took the PADD from the young Ensign, “Good, good. This all seems to be in order, now,” he said rising to meet his eye level and stuck out his hand, “Welcome aboard the USS Dennison. The quarter master will assign you quarters, but first as you know, you must report to Doctor Nymes for a complete physical before starting duty. When you are settled in, join me for an informal dinner in my quarters at 1700 hours and we can discuss things.” The young Ensign nodded and headed toward the turbo lift doors as he entered the turbolift he thought to himself ~I really should have learnt the deck plans~ “Computer take me to sick bay” The doors close and the lift begins to move. ~good job for intelligent computers~ (USS Dennison, Deck 10, Sick Bay Ensign (JG) Matthew Porter -1438) The lift stops and the doors open. Porter walks slowly out of the lift looking either way for sickbay. Instead of asking the computer for directions he chooses to ask a passing crew member who points him to a near by door in plain site. ~why didnt I see that???~ Porter entered the sickbay to see a Male Trill ensign ahead of him at a wall mounted panel. He walked toward the ensign and began to speak: “Hello sir, I will be serving under you but I am here for my physical?” (reply Mymes, any) (Posted by Dan Warner) The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.07.10 Day: 04 (USS Dennison, Sickbay, CMO Dr Nymes - 1431) Nymes was working in the Sickbay’s Ward, looking after the non-urgent patients, in a room away from the ICU, but connected to the Triage centre by the open plan layout that centred around his refurbished Office. The office next to him was more of an unofficial store room, piled high with the detritus of Engineering crews who had worked tirelessly to rebuild the stricken sickbay, and the PADDS of medical teams that had to be put somewhere in the interim. “Diane!?” Nymes called out to the triage nurse, a quiet, but surviving member of the nursing staff; she had served on board since the first launch of the ship, and was invaluable with the lack of any other doctors on board. “Can you get me the duty roster for the lay-over period?” “Yes, Doctor; I was just getting it!” “Thanks, Diane.” Nymes tapped out a few commands to transfer the PADD data to the database, forwarding it to his desk for review, one of his other jobs would be to work out how much medical cover the Dennison would need in the layover - which wouldn’t be too much given the rudimentary sickbay at the base here - but they would still need intensive care cover until they could transfer McDermott and the others to a specialist centre. The doors to Sickbay swished open, and Nymes turned, expecting to see a yeoman with the Ops rota for powerdowns for the CMO to veto, but it seemed that Chance hadn’t quite got round to trying Nymes’ patience yet. Instead, there was a young man walking through the door, his dark hair matched by his brown eyes. He was taller than the Trill, but something in his counternance betrayed his youth. On first impressions, he considered the newcomer to be a Human, but Lewis’ trillish mind seemed to detect something more, some semblence of a mindful attribute. “Hello Sir, I will be serving under you, but I am here for my physical?” the man said, without pause for introduction. “Thats all well and good, Mr... ?” (reply porter) “Thats better, Dr Porter. Do you have your transfer orders on a PADD?” (reply porter) “Thats fine.” Nymes took a tricorder and scanned the man, confirming his initial impression of his genetic status, and maternal betazoid heritage. “Do you have any medical history that we should know about? Anything that could pose a danger to this ship, its crew or your patients and yourself?” (reply Porter) The tricorder beeped as it finished its scan, reconfirming the ensign’s story, and proclaiming the officer fit for active duty. “Is this your first placement, Dr Porter?” (reply porter) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison, Sickbay, CMO Nymes - 1442) “I have to report to the Quarter Master for Quarters sir am I releaved?” Nymes looked up at the man, and could see an addendum for the CMO as he reviewed the PADD. “And I dont supose you could point me toward the Quarter master could you?” “Calm down, Ensign,” Nymes said encouragingly. “The quarter master has allocated you to the standard ACMO’s quarters, you can find it by asking the computer, or following this PADD. You are cleared for duty, ensign, and you’ll find that your first job as ACMO will be to organise your office and give the engineers back their equipment, and sort out the medical duty roster for the time we are here at dock. I’d suggest keeping two nurses on per shift, the others - there are about 12 nurses on board, we need to increase that up to 20 soon - can have shore leave.” (reply porter if you want) “And secondly, Medical Protocol: We will take 8 hour watches on active duty, but we may and will be bleeped for medical cover at any time day or night. As you settle in, I’ll take the first week on call; then we’ll sort it out as an alternating on call. If you need any help though, just get in touch.” (reply porter iyw) “Finally, Welcome aboard, Dr Porter. You can see your office is over there” The trill pointed to the room opposite the Sickbay main entrance, separated from the CMO’s office by a frosted glass partition. The new cream colours were taking some getting used to, but Nymes was persevering; the renovated Sickbay was better than the one that was out of commission. “Anyway, I’ll let you get settled in; I’ll expect you to report for duty on 2407.07.16 [NRPG: DAY 10] at 0700. (reply Porter) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison, Sickbay, Ensign (JG) Matthew Porter - 1441) “Hello Sir, I will be serving under you, but I am here for my physical?” the newly enstated Engisn said, without pause for introduction. “Thats all well and good, Mr... ?” “Mr porter sir” replyed Porter quickly “Thats better, Dr Porter. Do you have your transfer orders on a PADD?” “Oh yes sir, I beleive you’ll find them in order” Porter said as he passed a PADD to Nymes “Thats fine.” Nymes took a tricorder and scanned the ensign, confirming his initial impression of his genetic status, and maternal betazoid heritage. “Do you have any medical history that we should know about? Anything that could pose a danger to this ship, its crew or your patients and yourself?” “Not that I can think of sir” The tricorder beeped as it finished its scan, reconfirming the ensign’s story, and proclaiming the officer fit for active duty. “Is this your first placement, Dr Porter?” The Engign took took a brief few seconds looking around at the mess that was sickbay. “Oh sorry sir yes it is my first assignment, I’m fresh from the academy” The ensign paused for a moment “I have to report to the Quarter Master for Quarters sir am I releaved?” (reply Nymes) “And I dont supose you could point me toward the Quarter master could you?” (reply Nymes) (posted by Daniel Warner) (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 1745) Trevan sat in the Ready Room going over a report filed by Ash Divay and thought it was quite good, “West to Ensign Sanok, report to me at once.” (reply Sanok) About five minutes has ellapsed since he contacted the young Vulcan officer, “Ensign please have a seat,” said Trevan, “I want you to schedule some security drills for your Beta shift team. We’ve been in dock a while and I don’t want them to get rusty,” (reply Sanok) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison, Personal Quarters, Ensign jg Sanok , 1746) =^= West to Ensign Sanok. Report to me at once. =^= Sanok’s attention shifted from his meditation, to the call on his comm badge. As he reached for it, he realized it had happened too easily. “This is Ensign Sanok,sir. I’ll be there shortly.” Sanok tossed the badge onto the table with a sigh. It would seem what he had discussed with Alosar, would wait for another time. He removed his meditation robe and set it on a chair, picked up his comm badge, placing it on his uniform, and exited his quarters. (Ready Room, 1750} “Ensign Sanok reporting as ordered, sir.” He stood rigidly, his hands clasped behind his back. It was a pose commonly used by Vulcans. “Ensign, please have a seat,” said West. “I want you to schedule some security drills for your Beta shift team. We’ve been in dock a while, and I don’t want them to get rusty,” Sanok sat, listening carefully to West. Security drills. He sighed inwardly, though kept a blank expression on his face. “Yes, sir,” said Sanok. “I’ll begin preparations immediately.” (Reply West) (Posted by Bob) (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 1755) “Ensign Raschen, in the Ready Room please.” asked West. The two strolled through the sliding doors, and as soon as they were closed Trevan quickly found the desk and chair before speaking. “Computer, no interruptions please,” said West meaning the door was locked and the comm channels were taken offline in the room. The door chime would not even sound. Trevan indicated to the replicator, “Care for a drink?” (reply Raschen) “Very well then,” said Trevan as he made himself comfortable. “Mister Raschen, as you know the war is now over thank God,” he began, “so now you have to make a choice. You have two options,” Trevan went on to explain that this was a one time offer and that once taken can not be reneged on, “Right now you have two options. One is that you re-affirm your oath to Starfleet and the Federation. Swearing to uphold the rights, freedoms and duties that we come to expect from a member of the Federation and Starfleet,” then swiveling in the chair slightly he gave the second option, “or Option two, is that you may resume your profession,” he said that word dripping with all the sarcasm he could muster, “as a privateer. You will then be subject to the laws of the Federation,” Trevan then went on to add that if he, Chance, chose option number two, that he would then be arrested for attempted mutiny, treason and war profiteering along with some other charges, “You would then be tried and probably convicted of those charges. You would then be sent to the maximum penal facility on Archer Four where you would spend twenty three hours a day in your cell. AND,” he continued, “if you are convicted of war profiteering you could even be subject to the death penalty.” It was true that the death penalty was no longer really a viable means of punishment but it was still available to the Federation Grand Jury to choose in special cases. “Also, if you choose to remain in Starfleet, your ship, the Star Hawk, would be impounded, repainted with Fleet colours and emblazoned with the Dennison’s registry number. She would keep the name however,” said Trevan as he stood up to look at Chance, “As you know, personal ships are not allowed by Federation Law. She would remain the good ship she is, but subject to Fleet rules and regulation. Meaning I can assign whomever I want to fly her. If she is needed elsewhere, which I doubt, she would be sent there. So the choice is yours,” (Reply Chance) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher (U.S.S. Dennison–Ready Room–Ensign Chance Raschen-1800) “Ensign Raschen, in the Ready Room please.” asked West. Nodding his head Chance followed West and was dubious about doing so thinking ~what did I do wrong now. I haven’t even so much as gone down to sick bay and think evil thoughts about McDermott while he’s knocked out. ~ The two strolled through the sliding doors, and as soon as they were closed Trevan quickly found the desk and chair before speaking “Computer, no interruptions please,” Trevan then indicated to the replicator, “Care for a drink?” “No thank you, I’m fine.” Chance replied while he felt his gut start to wrench thinking ~I’m F.I.N.E. alright; Freaked-out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional.~ “Very well then,” said Trevan as he made himself comfortable and then continued “Mister Raschen, as you know the war is now over thank God,” he began, “so now you have to make a choice. You have two options,” Chance listened carefully to every word Trevan said as he went on to explain that this was a one time offer that once taken can not be reneged on, and explained the two options. Chance just didn’t like the fact that they both involved him losing his ship. It had been not only his home, but his one constant companion for so long. He owed that ship more than to allow her to be taken by the same Federation that rejected her design in the first place, and yet the Star Hawk still achieved her place in (at least the darker side of) history. The first option wasn’t all bad though; he stayed in Starfleet and out of prison. With the second option he got out of Starfleet and went into prison; keeping him there was their problem and he wouldn’t plan on making it easy for them. Chance was sure that any bottom rate lawyer could get the mutiny and treason charges dropped under the Federation Military/Civilian anti-overlapping laws for Double Jeopardy unless he appealed the judgment. There was no way in God’s universe he planned on doing that. When West mentioned that personal ships are not allowed by Federation Law; Chance couldn’t help but smile thinking ~you better not tell that to anyone trying to start a shipping business from the ground up with only one ship.~ Then Chance realized that the skipper had finished when he heard Trevan say “So the choice is yours,” He also had a hunch that this was also a message sent down to him from higher up and that the captain/ SFI agent had unfortunately been reduced to a mere messenger boy between Raschen and whomever. Chance’s first impulse was to holler out “You go tell whatever cowardly flipping bureaucrats that had you bring me this message that I’ll see them in Hell when I get there.” but he did NOT say that. Instead he decided on a more mature approach by taking a deep breath and letting it out as he took a moment to organize his thoughts before speaking, “Sir, I understand the message that you’re giving me. Basically the fighting is done, for now anyway, and that there’s no room for naughty men like me anymore; so I can either shape up or ship out. Is that about right sir?” (Reply West) Nodding his head “I thought so.” Chance said and then asked; “If I stay in Starfleet sir; what becomes of the two year probation that I’m currently serving for mutiny and treason?” (Reply West) Raschen understood what that answer meant for him and politely said so. Raschen started thinking like he did when he was going by the name “Temerarious” concerning the Star Hawk and had an idea for a third option. His ship had been his home for so long, the least he could do in return was to make sure she was taken care of someplace by folks that would appreciate her, and he knew just the folks that would do just that. Besides, he couldn’t stand the thought of her painted up like just another Starfleet shuttle. So Chance proposed his idea to Trevan “Sir, just outside Alice, Texas there is a museum centered on non-military vessels. If I donate the Star Hawk to the museum, stripped of her armaments and what-not, will that be equally satisfactory of getting her out of my hands? If so I’ll re-swear my oath right now and I’ll need time to make the arrangements with the museum and a 4 day furlough (for one last ride) to get the Hawk there and to get me back to the Dennison.” (Reply West) (Reply West) (Posted by Charlie) (U.S.S. Dennison–Ready Room–Commander Trevan West-1801) “Sir, I understand the message that you’re giving me. Basically the fighting is done, for now anyway, and that there’s no room for naughty men like me anymore; so I can either shape up or ship out. Is that about right sir?” Trevan nodded, “Pretty much,” he replied. Nodding his head “I thought so.” Chance said and then asked; “If I stay in Starfleet sir; what becomes of the two year probation that I’m currently serving for mutiny and treason?” “Oh, you will still have that to serve as well,” he said, “No exceptions.” Raschen understood what that answer meant for him and politely said so. “Sir, just outside Alice, Texas there is a museum centered on non-military vessels. If I donate the Star Hawk to the museum, stripped of her armaments and what-not, will that be equally satisfactory of getting her out of my hands? If so I’ll re-swear my oath right now and I’ll need time to make the arrangements with the museum and a 4 day furlough (for one last ride) to get the Hawk there and to get me back to the Dennison.” Trevan thought about that for a moment, “Well,” he started, “I don’t really want to lose the Star Hawk at all, she is a capable ship and could be useful in some situations. The Federations law on personal ships only applies to Starfleet personnel. I should have been more specific Ensign, sorry,” he said, although he wasn’t really that sorry. (reply Chance) “Okay then, my offer still stands. One or two and make it quick because I have a meeting with some department heads coming up.” (reply Chance) “Very well then,” (reply Chance) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison–Ready Room–Ensign Chance Raschen-1803) “Sir, just outside Alice, Texas there is a museum centered on non-military vessels. If I donate the Star Hawk to the museum, stripped of her armaments and what-not, will that be equally satisfactory of getting her out of my hands? If so I’ll re-swear my oath right now and I’ll need time to make the arrangements with the museum and a 4 day furlough (for one last ride) to get the Hawk there and to get me back to the Dennison.” Trevan thought about that for a moment, “Well,” he started, “I don’t really want to lose the Star Hawk at all, she is a capable ship and could be useful in some situations. The Federation’s law on personal ships only applies to Starfleet personnel. I should have been more specific Ensign, sorry,” he said, although he wasn’t really that sorry. With a slight smirk on his face “So basically the Hawk and myself will be under two separate service contracts and when I retire I get her back if she’s not destroyed before then; agreed?” “Okay then, my offer still stands. One or two and make it quick because I have a meeting with some department heads coming up.” “The Hawk and I both will be staying in Starfleet for the duration then sir; and may God have mercy on your soul.” Chance stated with a smile holding his hand out to West to seal the deal as it were. “Very well then,” “May I have a day or two to remove any personal items, trade secrets, and remove the security measures I have in place?” (Reply West) (Posted by Charlie) (U.S.S. Dennison–Ready Room–Commander Trevan West-1804) “Sir, just outside Alice, Texas there is a museum centered on non-military vessels. If I donate the Star Hawk to the museum, stripped of her armaments and what-not, will that be equally satisfactory of getting her out of my hands? If so I’ll re-swear my oath right now and I’ll need time to make the arrangements with the museum and a 4 day furlough (for one last ride) to get the Hawk there and to get me back to the Dennison.” Trevan thought about that for a moment, “Well,” he started, “I don’t really want to lose the Star Hawk at all, she is a capable ship and could be useful in some situations. The Federation’s law on personal ships only applies to Starfleet personnel. I should have been more specific Ensign, sorry,” he said, although he wasn’t really that sorry. With a slight smirk on his face “So basically the Hawk and myself will be under two separate service contracts and when I retire I get her back if she’s not destroyed before then; agreed?” “Okay then, my offer still stands. One or two and make it quick because I have a meeting with some department heads coming up.” “The Hawk and I both will be staying in Starfleet for the duration then sir; and may God have mercy on your soul.” Chance stated with a smile holding his hand out to West to seal the deal as it were. “Very well then,” “May I have a day or two to remove any personal items, trade secrets, and remove the security measures I have in place?” “Of course, one day. Then I want you back at OPS, dismissed.” (rpely None) (posted by Kerry Fletcher (USS Dennison, Deck 13, Commander Trevan West, 2200) Trevan decided to have a visit to deck thirteen to see how Ash was coming along in his security drills. As he was about to round the corner, Trevan was pushed aside by three rather large security officers, one of whom stopped when he realized that he had knocked over his Captain, “I’m sorry sir!” said the obviously frightened man, “We were running our drills and didn’t think anyone would be in this section.” Trevan got up and smoothed out his uniform before replying, “It’s ok crewman. No harm done, and you are doing exactly what you should be doing. I was just wanting a word with Ensign Divay that’s all.” The officer looked relieved to say the least, “Ensign Divay is just down there sir,” he said pointing. “Thank you, as you were.” As Trevan moved down the corridor he could see Divay standing there with a PADD in his hand, obviously timing his team, “How’s it going Ensign,” (reply Diva) “Good, good to hear that. What about Sanok and Beta team how are they progressing?” (reply Divay) Trevan furrowed his brow, he didn’t like that answer, “I’ll look into it Ash, keep up the good work,” replied Trevan. Tapping his badge Commander West managed to contact the young Ensign Sanok, “Ensign, your security drills will be run as ordered starting in one hour on deck thirteen when Ash is done. It has been cleared for your use, please see to it. West out.” (reply Divay, Sanok, Any) (Posted By Kerry Fletcher) Mission: The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.07.13 Day: 7 (U.S.S. Dennison–Engineering–Ops–Ensign Chance Raschen-1000) Raschen didn’t usually go into the engineering but some of the scheduling information the shipyard sent him for the Dennison didn’t make much since to him and he wanted to double check it with the CEO. Walking through engineering, asking directions from different members of the crew in there, Chance finally found who he was looking for. “Excuse me, Lieutenant Atwood; I need just a moment of your time to double check some info so I can coordinate with yard ops to hammer out details of the refit schedule to suit you sir.” (Reply Atwood) “Well sir, for starters, they’re claiming that they want to shut down almost 95% of the ship’s systems until all the hull breaches are fixed; but that didn’t make much since to me so I wanted to double check that with you just in case.” (Reply Atwood) Making notes on the PADD he had with him “I’ll get with them sir and tell them that their full of s**t and that 95% ain’t happenin’. If you don’t mind, on my way out I’ll download the list of systems that can be shut down.” Chance stated. (Reply Atwood) Nodding his head as Atwood spoke; Raschen continued to make notes before saying “Next is the...OH; would it make it easier for your folks to repair the hull if some of the crew got moved from their quarters?” (Reply Atwood) “Aye sir; last thing and then I’ll be out of your way. They want the all transporters, except the emergency ones, shut down for the duration of repairs and have them to be one of the last systems to be brought back online before getting underway for trials. Is that okay, or do you want me to tell them ‘to go s**t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first’?” (Reply Atwood) With a grin on his face Raschen said as he started to leave the CEO “Roger sir; I’ll get that list of what CAN be shut down & forward that on and square away the rest of this. See ya’ round sir.” Chance said as he walked away. (Reply Atwood) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison, Engineering - CEO, Lt. Harry James Atwood - 1003) Harry had been resseting some drive coils all morning with a small team of specialists, so he was surprised to see an Op’s Ensign marching towards him, padd in hand. “Excuse me, Lieutenant Atwood; I need just a moment of your time to double check some info so I can coordinate with yard ops to hammer out details of the refit schedule to suit you sir.” Harry looked at the Ensign and put his tools down on the desk. He wiped his hands on a cloth on the desk and then turned to the Ensign, “You have your moment, Ensign. Go ahead.” “Well sir, for starters, they’re claiming that they want to shut down almost 95% of the ship’s systems until all the hull breaches are fixed; but that didn’t make much since to me so I wanted to double check that with you just in case.” Harry scoffed, “They what? No No, That wont do at all. At the very most they will get 62% and thats pushing it, with the amount of people we still have on-board.” “I’ll get with them sir and tell them that their full of s**t and that 95% ain’t happenin’. If you don’t mind, on my way out I’ll download the list of systems that can be shut down.” “No, go ahead? What’s next on your list of questions, Ensign?” “Next is the...OH; would it make it easier for your folks to repair the hull if some of the crew got moved from their quarters?” The op’s Ensign asked. “Easier to repair it? No. Easier to get my people to the hull repair sites quicker, possibly; yes.” “Aye sir; last thing and then I’ll be out of your way. They want the all transporters, except the emergency ones, shut down for the duration of repairs and have them to be one of the last systems to be brought back online before getting underway for trials. Is that okay, or do you want me to tell them ‘to go s**t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first’?” Again Harry almost scoffed, “Who do these people think they are?” He shook his head, “No, absaloutley no good. We need the normal transporters and they are being used almost constantly. I’ll have them shut down once we have no need for them, on the repair side of things. So yes, let them sh*t away.” “Roger sir; I’ll get that list of what CAN be shut down & forward that on and square away the rest of this. See ya’ round sir.” Harry smiled slightly ~At least he has a sense of humour~ He thought as he turned back to his work. (Reply any, none) (Posted by Jono) Mission: The Flames of Ragnarock Stardate: 2407.07.14 Day: 8 (USS Dennison – Sickbay – Ensign T’vel/Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 0207) T’vel entered the sickbay stoically but with purpose. The Dennison’s sickbay still showed some of the incredible damage that it had suffered during the battle and was still full of wounded personnel although many of them were convalescing, well on the road to recovery, but still too badly off to be allowed to return yet to their quarters. Only a very few were still on the edge of life and death. Her purpose tonight was to visit one of those whom had as of yet not decided whether to continue on with life. When T’vel stepped into the ICU unit even she had a hard time controlling her reaction to the sight of Lt. Commander Eric McDermott. Limbs spread akimbo upon the biobed he was wearing only a pair of briefs. Each limb seemed to have it’s own set of leads and connectors attached to it. She could still see the scar in the center of his torso where he had been impaled but that at least was rapidly fading and if he did not expire, within a few days it would be gone. Reaching down she picked up the PADD that detailed his condition and it was much the same as she had seen earlier in her quarters on the ships computer. For all intents and purposes she was looking at a dead man. McDermott’s skin was blue and when she reached out a hand to touch his arm she found it icy to the touch. She felt a moment of…something. She did not like the sight of him lying there like that. It had no dignity in it. She turned at the sound of someone else entering the theater and nodded at the night nurse. The young woman looked surprised and said, “May I help you Ensign?” T’vel responded with, “I just came to check on his condition.” The Nurse shook her head sadly and said, “There’s been no change. Doctor Nymes has done everything he can but we just can’t seem to bring him out of the coma. I’m afraid if he sinks any deeper or stays in it much longer, it’s likely he won’t wake up.” T’vel nodded and said, “Doctor Nymes has nothing to reproach himself with. Placing the Commander in a medically induced coma was a sound clinical action, which likely preserved his life. The injuries were and are enough to kill anyone and it is rather…impressive that the Commander has survived this long considering the trauma his body suffered.” The Nurse nodded gratified that the young Vulcan officer was supporting her superior officers actions. After a moment she said, “Is there anything else I can help you with.” It was clear she was expecting T’vel to leave. T’vel gave a slight shake of her head and said, “No, I believe I will stay with the Commander for a while.” She held up several PADD’s. “There has been more than one medical case study indicating that those in comatose states react to external stimuli. Perhaps if I brief the commander on the status of the ship and fleet that will provide him with needed stimuli.” The nurse looked doubtful and said, “Well…I suppose that’s alright Ensign. Heaven knows he’s not had many visitors since he’s been here.” Heading back out she said, “I’ll leave you two…alone.” As she left, Nurse Stilman looked back with a speculative look on her face. Had T’vel been anything other than a Vulcan she might have her suspicions about the reasons for the visit. Shaking her head she put the thought out of her mind as being too insane to even consider. T’vel was good to her word and sat quietly next to McDermott for some time giving the comatose man a full briefing on the world of the living. After some time she fell silent watching his face, which even in unconsciousness seemed to show some of the distress he was feeling. T’vel looked around for a moment and then checking the time she decided on her course of action. Drastic steps would need to be taken if McDermott were to survive, steps that contravened rules, regulations and even ethics. T’vel brushed all these considerations aside. To worry about such matters now when a life was in jeopardy was not logical. Pulling the privacy curtain around them T’vel stepped over to McDermott a serious look on her face. She hesitated only for a moment and then bending over him she placed her hands gently, almost caressingly on his face. Her fingers found the correct points with little effort and than softly, almost whispering she spoke. “My mind to your mind…my mind to your mind…my mind to yours…” Mission: The Flames of Ragnarock Stardate: 2407.07.14 Day: 8 (Dreamscape – An Old Wooden Pirate Ship – Ensign T’vel/Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 0210) McDermott walked around the old ship bemused. There was so many things wrong about his current situation that to focus on just one seemed ludicrous but he could not help at being a bit obsessed with the ship he was on. It was an old Carrack class vessel from Terra’s bygone age of wooden sailing vessels. Used for trade, war and exploration, these ships had changed the way man had looked at the world of his birth forever. This ship was obviously outfitted for war. With two decks loaded with cannon, McDermott had already been below decks looking at the heavy thirty twenty-four pounder cannons and on the weather deck was the usual mix of eighteen pounders with twelve pound carronades and then the long nine pound bow and stern chasers. To McDermott’s eye the ship looked to be expertly outfitted, sails and rigging impeccably set and in fine condition. Even furled he could see that the sails were a lovely snowy white indicating that they were clean and in perfectly seasoned. At anchor in a bay of deepest blue, the sun causing the small ripples in the water to twinkle like stars in the sky. The small verdant island that they were anchored off of had white beaches that formed a small border before the verdant growth of tropical foliage sprung up reaching for the sky. All in all it was a good place to come after you died. But Eric was not at all sure that he was dead. The black flag with the skull and crossbones that fluttered in the breeze from the mizzenmast proclaimed very loudly what this vessel was used for and McDermott was fairly sure that was not exactly what the after-life should be. He was also fairly certain that wearing green tights and a feathered hat was something that was not required in the after life as well. The light whip like rapier at his side was also not something he would choose as a weapon. After having explored the ship from top to bottom he finally climbed up to the Quarterdeck to relax and enjoy the breeze coming from offshore. He had been relaxing for some time when the gatehouse door banged open and out came a grandiosely dressed figure in skin hugging leather. Deeply cut vee-neck vest, a bright blue feathered cap and of course a cutlass at the waist. While McDermott had never met the voluptuous young blonde woman before, he felt for a moment as though he should recognize her. As she climbed the steps to her quarterdeck the pirate Captain focused her eyes on him and glared. As he looked at her missing left hand, which had been replaced with a wicked metal hook, it suddenly came crashing down on him where he was. Raising one eyebrow he said, “I suppose you’re Captain Hook? Or perhaps Captain Hookette? Or is it Captain Hooker?” Stalking forward she struck him suddenly, so swiftly that he had no chance to avoid the blow and his typical pre-cognizance that usually rendered such an attack useless was of no use to him here. Despite that he rolled with the blow and danced back a bit with a look of surprise. “Watch your mouth on my quarterdeck Peter!” Hook snapped. “You’re in an unenviable position right now and whether you live or die depends on me.” One of McDermott’s eyebrows raised and he said drolly, “Oh really?” Hook’s cutlass came sweeping out of her scabbard and McDermott responded instinctually and in an instant his rapier had met the attack. With a quick shove he pushed her away and said, “What is this all about?” Hook shook her head and said, “You of course. It’s always been about you. Look at you, still trying to play at the hero, still refusing to grow up. Still thinking the universe is all black and white and that you’re the one to fix it all! The arrogance! The presumption! You offend me just by being alive. I would ask you if you’re ever going to learn but you’re so limited that it’s obvious that you can’t!” Eric sighed and shook his head; while the assailant was radically different from the last time, he recognized the stance, the tone, and the words. The last time he’d nearly died was just days before he’d even had a chance to report aboard the Nimitz. Aboard Geneva he’d contracted a bio-engineered virus that had nearly killed him and left him comatose for several days. The dream then had many of the same undertones only that time it had been his father playing the assailant. This time it appeared that this voluptuous blonde would be his antagonist. “Since it is obvious that I will not…accede to your wishes, then what is the point of all of this? You seem to believe you have the ability to end my life. Why not just do it. Why all these games?” Hook attacked again, several swift blows, which Eric blocked deftly. “The boy who won’t grow up is accusing me of playing games.” She laughed with real humor in her voice. “Now that is rich!” Shaking her head she circled him like a cat saying, “Actually I was just going to let you fade away, nice and easy. But no, you had to call in an interloper to give you a hand. Whatever happened to you Pan! The guy who never needed anyone has help now? Pretty soon you’ll have a whole gang of lost boys following you about and never will there be a group more prone to disaster and stupidity. The universe will be a better place without you and your presumptions Peter Pan!” She attacked him furiously in an excess of anger and eventually forced him off the quarterdeck and down upon the main deck where they ducking and dodged around deck gun and mast alike in their duel.” After a long moment Eric said, “What do you mean by that? You and I are the only ones here. What interloper?” Locking blades for a moment she stared into his eyes and then spat full in his face before shoving him back into the anchor windlass. “Really,” she snapped. Pointing with her blade she responded with, “So then what is Tinker Bell doing here?” McDermott looked and to his utter shock he saw that a small birdcage had been placed on the Anchor Windlass and inside of it, wearing bright yellow tights, glowing so brightly that it could only have been done internally, was T’vel. She looked at him gravely and then glanced at the fairy wings protruding from her back. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing issued forth but the light tickling of bells. “Such language Tinker Bell!” Hook quipped and attacked again. Eric turned his attention back to the battle and this time began to take it a little more seriously. When it was just him, he could remain unconcerned and more than a little bemused by the whole thing. However T’vel was here now. Somehow, some way she had been dragged into this and this changed his whole outlook on the situation. Pressing the attack Eric drove Hook back with sharp rapid economical thrusts, refusing to be drawn into a slashing, hacking duel which would give her the advantage with the heavier blade. The Rapier was not Eric’s kind of weapon at all but he was an expert with blades and was able to hold his own against the pirate. Reaching the mainmast Hook temporarily regained the advantage and Eric eventually reacting by leaping upon the mast where he began climbing up into the rigging. Hook followed hot on his tail, hacking at his legs trying to maim him as he climbed. McDermott passed the first set of yards and continued until he reached the top set and then soon enough both he and Hook were engaged again, blades flickering and flashing as they balanced on the sail wrapped yards. As he battled her to a standstill she began to talk to him, calmly, almost matter of factly. “The war is over Peter. There is no reason for you to go back. You can rest now, the job, the duty, if it ever was a duty is done and over.” McDermott lashed out at her driving her back several steps and said, “Perhaps. But there is more to be done.” “Like what,” she said. “There is always more to be done but it does not have to be done by you. You’ve done what was needed. Now is your chance to go out like a hero while people will still think well of you. If you stay, if you keep going…things will change and change for the worst.” Eric almost smiled; it was the same argument as last time. Driving her back further he shook his head and said, “Sorry. I’m not interested in retirement yet.” “If you go back Peter Pan you will make a mistake, sooner or later you will make one and the cost in lives will be more than you can ever pay. Is your arrogance worth all the lives who will be lost paying for your intransigence. What is it about you that you think makes you so special?” McDermott shook his head saying, “I don’t like operating on what if’s and maybe’s. I operate on facts and the fact is while I don’t know what kind of decisions I’ll make in the future, I do know that I will never act in a manner that will cause the kind of damage you imply I will!” “Liar!” She slashed out and he ducked the blow barely managing to keep from being beheaded. “Idiot!” Again another heavy blow turned back. “Fool!” And yet a third but McDermott was ready again, and went on the attack driving her back to the very tip of the yard. Panting she said, “You are so stupid! You are too limited in imagination and intelligence to not make the kind of mistakes that you so blithely promise me that you will not make! Not only will you do so, but you will blunder from disaster to disaster, from atrocity to atrocity and only in the end will you finally understand the depths of your failure. When it’s to late!” It was at that moment that Eric heard the sound of an old fashioned clock. A tick-tick-tick, which kept coming closer and closer. Apparently Hook heard the sound as well and with a look of fear she glanced down and around the yard the balanced upon to the water that was over one hundred feet below them. A large wake slowly moved towards the ship until it stopped directly beneath them. The Crocodile that surfaced under them was large and it was from its gaping mouth that the ticking came from. McDermott actually smiled and said, “I believe your friend down there is waiting for you.” Hook looked desperate, almost panicking she shouted down at the creature. “Give me more time! It’s still not too late!” Looking at Eric she attacked again but despite her best efforts he blunted every effort and held her where she was, at the very end of the yard, dangling over the precipice. Finally with a deft twist he struck her weapon from her hand and she stood there, helpless before him with his blade a mere inch away from her breast. “Listen to me Peter,” she hissed at him. “While you’re here with me everything is fine. You have your health and a functioning body. If you go back, you’ll be no better than a vegetable. Your body is broken, possibly beyond the ability of your puny science and witch doctors to repair. If you stay here, you’ll have health, wealth and…more” At this point she reached up and undid several fasteners on her vest revealing even more of her already generous cleavage. “I could show you things beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of Peter. It’s a win-win situation and you would be the biggest winner of all. Stay…please!” McDermott looked at her for a moment and then said, “Sorry Hook. I’ll take my chances. While your offer is interesting, your argument is just not convincing enough and I can’t help but think you have an ulterior motive.” With that he pushed outward slowly with the blade and she stumbled backward trying to avoid the blade and with a startled shriek fell from the yard and into the gaping maw of the waiting Crocodile and was gone in one gulp. McDermott and the giant reptile eyed each other for a long minute and for a moment Eric could have sworn that the thing winked at him before swimming away. Sheathing his blade Eric climbed back down the mast and made his way forward to the Anchor windlass where he broke open the birdcage and released T’vel. She flew out of the cage and landed in front of him and in slow easy stages expanded to her full size, until she was once again a uniformed Starfleet security officer. Looking at him for a moment she reached out and took his hand and said calmly, “Come with me Commander. It’s time to wake up now.” (USS Dennison, Quarters, CMO Lewis Nymes– 0211) [...Automated Crash Call; ICU bay 1, Bed 1....] [...Automated Crash Call; ICU bay 1, Bed 1....] [...Automated Crash Call; ICU bay 1, Bed 1....] Nymes woke with a start, was dressed and already halfway to the door as the message said ICU the first time. It was the danger of being the only Doctor on the vessel, but Nymes had grown used to such a situation. Bay 1, Bed 1... Mcdermott. As Nymes started the sprint down the decks, he was aware that some of the engineering staff were eyeing him with curiousity - obviously looking at a member of the senior staff legging it down towards the closest turbolift, in a state of semi-smartness. “Stand Clear, Medical Emergency.” he stated, loudly as he ran round a corner to a gaggle of crewment working on the computer systems in the corridor. And with that he sprinted on. (USS Dennison - Sickbay - CMO Dr Nymes 0214) “Report.” “The Patient went off, sir. ICP raised to 35, he’s Tachy and BP is in his boots.” Duande responded, in a similar state of breathlessness to the Doctor. “Cause?” “Unknown. Ensign T’Vel was present at the start.” “Interesting. Get me infusions of Norad and Anaesthezine.” Nymes was at the bedside, rescanning the officer lying recumbant on the biobed. “Commander... you are experiencing a neurological event... If we don’t control your blood pressure you will die.” “Here’s the meds, sir.” Duande returned. “Shall I start the infusions?” “So ordered. Computer, Start a communication link with Palm Springs SFM. Priority One; This station.” [... Commlink established. Video in 3...2...1...] “This is Dr Lewis Nymes, USS Dennison.” =/\= Go ahead, Doctor Nymes. =/\= “Lt.Cmdr McDermott is a 26 year old Human/Betazoid who was injured during the final battle of the Civil War with severe thoraco-abdominal injuries, including puncture wounds to his diaphragm and liver. Initial surgical intervention has stablised the patient, but further scans have revealed damage to his spine and spinal cord, with concurrent damage to his autonomics. “Currently his airway is maintained by COETT; Resp rate of 30, SPONT. Sats of 91% on 80%. Acid/Bases are normal. Cardiovascularly his HR is 140 tachy; BP of 70/35. He is being started on ionotropes. prior to the most recent event, he was in a coma; GCS 3/15. ICP is 36. He is on Anaesthezine infusion. Urine output is reduced, and serum levels of Urea and Creatinine are increasing as a result. LFT’s are markedly deranged. Hb of 7.3; WCC raised. Platelets are reduced at 20. INR of 1.4. Abdominally he is not on enteral or parenteral feed, Bowel sounds are negative. “The most recent event has been due to a raised ICP with associated Tachy and hypotension. I believe this to be secondary to a septic picture, complicated by neurological involvement. “Thus I request an Urgent Neurological review, with a view to transfer to SFM Palm Springs.” =/\= Understood, Doctor. We are dispatching our on call doctor, Ensign Walker, to the Dennison now. ETA 7 hours. SFM Out. =/\= ~7 HOURS?!?!~ (reply none) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison – Sickbay – Ensign T’vel/Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 0212) T’vel came back to herself abruptly and staggered barely able to remain on her feet. She gasped violently trying to breath. She had never in her life had such an experience and was not even sure how to quantify what had just happened. She was aware of various alarms on the biobed going off and the sickbay’s main alarm was beeping insistently. T’vel did not have to look at the monitors to know why they were having an electronic stroke. Lt. Commander Eric McDermott’s eyes were open and focused on her. Awake and aware the officer looked around as much as he was able to, trying to come to terms with what was happening. She heard the chatter of voices and the sounds of medical personal running toward the ICU unit and she calmly replaced her hand on Eric’s forehead saying softly, “It’s alright Commander. You are in good hands.” (Reply: Any as needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison – Sickbay – Ensign T’vel/Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 0214) McDermott slowly took stock of his situation. It was obvious to him that things had gone terribly wrong for him after he had lost consciousness. His dead and unresponsive body was the first thing that he noticed. The machine that assisted his breathing made it very clear to him that he had suffered complete and total paralysis and that even breathing would be impossible for him. He was appalled by the damage that had been done to his body and suddenly realized that he had been awakened in a prison of inanimate flesh and blood. He was alive, yet now. What kind of life would he have now? He was nothing more than an amoeba, worse in some ways because he was not even capable of nourishing himself! He saw T’vel move aside and then medical personnel surrounded him. It was obvious that she was shaken and one of the nurses had made her take a seat and was scanning her with a medical tricorder. After a moment the nurse gave her a hypo and T’vel nodded to the woman before moving away. McDermott felt a moment of desperation as she left his sight. She was the only one who had known what was happening to him, she had been there when he had nearly died. She’d been on that silly ship in his dream and right now he felt as though she was his only link outside of the insensate flesh prison that he was in. Suddenly she was back in his view and she said calmly, “I am here Commander.” Somehow she’d known and although he was not sure he felt a wave of gratefulness sweep over him. It was at that moment that he heard Nymes speaking and turned his eyes on the Dennison’s CMO. “Commander... you are experiencing a neurological event... If we don’t control your blood pressure you will die.” McDermott of course was unable to respond but the look he gave the man working on him spoke volumes. It was obvious from Eric’s eyes that if this was what life was to be like for him, than he was not to concerned about preserving it. “Here’s the meds, sir.” Duande returned. “Shall I start the infusions?” “So ordered. Computer, Start a communication link with Palm Springs SFM. Priority One; This station.” [... Commlink established. Video in 3...2...1...] “This is Dr Lewis Nymes, USS Dennison.” =/\= Go ahead, Doctor Nymes. =/\= “Lt.Cmdr McDermott is a 26 year old Human/Betazoid who was injured during the final battle of the Civil War with severe thoraco-abdominal injuries, including puncture wounds to his diaphragm and liver. Initial surgical intervention has stabilized the patient, but further scans have revealed damage to his spine and spinal cord, with concurrent damage to his autonomics. “Currently his airway is maintained by COETT; Resp rate of 30, SPONT. Sats of 91% on 80%. Acid/Bases are normal. Cardiovascularly his HR is 140 tachy; BP of 70/35. He is being started on ionotropes. prior to the most recent event, he was in a coma; GCS 3/15. ICP is 36. He is on Anaesthezine infusion. Urine output is reduced, and serum levels of Urea and Creatinine are increasing as a result. LFT’s are markedly deranged. Hb of 7.3; WCC raised. Platelets are reduced at 20. INR of 1.4. Abdominally he is not on enteral or parenteral feed, Bowel sounds are negative. “The most recent event has been due to a raised ICP with associated Tachy and hypotension. I believe this to be secondary to a septic picture, complicated by neurological involvement. “Thus I request an Urgent Neurological review, with a view to transfer to SFM Palm Springs.” =/\= Understood, Doctor. We are dispatching our on call doctor, Ensign Walker, to the Dennison now. ETA 7 hours. SFM Out. =/\= McDermott was stunned by the severity of his injuries. He should have died. Of course if this was the way he would have to live out his life than he might as well already be dead. As he watched the team work on him he noted T’vel giving him a meaningful look before she left. He did not understand how he knew, but he knew that she would be requesting leave to escort him to Starfleet Medical. Somehow, whatever had happened in his dream had linked them in a way that allowed her to know his thoughts. For the time being she was his only means of communication with those around him. For now she was his life line to the world of those who were still truly alive. (Reply: Any as needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison, Sickbay, CMO’s Office, CMO Dr Nymes 0900) Nymes sat back in his newly refurbished office, Trillian Tea in hand, tapping out his paperwork as the hive of engineers finished their work and moved out of his Sickbay. His thoughts were ambivalent; he pondered the reckless waste of life that the Civil War had been, the celebrations that followed victory, the jubilation of Dee’s promotion, the dejection of reading the memorial lists. And finally the fate of his three intensive care patients. The First Officer was still in a coma, and though stable, he remained in a critical condition, unwakeable from his current state. His injuries were severe, his neurological distress evident despite his condition. Ensign James Walker, the doctor from Palm Springs Centre had arrived and documented his own thoughts on the patients’ medical care; preparing the man for urgent transfer to the facility within a couple of hours. He was due to leave at 1000 hours. Nymes tapped out his paperwork, scrolling through recent messages from the de facto captain, Trevan West, and reports from the fleet. [...Incoming Message from Starfleet Medical...] =/\= Good Morning, Doctor Nymes. This is Commodore Questiere, SFM. May I extend my condolences to you and your crew for their losses and sacrifices; and my gratitude that you survived. Your actions in duty to your ship and crew have been exemplary, doctor. Your swift interventions most indutibly saved the lives of not one, but three members of the command crew in the last few days, let alone the numbers that came through Sickbay throughout the battle. The decision to set up a Cargo Bay Sickbay was a splendid piece of thinking, Ensign, and one that I am proud of. I am sure that this has not escaped the notice of several other officers in the fleet, and would like to give you notice that several captain’s are interested in offering you positions as CMO on other vessels in the fleet. Furthermore, I would like to extend an offer from SFM itself, as a Intensive Care Specialist at the SFM London Headquarters. Such a position would mean that we reinstate you to your previous rank of Lt.jg, dependant, of course, on current disciplinary procedures. I await your response with anticipation! Questiere Out. =/\= Nymes sat down at the desk, and looked toward the frosted door that now stood at his office. The repair teams had prioritised Sickbay above any and all other repairs, and the hive of activity now had spread to the more basic needs, the hull was being carreened, bulkheads replaced. Sickbay had been given a new, phoenix-like lease of life, restored to it’s original cream and beige colour scheme, all memories of the battle erased, apart from the SFM logo on Nymes’ door; the only salvaged piece that Nymes had personally requested was kept; a burned fragment incorporated into the new window. The offer of a SFM central job was impressive, but ultimately one that Nymes was convinced to turn down. The trill planned of service in the fleet, returning home to Trill in a decade or two would be the long term plan. But other starships? The prospect was tantalising. It was career suicide to remain in one post for too long, even more so as a trainee doctor; the average was to switch posts every six months or so, get one’s history known by several doctors in the fleet, building up a list of referrees for one’s future career. And, despite a probationary order coming after a demotion, it seemed like Nymes was being noticed by the right people, even if he didn’t completely believe it himself. But to work. Lt-Cmdr McDermott was still in ICU, pending further transfers, having been transferred from the Cargo Bay to the Shipyards medical centre and back to the Dennison post refit. His condition was critical but stable; he was neurologically flat; his broken spine causing some reason for concern. Nymes had put out a request for a medical transfer to the Neurosurgical centre in Palm Springs, but so far, given the end of the war, he had had to wade through vast quantities of red tape even to get an urgent consult. Despite this, McDermott would be transferred within the hour. Perhaps the SFM communique was a blessing. [... Incoming Message from Fleet Operations...] =/\= FAO: Ensign Nymes, CMO Dennison. 52nd Fleet Operations has received four separate requests for Medical Personnel from senior command figures. As per protocol, all requests for Doctors in the fleet have been referred through to the office of SFM, and shortlists produced. It is my duty to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the posts on board the USS Odyssey and USS Ribble. Please accept my congratulations; you will be informed of interview proceedures in due course. Fleet Ops Out. =/\= ~Two offers, and I haven’t even applied...~ The only thing now was to notify the commander of the course of action taken. “Computer, record CMO Log, as dictated at this time on this stardate: Ensign James Walker, MO (SFM PS) has arrived on the Dennison in response to the urgent request made of him by myself in regard to one of my patients. He has agreed to the transfer of this patient to the Earth-based facility at Palm Springs. Let the log now show that this transfer is Authorised by the CMO of this Vessel. The transfer will be undertaken at 1000 hours from the USS Dennison, using the Shuttlecraft “Topaz” to ferry the patient to the facility. Planned flight time is expected to be 1 hour. Fair winds and following seas be theirs. End log; encode and despatch to aCO West, priority One.” (reply West) (reply any) (posted by GC) (USS Ribble - Ready Room, Deck One - CMO(Dennison) Dr Lewis Nymes - 1500) Nymes sat at the table in the ready room on the Nova class USS Ribble, safely docked in the shipyard in the next berth to the Dennison, which had dwarfed it in both size and resources. The Ribble’s crew of 80 had been dwindled down to a skeleton crew of 13, the remainder having been killed or injured in the final battle. The captain was a fresh faced Lieutenant Commander, confident in his new command, aged beyond his years by the events of the previous days; he had lost his CO and FO in the battle, along with the CEO, science department and CMO. But the shell of the ship remainder intact, and the repair teams had done a good job, bringing the ship back past its original best, adding in new systems to replace burnt out, out-dated ones. The commanding officer was twenty-eight, and obviously eager to land crew replacements. “What we have here is an opportunity, a regrettable opportunity, and a sad one too, to rebuild the ship and crew. To repick the best and the brightest from the fleet and start anew.” Lt-Cdr Samuel Andrews said, as he walked in through the ready room doors. His youthful demeanour was open and friendly, his sand-coloured hair cut short. “All that I have to do is find the best and brightest to choose from.” He paused, thinking carefully about his next statement. “Obviously, I need to find the big three first: CSO, CEO and CMO. Engineering is being stuck behind schedule due to the lack of a cheif to run things through, and the Science department is non-existant without a leader to pick it. But you aren’t here for those positions. You, Dr Nymes, are here because of the CMO position.” Nymes made to speak, his calm demanour, dark hair and blue uniform contrasting with the barely surpressed excitement eminating from the man in the commander’s chair. “I know that this ship is a small vessel, Doctor, but I assure you that it is a great one too. You would be joining a crew that is grieving and needs to heal. We have the bare minimums when it comes to personnel, but you would have all the resources that you would need; but you would also be looking after the psychological welfare of the crew as well.” “We all need time to heal, Commander. What has happened has been a tragedy of enormous proportions, and we must learn from that recent history as much as the wars of old Earth can teach us. As for accepting this position, I am afraid that-” “Don’t answer right now, Doctor! Please, sleep on it. I realise that you have a senior position on the Dennison, and I would expect you to fulfil a similar role here as well; possibly as one of command.” Nymes was stunned, and his counternance of calm dropped for a flicker of a second. ~And this guy knows of my history~ “I will take some time to consider my answer, Commander. If that is all, I will take my leave, sir...?” But Andrews was talking again, without letting the Trill regain his feet. “Well, since you mention it, I would like to hear your ideas about filling the vacant positions on this ship, and reasons why. The Ribble has lost most of her crew, and so we need a solid command team to rebuild.” Nymes thought for a moment, but answered smoothly. “You want a mix of old and new. The department heads should be a mix of experienced personnel and newer faces. Science is where you can build on the new; with the lack of a de facto crew there, any officer you appoint to CSO would be able to hand pick his or her crew. Engineering, well, you want experience, promote from within if you can, or have a deputy CEO who knows the survivors. Your FO should come from within, your 2O from outside, to gel the remaining folks with your newer crew.” Andrews nodded, evidently taking mental notes, calmly making a better impression on the Trill. “And do you have any names that would be approachable from the Dennison, doctor?” he replied, waiting for any answer, before continuing. “For any of the departments?” Nymes was surprised that his counsel was being taken so seriously, but confidently continued. “For the Science department, I am afraid that I know of noone who would leave the vessel, but I could ask the Dennison’s CSO to look into it if you so wished. Engineering...” Nymes trailed off. ~but why not? It would just be an interview, and the man he had in mind was ambitious.~ “Engineering... well, I would want CPO Ulston if I could get him. He’s exactly what you want in a CEO; a bridge between the -hah- bridge and the crew; experienced with many years of service, and knows pretty much everything there is to know about an engineering department. If i had the choice, I would go for him. For other departments, there is a Security/Tactical officer from the Nimitz that is awaiting reassignment, and he’s been impressive during his stay on the Dennison. He would be worth an interview if you wanted reinforcement in that department.” Andrews seemed placated, for now at least. “Thankyou, Dr Nymes. I look forward to our next meeting with interest, and I will follow up on your recommendations.” He shook the doctor’s hand as he walked him to the door of the ready room. “As for now, safe travels.” (USS Dennison; Sickbay-CMO’s Office- Dr Nymes 1600) One hour later, Nymes walked into his office, rearranging his thoughts in his mind, and resolving to his decision. “Dr Nymes to West” “West here Doctor, go ahead,” replied Trevan. “Could I please request an appointment at your earliest convienience.” “I am available now for a short period, I will meet you in five minutes. West out,” and he closed the channel. Nymes waited for the commander to appear, and started the meeting at the point of the matter. “I’ve just spent an interesting hour with Lieutenant Commander Andrews of the USS Ribble - the Nova Class in the next repair berth. It appears that I’ve been headhunted for the vacant CMO post on that ship, and others, sir.” Well that was certanly and interesting topic, thought Trevan, “I see,” he said, “It’s a decent posting and Commander Andrews is a fine officer,” “Well, I am very happy here in my position as CMO on the Dennison, but Commander Andrews wouldn’t let me finish my response; he is adamant that I sleep on it and give a decision in the morning. He was also insistant on hearing about potential personnel for the other vacant positions on the Ribble, CSO, CEO and TAC/SEC.” “I see, he’s trying to poach some of my officers is he?” replied Trevan in a mocking tone, “While I wouldn’t stand in your way, I don’t want to lose you, you are an excellent doctor. I wouldn’t be here twice over if it wasn’t for you!” “I agree, sir; that’s why I didn’t answer as to the Science department; but I believe that Commander Andrews may approach Chief Ulston and Ensign Montague - that Xenexian from the Nimitz survival pod we picked up; he’s still awaiting reassignment. In either case, sir, I think that I should talk to them regarding these developments.” ‘Hmm,’ thought Trevan, ‘Ulston would benifit from a transfer,’ was his other thought. “Well he can appoach anyone he likes, but he still has to go through me. What are your thoughts?” “Well, my initial thoughts are that Andrews is allowed to approach them. If Ulston deserves this, and in my considered opinion he should be in line for a bigger promotion than this(!), then no-one else does, nor would they stand a chance against his character and expertise; It would be a loss to the Dennison, but with our new CEO, I think we would be up to speed before we left the starbase, Sir. As for Mr Montague, his actions on board have shown him to be a fantastic addition to the Dennison, but I feel that he would be better suited to the Ribble, and would be better suited to assisting Lieutenant - Commander Andrews in the more difficult decisions he is sure to face during his command.” “Before you ask, sir, I didn’t suggest that he approach Ele or Ash; I didn’t want to undermine the crew, sir!” Nymes finished, wondering what the Commander say in return. “Well, that was wise of you at least. I don’t know much about Montague but I will check his records before commenting on it furthur. As far as Ash and Ele are concerned, they aren’t going anywhere. They are two of my finest Bridge officers, and losing them would be too much. I will talk with Ulston about what he thinks,” said Trevan, ‘Since I am his commanding officer’ he thought. Trevan thought about a few other things before adding an addition comment, “I also appreciate you coming to me Lewis and respecting the chain of command in this matter. I will talk with Commander Andrews about doing the same in the future,” he replied, “It’s not that you did anything wrong, he did by not coming to me first.” Then Trevan spun on his heel and walked right out the door and headed to the Ready Room to have a face to face conversation with Andrews. (reply West) (posted by GC & Kerry) (USS Dennison - Holodeck One - Nymes, Night and Dale Bracken - 2100) “Activate programme.” [...Initialised...] The room swam into view out of the firmament, and Nymes was suddenly standing alone in the up-market jazz bar that he had spent most of his academy days with Hudson and Night. The recreation was perfect, down to the soot marks that marred the polished wooden floor, and Nymes walked to the edge of the dance floor, in the far corner of the simply furnished room, the airy, spacious, meditteranean feel of outside was captured by the natural light within, the holographic sun strafing through the open wall of the atrium, shining in the Trill’s eyes. Without knowing what he was doing, he had sat at the piano, returning to his thoughts as he let the stress of the previous days leave him through his mournful songs flowing from his fingers. The offer of a CMO job away from the Dennison was a very tempting offer, and one, if circumstances allowed, he would have pursued. The Dennison was his home, but the simple presence of his friends would always mean he would see the very people he least wanted to see professionally, all the time. The war was over, but nothing was certain in the fleet, and any day could reverse the stability that he had watched his colleagues die for. He didn’t want to idly stand by and watch his closest friends; Ele, Ash, Dee... fade away in the same way his sister had, unable to intervene. But the apparent closeness of the local CMO job would mean he would always question himself if something did go wrong, if he stalled or delayed for his friends; if he was the right person to treat them, even if he was the only person to treat them. Professionally, The Dennison was a dead end... A year long probation for a act of ethics seemed harsh; but it was a black mark that would continue with him whereever, regardless of where he worked. But what else could he do? The SFM medical job? Grounded at Earth, constantly waiting for the opportunity to go on call like Ensign Walker? The Ribble? Working for an officer who was bright eyed and full of vigiour, but dangerously lacking in the experience to make even the most basic of staffing judgements? His friends were here, his job was here. Even if his future lied elsewhere, his present was deeply rooted here. Perhaps it was time to let go of the past and embrace the group he had met here. It was over a year since he had seen his sister die on the viewscreen, months of holding on to a little jewlery box with the most precious memory of her. Making up his mind, he resolved to his mood. Happier, and decided. The crew had been on shore duty, leave was being arranged, but the senior staff were all on board, even if they seemed to be taking the repairs as more of a holiday. The people he wanted to see should be free this evening. “Nymes to Night, Bracken and Divay... could you come to Holodeck One please. Nymes out.” Lewis tried to make it sound like a normal request, run of the mill; but his basic Trillishness must have carried over the communique as the mysterious decision was broadcast. Nymes busied himself before they arrived, collecting a few glasses from behind the simple bar andplacing them on it, pouring a Gin and Tonic for himself, a Glass of Rioja for Ele, and waiting on the others to arrive, he activated the basic holocharacters; the barman, a white haired man with his white shirt and bowtie with a red pinstripe down the edge of his trousers, characterised by a quivering mustache as he hummed along to the band that had started playing; a simple melody picked out by the pianoist, a african-american with sunglasses reflecting the now setting sun, the bass line plucked out by a tall man perched on a tall stood, nodding his head in time to the chilled jazz beat. As the three arrived, Nymes watched their expressions. Ash, he knew, hadn’t set foot in this place at the Academy - he had trained with the marines, on the opposite side of the continent; Ele’s recollection was immediate and one of surprise, of amazement that all the minute details were correct. Nymes watched Dee’s face intently, wondering if the newest Lieutenant on the ship knew where she was. “Dear God Lewis, shouldn’t we be wearing Cadet uniforms? Dale quipped as she stepped into the bar. She’d been there a few times while she’d been at the academy, during the times that she hadn’t been at the labs or in some of the other bars that the area around the campus had to offer. The people that she’d hung around with at the time hadn’t really been into Jazz, which looking around her, was a real shame. “Last time I was in here I was a C3,” She laughed, and motioned to the stage.” You were playing that night I think. I didn’t ever get round to coming back – work took over in the final year.” “Care for a drink, Dee, Ele?” Nymes said, as Ash helped himself to a Trillian Tonic from the selection behind him. “Ele, I assumed you’d want the Rioja.” Nymes proffered the glass of red wine to the ACONN officer, shiing away from her obvious question of why they were here. “I thought a quiet celebration of Dee’s promotion, Ele. That,” he turned, mixing Dee’s drink, “and I have some interesting news for later.” Dale felt herself blush, she was always slightly uncomfortable at this kind of recognition. She smiled and took her drink, she looked around the bar again. “You’ve gone to a whole lot of trouble for a quiet celebration, you said news, what’s happened?” The exasperation on Ele’s face faded almost immediately when Nymes raised his glass towards Dale and spoke a toast to her and her promotion, ending with a prayer for those that couldn’t share the moment with them. Dale tilted her glass in response to the toast, then bowed her head silently as Lewis finished with a prayer. She still felt the bittersweet feeling, she was exhilarated by the being around at the heart of events of the end of the war, but felt the sharp sting of what it had cost. “So what’s this about, Lew? Why are we here at the Jazz inn? What’s so important?” Nymes walked over to the piano, picking up the small, battered box that was placed on it, and opened it, seeing the pilot wings pin for the last time as a marker of history, forever dead in his eyes. “I’ve made a decision, guys. To let the past stay in the past, and to stop mourning, and celebrate life. Ele; I know you never formally qualified from the Flight Squadron, but I have good authority that you can pilot a fighter quite well.” he stopped, watching the smile on Ele’s face flicker on, as she realised what could be happening. “And I’m sure Zie would want me to do this, too.” He stepped forward, the light piano music the only accompaniment, as he took the squadron pin from the box and fixed it to Ele’s collar, opposite her rank. “Oh my!” Dale felt a lump in her throat, and her eyes fill, she knew what the pin meant to Lewis, knew what it represented. As soon as she saw the pin, Dale had known what Lewis was going to do, knew that her promotion wasn’t the only reason that they were here. “Lew... I...” Ele stuttered, speechless without intention. “Don’t, Ele,” Nymes smiled, the emotion in his voice a mix of happiness from the moment and relief from the grief he had been carrying on his mind for years. “You deserve it, and Zie knows it too.” Nymes pulled Ele, his good friend, his oldest friend on the ship, into a embrace, and felt the weight leave his shoulders, something tangible leaving Lewis’s mind for good; not grief, but history. “Now, I think it’s time for some music, don’t you?” “I think,” Dale answered, sipping her drink again, feeling a moment pass over her. “that you could be right.” (Reply Nymes,any) (posted by Mark & GC ) (USS Dennison, Main Engineering - CEO, Lt. Harry James Atwood - 2115) “Sir, there is a power malfunction in grid 332. Shutting down all systems. Overload in process.” ~Great~ Harry thought to himself. “Shut it all down. Lets try again. Ensign you’re in charge. Specialists come with me please.” He said as he made for the door. He walked through the corridors to the nearest turbolift and then entered it with two specialists; McRiley & Johanson. “Holodeck 1” He said and the lift began moving. (U.S.S. Dennison–Holodeck 1–CMO Dr Nymes-2116) Nymes had activated the npc’s of the holodeck, and the bar was quietly bustling with custom, and the quartet had sat by the dance floor, watching the holodeck characters swing dance to the music. Ash seemed his normal self, cracking jokes with Ele, who herself seemed a little shell shocked at the the events of the last quarter of an hour. Dee, well, she was still Dee; the promotion had still to settle in, but she seemed sensible enough to keep on top of things, and keep her friends with her. Nymes glanced over to her, smiling as he did so. “Dee...?” The holodeck doors opened, and an engineering lieutenant walked in, toolbox in hand, a look of distaste on his face. “Can we help you.” Nymes glanced at his neck, not having recognised the man, assumed he was a survivor from the Nimitz or the Starbase.”..Sir?” He nodded to the man and approached him, “I’m just here on official business. I’ll be out of your hair in no time, Ensigns... & Lieutenant.” He said nodding to them all. “I trust you’re all having fun?” “All’s good, sir. Lewis Nymes, CMO.” (reply Harry, Dee room for more) (USS Dennison, Deck 8 - CEO, Lt. Harry James Atwood - 2118) The turbolift came to a stop outside Holodecks 1 & 2. He stepped out and ordered McRiley & Johanson to check the power conduits by Holodeck 2. He would check the Holdoeck 1 power conduits by himself. He moved over to the console and found it blown out. ~Bugga~ He thought to himself as he opened his tool kit. “Computer is Holodeck 1 active?” [Affirmative, Holodeck 1 is being used by Ensign Nymes.] Came the computers response. He nodded, “Bloody excellent. Just what I need a doctor.” He said sarcastically. “Computer open the doors to holodeck 1” He saw the doors open and then dived inside. The setting was an old jazz club of some sort, the place was bustling with people and he saw the doctor with a few friends sat down. He nodded to the man and approached him, “I’m just here on official business. I’ll be out of your hair in no time, Ensigns... & Lieutenant.” He said nodding to them all. “I trust you’re all having fun?” (Reply any there) (Posted by Jono) (U.S.S. Dennison–Holodeck 1–Ensign Chance Raschen-2130) Chance entered the holodeck carrying 6 bottles of something special from home. The holodeck looked like a Jazz club that Chance never really went to; it was just too…..clean. He preferred rougher, shadier saloons and cantinas. Chance walked up to a table were Lewis, Dale, Ele sat talking and laughing “I heard there was a celebration going on here and thought I’d bring you a little something I got from home.” He said as he handed each of them a bottle. (Reply any) “Its whiskey, my mom makes it herself in Texas and ages it in wooden kegs for 5 to 10 years before she puts it in a bottle. She always tells me that it’s for celebrations and to never drink it alone.” Chance explains as he pulls the cork from his bottle and takes a long swig. As he started to cough from the burning sensation traveling down his throat; he also started to gasp and laugh at the same time and said “Careful, it’ll knock your socks off.” (Reply Any) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison, Holodeck 1 - CMO Nymes - 2131) The door opened again, and this time Chance walked through the garden of the bar, the area of decking bathed in the moonlight. He was in civvies, carrying a bag of something on his shoulder, and immediately revealed what it was. “I heard there was a celebration going on here and thought I’d bring you a little something I got from home.” He said as he handed each of them a bottle. “The local moonshine?” Nymes asked, as he accepted the bottle. (Reply any) “Its whiskey, my mom makes it herself in Texas and ages it in wooden kegs for 5 to 10 years before she puts it in a bottle. She always tells me that it’s for celebrations and to never drink it alone.” Chance explained as he pulled the cork from his bottle and took a long swig. As he started to cough from the burning sensation traveling down his throat; he also started to gasp and laugh at the same time and said “Careful, it’ll knock your socks off.” (Reply Any) (Posted by GC) The Scars that Remain Stardate 2407.07.15 Day 9 (USS Dennison - Quarters - EO/CPO Sammy Ulston - 0500) {...The time is Zero-Five-Hundred Hours...] ~Snooze... But can’t be late for work on the first day on the Ribble~ Sammy woke up, staggered towards the head, looking back at his reflection in the mirror above his sink. Chance’s Ma made powerful stuff; just like the stuff he expected at home. Looking up into the mirror, he saw a bestubbled face searching back at him. A quick shave & shower and he was ready for the day, and it would be a red letter day for Ulston. (USS Dennison - Sickbay - EO>CPO Sammy Ulston -0530) “Well, Mr Ulston, you are the very figure of health; you’ve recovered well since the holodeck decided to explode on you!” “I try, Doctor, I try. Was a nice request to get, CEO of a Nova-class. I have to wonder where they got my name from really... CEO is a big jump from what I’ve been doing.” “I’m sure its not - you ran engineering whilst Semme was stuck in the holodeck; you’ve shown yourself capable of great things; and this is a just promotion I think. The CO of the Ribble asked me to join him too; but I wasn’t able to accept - I have a Chief post here, and I’ve still got patients to overview here.” “They asked you?” Ulston was shrewd enough to understand what Nymes hadn’t said. “Then it seems I have a debt of gratitude for this opportunity, sir.” “Not at all.” Nymes thumb-ed the PADD, speaking as he did so. “Computer, Confirm Chief Petty Officer Samuel Ulston is fit for transfer and service on the USS Ribble. Authorisation Nymes Delta Four Zero.” Sammy took the PADD from the trill, and packed it in the carrybag he had on his shoulder, and made to leave the room. “Care if I join you, Sammy?” “Of course not, sir.” (USS Dennison - Forward Umbilical - EO/CPO Sammy Ulston - 0545) Walking down the corridor, Sammy felt the homesickness hit him, realising that every step would be one less that he would be spending as a junior engineer, leaving his friends on the ship and starting a new adventure. As they reached the access hatch, the security post loomed up. “Doctor Nymes, Request permission to disembark, sir.” He stated, half hoping the reply would be negative. “Permission granted, chief. Fare winds and following seas be yours... And keep in touch!” Nymes stated, shaking the man’s hand as he stepped out of the ship and onto the docking pad of the stardock. As the doors closed, Ulston could hear the doctor call the computer again, with a hint of sadness. “Computer, recognise Dr Nymes, Authorisation Delta Four Zero.... Record to Ships log that at this time, at this place, CPO Ulston is no longer on board, and is transferred to the USS Ribble. Remove all his current ship access codes from the database.” (USS Ribble - Airlock - CPO Ulston - 0559) Ulston stood at attention, waiting for his new CO to arrive at the airlock to greet him. The security on detail had handed him a PADD of the ship’s schematics and engineering overview. “Sam Ulston? I’m Lieutenant Commander Samuel Andrews, CO of this ship. Glad to meet you in person at last.” “Permission to come aboard sir? CPO Ulston reporting as ordered.” “Permission granted, Senior CPO Ulston.” Andrews unfolded his hand, handing Ulston the new insignia, before affixing it to his neck. “And if you would follow me to the bridge, we have a lot to discuss, chief.” ~”chief”~ I think I’m getting used to that, finally. Ulston smiled as he followed his new CO out of the room, the Dennison partially forgotton as he started his new posting. (reply NONE) (posted by GC) Mission: The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.07.19 Day: 13 (U.S.S. Dennison–CSO’s office–Ensign Chance Raschen-1600) Wearing light brown denim jeans, cowboy boots, and a dark blue shirt; Chance hit the door chime to announce his presence. Once the door slid open, he stepped into the office to find not one, but both Brackens “If this is a bad time I can come back later.” Chance said not wanting to interrupt further. (Reply Any) Looking at Dale, Chance explained “You had mentioned the other day that you wanted to talk to me, but didn’t say what about. And being done for the day, I finally got a break in the action and thought I’d stop by to see what it was you wanted to talk about.” (Reply D and/or L Bracken) (Posted by Charlie) (Star Fleet Medical – Severe Trauma Unit 3 – Ensign T’vel/Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 2207) McDermott had been fading in and out of consciousness for some time. He was unsure of the passage of time but each time his mind had drifted towards awareness he had felt the close presence of T’vel in his mind and the soft touch of her hot, silken hand upon his forehead. She had proven to be a blessing over the last week as the telepathic link that they had forged was the only thing that had allowed him to communicate his needs to those who treated him. Upon his initial examination by Lt. Commander Morrow, the man had given him the appalling report on the damage with delicacy and obvious pity. The damage to his spine had been profound. Not simply severed but the shock damage had caused multiple breeches all up and down his spinal column. In affect the entire spinal column was a total loss. The result to Eric was catastrophic. Complete paralysis. He was unable to breath without a ventilator. Unable to swallow, to talk, and to move he was imprisoned within a body that would not respond to any of his demands no matter how insistent. The first thought that had come into his mind had been suicide. But after the initial thought came and passed he realized that not even that option was available to him. He would spend the rest of his life, if one could call it that, hooked to machines that would keep his inert body alive whether he wished it or not. Early the following morning after his arrival he had been visited by Admiral Tannar Fitzhugh and the elderly doctor had examined him very closely and after a variety of tests had informed McDermott that he was going to attempt to perform a spinal transplant. The Tanner told Eric that there was no guarantee of success but that it was better than the alternative. This was something with which Eric had heartily agreed. At his request T’vel had checked the records on Doctor Tannar Fitzhugh to find that he was the foremost expert in his field and called out of retirement during the current crises to help the many like McDermott who had suffered such debilitating injuries. She had further learned that in the past the Doctor had performed Spinal replacements on 148 patients with 117 successes. McDermott was more than content with those odds. The hardest part had been the wait while Medical had cloned and grew a replacement spine from his own tissue. Then bright and early at 0300 this morning they had finally put him under to begin the nearly sixteen-hour surgery. As his mind continued to clear away the fog Eric began to notice differences almost immediately. He felt warm, comfortable and…he felt pain. Cautiously he made the attempt to move and then felt T’vel’s other hand come down upon his arm. He felt it! He opened his eyes and found that he was able to turn his head and look at her and for the first time in longer than he could remember a smile cracked his face. He opened his mouth to speak but T’vel put her fingers to his lips and said, “Don’t try to speak, not yet.” When he had subsided she continued with, “The operation was a success and Admiral Fitzhugh believes that you should enjoy a full…if protracted recovery. For now it would be best for you to rest.” McDermott looked at her and after a moment he reached out a hand and placed it over hers. She looked at it for a moment as if considering whether she should object to the contact and then looking at him she said, “Yes. We have many things to discuss…but that can wait until you have recovered.” McDermott tried to smile again but was no longer able to keep his eyes open and with a sigh he relaxed back into sleep knowing that she would watch over him while he rested. (Reply: Any as Needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) The Scars that Remain Stardate: 2407.08.06 Day: 30 (USS Dennison, Sickbay - ACMO Ensign (jg) Matthew Porter - 0703) Although Matthew Porter had already familiarised himself with the sickbay and its staff on the previous 20 days of his active duty Porter still felt as if he was settling in. The ship had just departed from space dock and Porter was sitting at his console looking through some of the medical files that he had not yet looked over of the crew. A nurse pops her head through the door: “Sir may I be releaved? I have been on shift for 9 hours now” Porter had forgotten all about this nurse of which he was responsible “oh of course, report back for your shift tomorrow” ~I really need to pay more attention to my duties~ “Computer set reminders of when the staff under my control go off shift” The computer beeped in aknoledgement ~well at least I wont forget that again~ (reply any) (Posted by Daniel Warner) (USS Dennison – Deck 2 – First Officer Quarters – STRATOPS/First Officer – Lt, Commander Eric McDermott - 0930) McDermott had been beamed directly to his quarters by his request to avoid any major disruption of ships routine by his return. He knew that it was likely to be a surprise to more than a few people that he was alive let alone capable of returning to duty. He moved slowly, as though unsure of his own strength and there was a deliberateness about his movements that indicated that he was considering each move that he made before he made it. It had not taken him long to put away the few items that he had brought along with him from Earth. T’vel had insisted on carrying the bulk of the items despite his protests. At the thought of T’vel, Eric realized that this was the first time in weeks that she had not been in constant attendance to him. He found that he missed her despite the fact that she had only left his quarters less then twenty minutes previously. He was not certain exactly what was happening between them but it whatever it was it had forged a bond between them that was undeniable. They had still as of yet, not had the ‘talk’ that he had told her they must have. His days had been full of pain, rehab and procedures since his spinal replacement. T’vel had been a very real part of his recovery process and it was with her help that he had again learned to trust his body and do the simple things that he had once taken for granted. Luckily he had not suffered any deterioration of muscle tone, flexibility or balance but it would take some time before he would fully trust his own body again. Then of course was the one thing that even Starfleet Medicals finest minds had been unable to resolve. His central nervous system had taken a severe shock from which it had never been designed to endure. While he was fully recovered with not even a scar to show that he had ever taken such a severe injury, his body still knew better. While the headaches had lessoned, the sharp stabbing pains that afflicted him at inopportune times and the searing agony that shot fire up an down his spine and caused the muscles between his shoulder blades to knot up into painful bunches were daily occurrences and he had yet to get a full nights sleep since the surgery. Still McDermott felt that it was a small price to pay considering the alternative. With a sigh he went over to his desk and picked up three PADD’s and with that left he quarters at a brisk walk heading for the bridge. Within moments he had stepped onto the bridge and walking nonchalantly across it he ignored the startled looks that he received and stepping up to the Ready-Room door he hit the chime and entered when he heard the familiar voice of Commander West authorizing entry. Stepping through the door he felt a flash of amusement at the shocked look on West’s face and walking up to the man he handed him one of the PADD’s saying, “Lt. Commander Eric McDermott reporting for duty sir. My apologies for my long absence.” (Reply: West, Any as needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison –Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 0933) Trevan was at the wooden desk in the Ready Room, when the door chime sounded, “Come,” he replied without even looking up to see who it was that had entered. , “Lt. Commander Eric McDermott reporting for duty sir. My apologies for my long absence.” Trevan just sat there for a moment, gazing at the man, ‘Got to admit he has a good sense of humour about things’ he thought. “No apologies needed Eric,” he said using the Commander’s first name to establish a less formal atmosphere, “Grab a seat.” (reply McDermott) “I thought so as well,” he admitted, “but at least the job was done properly.” (reply McDermott) “No, I am still waiting for the Yard Master to get his people out so we can leave. All repairs are complete and we are finally whole once again,” he said gesturing to his First Officer. (reply McDermott) Trevan was instantly amazed at the Commander’s ability to keep on top of ship activities, “No, no mission yet. I am sure we will be ordered to do clean up or something equally mundane,” He wasn’t really complaining, he did need the rest and so did his crew, but clean-up duties were always the worst and best left to the salvage yards to do it. ‘At least they make a profit’ he thought. The stars outside his window were mostly blocked from the exterior area of the ship yard’s large dry dock facility and the bright exterior lights, which were needed this far from the sun, made him set the tint on his window a little dark. Even so, the faint blue star of Earth was still there where it always was. Trevan drifted out for a moment, remembering his stress free days at Engineering School, and always using his last few transporter credits to beam home for dinner three times a week. A faint cough, probably for his own benefit, brought him back to reality. “Sorry Eric, just thinking. I believe there are security drills scheduled for today no?” he asked, “Make sure they get done, we can’t afford to be rusty just in case.” Of what, he wasn’t sure of, but still better to be safe. “Thank you,” he replied. (reply McDermott, Any) (Posted by Sleepy, er, Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison –Ready Room-Lt. Cmdr Banowsky-10.00) Will entered the ready room with slow, uneasy steps. He was about to announce something, that he had debated over the last few days. It was of no shock to Will that his request was approved, he had an ample background to enter into his new position, and he was already eager to get started to work. It was something he had debated doing ever since he entered Starfleet, and when he noticed there was an opening, he had to jump at the chance. Will had become disillusioned with life on a starship, and he needed a change of pace. He had lost the passion that he had once eagerly displayed and was now faced with a tough crossroads. He did not want to leave Starfleet, that much was certain, but he no longer had the flare that he had loved so much. He didn’t want to have his body swapped, he didn’t want to exercise in war games with the Spectre while piloting a run about through an asteroid field, though he did have to admit it was fun. He had thought over his decision carefully and diligently, it was not one to be made lightly, not one to rush. Not only did it mean a change of pace, but a change of scenery. He would be leaving behind a crew that he had grown attached too. Yet at the same time, Will realized that in life there are many paths and directions to take. He knew what he needed to do. His passion for law was burning. He had a chance to finally do something worthwhile with his knowledge of law, and of service. His career was still young, but he was feeling older. He would miss ship life, but where he was going, he would have new adventures, new excitement, and many more stories to tell. Thus, Will, slow, uneasy, unsure of what Commander West would say, approached the desk. “I trust you have reviewed my transfer request sir.” (reply West) “I know it seems sudden sir, but I have been interested in the JAG corp since I was a cadet. When I saw the opening on Geneva, I knew it was something I need to do.” (reply West) “It was a pleasure serving with you Commander. I trust the Dennison will be in good hands. I’m gonna miss her, I’m gonna miss this crew.......” Will paused, he was starting to tear up, which was odd, he wasn’t normally a crier. “I uh, would also like to umm extend free legal service, if you ever need it sir.” (Reply West) “Is there anything else you need me to do before I leave? And I’d like to address the crew as well.” (reply West) (reply West) (posted by Will Banowsky) (USS Dennison –Ready Room-Commander Trevan West-10.01) Thus, Will, slow, uneasy, unsure of what Commander West would say, approached the desk. “I trust you have reviewed my transfer request sir.” Trevan was dreading this momemt, “I have,” was all he said. “I know it seems sudden sir, but I have been interested in the JAG corp since I was a cadet. When I saw the opening on Geneva, I knew it was something I need to do.” Trevan understood that, he also had dreams as a kid and was now living them as well. “It was a pleasure serving with you Commander. I trust the Dennison will be in good hands. I’m gonna miss her, I’m gonna miss this crew.......” Will paused, he was starting to tear up, which was odd, he wasn’t normally a crier. “I uh, would also like to umm extend free legal service, if you ever need it sir.” Trevan smiled at that one, “I appreciate it Will, but if no-one in Starfleet get’s paid, isn’t always free?” he said laughing. Standing Trevan shook the man’s hand, “No, it’s been a honour to serve with you.” “Is there anything else you need me to do before I leave? And I’d like to address the crew as well.” Trevan really couldn’t think of anything, “No there is nothing I can think of, we will be passing fairly close to Geneva en-route to our mission so we can drop you off. We will arrive tomorrow. Feel free to adress the crew when you see fit.” (reply Will) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2407.08.07 Day: 01 (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 0900) With the Dennison now out of the solar system, Trevan could finally relax. The Dennison was repaired and running well, and he was eager to get back to some real work. “Captain West, incoming message from Starfleet Command priority one,” said Ash Divay. “Very well, in the Ready Room please.” Trevan arose out of his chair and walked into the ready room. As the doors closed he could see the message blink on the display on the desk. He tapped the panel to access the message, it was Admiral Brooks from Starfleet Science. “West here Admiral,” replied Trevan. The Admiral went on to explain the reason for calling. He started to tell Trevan about a very strong sub-space message that was sent to them about a week ago from sector 4502, “It’s not the message that really got our attention, although you will see that it had some interest to us. You see, the message contained almost a century’s worth of information but it was sent in only five seconds. The technology behind something that can compress that amount of data without any signal loss is staggering.” Trevan drummed his fingers on the desk, waiting for the Admiral to get to the point, “It is,” was Trevan’s reply. “Well, after analyzing the data, we see that it was sent from the Matorian culture.” Trevan took a moment to rack his brain, “Maltorian,” he said aloud as he recognized the name, “If I recall, they disappeared over a century ago without a trace.” The Admiral agreed with him, “So you can understand why we need to see if this message is for real. The Dennison is ordered to sector 4502 to investigate.” Trevan understood the orders, and with a few more pleasantries with the Admiral, ended the call. “Commander McDermott, Lieutenant Bracken report to my Ready Room please.” (reply McDermott, Bracken, any) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Science Lab 2 – CSO Lt jg Bracken – 0901) “Okay, Astrometrics, I’d like you to continue looking at the NGC-54679 supercluster, there’s still some unexplained data from that area. Xenobiology, carry on with the data from the affect of Neutron radiation on mitochondrial DNA, more we know about that the better.” Dale paused, running through the information on the PADD in front of her. “Chemical team, if you could carry on with the research into transitional isomerism of the superdense organometal halides that we looked at before shore leave. =/\=Commander McDermott, Lieutenant Bracken report to my Ready Room please.=/\= “Acknowledged, I’ll be right there, Bracken out.” She turned back toward the assembled team, “Okay people, I’ll be back down when I’m done upstairs. Dismissed everyone.” She turned toward the door to the lab and made her way toward the nearest turbolift, her destination, the ready room. (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CSO Lt jg Bracken – 0905) Dale hit the doorchime as soon as she reached it, and hearing a voice from inside granting access, stepped forward, the doors opening, and closing behind her as she entered the room. “You wanted to see me Sir?” (Reply West) (Posted by Mark) ((USS Dennison – Ready Room –Commander Trevan West– 0906) Dale hit the door chime as soon as she reached it, and hearing a voice from inside granting access, stepped forward, the doors opening, and closing behind her as she entered the room. “You wanted to see me Sir?” Trevan gestured to the chair nearest to him, “Have a seat Ensi....Lieutenant. Sorry old habit,” he said apologizing. On the desk was a simple display device and several PADDs of information, along with the usual stack of reports that he had yet to get to, “I was waiting for Commander McDermott to arrive before I began this,” he said, “so I will wait for him.” Trevan then handed her a PADD of information relating to the Maltorian culture,” It’s out of date, but it’s the best we have. The briefing will give you an idea why it’s so out of date.” (reply Bracken) “Yes, the very same culture!” he said, obviously excited. (reply Bracken) “I’ll make all the information available to you once the meeting is over. I will want you to stay behind so we can discuss the issues at hand,” (reply Bracken, McDermott) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CSO Lt jg Bracken – 0907) “You wanted to see me Sir?” Trevan gestured to the chair nearest to him, “Have a seat Ensi....Lieutenant. Sorry old habit,” he said apologizing. On the desk was a simple display device and several PADDs of information, along with the usual stack of reports that he had yet to get to, “I was waiting for Commander McDermott to arrive before I began this,” he said, “so I will wait for him.” Trevan then handed her a PADD of information relating to the Maltorian culture,” It’s out of date, but it’s the best we have. The briefing will give you an idea why it’s so out of date.” Dale took the PADD from him, and speed read it’s contents. She was truly intrigued, Dale was no real student of history, she held a passing interest, and lessons remembered from her pre-academy education, but other than that, very little. “Maltorian, Maltorian.” Her mind racing, the thrill of the chase beginning to take over her, She’d always loved these moments, from the very first few days when her father had taken her to work with him at the solar institute, whenever the professors had a new subject, they’d invite her in, and even at twelve, she’d felt the rush of excitement take over her, she’d feel the rush of a new page of totally unknown data “The Maltorians?...didn’t they...” “Yes, the very same culture!” he said, obviously excited. Dale smiled, and let out a small chuckle. Her father would say that his manner was being as ‘giddy as a schoolboy’ She’d never been certain if that had been a complement or not. Good or no, it certainly was infectious. She felt herself chuckle. “I’ll make all the information available to you once the meeting is over. I will want you to stay behind so we can discuss the issues at hand,” “That would be good, whatever you have to say, this looks fascinating, you’ve piqued my curiosity.” (Reply West IYW) Dale felt herself begin to get slightly jumpy, as the body began to kick out immense amounts of adrenaline, this was another sign that she was beginning to get ‘into’ the thrill of another chase, she currently had no idea what West had to say, but she was ready for almost anything. (Reply West/McDermott) (Posted by Mark) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – First Officer/STRATOPS - Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 0907) “I was waiting for Commander McDermott to arrive before I began this,” he said, “So I will wait for him.” McDermott walked in quietly at that point his expression pinched and a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Sorry Commander,” he said handing West a PADD. “This is my final report on the battle with the Caesar Regnum. I was just finishing when you called and wanted to get it to you before it was even later than it already is.” McDermott made no excuses for the lateness of the report. They all knew why and if it had not been for the intervention of a half dozen of the finest doctors in the Federation he would have never gotten to file the report at all. He’d almost not made it to the meeting either as when he had stood up from his desk the spasm that had shot up his back had nearly driven him to his knees. It had been all he could do not to scream in agony. He tried to keep his expression nonchalant all the while hoping that West would not notice anything. He watched as the CSO read the PADD that West had handed her and it was obvious that she was interested. “Maltorian, Maltorian.” “The Maltorians?...didn’t they...” She started. “Yes, the very same culture!” he said, obviously excited. McDermott frowned at the name as it was quite familiar and then his memory finally provided him with the answer and his eyes widened a bit in surprise. All contact with that race had been lost for… His thoughts were cut off as West continued with, “I’ll make all the information available to you once the meeting is over. I will want you to stay behind so we can discuss the issues at hand,” “That would be good, whatever you have to say, this looks fascinating, you’ve piqued my curiosity.” McDermott nodded and said, “Mine as well Commander. Something like this happens…maybe once in a century if not longer. This is a…phenomenal opportunity.” (Reply: West, Bracken) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – Commander Trevan West – 0908) “I was waiting for Commander McDermott to arrive before I began this,” he said, “So I will wait for him.” McDermott walked in quietly at that point his expression pinched and a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Sorry Commander,” he said handing West a PADD. “This is my final report on the battle with the Caesar Regnum. I was just finishing when you called and wanted to get it to you before it was even later than it already is.” McDermott made no excuses for the lateness of the report. They all knew why and if it had not been for the intervention of a half dozen of the finest doctors in the Federation he would have never gotten to file the report at all. He watched as the CSO read the PADD that West had handed her and it was obvious that she was interested. “Maltorian, Maltorian.” “The Maltorians?...didn’t they...” She started. “Yes, the very same culture!” he said, obviously excited. McDermott frowned at the name as it was quite familiar and then his memory finally provided him with the answer and his eyes widened a bit in surprise. All contact with that race had been lost for… His thoughts were cut off as West continued with, “I’ll make all the information available to you once the meeting is over. I will want you to stay behind so we can discuss the issues at hand,” “That would be good, whatever you have to say, this looks fascinating, you’ve piqued my curiosity.” McDermott nodded and said, “Mine as well Commander. Something like this happens…maybe once in a century if not longer. This is a…phenomenal opportunity.” Trevan nodded in agreement, “It is and I don’t intend to waste it.” Trevan played the communication from Starfleet Science to the both of them. While they watched, he merely looked out at the window waiting. Finally the display was over, “As you can see, we don’t have much to go on. We will head to the location provided and investigate,” he said, “I don’t foresee any problems, we will be stopping at Geneva however.” (reply any) “Because Lieutenant Commander Banowsky will be leaving the Dennison,” he said letting them soak up that bit of information, “It’s not public yet, but,” he said looking over to Dale, “Until we get a replacement, you are the next senior officer. You will retain your position and rank, but your responsibilities will increase slightly to take up the slack from his departure.” “Now,” he said directing his full attention to Bracken, “What do you make of this situation?” (reply Bracken) “Well, as you can see, they are probably more advanced than us in most areas, but why choose now to contact us. Where did they go? Or is this just some sort of echo communication that has taken this long to get to us?” Trevan listened to all the options given to him, “Well, that can be arranged,” he said, “That is all I have for now. Eric,” he said standing up, “I wanted to do this earlier in the month but as you were not able to attend, I will do this now.” Trevan walked over towards the small alcove to the far end of the room, which contained a small bookshelf. On the bookshelf sat several items from Captain Davis, however there was one item that was his. Grabbing the small blue rectangular box, he could feel the velvet crush in his fingers as he held it firm and walked back over to McDermott, “Eric McDermott, for your brave and valiant effort in the battle with the Regnum. For sacrificing yourself for the good of the Federation, I award you the Ribbon of Sacrifice.” (reply McDermott) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CSO Lt jg Bracken – 0909) Dale looked round at McDermott as he spoke to West regarding the Regnum. “Mine as well Commander. Something like this happens…maybe once in a century if not longer. This is a…phenomenal opportunity.” Trevan nodded in agreement, “It is and I don’t intend to waste it.” Trevan played the communication from Starfleet Science to the both of them. While they watched, he merely looked out at the window waiting. Finally the display was over, “As you can see, we don’t have much to go on. We will head to the location provided and investigate,” he said, “I don’t foresee any problems, we will be stopping at Geneva however.” “Geneva Sir? Can I ask why?” “Because Lieutenant Commander Banowsky will be leaving the Dennison,” he said letting them soak up that bit of information, “It’s not public yet, but,” he said looking over to Dale, “Until we get a replacement, you are the next senior officer. You will retain your position and rank, but your responsibilities will increase slightly to take up the slack from his departure.” “Now,” he said directing his full attention to Bracken, “What do you make of this situation?” Dale leant back in her seat, “I’m baffled sir, the technology required to broadcast how much in 5 seconds? I’m stumped as to how they could have managed it.” “Well, as you can see, they are probably more advanced than us in most areas, but why choose now to contact us. Where did they go? Or is this just some sort of echo communication that has taken this long to get to us?” “Looking at the signal I’m inclined to think that its live sir. Signal degradation isn’t anything like what I’d expect to see. That said, if they figured out how to broadcast this in the first place, they could have figured that out as well. I’d like a copy of this, see what we can’t figure out sir.” Trevan listened to all the options given to him, “Well, that can be arranged,” he said, “That is all I have for now. Eric,” he said standing up, “I wanted to do this earlier in the month but as you were not able to attend, I will do this now.” Trevan walked over towards the small alcove to the far end of the room, which contained a small bookshelf. Grabbing a small blue rectangular box, he could he held it firm and walked back over to McDermott, “Eric McDermott, for your brave and valiant effort in the battle with the Regnum. For sacrificing yourself for the good of the Federation, I award you the Ribbon of Sacrifice.” (reply McDermott) (USS Dennison, Bridge, CSO Lt jg Bracken, 0911) The meeting with Commander McDermott and Lieutenant Dale Bracken now over, Trevan moved to the Bridge with the others in tow. The doors opened to reveal the Bridge and his crew at their stations, “Helm hard about, heading one-one-nine mark zero-one-five. Warp Eight,” commanded Trevan. There were a few confused looks before the ship made it’s correction and launched into warp, “It seems we have a mystery to solve people,” he said to the Bridge. Trevan explained the mysterious message sent to Starfleet and to whom it was from, “They requested we meet them in this sector, it looks pretty empty but, Dale, you will run a full scan anyway and anything else you can do to get us information.” “Acknowledged, I’m on it Sir. Astrometrics this is Bracken, Cancel your current project, turn your attention to sector 4502, I want to know everything that we have, and more.” “Also, see if the USS Hermes can do us a favour and launch a class seven probe. They are near that area, and we can pick up the sensor information en-route,” “Our mission is as follows, head to the pre-arranged meeting point and investigate.” Dale had already turned toward the main science station, and layed in the commands that would begin the full scans of the destination system. She then sent a subspace message to the duty Science officer on the Hermes requesting launch of the probe. “Sir, message away, Probe being launched as we speak, scans of sector 4502 underway, initial signs show nothing in the area, but we have only just started.” (Reply West) “Sir, Permission to leave the bridge? Begin looking at the signal.” (reply West, any) (posted by Mark (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 0910) The meeting with Commander McDermott and Lieutenant Dale Bracken now over, Trevan moved to the Bridge with the others in tow. The doors opened to reveal the Bridge and his crew at their stations, “Helm hard about, heading one-one-nine mark zero-one-five. Warp Eight,” commanded Trevan. There were a few confused looks before the ship made it’s correction and launched into warp, “It seems we have a mystery to solve people,” he said to the Bridge. Trevan explained the mysterious message sent to Starfleet and to whom it was from, “They requested we meet them in this sector, it looks pretty empty but, Dale, you will run a full scan anyway and anything else you can do to get us information.” (reply Bracken) “Also, see if the USS Hermes can do us a favour and launch a class seven probe. They are near that area, and we can pick up the sensor information en-route,” “Our mission is as follows, head to the pre-arranged meeting point and investigate.” he said knowing it didn’t sound like much, but those always seemed to be the ones with the most to offer. (reply all) (posted by Kerry Fletcher (USS Dennison – Bridge, Commander Trevan West– 0911) “Sir, message away, Probe being launched as we speak, scans of sector 4502 underway, initial signs show nothing in the area, but we have only just started.” “Very well, keep me advised,” replied Trevan. “Sir, Permission to leave the bridge? Begin looking at the signal.” “Of course,” nodding as he spoke. As he was turning around to face the forward part of the Bridge, his arm panel indicated to him that there was a message for him marked Priority Two, “I;ll be in the Ready Room,” (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 0912) The message began to play, in real-time, from Starfleet Command. “West here Admiral, how can I help you.” he said in his most pleasant tone, knowing that this couldn’t be that good. It was the second time in the day he was calling. “Commander West, please make your way to Starbase Geneva now. I have received word from Callisto that an improper installation of your secondary power relay in the impulse drive, is defective. Geneva has a ready to go replacement but it will take some time to install. Also, you will be taking on a new Captain here and Lieutenant Commander McDermott has been reassigned as well. Captain Davis will be moved to the intensive care there as well, as I am sure this is a better place for her. I am sorry about this short notice Commander but there is nothing I can do.” Trevan understood but was still disappointed, “We were on our way there already sir, to drop of Lieutenant Commander Banowsky. I will talk to my Doctor about moving Captain Davis, and can you send me information on who my new Captain is?” ‘I hope it’s not some blow hard’ he thought to himself. ‘Information is on it’s way. Starfleet out.” Trevan got up from the desk and made his way back on to the Bridge, “Helm, set course for Starbase Geneva warp nine!” “Bridge to Nymes, Doctor, information regarding Captain Davis has been sent to your office. Advise me,” and he closed the channel. (Reply all) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Sickbay, CMO office, CMO Dr Nymes – 0914) =/\=Bridge to Nymes, Doctor, information regarding Captain Davis has been sent to your office. Advise me,=/\= and he closed the channel. Nymes tapped his commbadge, ready to answer, jolted from his reading on the genetic factors involved in betazoid empathic ability and its dysfunction, he had tapped the office computer screen to bring up the data that had streamed from SFC.: a requisition request for the current CO for rehabilitation in a planet’s sickbay. ~too late,~ he thought, as the comm channel died, leaving one course for the doctor. (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – CSO Lt jg Bracken – 0915) Dale strode into the lab, PADD in hand, still re-reading through the information on the Maltorians that she had received some few minutes ago. It was truly baffling, how a culture so seemingly so advanced could disappear so quickly, without trace, and then, just as rapidly, send a signal so advanced that it had bemused Fleet Science as to how it had been done. She looked up into the slightly puzzled face of the duty Astrometrics officer. “Lieutenant.” He greeted her as she reached him. “What we got Sir? Must be important to cancel the research that you only allotted to us twenty minutes ago.” Dale smiled briefly, nodding as she did so. “Truth is Ensign, we don’t know what’s happening fully as yet. I’m certain rumour will fly round the ship anyway, so here’s the lowdown. Fleet receives a signal, something so complex that we’re not certain how they managed it. We are being dispatched to investigate the area that the signal seemingly came from” She looked up on the large screen in front of them. “This the sector?” “Sir.” He answered the affirmative, “Nothing there though. Initial scans show usual concentration of interstellar dust, barely, nearest life bearing planet is a class N object orbiting a G4 main sequence star, that system is some distance away though sir. There’s nothing that I can see here that looks anything like out of the ordinary.” Dale nodded again, confirming his results for herself. “Understood. Keep at it, I want the whole sector mapped to a hair’s accuracy, the Brass are very interested in this, let’s make sure nothing’s missed on our watch. I’ll be next door in Atmospheric Physics, need to get a good few looks at this signal. Well done Ensign.” “Understood sir, thank you.” He nodded, before Dale turned and strode out of the lab again. The business with the signal was odd. It had displayed no degradation, none at all, which was unusual in itself. As she reached the Atmospheric Physics Lab, her head was filled with far more questions and confusions than answers or hypotheses. This, was going to be a long shift. (Reply any, none) (Posted by Mark) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - CMO Dr Nymes - 0920) [..beep..] Nymes stood, PADD in hand, outside the Ready room, ruminating on the carnage and chaos that had taken place here not thirty days previously. The central support of the bridge had been replaced, the decor had been retouched, and there wasn’t even a hint of scorched, acrid electronics in the air. ~How quickly we forget the past~ Nymes tapped the control, waiting for his cue to enter. Once inside, he presented the PADD to the aCO; commenting briefly on the contents: “Sir. Captain Davis is recovering from a head injury, and following concussion. There is an argument for transfer planetside in her case, but other personnel have managed without such care.” (reply West) “My recommendation, sir?” Nymes paused. “Ideal galaxy? I would suggest that she is transferred to Geneva for further care. The TTO’s are finished and appended to the PADD.” (reply West, none) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - CMO Dr Nymes - 0920) [..beep..] Nymes stood, PADD in hand, outside the Ready room, ruminating on the carnage and chaos that had taken place here not thirty days previously. The central support of the bridge had been replaced, the decor had been retouched, and there wasn’t even a hint of scorched, acrid electronics in the air. ~How quickly we forget the past~ Nymes tapped the control, waiting for his cue to enter. Once inside, he presented the PADD to the aCO; commenting briefly on the contents: “Sir. Captain Davis is recovering from a head injury, and following concussion. There is an argument for transfer planetside in her case, but other personnel have managed without such care.” (reply West) “My recommendation, sir?” Nymes paused. “Ideal galaxy? I would suggest that she is transferred to Geneva for further care. The TTO’s are finished and appended to the PADD.” (reply West, none) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 1000) Trevan had been on the Bridge for over three hours waiting for the yard supervisor to clear out his workers so the Dennison could get underway, “Mister Divay, hail the yard master yet again please,” said Trevan to his tactical officer. “Coming on the screen now sir,” replied Divay. On the forward view screen, the image of the yard supervisor Commander Mike Piout appeared. “What is it Commander West?” he asked. “Commander Piout, I am fretfully sorry to contact you again, but really, how long does it take to get your men off my ship?” asked Trevan. Trevan could see the rage building up behind the eyes of Commander Piout, but to his credit, Commander Piout did not reveal it, “The last have been beamed off, the Dennison is free to leave dock.” he said coldly. Trevan stood up, “Thank you very much for your help Commander,” said Trevan and then gave the cut-off gesture to Ensign Divay. The Shipyard’s external connections to the Dennison were disengaged, and the lights flickered on the Bridge for a split second as she switched to internal power, she was whole once again. “CONNl, take us out at half impulse power, full once we have cleared the Jovian system.” ordered Commander West. (reply CONN) “Heading at your discretion,” stated Trevan. (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Ensigns Night & Raschen-1105) Since before the Dennison pulled out of the slip that morning at the ship yard, Chance had been going over diagnostics for every malfunction that was registered in the computer so he could assign it a priority and send it on to whoever necessary to get the problem corrected. He was only half-heartedly paying attention to what was happening around him on the bridge. When he heard Night report “Waypoint Five reached, Commander. Starting run to Waypoint six, warp 5.3.” Chance turned away from the Ops station to face Ele at the CONN when she addressed him saying “Chance, seen the diagnostic from the CONN?” “Not since we cleared the ship yard; why?” “Something’s dragging us to starboard, that’s the eighth course correction on that leg; can you get engineering onto it?” “Hold on and let me run a fresh diagnostic; is that fair enough?” “Knock yourself out, Chance.” Ele replied, not concerned, not unhappy, but quintessentially puzzled at the problem that had presented. Raschen ran diagnostics on the impulse and warp engines but didn’t find anything wrong. Chance even checked the Nav-track on the computer. He found exactly what Ele reported; 8 course corrections in one leg, but the computer wasn’t registering any engine problems. He even ran the Hull Mapping program that he had updated in the yard and it didn’t show anything attached that wasn’t supposed to already be there. On a hunch, he ran the diagnostic on the maneuvering thrusters and was a little happy that he found something and that he wasn’t starting to lose his mind. Turned to face the CONN, Chance started saying “Well Ele, everything is in good order with the impulse & warp drives, and maneuvering thrusters with one exception.” Ele nodded, she had a hunch on the problem, and had narrowed it down to one of two things: drag - which was impossible to cause such a major variation in a small time; and Thruster malfunctions, again, unlikely, but potentially dangerous to the integrity of the ship. Power would be diverted to the area’s shields to maintain integrity of the thruster - probably invisible to alarms but acting as a sea anchor at these velocities. “Subspace drag or Thrusters, Chance, and my moneys on Thrusters...” she quipped. (Reply any) “Yep, a single backing, maneuvering thruster set at low output on the starboard side is what’s causing the drift in our course. Would you double check your board to make sure its not engaged?” “Board is...” Ele tapped out a command. “Board is clear, Chance. Its time to give the engineers something to do.” “Alrighty then; Engineering, this is the Bridge, we’re registering a malfunction in one of the backing thrusters on the starboard aft. I’m sending down a copy of the diagnostics and the location.” (Reply Atwood) “I appreciate it sir; bridge out.” (Reply Atwood iyw) Turning to face Ele again he asked “Good enough?” “We’ll have to see,” she answered, her manner jovial, but refraining from giving the ‘yes’ Chance seemed to be waiting for. “Your welcome” Chance said in a slightly sarcastic, but friendly tone of voice. (Reply Atwood, any) (Posted by Charlie & Greg) (USS Dennison – Bridge, Commander Trevan West– 1511) With the Dennison now running at warp nine, it was still going to take several hours to reach Geneva. Trevan was thankful that his engineers managed to correct, albeit slightly, the drag caused by the faulty power relay. He would feel much better once they were docked, knowing they were safe. “Bridge to Astrometrics Lab, got anything for me?” said Trevan. (reply Bracken) “Good to hear, I’ll be down shortly to see how things are. I am very interested in this, West out.” Trevan looked around and saw Commander McDermott at one of the aft stations, “Eric, I’m going to see what all the excitement is. You have the Bridge.” (reply McDermott) (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1512) =/\=Bridge to Astrometrics Lab, got anything for me? =/\= West’s voice came over the intercom. Dale had been back in astrometrics for only an hour or so, but that hour had seen jumps in their understanding of both the signal, and sector 4502, the area to which they had been dispatched, where the signal had apparently come from. “Bracken here sir, we’re moving on really well. Got one or two things that you’ll want to see.” “Good to hear, I’ll be down shortly to see how things are. I am very interested in this, West out.” (USS Dennison, Astrometrics Lab, Commander Trevan West 1515) Walking into the lab always made Trevan feel overwhelmed. The sight of so many people on different stations, star charts everywhere on every screen. He sought out Dale who was talking to a few of her staff, “So?” he said to her. (reply ALL) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1516) “Okay, keep looking at the data from the co-ordinates that we discussed earlier, there’s still one or two distortions that I’d like looking at. Pay special attention to the gravitational wells that we saw from subsection beta, d4.” “So?” She hadn’t heard West approach, “sir, You’ll like this.” She led West slowly toward the large display, bringing him up to speed as she did so. “Took a while to really achieve anything, but now, the results are really flooding in. I’ve had to pull some off the other teams to cope with the influx of data that we’re experiencing now.” She hit a few buttons on the terminal in front of her, changing the main display to one showing the entire destination sector. “Now.” She began, “this is where we’re headed, apparently, this is where the signal originated, back to that in a moment. We’re now virtually finished with the accurate scans, we’ve got a good map of the whole area.” (Reply West) “Sadly no, this area of space is about as empty we can get. The nearest life bearing planet is over 15 light years away, orbiting a slightly hotter sol-like star. Now, the really interesting thing is the subspace map.” (Reply West) “It’s important because of what they did to the signal.” (Reply West) “Well, we figured out what they did, and I think I know how, it’s another of my leftfield ideas though.” (Reply West IYW) Dale hit another combination of keys on the terminal. It flickered, and changed to an abstract diagram, there was a single line across most of the screen, from right to left, and then several points radiating away toward the right hand side. “Trouble was we were looking at it from the wrong end of the signal, assumed that it was one. Then we found the subspace distortion in sector 4502. We think that the Maltorians used these subspace gravitational distortion as some kind of lens, focused the signal from whatever source, and concentrated and directed it gravitationally. That’s how it contained so much information, there could have been dozens of sources, all focused on a single gravitational well. (Reply West) (Posted by Mark) (USS Dennison – Astrometrics –Commander Trevan West, 1517) “Okay, keep looking at the data from the co-ordinates that we discussed earlier, there’s still one or two distortions that I’d like looking at. Pay special attention to the gravitational wells that we saw from subsection beta, d4.” “So?” She hadn’t heard West approach, “sir, You’ll like this.” She led West slowly toward the large display, bringing him up to speed as she did so. “Took a while to really achieve anything, but now, the results are really flooding in. I’ve had to pull some off the other teams to cope with the influx of data that we’re experiencing now.” She hit a few buttons on the terminal in front of her, changing the main display to one showing the entire destination sector. “Now.” She began, “this is where we’re headed, apparently, this is where the signal originated, back to that in a moment. We’re now virtually finished with the accurate scans, we’ve got a good map of the whole area.” Trevan nodded, “That’s good to know, as that region is virtually unknown to us believe it or not,” he said to her, “Is there a planet or base in that sector?” he asked hopefully. “Sadly no, this area of space is about as empty we can get. The nearest life bearing planet is over 15 light years away, orbiting a slightly hotter sol-like star. Now, the really interesting thing is the subspace map.” “and this is important why?” he said, as subspace mechanics always bored the hell out of him. “It’s important because of what they did to the signal.” He didn’t even have to ask his question before she started to answer, ‘I like this girl, she’s quick’ he thought, “Well, we figured out what they did, and I think I know how, it’s another of my leftfield ideas though.” He smiled at that one, “Which usually turn out to be correct,” Dale hit another combination of keys on the terminal. It flickered, and changed to an abstract diagram, there was a single line across most of the screen, from right to left, and then several points radiating away toward the right hand side. “Trouble was we were looking at it from the wrong end of the signal, assumed that it was one. Then we found the subspace distortion in sector 4502. We think that the Maltorians used these subspace gravitational distortion as some kind of lens, focused the signal from whatever source, and concentrated and directed it gravitationally. That’s how it contained so much information, there could have been dozens of sources, all focused on a single gravitational well. “Ok,” he said finally putting all the information together, “So, the really big question is, where did it originate?” he asked hoping there was an answer to that one. (reply Bracken) “Okay, now that seems to be the mystery then. Well, you certainly have your work cut out for you Dale. But I can see that you are really enjoying this, so keep going. We will be stopping at Geneva for a little while longer then planned so that will give you plenty of time to look.” (reply Bracken, any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken 1518) “Ok,” West said finally putting all the information together, “So, the really big question is, where did it originate?” he asked hoping there was an answer to that one. “Unfortunately,” Dale sighed “that’s were our luck runs out. We have no exact idea where this could have originated, perhaps a cone of possibility, but not much more at the moment.” “Okay, now that seems to be the mystery then. Well, you certainly have your work cut out for you Dale. But I can see that you are really enjoying this, so keep going. We will be stopping at Geneva for a little while longer than planned so that will give you plenty of time to look.” “Understood. I’m inclined to recommend that we make for sector 4502 first. I’ve been here before where early results have shown something, and I’ve gone straight to investigate an early hunch, only to find it completely incorrect and put me back hours in real time.” (Reply West) Dale nodded again, “I’ll keep at it anyway, How long ‘till we hit Geneva?” (Reply West) (posted by Mark (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – Commander Trevan West ,1519) “Understood. I’m inclined to recommend that we make for sector 4502 first. I’ve been here before where early results have shown something, and I’ve gone straight to investigate an early hunch, only to find it completely incorrect and put me back hours in real time.” Trevan understood his officer’s need to get the job done right, and he liked that. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to work out that way, “Sorry but we actually do need to stop at Geneva to not only get our Captain and Crew, but to replace a malfunctioning relay. Dale nodded again, “I’ll keep at it anyway, How long ‘till we hit Geneva?” “A couple of hours,” was his only reply. (reply Bracken) (posted by Kerry Fletcher (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1520) “Sorry but we actually do need to stop at Geneva to not only get our Captain and Crew, but to replace a malfunctioning relay. Dale nodded again, “I’ll keep at it anyway, How long ‘till we hit Geneva?” “A couple of hours,” was his only reply. Dale replayed the last couple of sentences of conversation in his mind. Took in his tone in his last sentence. West had always been more than gracious toward her, never impolite, the last remark however, smacked of a rebuke. Slowly Dale’s weary mind nudged her, informing her that there may have been a part of conversation missed somewhere. “Sir.” She sighed, rubbing her temples as she did so. “Okay, let’s pretend that bit of conversation didn’t happen and try that bit again. We’ve both been up since 0500 doing who knows what.” (Reply West IYW) She pulled her aching mind together. “I didn’t mean not go to Geneva. Of course we have to go there. What i meant was, when we leave Geneva, if we have a suspect source of the signal, we shouldn’t rush toward it. We should go to 4502 first. I never meant to suggest not going to Geneva.” (reply West) (posted by Mark) (USS Dennison – Astrometrics – Commander Trevan West– 1521) “Sorry but we actually do need to stop at Geneva to not only get our Captain and Crew, but to replace a malfunctioning relay. Dale nodded again, “I’ll keep at it anyway, How long ‘till we hit Geneva?” “A couple of hours,” was his only reply. Dale replayed the last couple of sentences of conversation in his mind. Took in his tone in his last sentence. West had always been more than gracious toward her, never impolite, the last remark however, smacked of a rebuke. Slowly Dale’s weary mind nudged her, informing her that there may have been a part of conversation missed somewhere. “Sir.” She sighed, rubbing her temples as she did so. “Okay, let’s pretend that bit of conversation didn’t happen and try that bit again. We’ve both been up since 0500 doing who knows what.” Trevan rubbed his face slowly with his hands, then placing one on her shoulder in the most friendliest of way, “You’re right, of course. It’s been that kind of day, I apologise.” She pulled her aching mind together. “I didn’t mean not go to Geneva. Of course we have to go there. What I meant was, when we leave Geneva, if we have a suspect source of the signal, we shouldn’t rush toward it. We should go to 4502 first. I never meant to suggest not going to Geneva.” “I know, I know,” he said but in reality he was just covering for his own error in judgment, “I agree, if we were directed to 4502 there must be a reason for it and I intend to find out why,” he said as he made his way out the door. Stopping in the doorway, he looked back at Dale with her jet black hair, “Again, sorry. I am off to sleep in about two hours once we are at Geneva and things start to get going. You will also sleep at some point, don’t make me order it. I will have Commander McDermott take the next shift on the Bridge, you can relieve him at 0900, and I will relieve you at 1000.” (reply Bracken IYW) (posted by sleepy (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 1530) To Trevan it had been a very busy day, and it wasn’t over yet. He had already gone over the new crew reports for the new arrivals that would be coming onboard at Geneva, including their new Captain, Archibald Stakes. Looking over his Starfleet record, he seemed to be a capable captain. Weather or not he would be a good fit with Trevan would soon be tested. “Computer, open a channel to Archibald Stakes on the USS Boudicca” said Trevan to his desktop display. Within moments, the face of Archibald Stakes was on the screen (reply Stakes) “Yes sir, I am transmitting the roster and evaluations to you now,” (reply Stakes) “Oh yes, about that, we are about two hours away from Geneva.” (reply Stakes) “Understood Sir, see you soon. West out.” and he turned off the display and then contacted Engineering, “West to Engineering,” he said to his badge. The voice on the other end was not that of Atwater, but of Haley Darsons, “Hey Trev, what can I do for you. We are in a bit of a pickle down here, can you come down?” she said but not in her usual perky voice. “I can be, I’ll be there shortly. Out.” (USS Star of Samarkand, 2O’s Office, Commander Archibald Stakes, 1535) Having been left in charge of the trip of the Boudicca back to the space dock for repairs by Admiral Sevant and having been ‘dumped’ by his wife in the cramped 2O’s office on the Star for the journey, whilst the Boudicca was being towed back to the space dock Archibald was reading through his reports, as Esme was sorting out the messages that all seem to come from nowhere. Why an Admiral on Orion Beta 3 would want to inform Archibald that the fresh water condenser of Orion Beta 3 had broken down was beyond both of them. It suggested that so short after the war, the communication system was still fragmented and working on human interaction rather than computerised protocols. Especially in the remote areas. And no doubt, if they were to look into it they would probably find that there was an officer called Andrew Stokes, or something similar, who was in charge of a condenser repair unit. That was the problem when working with automated systems. When they broke down there was only human intervention to keep the posts going. It didn’t help that in one part of the universe, the USS Boudicca was classed as being destroyed, whilst somewhere else the Boudicca was apparently in full working order, but in the Beta Quadrant so any messages for the ship or their crew would be circling the universe before actually reaching them. Also as the communications system of the Boudicca was down, the Star tried to intercept as many communications that appeared to be for the crew of the Boudicca as possible. matters weren’t helped by the fact that during the war communication satellites had been a prime target for both sides and many of them had been damaged. It was, in short, a complete and utter madhouse. And getting the right messages across was more a question of luck rather than actual design. But most intercepted messages were just a plea for help or for a person who was willing to listen to their plights. And as such it was only proper to give whoever it was the feeling that there was someone out there who cared. Suddenly Esme looked up. “You got a direct link, Dad,” she said as she turned the computer to face her father, who for a second looked very disapproving. “Who’s gonna know,” Esme mumbled, knowing full well that since they were on duty, her father wanted to be referred to as Sir. She half smiled an apology as she whispered. “A Commander West of the USS Dennison. I have no idea what he wants but he wanted to speak to you, apparently.” Archibald frowned for a second then flicked on his screen. “Commander West?” he said with a nod, “ This is an unexpected pleasure. Captain Stakes here. You wished to speak to me?” As he spoke to the brown haired man, he signaled Esme to record it. (Reply Trevan) Archibald nodded. “By all means, Commander, I would gladly see the crew report.” he responded with a friendly nod. “If it is not too much trouble.” “Yes sir, I am transmitting the roster and evaluations to you now,” Archibald looked at Esme and saw her nod. “Yes, Commander West, we have received them. I will review them but as I am currently working on other reports it will take a while. Anything in particular that you want me to note?” (Reply Trevan) Archibald nodded. “I will certainly do that, Commander. Should I send you my comments? Just out of interest, where is the ship currently?” “Oh yes, about that, we are about two hours away from Geneva.” Archibald looked to the side where a screen showed his the current position of the towing group. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you there. We’re still a few weeks away. But I’ll see what I can do.” he said, again nodding friendly. “Understood Sir, see you soon. West out.” The screen turned dark as Archibald sat back. “What was that about,” Esme asked as she took her computer back, receiving a shrug from her father. “I haven’t got the foggiest.” he admitted before falling silent in contemplation. “Seemed like a decent chap, though. Did you log it all? We’ll try and find out who this should have been sent to.” Suddenly Esme’s voice rang out. “You’re never going to believe this! Talk about incompetence!” “What?” “You remember that we requested assistance from all ships to locate Crewman Jonathan Jenkins, our botanical specialist? About three weeks ago? Guess what, we just received a request from the USS Quanta for assistance in locating ADMIRAL Jonathan Jenkins!” Archibald sighed. He hoped Star Fleet Command would be able to sort out the communication issues soon. He absentmindedly picked up a PADD when he suddenly heard his daughter chuckle. “Mom’s gonna LOVE this one,” she said with a grin. “We just received a message from Earth. Apparently Captain Archold Spakes or something similar is ordered to take command of the USS Dennison. You don’t think they mean you, do you?” Archibald permitted himself a grunt. “Not whilst I am working for the Admiral to bring his priced flagship to the repair docks, I would say. He! I wonder if they meant Arnold Sprakes. Last I heard he was seconded to Geneva. Oh dear, that would be ... unfortunate. For the crew of the Dennison, I mean. No, I can’t believe anyone in his right mind would give Arnie Sprakes a command again, especially after he lost three freighters whilst attempting to dock them. ESPECIALLY a star ship. No, I can’t believe Star Fleet would ....... No.” Archibald fell silent and in his mind he saw the face of Commander West again. “Poor sod,” he mumbled. NRPG: Just trying to explain why Archibald wouldn’t have commandeered a trans warp shuttle straight away upon hearing the news. and instead would remain on the Boudicca for six months. Also this should link in with the call from Geneva that the CO was waiting for them there. Poor Arnie, he really was incompetent but he never lost his belief in himself. Everybody else did, but not Arnie. 8-) I expect after a few months a renewed call will be put out that this time will make it to Archibald proper. I mean, getting Arnie as a CO? Oh dear. 8-) RPG: (reply by Trevan) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) -- (USS Dennison, Engineering, Commander Trevan West, 1544) Engineering was abuzz with activity. People were running around him with spanners and tricorders, seemingly not noticing him. Out of the crowd he saw the red hair of Haley in a huddle of people near the warp core, “What’s going on here?” he demanded. “Sorry Tre..sir. This just popped up a little while ago and it’s started to cascade. We have isolated the problem but it seems it will take more then what we have to get it fixed.” ‘Great, just what we need today’ he thought. “What is it, how long and why?” was all he asked in an annoyed tone as two more people knocked into him. Haley didn’t know where to start so she just gave him the rundown, “Well aside from that pesky relay, it seems we have a bad case of Engineer-itis. As a former Engineer you know that better is the enemy of good enough,” He did know, but that still didn’t answer his question. She beat him to it, “They have upgraded all our systems, which is normal, but they didn’t calibrate half this stuff to run on Dennison with her extra weapons and warp cores. She has more power than your average ship and the code they used is, by all accounts, sub-standard. We should have never left dock! This is why we were dragging before, as the navigation array is reading slightly off and the helm is trying to compensate.” She managed to rattle on for a good few minutes about this being the reason why some people hate engineers, “I mean really! This is going to take months to track down, diagnose and repair.” Trevan nodded, suggested she grab any extra people she could and he would pass the word onto Geneva about their additional problems. (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Ensign Chance Raschen-1645) Chance was working diligently at his station; unctuously waiting for the end of his shift, hoping time will pass faster if he keeps busy. The whole time quietly singing to his self, “We’re rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves, Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho. We’re devils and black sheep, really bad eggs, Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho.” when he heard a beep on his console signaling an incoming transmission. After a moment he turned to face the man in the center seat “Sir we have a communiqué from the Dock Master’s office on Geneva wanting to know our ETA; they say that our captain would like board his ship along with some other new shipmates. What should I tell them other than we’ll be there when we get there?” (Reply West, any) “Aye sir.” was all Chance said as he did as ordered. (Reply West, any) (Posted by Charlie) (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Commander Trevan West-1646) After a moment he turned to face the man in the center seat “Sir we have a communiqué from the Dock Master’s office on Geneva wanting to know our ETA; they say that our captain would like board his ship along with some other new shipmates. What should I tell them other than we’ll be there when we get there?” Well that was a surprise to say the least, “Well our ETA is about an hour, but pass along this report from Engineering. Also, I think the Dock Master is misinformed as I just spoke to Captain Stakes about an hour ago and he is still quite a far distance on the Boudicca. Tell the Dock master just that!” he said aggravated. He was aggravated about misinformed Dock Masters, poor Engineering crews at Callisto and now the latter has caused at least a six month delay to their original mission. “Aye sir.” was all Chance said as he did as ordered. “Bracken!” he said to the comm. system, but as he shouted he realized he didn’t specify which Bracken and Leola Bracken was on the comm. (reply Leola) “Sorry, wrong person. My apologies.” (reply Bracken) “West to Dale Bracken,” he said, and finally got her. “There is going to be a delay, quite a lengthy one at that to our mission. See if you can arrange to send a message to the Maltorians about it. Also, it would allow you to use the Geneva’s sensor array, if I can manage it.” (reply all) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison – CSO’s Office – Marine CO Leola Bracken - 1647) =/\= Bracken! =/\= he said to the comm. system, but as he shouted he realized he didn’t specify which Bracken and Leola Bracken was on the comm. Leola had answered immediately, without stopping to think that it may have been her daughter that West had wanted to speak to. “Leola.” “Sorry, wrong person. My apologies.” “Understood Sir, no problem” =/\=West to Dale Bracken,=/\= he said, and finally got her. Leola across to her daughter and smiled, watching as her face changed from the happy-go-lucky face, to the highly focussed, studious face that she wore now. ~So much like her father~ she thought. =/\=There is going to be a delay, quite a lengthy one at that to our mission. See if you can arrange to send a message to the Maltorians about it. Also, it would allow you to use the Geneva’s sensor array, if I can manage it.=/\= “Thank you sir, if you could tell him that I’m going to contact him with a message that has to go to some very very specific co-ordinates, signal power as strong as they can safely get it?” (reply West.) “Thank you sir, it’s going to take a few minutes to set the message up, but i’m confident that we’ve got a good grasp of the way that they structure their communications. They’ll get it Sir.” (reply West) (Posted by Mark) (U.S.S. Dennison – Bridge, Commander Trevan West- 1648) =/\=There is going to be a delay, quite a lengthy one at that to our mission. See if you can arrange to send a message to the Maltorians about it. Also, it would allow you to use the Geneva’s sensor array, if I can manage it.=/\= “Thank you sir, if you could tell him that I’m going to contact him with a message that has to go to some very very specific co-ordinates, signal power as strong as they can safely get it?” “I’ll do what it can for you,” replied Trevan. “Thank you sir, it’s going to take a few minutes to set the message up, but i’m confident that we’ve got a good grasp of the way that they structure their communications. They’ll get it Sir.” “Good to know you are on top of things. I’ll let the station commander know that you will be paying a visit to their operations center. If you have any problems, direct them to me. West out.” (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Bridge – Commander Trevan West– 1752) A very tired, and blurry eyed Trevan West was on the Bridge in the command chair as the Dennison slowed to impulse as it approached Geneva, “Open a channel to the Geneva,” he said to no-one in particular (reply in particular) “Glad to have made it at all considering the poor work that was done on us back at Callisto,” Trevan replied. (reply Geneva) “Understood, I hope so as well. Docking bay three thank you.” he said and closed the channel. “Night, take us in. One quarter impulse,” (reply Night) “West to Darsons, Atwater. We have arrived and the Geneva team is ready to come aboard once the umbilical’s are in place. Atwater, you and Haley are running this show, I don’t want a repeat of Callisto. We don’t leave until you are satisfied.” (reply Atwater) The mighty ship once again came into her docking berth. The ship came to rest and the umbilical connections had begun and the Dennison was switched over to external power. “Eric,” he said turning to his First Officer, “We are going to need the decks clear of personnel. It seems this repair will have most of the Dennison shut down, so see to it that everyone has a place to stay on the station. I will make sure we don’t turn the lights off on anyone though,” he said trying to smile. It hurt, knowing the his ship was going to be as lifeless as an asteroid in a few hours and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. (reply Night, Atwater, anyone that wants to be the poor dock master) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Bridge – First Officer – Lt. Commander Eric McDermott – 1754) McDermott was at Engineering station two monitoring the ships status and none of it looked good even to his eyes. Ships engineering was his weakest point and he would have rather delegated this to someone who was more suited to the job but in this one case he had taken the responsibility onto himself. As the Dennison docked and began to shut down many of it’s internal system Eric breathed a barely audible sigh of relief. As he watched many of the ominous readings that he had been watching closely, slip back down into acceptable limits or disappear entirely indicating that the system had been taken offline. He had nearly finished the scathing report on the deficiencies of the Callisto Space dock workers and had decided not to even bother sending it to the station commander but going right over his head to Starfleet Command. With any luck more than a few people would lose their jobs over this fiasco. “Eric.” McDermott turned to look at West as the Commander continued. “We are going to need the decks clear of personnel. It seems this repair will have most of the Dennison shut down, so see to it that everyone has a place to stay on the station. I will make sure we don’t turn the lights off on anyone though,” he said trying to smile. McDermott nodded and said, “I’ve already been in touch with Geneva’s Quartermaster and she was most…helpful.” McDermott did not bother to tell West that Lt. Commander Cox had nearly had a stroke when he told her the number of berths that they would be needing. “Senior officers will have private quarters, junior officers will be paired up and enlisted will be four per berthing space. The Quartermaster and her staff will be on hand to see to it our people get their berthing assignments.” Looking at West he could see how tired the man was and while McDermott was no less fatigued he also knew that West would have no trouble getting to sleep. With that thought in mind he stepped closer to the man and said, “Why don’t you just take off Commander? Go get some rest, I’ll see to the disembarkation and ensure turnover is completed. Once I’ve done a final inspection and made sure all crew have departed I’ll…make sure the oven is off and the lights are out before I leave.” McDermott offered West the slight smirk that served as a grin for him. (Reply: West) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Ensign Chance Raschen-1755) A very tired, and blurry eyed Trevan West was on the Bridge in the command chair as the Dennison slowed to impulse as it approached Geneva, “Open a channel to the Geneva,” he said to no-one in particular. Chance heard the skipper’s request and started putting commands into his console “Geneva is on screen, sir” Chance said as put the Dock Master on screen for the communication. The representative from the Dock Master’s office was a very plump, okay fat; civilian, human female that looked like she would barely be tall enough to join the military, and had a Napoleon complex big enough to crush a Romulan Warbird like it was an empty beer can. “Well, it’s about time you made it Dennison. We have you on our screens.” “Glad to have made it at all considering the poor work that was done on us back at Callisto,” Trevan replied. ”You’re not the first to complain and we’ll do what we can to rectify the situation. You’re clear to enter port; No fancy crap just keep it slow and steady. I hope you can make it under your own power. I have you cleared for docking bay three, captain. “Understood; I hope so as well; Docking bay three thank you.” West said as he closed the channel before he ordered “Night, take us in; one quarter impulse” (Reply any, iyw) (Posted by Charlie) (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Ensign Elenor Night-1756) “Understood; I hope so as well; Docking bay three thank you.” West said as he closed the channel before he ordered “Night, take us in; one quarter impulse” “One-quarter impulse, Aye.” The Dennison limped home to the starbase, feeling its way in, battling against the drag that had plagued the ship since departure. As it slowed to thrusters, the impulse drives winked out, gliding in on minimum power, before executing a perfect stop. “Dennison to Geneva Ops. Reporting final docking sequences complete. Umbilicals attached and patent. Dennison Out.” Ele looked up after she had finished her official duty.”Sir, CONN reporting full navigation and propulsion system standby. We are in grey mode.” (reply West) (Posted by GC) (USS Dennison - Personal quarters - ACMO Ensign (jg) Matthew Porter - 2012) The new ACMO was standing in his quarters with some old Beatzoid tunes playing over the computer with himself singing the meoldy line. His duties being quite dull with only a small cut here or a sprained anckle there he was left with little to do. His comm badge made a small noise which was only just heard over the music and Matthews singing. (Reply Nymes) “computer stop playback” The music cut out and the young ensign replied to his call from Nymes “On My way” The ensign headed to out of the door and started toward the nearest turbo lift. (USS Dennison - Personal quarters - ACMO Ensign (jg) Matthew Porter - 2016) Matthew arrived on deck 10 and started to walk toward sickbay apon entering the trill CMO imediatly started to talk NRPG: Not really looking for anything to serious, I dont really want to take anything away from the main plot (reply Nymes) (Posted By Daniel Warner) (USS Dennison - Sickbay- CMO Dr Nymes - 2017) “Its not that I expect much from another officer, ensign, but I do expect you to be on time when its your shift. As far as I am aware, you are 17 minutes late for handover; As I am standing here in Sickbay, and wasn’t called out, I am pretty sure that there wasn’t a medical emergency in those minutes. Anything to say?” Nymes started talking, looking at a chronometer as the ACMO responded to his slight scolding. (reply Matthew) “See that it doesn’t, doctor. Here is the duty PADD.” Nymes manner immediately softened.”Sickbay is fully operational, One patient, a thirty-two year old woman who is complaining of nausea and vomiting, with associated abdominal pain, and initial scans show no pathophysiological cause. She is responding to standard anti-nausea medication, and will just need observations from the nursing staff every hour.” (reply matthew) Nymes watched the man read the PADD, the part-betazoid showing something of his emotion in his body language; but whatever it was, was imperceptible to the CMO. Nymes’ other hand held another PADD, one containing the outline of a Major-Incident-Drill which he wished the junior staff to complete, working together to build teamwork in the departments that had lost the most personnel. He had, in his notes on the PADD, suggested a Holodeck training scenario with fail-safes; the memories of the disasterous Security holoprogrammes wouldn’t be repeated on his watch, not after the full revamp completed by the new CEO. The personnel he suggested run through the training would need to be cleared with the CO first, which would be a job for later on. “Computer, reroute all non-crash medical calls to ACMO Porter.” [...Calls rerouted. Enjoy the Shift...] ~Got to love the computer’s manners~ (reply Matthew iyw) (posted by GC) (U.S.S. Dennison–Sickbay–Ensign (jg) Matthew Porter-2300) The Dennision had now docked at starbase geneva and it was time to transport the sickbays favorite patient davis base side. “Doctor Nymes can you come and help us through here please sir!” Matthew shouted through to the CMO who was in his office. (reply nymes) Matthew made sure the patient was stamble and ready to be ripped apart into millions of tiny particals and be re-assembled in the starbase’s sickbay. “I think we’re ready to transport” Matthew said very pofessionally (reply nymes) Davis disappeared in a ray of blue light leaving an empty bed. “sir may I be dismissed?” Porter aimed his question at Nymes (reply nymes) (USS Dennison - Quarters - CMO Dr Nymes - 2301) Nymes dozed, dreaming of jazz bands, of playing the Academy Grad ball, of seeing Ele whirl away to the sound of Hudson and Nymes playing a Jazz Duet. =/\= Duande to Nymes. Fast Bleep, Sickbay. =/\= ~There goes my quiet night~ Nymes dressed quickly, pulling on his civvies - a simple trillian cream suit with a black shirt, and ran out of the door, commbadge in hand. Sleep to sprinting in 20 seconds. (USS Dennison - Sickbay - CMO Nymes - 2302) “Report.” Nymes watched incredulously as the duty nurse sauntered over to him, heading him off before he got to the ICU. “What is this, Duande? Why did you bleep me?” “The new doctor is having problems sorting out the Captain’s transfer orders; Engineering have taken the computer offline.” ~For the love of... Was I like this to Admiral Gr’iann?~ “Doctor Nymes can you come and help us through here please sir!” Matthew shouted through to the CMO who was in his office.”I think we’re ready to transport” “TTO’s done? Cleared with Ops? On BOTH station and ship?” Nymes enquired quickly, knowing the answer. Tapping his commbadge, he opened the channel to the bridge. “Nymes to Bridge. Can you liase with Geneva regarding an urgent medical transport to their HDU, please.” =/\= Understood, Doctor.... Clearance granted... Geneva has locked on, awaiting orders: transferring Comm to Geneva Sickbay. =/\= =/\= This is Geneva Medical; Ready for Patient Transfer on your mark, Dennison. =/\= “Understood. Beam patient at biobed one when ready.” “Sir may I be dismissed?” Porter aimed his question at Nymes “No, Ensign. This is your duty station, and this was an easy job that did not warrant me being gotten out of bed! Forward the TTO’s and the current medical notes to Geneva Medical, as you were expected to! Shore duty will start tomorrow - thats reduced shifts for us - just on calls - from 0800 tomorrow. I’ll take tomorrow, you can have your day off from then.” Nymes finished his rhetoric, and turned to leave the sickbay, disappointed to have been disturbed from his 2 hours of sleep for such a standard procedure. (reply porter iyw, otherwise REPLY NONE!) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison - Sickbay - ACMO Ensign (jg) Porter - 2303) “Sir may I be dismissed?” Porter aimed his question at Nymes “No, Ensign. This is your duty station, and this was an easy job that did not warrant me being gotten out of bed! Forward the TTO’s and the current medical notes to Geneva Medical, as you were expected to! Shore duty will start tomorrow - thats reduced shifts for us - just on calls - from 0800 tomorrow. I’ll take tomorrow, you can have your day off from then.” Came Nymes reply. “im sorry to desturb you sir” Porter said as the CMO left. ~I just cant get anything right! I’m sure to be kicked out the fleet before I even started!~ Porter thought to himself as he went through to sit at his desk in his office. Porter began to hit a few buttons on his console in order to foward the Medical and TTO reports to genever. ~Wonder is Kate is still here~ Porter began to think about one of his civillian ex-girlfriends. ~I do hope not, running into her would just be awkward~ (reply None) (Posted by Dan Warner Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2407.08.08 Day: 02 (USS Dennison – Personal Quarters, Commander Trevan West– 0445) Trevan had been asleep for nearly five hours, thankfully since the repairs wouldn’t start until later in the day he was able to get one last sleep in his own bed. However, due to the brightness of the interior of Geneva, he had to set the window to it’s darkest setting. The drifting stars that helped him to rest, were missed. The door chime rang and then rang again. By the third ring, Trevan was roused out of his deep sleep, “Who is it?” he said slightly aggravated that his sleep was disturbed. The response from the other side of the door was one he was not expecting at all, “It’s me,”. Trevan bolted up, neglecting to put a shirt on and walked over to unlock the door. The doors slid open to reveal Haley Darsons, “Haley?” he said, “What’s the matter?” he asked as he could see even in the dim light of the corridor that she had been crying and was looking like she had not slept in weeks. Putting his arm around her he escorted her inside. Before he could say anything she hugged him so hard. Hard enough that even Trevan had to flinch at the pain. Pulling her arms off of him, Trevan then made her sit down and take a blanket while he put a shirt on. He didn’t want to ask why she was up at this hour and let her do all the talking. “Sorry,” she sniffed, “I know you were sleeping but I had nowhere else to go,” she said as she wrapped herself in the blanket. Haley explained that she was having horrible nightmares still, and she didn’t trust anyone to listen to her. “You are the only one that has ever listened to me and never judged me,” Trevan just sat there, silently nodding. “I need to talk but can’t,” she said. “Why not?” he asked, “You have never had a problem doing that before.” She pulled her legs under herself, “I know, but, this is different. I just can’t bring myself to say anything. I’ve talked with Alosar, but I have still held back.” Trevan wasn’t sure why though, “Why, that’s what he is here for. To help you, what is it that you aren’t telling him or me for that matter,” She just looked away, trying not to meet his gaze. Trevan got up and place himself next to her, putting his arm around her and brushing the loose strands of her red hair behind her ear, “What is it. You know you have my complete trust, and like you said, I have never judged you. Never in the twenty years I have known you have I ever judged you.” She started to cry, placing her head as deep as possible under her arm in the blanket. (reply non) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Personal Quarters, Commander Trevan West– 0545) Trevan got up and place himself next to her, putting his arm around her and brushing the loose strands of her red hair behind her ear, “What is it. You know you have my complete trust, and like you said, I have never judged you. Never in the twenty years I have known you have I ever judged you.” She started to cry, placing her head as deep as possible under her arm in the blanket. It took almost an hour to get her to calm down and just breathe, “Haley, if you don’t tell me what it is, I can’t help you.” he said then noticing the time, “I hate to do this to you but I have to be on duty in twenty minutes, and as the Acting Captain, I can’t just not show up. It’s a big day,” Sniff, “I...sniff....understand...I’ll go down to Engineering,” was her reply. “No, you will not. You are going to go to sleep on Geneva right now. Use my personal quarters that has been assigned to me. You will not get any duty shifts until you talk to Alosar about this. As of right now, you can’t do anyone any good in the state you are in. I need you at your peak, and no offence, you aren’t at it.” “Fine,” she said quietly. (USS Dennison, Bridge, Commander Trevan West, 0600) The Bridge was busier than usual, being that they were trying to get everything done in a very short period of time. Looking over his left shoulder he could see Commander McDermott, “Eric, how is the move coming along?” (reply McDermott) “Not too good then eh?” he said, “Have Engineering bring the emergency and cargo transporters online. Also see if we can’t use a shuttles to speed this process up. Every hour we delay this, means an hour longer here.” (reply McDermott) “Ensign Raschen, you will assist Commander McDermott in any duties he sees fit to give you.” (reply Raschen) Turning then to his Tactical Officer, “Sanok, it will be your job to safe all the weapons. Make sure we have an accurate inventory of everything, phasers, torpedoes etcetera.” Then, before Sanok could reply, a young officer gave him a PADD. Reading it Trevan saw the list of his new crewmembers, “Eric, once you are done. I want to get these people into a briefing room on Geneva and then have yourself and Lt. Alosar meet me there.” (reply McDermott, Raschen, Sanok, any, all) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge–Ensign Chance Raschen-0605) Chance had been arguing with his Geneva counterpart about sudden lodging problems on the station. Raschen started raising his voice to the Andorian on the other side of the communiqué “Don’t give me that; yesterday we received written authorization from your boss for 5 more enlisted rooms, and 7 more junior officer rooms than what you’re giving us today.” As the Andorian responded angrily with several comments about Raschen’s parentage (or lack there of), and topping it off with some choice comments about Chance himself; Chance heard West “Ensign Raschen, you will assist Commander McDermott in any duties he sees fit to give you.” Looking at Trevan, then Eric, then back to Trevan “Yea sure, no problem sir.” Then looking back toward McDermott “Give me a minute here sir and I’ll be right with you.” (Reply McDermott) Nodding his head, Chance turned back toward the Andorian “Now give me those damn rooms and I won’t have to come to your office later today and make you wish you had!” After a couple of seconds of Raschen starring torpedoes at his counterpart through the monitor, the Andorian came back on saying “My apologies, we have those quarters available for you after all.” “Thank you; I appreciate your help on this matter.” Raschen said closing the transmission. As he turned away from his console and saw Commander McDermott and began to explain “Geneva Ops decided we didn’t need as many rooms as you had gotten sir, but we now have lodging for everyone on board.” (Reply McDermott) “I promise sir, it would not’ve involved bodily harm or death. Now, what can I help you with sir?” (Reply McDermott) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison - ACMO’s Office, Sickbay - ACMO Ensign (jg) Porter - 0800) Matthews shift had been uneventful exept the transfer of davis which Matthew thought was a complete desaster on his part. Porter was sitting at his desk in his office tapping a few buttons on his console and filling in some medical type forms, while waiting for Nymes to show up for his shift. Although Nymes wouldnt get long on his shift as the ships power was to go down and the ship was to be evacuated. ~I guess thats what I get for screwing up, the long shift~ Porter thought to himself ~Wonder if Nymes ever made those sort of mistakes when he was new~ Nymes entered the sickbay and Porter could see him through the glass divide to his office. ~well shift is finally up~ Porter thought~ Porter left his office to approach Nymes and started to speak: “Good Morning sir, we have had no new cases in last night, I have finished the Transfer reports and transfered all the Medical files over from davis and once again I’m sorry about last night sir” Porter began to shuffle his feet and look down toward the floor (Reply Nymes) “Am I dismissed?” Porter asked still looking toward the floor (Reply Nymes) “thank you sir” came Porters reply already heading for the door. (USS Dennison - , Sickbay - CMO Dr Nymes - 0801) Nymes walked slowly back to Sickbay, the recent communique from Geneva Medical still fresh in his mind. As Nymes approached Sickbay, he watched the new doctor working at his office, obviously not quite adjusted to the night shift just yet. It had hit Nymes hard too; those first few days in his job on Trill, those first nights of hell - of arrests and crash calls, but he had emerged more experienced from his mistakes and taught well by his mentors and colleagues. Both of his hosts had. “Good Morning sir, we have had no new cases in last night, I have finished the Transfer reports and transfered all the Medical files over from davis and once again I’m sorry about last night sir” Porter began to shuffle his feet and look down toward the floor Nymes noted Porter’s sheepish behaviour, and knew that, for now at least, this lesson had been learned. “Thats good, doctor. Don’t worry about it.” “Am I dismissed?” Porter asked. “Yes, but wait a moment; Geneva Medical have requested that we are seconded to them as and when needed - Lt-Cdr Esselen would like us to help in their clinics one or two days a week, until the Dennison is space worthy. That said, we will still be responsible for the Engineering crews on board during work hours - 8 to 5. I’ll work on the Dennison, 1 day in clinic; You have been seconded to Geneva Medical, but you’ll be covering the Dennison while I’m in clinic. Is that okay?” “thank you sir” came Porters reply already heading for the door. ~obviously...~ “Have a good sleep.” (reply none) (posted by GC) (Starbase Genevea - Tyra’s Bar - ACMO Ensign (jg) Porter - 0820) Porter finally arrived at Tyra’s Bar after a long walk through the station. The bar was just as he remembered from the last time he was at Genever. The walls were the normal ‘StarFleet Grey’ but had been covered with bright wall hangings from pretty much every colure of a ranbow, the bar had the same Betazoid Bar Maid that had always run the Bar and there was even the same drunken Klingon upon the exact bar stool where he had been sitting last time Porter was there. ~it’s like a walk back through time~ Thought Porter ::Your a telepath are you not:: The Bar Maid started speaking into Matthews mind. ::yes:: replied Porter in the same method of telepathy ::I’ll have a gin please:: The bar maid started scuffling around behind the bar whilst Porter was still approaching. Just as Porter lay his back side on the bar stool a glass of gin was laid infront of him. The bar maid began to speak aloud so not to be rude: “I recognise you from somewhere don’t I?” “Yes I was at Genever a few years back, Matthew Porter” Porter held his hand out toward the bar maid and just as she began to shake it a female voice came from behind Porter “Mathhew!?” Porters worst fear was confirmed, his ex-girlfriend Kate was calling out his name ~I can’t escape now~ thought porter The bar maid giggles obviously hearing what Porter had just thought. Porter turned round to see Kate with her flowing long black hair and brown eyes. “Kate how long it’s been” said Porter still trying to find an excuse to flee Before long Kate and Porter got talking and Porter soon became relaxed around his Ex (Starbase Genever - Tyra’s Bar - ACMO Ensign (jg) Porter - 0942) “I’m sorry kate I really must go , I have been up all night on shift and am really quite tired” Began Porter at the nearest possible break in their conversation “Oh of course, keep in touch, you know where I am” Replied Kate “OK will do, I might see you around before the Dennison leaves” Said Porter slightly Proud of his post on a StarFleet vessel Porter turned to leave ::Good bye tyra:: he said telepathicly to the bar keeper and left for his tempoary Quarters Aboard genever (Reply none) (Posted By Dan Warner) Stardate: 2407.12.06 Day: 149 (Geneva Station–Quarters –Ensign Chance Raschen-1530) Chance was thankful that he was allowed to have off for his 36th birthday, and boy, was it a full day too. He got to visit with his mom and grandpa over breakfast at the Blackthorn Cantina. While there Chance’s mom, Margaret, posted a general invitation to all Starfleet and Marine Corps personnel to attend the Impetuous Industries’ military appreciation costume party aboard the S.S. Bounty that night starting at 1900 hours. The invitation even stated that the theme was ‘Historic attire of your first profession’. It even had his Grandpa Ed’s two provisions for attendance; one, current military uniforms didn’t count as costumes; and two, “leave your rank at the door, it will find you in an emergency”. It was such a good day that Chance’s impromptu counseling session with Alosar even went well, but Chance suspected that the Vulcan, although tolerant, really didn’t like the program Chance had running during their talk. In the quarters that he ‘shared’ with Ash Divay, Chance sat at the table by the window, watching the worker-bees finish unloading his grandfather’s ship S.S. Bounty; a Soyuz-class cargo conversion starship. Smiling to him self as he took a drink of his southern style sweet tea thinking ~Bounty, what else would an old bounty hunter name his ship, Slave-1 like in that old 20th century sci-fi epic? ~ As he put his glass down to pick up the sandwich he was eating while he mentally prepared himself to put on the costume his mother wanted him to wear at the party. It was just like the one he wore when he graduated from Hardy-Knox and was handed his civilian starship captains license. Minus the hat (Chance just never liked wearing hats), the costume was a replica of the uniform Captain John Paul Jones wore during the American Revolution. Once he had the costume on, including the sword, Chance leisurely strolled down to the Bounty’s berth wondering who all was going to be at the party that night. (S.S. Bounty–#1 Cargo Bay –Ensign Chance Raschen-2030) Chance was still amazed every time he was onboard the Bounty; and this time he was stunned to see how many folks came to the party, let alone fit in the massive cargo bays that ran from the bow to stern of the vessel. The party was in full swing; Chance shook hands and visited with everyone that came across his path. If they didn’t know him he would sometimes introduce himself as Chance Temerarious just for fun. (Reply any and/or all) (Posted by Charlie) Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2407.12.29 Day: 173 (Stabase Geneva, Temporary Quarters, Lt. Haley Darsons, 1200) It had been a rough couple of months for Haley. Being off-duty for so long made her feel useless, of course this was mostly her own fault. If she had just followed advice and gone to see Alosar back when they first arrived, she wouldn’t be feeling the way she was feeling. “I need to get out of here,” she said aloud to the empty room, “I can’t stand this,” Getting up, she walked over and put on her silk blue and purple top she picked up a few years ago on Alpha Centauri Two, and put on her black pants and boots. Exiting the door she entered the large interior corridor leading to almost infinity in every direction she looked. Turning left, she started to walk at a quick pace. She had no destination in mind but was in a hurry to get there. Haley passed a few dozen people on her walk, most just ignored her, but some recognized her from the Dennison and said ‘hello’ to her as she passed them. After about five minutes, she started to let her mind wander as well. ‘STOP!’ and ‘NO’ were some of the voices that echoed in her mind, but she still couldn’t put a face or location to them. “Tell us what we want to know, and you will be freed” said the mystery voice. “No,” she replied. “Do you want that again?” said the voice. “NO! STOP!” she screamed. It was no use, as there wasn’t anyone to hear it. A door opened and a person walked in. She wasn’t sure if it was a man or a woman, or what species for that matter as they stood in the shadows of the darkened room. “Tell me my dear,” said the second voice. It was a mans voice, that cracked every now and then, “Do you enjoy pain and suffering?” Haley squirmed but to no avail, her hands were bound to her legs. Her body secure on the inclined table. Her back aching from the position it required to be in. Her head held by clamps so she couldn’t turn away. “Answer me,” said the man calmly. “No,” was her reply. “Then why do you resist,” he asked, then another door opened behind her. She could hear something being dragged on the damp floor, and then whatever it was collapsed. She was alone with the man and the new occupant. “Come here,” said the man, and slowly something moved behind her. It caught the bit of light in the room and she was horrified at what she saw. It was a small being, perhaps as small as an Earth child of about twelve years of age, but she couldn’t recognize the species or gender. It was disfigured too badly. Scars marred its face, most still fresh, and pus filled gashes along its neck. “This is what happens when you don’t answer the questions I want you to,” said the man, and she shut her eyes tight as the small being stopped moving and went stiff. It was still alive, then, it started to shake violently. For a moment it appeared that nothing else happened. Haley opened her eyes to see the worst of it. The creatures eyes burst, blood pouring out of the eye sockets, the small whimpering coming from it’s mouth slit. Bam. She came too, she had just walked into someone. “Sorry,” she said before collapsing on the floor and passing out. “This is Ensign Mike Boylin, medical emergency Deck Fifteen section Alpha Four.” (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2408.01.05 Day: 180 (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck One, Commander Trevan West, 1555) Trevan had managed to scrape up a few officers from the Dennison, mostly junior officers and non-enlisted types. He was hoping that some of the recent transfers would show up as well. He had posted the training times on all their displays so, hopefully there would be at least a few others showing up. The holodeck doors opened to reveal an exact re-creation of the USS Dennison’s Bridge, as well as the rest of the ship. Directing his attention to the new comers, “Alright folks, this isn’t required but I thought it would just get you familiar with the Dennison and her systems before we left on our mission. Please take your stations, the computer will begin the program as soon as the helm lays in a course.” (reply any) “Very well,” he said, “This is not hard. Basic stuff really.” he answered to one of the engineering officers. (REPLY ANY) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2408.01.08 Day: 183 ( Starfleet Academy- Ben’s Quarters- Ben Soma- 12:00) Ben had just finished putting his new uniform on and regarded himself in the mirror. He took his communicator for the table and attached it to his uniform front, them picking up a small box and opening it he looked at the small pip inside. ~ Ensign Ben Soma, I’ve graduated the academy, just wish mom and dad could see me now~ He thought as he removed the pip from the box and placed it on his collar. He gave himself one last look and turned from the mirror. ~Time to find some transportation to Geneva~ Ben thought as he picked up his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder, he then turned to face a shelf just above the sofa. ~ Can’t leave without that now can I~ He thought as he picked up his fathers katana. “ Dad would kill me if I left this behind.” Ben said to himself as the admired the sword, black saya and Ito wrapping, double pegged with white faux same and simulated gold accessories. He checked the computer for shuttle departures and found that the shuttle El Baz would be departing for Geneva at 13:00. With everything Ben had he exited the room and grabbed a PADD that contained is orders to report to the Dennison, and started walking down the corridor. ( Loading bay- Shuttle El Baz- Ben Soma- 12:58) Ben approached the shuttle craft with anticipation, he was excited about his new post on the Dennison. He went to the aft of the shuttle, saw the hatch open and entered. Inside at the helm sat a young Ensign around Ben’s age, the Ensign turned and Ben took in his features. He was human, clean shaven, short hair the colour was light brown almost dirty blond. “ Heading out to Geneva?” The Ensign asked Ben as he stowed his gear in the aft compartment. “ Yes I have been assigned to the USS Dennison, she’s currently at Geneva awaiting crew and repairs.” Ben answered. “ Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride Ensign. “ Ben sat in the aft compartment as the Ensign went about his preflight checks and obtained final flight clearance. The hatch was sealed and Ben took a PADD from his duffel. ~Time for a little homework, review the ships roster and layout. I wouldn’t want to get lost on my first day~ Ben thought to himself. ( Shuttle El Baz- on approach to Geneva- Ben Soma-16:00) Ben prepared his belongings as the Ensign gained clearance to dock at Geneva. The Ensign announced a slight delay in their docking due to increased traffic at the star base. Ben was not surprised by the delay, people must have been coming and going here all day and will probally be doing so all night. Ben picked up the PADD that contained his orders to report to Captain Archibald Stakes. He was feeling confident now, in his regulation uniform, no longer feeling like a first year cadet or for that matter a cadet at all. He was now a junior grade ensign and he was proud of himself. Just then the ensign announced they were cleared to dock and Ben was shaken from his thoughts. ( Starbase Geneva- shuttle bay C- Ben Soma- 16:30) Ben stepped out of the shuttle and regarded the shuttle bay, people were moving about like ants. There were many shuttles in the bay and Ben assumed that most of them had been carrying other crew for the Dennison. He headed for the shuttle bay doors and exited the bay. The outside was no less busy than the inside, Ben looked around for the nearest data terminal to see where the Dennison was located. He found a terminal a few yards from where he was and proceeded over to it. He accessed the terminal and found that The Dennison was located in the lower docking ring. with that information Ben made his way to the nearest turbo lift. ( Starbase Geneva- lower docking ring- Ben Soma- 17:15) Ben stood looking out the portal at the almost lifeless Dennison. Only a few lights here and there indicated there was actually anyone aboard. All four nacelles were dark, umbilicals were attached providing external power, the ship was in grey mode all systems operating at minimal levels. The Dennison was a variation of the Prometheus class starship. She had 24 decks, tri-vector assault mode, and even a phased cloaking device. The Dennison wasn’t the best looking ship Ben had ever seen but he was sure that she had a few surprises to offset her lack of beauty. Ben noticed that there was a security Ensign post so that meant that the Dennison was off limits to all personnel. ~ I’ll just have to wait till later to see what she looks like on the inside~ Ben thought as he turned from the portal. ~ Time to find a lounge and sit back until it is time to board~ Ben headed back towards the lift and summoned it again. He stepped inside and waited for the doors to close before he announced his destination. “ Habitat ring.” Ben said into the intercom grid and the lift proceeded to it destination. RPG: (Shuttle Epiphany, Mia Simmons, Archibald Stakes and Esme Stakes, 17:41) Mia was sad to leave her absolutely perfect quarters behind, but was happy to be seeing new horizons. She sat in the pilot’s chair checking over the settings of the shuttle she’d been assigned. She looked over at Esme, “So, anything I should know about the Dennison beyond I get my favourite shift of Gamma, I get to fly, and I may or may not have a bath tub to sleep in?” she teased the other woman. She was still absolutely refusing to respect the whole NCO/Officer crud. Esme looked back towards the passenger section before shrugging. “I got you a similar room on the base but I wasn’t allowed to assign anything on the ship itself whilst it was on repair status. As for the ship, it is apprently a beefed up Prometheus, about the same size as a Sovereign, only uglier. Flies better than a Galaxy, but much worse than the Star. A bit overcrewd, I would say with 1400 hands on board, seeing a Sovereign holds only 700 hundred in the same space, so don’t expect large quarters. In fact I think Dad has the largest quarters on the ship and they are about half the size as on the Boudicca. He doesn’t mind, of course. He never does.” Reply Mia, IYW) It was a short trip over to Starbase Geneva, but weaving in and out of the much increased traffic kept Mia entertained. It was amazing how little one family had to move between ships. Perhaps their belongings would follow. Or perhaps they were just nomads at heart. Mia couldn’t say she’d ever owned as much as she did belonging to Starfleet, but all of it seemed necessary and relevant. She just hoped that the newly wed Ariana could give home to the holo-dolphins and dolphinic statues she’d crafted. She’d just have to make new ones. “This is Shuttle Epiphany to Starbase Geneva, requesting landing clearance.” She announced when she got within hailing range. =/\= We see you Shuttle Epiphany. You’re cleared for landing in Shuttlebay C. Welcome to Starbase Geneva. =/\= Mia wondered if there would be some production for a new commanding officer or if they’d manage to get in without a fuss. She’d hoped the station would give a clue, but then, her sneaking suspicion was if they were trying to make a fuss, best not to let Stakes Senior hear anything about it. “We are now approaching the lovely Starbase Geneva. Onboard temperature is a lovely 19C, no winds in any direction, and the shuttle deck looks quite busy. Please buckle in for landing and prepare for nonsense. Thank you for flying with Simmons Shuttle services.” She announced to her passengers. In the passenger compartment Archibald narrowed his eyes and looked towards the front and opened his mouth for a sharp rebuke, but then snapped it shut again. It was most likely his own daughter who was leading the Ensign off the straight and narrow. And she would get her right deserves later on. “Yeoman! Make sure you have all the correct paperwork available.” Archibald hadn’t raised his voice but it still cut through the silence of the cockpit. Esme rolled his eyes as she stared in front of her. There was the tiniest hint of a sigh. “Yes, Sir.” (Starbase Geneva, Shuttlebay C, Admiral Lydia Stakes, Mia Simmons, Archibald Stakes and Esme Stakes, 17:51) As the shuttle Epiphany landed, Lydia watched for the door to open and as it did so and a young woman in star fleet uniform rushed out and threw herself at Lydia. “Mummy!” Lydia gave her daughter a hug. “Hello, poppet. Calm down now, it’s only been a few days since we saw one another.” She looked at the tall, spare figure of her husband exiting the shuttle and smiled, detaching herself from Esme. to greet him. “Hello, Arc!” She looked him up and down and nodded. “Nice to see you with your rightful number of pips again,” she said approvingly. “It didn’t look quite right with just the three.” Archibald nodded. “Admiral Stakes,” he said, well aware of the presence of the hangar crew nearby. She had shared enough of his life to know how he would react, he considered. For Archibald, command wasn’t just taken off together with the jumpsuit, you kept wearing it at all times. He looked round. “Where is William?” he asked. “Bill’s back in my quarters,” she said. “He’s still recovering but he’s looking forward to seeing you later at dinner. And maybe breakfast,” she added softly, for his ears only. Archibald slowly nodded, remembering the difficulty in retrieving him from the hands of the Doenitz loyals, who after having disposed of Lydia’s father, Admiral Barker, their former leader, tried to use his grandson as a human shield, a bargaining chip. William had been hurt in the fight and he hadn’t been kept in the best condition in the first place. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it,” he said slowly. “There is a lot of catching up I have to do, get new crew on board, sort out everything. I am likely going to be late getting back.” Lydia smiled at the young ensign who made her way over to the family as Esme said, “Mummy, this is Mia Simmons, she piloted us from the Boudicca and she’s coming to the Dennison too, she’s going to be a FlOps. Mia, this is my mother, Admiral Lydia Stakes.” “Flight Ops, dear, I’m sure your father has told you about giving the position it’s proper title. Nice to meet you, Mia,” Lydia added with a friendly smile. They were, after all, off-duty. At least, she and Mia were now. (reply Mia if you wish) Lydia looked at Archibald and smiled to herself. As outwardly unperturbed as always to those who didn’t know him as well as she did, she guessed that inside he was itching to look over his new command. “I tell you what, Mia, why don’t we let these two look over their new ship and you and I will go and look round the shops?” she suggested. Catching Esme’s disappointed look, she added, “You can join us, poppet. Once your father has finished with you. Duty first, dear.” Esme almost sighed, then caught herself. “That would be lovely,” she said. “Da- Captain, would that be alright?” Archibald gave Lydia a long stare and their eyes battled for several seconds. Then he nodded. “Since your mother invited you, she can for once pay for your outfits.” he said, sending Lydia one last look. “Then Mia and I will go and have a drink together and you can join us when your father has finished with you,” Lydia said. “We’ll be in the Marine Cafe.” She nodded to Mia. “I think you’ll like it there. You almost feel like you’re underwater.” As the two walked off together, Lydia said, “I hope you don’t mind my dragging you off, but I think we should leave them to discover their new ship on their own. Yours too of course, but boarding your new command for the first time is something special. And Archibald has waited a long time for this.” (Geneva Starbase, lower docking ring, Captain Archibald Stakes and Esme Stakes, 18:21) Archibald looked up and watched the Indefatigable glass behind the windows of the ring as it hung in the middle of the bay, umbilical cords sticking out her as if she was intravenously fed. “She’s ugly,” he heard his daughter say curtly behind him. Archibald shook his head and permitted himself a smile. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” he responded without looking at her. “Any beholder of eyes will see that she is not a Sovereign.” Finally Archibald looked back at Esme. “Having second thoughts?” he asked then turned his head to look at the ship again. “No, she has grace and a set of good lines. You just can’t see it yet.” He narrowed his eyes as he studied the ship more closely. There were a few lights showing in her Engineering section and a few around the bridge, showing that there was minimal activity going on inside her. But then again, she was still being reconstructed. The relay itself had been easily fixed but it has not stopped the replacement relay to show the same fault during testing. So the ship had endured test after test until finally the cause of the fault had been identified. But soon she would be ready to launch again and finally, having received the final nod from Star Fleet Command, Archibald was re-designated the new Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison. He nearly broke into a smile when he remembered the face that Sevant had pulled when he had told him of his new assignment. It was clear to Archibald that Sevant may have pulled some strings in the background, as he said he would, but that even he had been surprised at the speed with which events had unfolded. “Can we go now?” Esme asked behind him. “Or are we going to stand here all night?” Archibald frowned and looked at her as she half-grinned, hopping from one foot onto the other. “It’s cold in here,” she complained, rubbing her arms as if that was going to strengthen her case. “I guess,” Archibald said, then looking back to the ship in front of him, he shuddered for a second before nodding towards the entrance of Umbilical Cord 4, that would lead them straight to Deck 1 and the Bridge on it. “This way,” he said as he walked towards the opening where a group of bored security staff were eying them suspiciously. As he neared the group, listening for Esme’s quick steps behind him, the leader of the squad raised his hand. “Apologies ..... “, the officer said as he eyed the collar of Archibald. “Captain, but the ship is currently off limits to all visitors. It is undergoing final checks.” “I know,” Archibald said, straightening his back. “but we are not visitors.” he said as he flicked his fingers and accepted the PADD from Esme behind him without looking. “Captain Archibald Stakes, by orders of Admiral LoDona, new Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison. If you wish to inspect the PADD, you will see that all is proper.” The Ensign looked over the information on the PADD that he could access and nodded. “All seems to be in order, Sir. You will find that the crew have been relocated to the starbase during the repairs, Health and Safety and such. I can spare you an officer who could take you to their quarters.” Archibald thought for a moment. “Unless the ship is classed as a no-go area I will inspect the ship first. I might call some officers over at a later time of my choosing. I expect that they would not be hindered joining me.” He stared at the security Ensign. “I would be most upset,” he said slowly. “Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. But apart from a few technicians there isn’t anyone there.” “So much the better,” Archibald commented dryly as he turned and nodded to Esme. “That is my Yeoman, she will go with me. Gentlemen!” Archibald nodded twice, before stepping past the slightly baffled security detail as Esme followed him wiggling her hips extensively as she did so. “Yeoman, the PADD.” Esme stopped, grinned and quickly walked back to the officers, giving a curtsy and a smile as she collected the PADD from the Ensign and them quickly hurried after her father. (USS Dennison, Bridge, Captain Archibald Stakes and Esme Stakes, 18:23) Archibald narrowed his eyes as he surveyed bridge as it lay before him, empty and dark, only lighted by the emergency lighting. He heard Esme’s clicking footsteps behind him and he took a step forward to allow her to enter through the door. He heard her suddenly take a deep sharp breath, followed by an almost silent: “Oh!” He turned around, a smile around his lips. “She’ll look better when the lights are all on,” he said to her before turning back, taking a few steps, listening to the clacking sounds his shoes made on the metal surface. He then stood there in silence, looking around himself until his eyes met his daughter. “Just leave the PADD and then go a spend your mother’s money. She’ll have much more to give then your poor father, with her Admiral’s salary.” Esme looked at her father with a questioning look in her eyes, then placing the padd onto one of the consoles she turned around and took a step towards the door. She stopped and turned her upper body to face her father. “Please don’t be late,” she almost whispered before quickly stepping out, leaving her father standing there with a stupified expression for a second until the Captain caught himself and smiled. He stepped over to the console and picked up the PADD, opening the back plate and connecting it to one of the computer links that were strewn across the bridge. “Computer, access the data carrier and load file LoDona7 and run it.” There were a few beeps and some of the lights of the PADD flashed, showing the data being retrieved until the computer finally responded. [File loaded and active]. Archibald nodded. “Computer, identify me.” [You are Captain Archibald Jeremiah Stakes, Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison.] “Computer, load my command codes.” [Command codes loaded.... verifying ..... confirmed ..... command codes active.] Archibald nodded. Of course there would be the official hand over ceremony but as usual the actual transfer of command had already taken place a long time before the ceremony. “Load crew roster and profiles. Then exit program.” A beep sounded and the lights on the PADD grew dim. Archibald sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he regarded the bridge around him. “Come to daddy,” he said as he slowly stepped towards the central chair and with a sigh he let himself drop in it. He sat there for several seconds in silence. “An ugly ship?” he asked himself then shook his head. “*MY* ship.” He sighed, and stroke the armrest of his chair. “Command, execute program recall, time frame eighteen hundred forty hours.” There was a prolonged silence in which Archibald just sat there connecting himself to the ship and the bridge until the computer beeped. [Program recall active, time eighteen thirty. *BEEP* Commanders West and McDermott. You are to report in to the USS Dennison bridge immediately. End of message *BEEP*] Archibald nodded appreciating and waited for the two Commanders to arrive. (Reply by ALL) (Posted by Lorna Appleby, Liz Geuken and Adrie Geuken) -- (Starbase Geneva – Observation Ring 11C – First Officer – Lt. Commander Eric McDermott - 1831) McDermott stared with active disgust out the view port at the USS Clinton. The old Soyuz class vessel was battered, dirty, ugly and looked to be about one or two trips away from a full warp core breach. One of the oldest vessels in the fleet she had been around during the days of the famous James T. Kirk. Her glory days, if this ship had ever had glory days that is, were far behind her. Assigned to Starfleet Resource Reclamation Command her mission was to find and recover battle debris of destroyed or abandoned starships and return them to the various shipyards and mothball fields around the Federation for reuse as raw materials. In essence she was a garbage ship. In three days he would be taking command, if he didn’t resign his commission first. McDermott had been surprised when West had informed him he was being reassigned and then weeks had gone by without any further details until he had received a strangely garbled message from Starfleet Command informing him that he was being given his first command. McDermott prided himself in his ability to act and conduct himself without emotion in most cases but this…he had never been so insulted in his life. He didn’t consider himself a model officer by any means, he knew that there were certainly more capable and more qualified officers out there than him. But this was just two much! He had met the Clinton’s outgoing captain yesterday. Lt. Commander Geoff Thompson had met him with relief and giddiness as he was at last going into retirement. Thompson had made the mistake over ten years ago of allowing his starship to drift off course during a docking operation and ramming Starbase 074. The damage to both ship and station had been minor but for Thompson who was second officer and in command on the bridge at the time it had been both devastating and permanent. After six months on a Com Relay Station he had taken command of the Clinton and had been there ever since. His long-standing bitterness and giddy relief at seeing McDermott had been easily apparent. That man had obviously at some point had decided to ride out the assignment and take a retirement as soon as he could. It was a sad ending to what had started out to be a promising career. It was obvious that he felt sorry for Eric and had tried to make best of a difficult situation and had even made several offers since to take Eric out for drinks. All of which Eric had politely declined. What McDermott could not figure out about the situation was where he had gone wrong. Regardless and unlike Thompson though McDermott had no intention of remaining in a space born purgatory for the next eighteen years. Not for the first time Eric looked down at the PADD he had in hand. It contained his letter of resignation and as of yet he had not found the proper time and place to deliver it. =^=Commanders West and McDermott. You are to report in to the USS Dennison Bridge immediately.=^= McDermott was both surprised and curious at the summons and immediately and with some relief left the disgusting view behind him resolving to never look at the Clinton again. Decision made he felt an easing of the burden he had felt over the last weeks. It was time. (Starbase Geneva, Quarters, Commander Trevan West, 1832) =^=Commanders West and McDermott. You are to report in to the USS Dennison Bridge immediately.=^= ‘Always perfect timing’ Trevan thought and placed his comm. badge back onto his tunic. He placed his book down, marking the page he was on and made his way to the Dennison. (USS Dennison – Bridge – First Officer – Lt. Commander Eric McDermott - 1840) McDermott had met West at the docking umbilical and both had nodded to each other without comment and proceeded through the umbilical and onto the Dennison’s bridge. McDermott had only seen Captain Stakes before from his files but it was enough for him to recognize the man. He was curious at the Captain summoning him as in just a few days he was not even going to be a member of the crew any longer. What was there to say? When he was in front of the Captain he snapped to attention and said, “Lt. Commander Eric V. McDermott reporting sir.” (Reply: West, Stakes) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison – Bridge – Commander Trevan West- 1841) Trevan caught up with Eric McDermott on the way, they nodded silently to each other and entered the Bridge. Eric addressed himself, and then Trevan did as well. “Commander Trevan West, also reporting sir.” Trevan stood there in silence for a moment before looking at McDermott, wondering what the hell was going on. (reply any) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Bridge – CO – Captain Archibald Stakes - 1842) “Lt. Commander Eric V. McDermott reporting sir.” “Commander Trevan West, also reporting sir.” Archibald looked at his console and noted the time in his head before looking at the two officers. “Gentlemen,” he said with a nod as he got up from his chair. “Computer! Identify me.” [You are Captain Archibald Jeremiah Stakes, as of 18:35 today Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison.] Archibald nodded and looked at the two men, studying their faces for any reactions. “I guess that will do for introductions, gentlemen, I know who you are and you now know who I am. Even though there were some .... misunderstandings in the past.” he said with a nod to Trevan. “Shall we go to my office?” Archibald moved to the door to the ready room, expecting the two to follow him without questions. (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CO – Captain Archibald Stakes - 1843) “Lights!” In response the lights in the room brightened, displacing the dull red emergency lights. “You may take a seat if you wish to, gentlemen,” Archibald said as he himself walked to the desk and sat himself down on the small chair behind it. “Before I get started, Mister West, my apologies about the mis-communication last year. I was not informed of the then decided change in command structure, which was then revoked as per orders of Admiral LoDona until a few weeks ago when I was apparently re-instated. However, having said that, now that I am in charge and having reviewed the crew listings, there are going to be some changes. For one, Mister West, your position as First Officer of this vessel has been revoked. A First Officer’s *only* duty is to the ship, the crew and the CO, no-one else. Since you still have ties with SFI, you are unsuitable for that position.” Archibald moved his head to look at McDermott. “*You*, Mister McDermott, are offered the position as my First Officer. With it will come a promotion to full Commander. Your transfer to the Clinton is quashed, upon my request. However, if you particularly want to command her, I will allow it to happen. Gladly, I should add. If you consider that to be the right career move for you, then I doubt we would have much to offer to you on the Dennison.” (Reply both) Archibald nodded. “Be reminded, though, Mister McDermott, that if a crewman steps out of line, I will expect an assistant department head to deal with him or her. If they can’t I expect the department head to deal with it. If he or she can’t or won’t, I will expect you to deal with it. And if *you* can’t, then there is always the Soyuz class USS Clinton that needs a new Commanding Officer, or a similar vessel. I trust that I make myself clear, Mister McDermott?” (Reply Eric) Archibald nodded again before turning to Trevan. “Mister West, I would be losing my marbles if I were to allow you to leave. You have much to offer to the ship, the crew and me. And I will need a stand in for official duties and strategic reviews. For which your contacts to SFI and their vast information will be an invaluable asset. Hence I am offering you the position of Executive Officer. Your position will make you independent of the ship and its needs and will give me a second voice, a second opinion, based on other facts.” (Reply Trevan) Archibald nodded. “I guess we have an agreement then, gentlemen. Be reminded that I will expect the three of us to command a separate section of this ship in tri-vector mode. Who will receive what we can discuss at a later date. For now, Mister McDermott, arrange a quarters on Deck 2 to be converted for Mister West as XO-office. All communication equipment in there must be unlinked to the ships communication systems and may only be operated by Mister West and myself.” Archibald nodded. “Thank you, gentlemen, I believe we are nearing the end of out little conversation. However, before we do, I think i should inform the both of you that I am a strict follower of Star Fleet Rules and Regulations. If, in whatever capacity, you come across someone who does not follow the same lines, you will inform me immediately and I will step on the perpetrator. Hard. I will not accept *any* transgressions of Star Fleet rules whilst I am master of this vessel. Now gentlemen, do you have any questions?” (Reply Eric, Trevan) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – Commander Trevan West- 1843) “Lights!” In response the lights in the room brightened, displacing the dull red emergency lights. “You may take a seat if you wish to, gentlemen,” Archibald said as he himself walked to the desk and sat himself down on the small chair behind it. “Before I get started, Mister West, my apologies about the mis-communication last year. I was not informed of the then decided change in command structure, which was then revoked as per orders of Admiral LoDona until a few weeks ago when I was apparently re-instated. However, having said that, now that I am in charge and having reviewed the crew listings, there are going to be some changes. For one, Mister West, your position as First Officer of this vessel has been revoked. A First Officer’s *only* duty is to the ship, the crew and the CO, no-one else. Since you still have ties with SFI, you are unsuitable for that position.” That was a shock, but quite understandable. What would he be doing though, he didn’t want to be demoted. He had worked damn hard to get where he was. Archibald moved his head to look at McDermott. “*You*, Mister McDermott, are offered the position as my First Officer. With it will come a promotion to full Commander. Your transfer to the Clinton is quashed, upon my request. However, if you particularly want to command her, I will allow it to happen. Gladly, I should add. If you consider that to be the right career move for you, then I doubt we would have much to offer to you on the Dennison.” Archibald nodded again before turning to Trevan. “Mister West, I would be losing my marbles if I were to allow you to leave. You have much to offer to the ship, the crew and me. And I will need a stand in for official duties and strategic reviews. For which your contacts to SFI and their vast information will be an invaluable asset. Hence I am offering you the position of Executive Officer. Your position will make you independent of the ship and its needs and will give me a second voice, a second opinion, based on other facts.” Ah, that was much better then he expected, “Understood Sir, and I agree and accept the position. Archibald nodded. “I guess we have an agreement then, gentlemen. Be reminded that I will expect the three of us to command a separate section of this ship in tri-vector mode. Who will receive what we can discuss at a later date. For now, Mister McDermott, arrange a quarters on Deck 2 to be converted for Mister West as XO-office. All communication equipment in there must be unlinked to the ships communication systems and may only be operated by Mister West and myself.” “Sir, I already have an office down on the main engineering deck. Completely secure and operates independently from ship’s systems. She’s under guard at all times, all I would have to do is re-program the security systems in place to allow you access as well,” he said gulping, “and I would really prefer not to move the office as most of the systems are hard wired. It took almost a month to get the office installed, sir.” (reply Stakes) Archibald nodded. “Thank you, gentlemen, I believe we are nearing the end of out little conversation. However, before we do, I think I should inform the both of you that I am a strict follower of Star Fleet Rules and Regulations. If, in whatever capacity, you come across someone who does not follow the same lines, you will inform me immediately and I will step on the perpetrator. Hard. I will not accept *any* transgressions of Star Fleet rules whilst I am master of this vessel. Now gentlemen, do you have any questions?” “No sir. No questions,” replied Trevan, “Without sounding like I am kissing your behind sir, I also adhere to the rules and regulations.” (reply all) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – First Officer – Lt. Commander Eric McDermott - 1846) [You are Captain Archibald Jeremiah Stakes, as of 18:35 today Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison.] The computer’s voice only served to confirm what Eric’s own eyes and senses had already informed him. Face expressionless, McDermott simply nodded in greeting remaining silent. “I guess that will do for introductions, gentlemen, I know who you are and you now know who I am. Even though there were some...misunderstandings in the past,” he said with a nod to Trevan. “Shall we go to my office?” Eric nodded politely and gestured for West to proceed before him as the superior officer and brought up the rear as they headed to the Ready Room. Eric noted that nothing had changed as of yet so it was obvious that the Dennison’s knew captain had obviously not been aboard for long. As the lights came on Stakes said, “You may take a seat if you wish to, gentlemen,” Archibald said as he himself walked to the desk and sat himself down on the small chair behind it. McDermott remained standing, he did not know Captain Stakes well enough yet to be at ease and felt it was better to remain standing. As it was this was probably going to be an unpleasant meeting for them both so he might as well stay standing. Eric felt the weight of the PADD in his hand and remained silent waiting for the right time to hand it to Captain Stakes. “Before I get started, Mister West, my apologies about the miss-communication last year. I was not informed of the then decided change in command structure, which was then revoked as per orders of Admiral LoDona until a few weeks ago when I was apparently re-instated. However, having said that, now that I am in charge and having reviewed the crew listings, there are going to be some changes. For one, Mister West, your position as First Officer of this vessel has been revoked. A First Officer’s *only* duty is to the ship, the crew and the CO, no one else. Since you still have ties with SFI, you are unsuitable for that position.” McDermott blinked at that more than a little surprised. He felt badly for West and wondered what would happen now. He could not help but wonder if they were both in disfavor over the Caesar Regnum battle and how they had handled it. Eric knew that West had undergone an exhaustive debrief after the battle as had he after he had recovered enough from his injuries to endure a debrief. It was beginning to appear that they had both been blacklisted to Eric. “*You*, Mister McDermott, are offered the position as my First Officer. With it will come a promotion to full Commander. Your transfer to the Clinton is quashed, upon my request. However, if you particularly want to command her, I will allow it to happen. Gladly, I should add. If you consider that to be the right career move for you, then I doubt we would have much to offer to you on the Dennison.” McDermott blinked more than a little startled. After less than a half-second hesitation he responded with, “Thank you for your intervention on my behalf sir. I would be honored to serve as your First Officer. Thank you.” Even as he said the words he could not help but wonder what would happen to West now. (Reply: West) The Captain nodded. “Be reminded, though, Mister McDermott, that if a crewman steps out of line, I will expect an assistant department head to deal with him or her. If they can’t I expect the department head to deal with it. If he or she can’t or won’t, I will expect you to deal with it and if *you* can’t, then there is always the Soyuz class USS Clinton that needs a new Commanding Officer, or a similar vessel. I trust that I make myself clear, Mister McDermott?” The small smile that served as a grin for Eric appeared briefly on Eric’s lips and he nodded saying, “I do believe we have an understanding sir and I am in complete agreement with you on all counts.” Archibald nodded again before turning to Trevan. “Mister West, I would be losing my marbles if I were to allow you to leave. You have much to offer to the ship, the crew and me. And I will need a stand in for official duties and strategic reviews. For which your contacts to SFI and their vast information will be an invaluable asset. Hence I am offering you the position of Executive Officer. Your position will make you independent of the ship and its needs and will give me a second voice, a second opinion, based on other facts.” (Reply: West) Archibald nodded. “I guess we have an agreement then, gentlemen. Be reminded that I will expect the three of us to command a separate section of this ship in tri-vector mode. Who will receive what we can discuss at a later date. For now, Mister McDermott, arrange a quarters on Deck 2 to be converted for Mister West as XO-office. All communication equipment in there must be unlinked to the ships communication systems and may only be operated by Mister West and myself.” McDermott nodded and said, “No problem sir, I’ll get on it right away.” Archibald nodded. “Thank you, gentlemen; I believe we are nearing the end of out little conversation. However, before we do, I think i should inform the both of you that I am a strict follower of Star Fleet Rules and Regulations. If, in whatever capacity, you come across someone who does not follow the same lines, you will inform me immediately and I will step on the perpetrator. Hard. I will not accept *any* transgressions of Star Fleet rules whilst I am master of this vessel. Now gentlemen, do you have any questions?” Eric looked at West for a moment and then back to the Captain saying, “No questions sir.” (Reply: Stakes, West) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (Starbase Geneva – Assigned Quarters – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1850) [*BEEP* Lieutenant Bracken. You are to report in to the USS Dennison bridge immediately. End of message *BEEP*] Dale looked up from the small desk in the quarters that she had been assigned upon the Dennison reaching Geneva. The days of waiting had run into weeks, then into months. The summons to the bridge could mean only one thing, that hopefully, soon, they would be finally be embarking on the mission that they began some six months ago. Quickly she stood, and made her way in a brisk walk, down the corridor and into the turbolift that would take her to the nearest umbilical to the bridge. (USS Dennison – Deck 1 – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1858) The walk had taken a few minutes, and Dale was glad of the few moments to gather herself and straighten her uniform, before stepping forward and through the opening doors, and out onto the bridge. “Lieutenant Bracken reporting as ordered Sir.” (Reply Stakes) (Starbase Geneva–quarters–Ensign Chance Raschen-1858) [*BEEP* Ensign Raschen. You are to report in to the USS Dennison Bridge immediately. End of message *BEEP*] Chance heard as he toweled him self off after a very relaxing hot shower. “You have got to be kidding me.” He said aloud in frustration. Shrugging his shoulders, he hurriedly put on his uniform hoping that he can still spend the night (again) drinking & gambling with other former privateers and mercenaries from the Car-Fed war that he had met on the station; and if he was really lucky, he might get lucky with a member of the fairer sex. Once he finished getting into uniform, he ran out of the door to his room and down the passageway toward the Dennison. He entered the bridge and looked at the clock over the main viewer and was glad to discover that it was 19:15. ~Grandpa often said that “if you show up 5 minutes early, then you’re on time; if you show up on time, you’re late.”~ Chance thought to himself. Chance was tempted to report using his pseudonym Temerarious, but figured that was probably not the first impression he should make with the new skipper. As he straightened his uniform, he picked a piece of lint off of the red white and blue patch on his right arm. It looked just like the Federation flag; except it had a red center with white stars and laurels on a blue field. That patch was worn by privateers and mercenaries (or irregular combatants) in the employ of the Federation during the Cardassian-Federation War. Any privateers or mercenaries that decided to join Starfleet or the Marines were allowed “In appreciation of meritorious wartime service” to continue wearing the patch on their uniform. Keeping an eye on the clock, he waited patiently. Once it turned 19:20 Hrs, Chance received and indication that it was his turn, he stepped up to the man in the command chair; stood at attention, saluted him, and reported in saying “Good evening sir, Ensign Chance Raschen reporting as ordered.” (Reply Stakes) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison – Bridge – CO, Captain Archibald Stakes – 1859) Having escorted the Lieutenant out, Archibald took his seat on the bridge, contemplating his change in fortunes lately. “Good evening sir, Ensign Chance Raschen reporting as ordered.” he suddenly heard, breaking his line of thoughts and after a quick check on the timer on his console, Archibald regarded the newcomer. His eyes glided along the Ensign’s body until the stopped at the patch that the Ensign wore on his arm. ~Oh yes,~ he thought. “Evening, Mister Raschen,” Archibald said as he stood up from his seat. “The name is Stakes, Archibald Stakes. I am the new Commanding Officer of the USS Dennison. Now, shall we go to my office?” Without waiting for a response, Archibald walked over to the room, confident that the Ensign would follow him. (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 1900) “Lieutenant Bracken reporting as ordered Sir.” “In here, Lieutenant,” Archibald shouted through the open door and remained seated as the Science chief walked in. “Take a seat, Lieutenant,” Archibald said with a wave of his hand. “I will be with you shortly.” He kept reading the file on his screen for a few more seconds until he flipped down his screen and regarded the female for a few more seconds. “Thank you for being so prompt, Lieutenant.” the new CO said with a nod. “My name is Archibald Stakes and as of this afternoon, I am the new Commanding Officer of this vessel. Pleasure to meet you, I am sure.” As quickly as the pleasantry left his mouth, Archibald switched back to commanding mode. He regarded her for a second. “Twenty fife years,” he started. “A head of a department and only twenty fife years of age. Tell me, how did that happen? It may seem impertinent to you but for me it is not. I need to know whether my officers are highly placed because of their merits or because they know the right people or did the right things for the right people. If it is not the former, I will be *very* weary of your effectiveness as a command-line officer.” If Dale had any preconceived ideas about how this interview was going to go, they had already gone out of the proverbial window. She had not expected to have to justify the progression, albeit rapid, of her career. The insinuation that she had got to where she was by helping the right people, scratching the right backs irritated the hell out of her. “Captain.” She began, her tone was highly professional, respectful “My contribution to the running of this ship is a matter that’s on open record, except of course, those matters which are highly classified. I devised a mechanism to locate, detect and monitor the subspace wormholes that Doenitz was using to transport troops and cargo across the sector. Then along with...Look, Sir, I can give you a potted history, a blow by blow account of my seemingly rapid progression up the ranks. What it all boils down to is that because of the war, because of random events, I was put into a position where, please excuse the arrogance, where my natural brilliance for the job enabled me to not only solve problems, but to serve the fleet, the uniform, something that i am willing to give my life to serve.” She pointed to her left collar, where the legion of honour was attached. “I was not awarded this by doing the right things to the right people sir.” Archibald shrugged. “We will see,” he said with his usual lack of niceties. “I understand you are also acting Second Officer. I might have a problem with that. Or I might not. But for the moment you may consider yourself under review until I am satisfied that you are capable whilst keeping the status. Tell me, Lieutenant, where do you place the Romulan Senate with regards to the Breen expansion into sector 15?” Archibald licked his lips. “A command officer must not only know the facts but also be able to make an assessment of why things are as they are, what motives there are and who is pulling the strings. Only then can a command officer see the situation as it truly is and come up with a solution for the problem, if it indeed is a problem. That is an integral part of leadership, Lieutenant. You do not react to things you see or hear but to the reasons behind it after determining how the Federation may best use that knowledge. And if you can’t determine it for yourself, you will ask.” Dale nodded, “I understand sir, I’m honoured to even be considered for this let alone be assigned a2O, especially at this point in my career. I’m grateful to be working under such experienced command staff.” Archibald permitted himself a short sigh. “Being a Command officer, Mister Bracken, is not an easy position. But let’s leave it at that. There was a signal that you picked up?” Archibald asked. “Explain.” Again, dale nodded, this was slightly more comfortable territory. “Sir. It was Fleet Science that received the signal. A signal of unimaginable power and complexity. It was from sector 4502, an area of space that is seemingly of no extraordinary interest. The signal turned out to be from a race calling themselves the Maltorians. (Reply Stakes) Dale nodded, “I know, we all reacted like that. So, it wasn’t only that it was supposed to be from this race that had been missing for a hundred years, the signal contained a hundred years of Maltorian history; and was broadcast in only 5 seconds.” (Reply Stakes) Again Dale nodded, “A race that can do this, wants to speak to us. That can only be good for the fleet sir. If nothing else, it will fill some large holes in our database sir. It could also help us technologically sir, communication-wise if nothing else. I’ve got a hypothesis on how they did what they did, but that’s all it is at the moment.” (Reply Stakes) “The one thing that does set 4502 apart is the unusual subspace configuration, what the Maltorians did was to use a large gravitational well to focus and direct a signal to us. Now, what i think, but sadly can’t at the moment prove, is that they used multiple sources, could have been dozens, hundreds, and focused them all on one single gravitational well. That would produce the signal that Fleet Science picked up Sir” (Reply Stakes) (Posted by Mark Howard) (USS Dennison – Bridge – CO, Captain Archibald Stakes – 1901) He installed himself behind his desk and offered a seat to the OPS-officer with a wave of his arm. He waited for the door to shut, before flipping open his console. “Ensign Raschen,” he started, having quickly familiarised himself with the notes he had written down. “Or Mister Temerarius. I see you are still wearing the emblem,” Archibald continued, looking up at the man’s arm. “I have no problem with you wearing that, Ensign, only with what it represents. Looting, privateering and piracy. Not something I would expect a Star Fleet Officer to be proud of. Let me be clear, Mister Raschen, in the event of war we all have done things that were regrettable but necessary, beastly but required. But the war is now over and what was once acceptable isn’t anymore. I pride myself on running a tight ship, Ensign. A very tight ship and I will not accept any behaviour outside what is generally considered acceptable behaviour. You have been found guilty of mutiny and treason and as far as I am aware both convictions are still current. Now my question to you is, Ensign, will you abide by the laws and regulations of Star Fleet and the Federation? Because they WILL be enforced by me.” NRPG: Room for more RPG: (Reply Chance) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CO - Captain Archibald Stakes - 1913) The CSO seemed more comfortable with the change of subject, Archibald noted. “Sir. It was Fleet Science that received the signal. A signal of unimaginable power and complexity. It was from sector 4502, an area of space that is seemingly of no extraordinary interest. The signal turned out to be from a race calling themselves the Maltorians.” Archibald narrowed his eyes for a second but then caught himself. “The Maltorians,” he said slowly. “An extinct race that is suddenly using a sledge hammer to knock at our door?” Dale nodded, “I know, we all reacted like that. So, it wasn’t only that it was supposed to be from this race that had been missing for a hundred years, the signal contained a hundred years of Maltorian history; and was broadcast in only 5 seconds.” Archibald nearly sighed. “An extinct race,” he repeated slowly, “that is suddenly using a sledge hammer to knock at our door, only the sledge hammer is in fact a essay of a century of their history squeezed into a 5 second signal.” “A race that can do this, wants to speak to us. That can only be good for the fleet sir. If nothing else, it will fill some large holes in our database sir. It could also help us technologically sir, communication-wise if nothing else. I’ve got a hypothesis on how they did what they did, but that’s all it is at the moment.” Archibald now audibly sighed. “Lieutenant! An extinct race that is suddenly using a sledge hammer to knock at our door, sending a century worth of information in an incredible amount of time, does *not* want to speak to us. They *need* to speak to us because they are in trouble. Well, that would be one take on it. Or, and as scientist you might not want to consider this, could it not be that they are hanging out this carrot that we would love to have and we follow it and suddenly the carrot was just a trick to get us where they want us. Did you ever consider that after a century these Maltorians might not be very friendly?” Archibald shook his head and sighed. “We have a long way to go with you yet, Lieutenant. Always, always, always, assume the worst. What do we know about their technology. Or what do we think we know?” “The one thing that does set 4502 apart is the unusual subspace configuration, what the Maltorians did was to use a large gravitational well to focus and direct a signal to us. Now, what i think, but sadly can’t at the moment prove, is that they used multiple sources, could have been dozens, hundreds, and focused them all on one single gravitational well. That would produce the signal that Fleet Science picked up Sir” “That could produce the signal that Fleet Science picked up,” Archibald corrected. “So we know that there is an unusual subspace configuration, which probably will interfere with our propulsion and we think they can manipulate gravitational wells? Use them as gravimetric lenses? That could be a powerful weapon, couldn’t it?” Archibald shook his head. “I assume that we have unraveled the history file that they sent us? Any clues from there? Was it recent history? Could we somehow verify the history to be correct, rather than just a story?” The CO regarded the young female. “I’m sorry, time’s up. I have another appointment. I am looking forward to continue our discussion, Lieutenant. Oh, and greet your mother for me, if you will, and tell her that I would like to see her tomorrow morning at 9. Somehow I get the feeling that her services may be required sooner than expected.” (Reply Dale, any) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken - 1914) “I assume that we have unraveled the history file that they sent us? Any clues from there? Was it recent history? Could we somehow verify the history to be correct, rather than just a story?” “I’m sorry, time’s up. I have another appointment. I am looking forward to continue our discussion, Lieutenant. Oh, and greet your mother for me, if you will, and tell her that I would like to see her tomorrow morning at 9. Somehow I get the feeling that her services may be required sooner than expected.” Dale sighed slightly, and opened her mouth briefly about to answer, then decided against it. The dismissal was clear; Meeting over. Command staff or no, Dale was one to always follow an order. She was more than irritated, Dale hadn’t had a chance to answer the question that he had asked her, before cutting the meeting off completely. It had been this that she was about to object to. ~Don’t ask a question if you’re not going to give anyone a chance to answer it.~ “Yes sir. I’ll pass on your order as soon as I see her. With your permission?” (Reply Stakes IYW) Permission granted, she stood up and left, a feeling of downheartedness overtaking her. A tiny part of her knew that it had been a test, and one that she had, perhaps unrecoverably, failed. (Posted by Mark) (U.S.S. Dennison–Ready Room–Ensign Chance Raschen-1925) The new skipper installed himself behind his desk and offered a seat to Chance with a wave of his arm. “Thank you sir” he said, but didn’t sit down till after the Captain did. After the door to shut, Raschen watched Captain Stakes flip open the console on his desk. “Ensign Raschen,” the Captain stated as he read the screen, “Or is it Mister Temerarious? I see you are still wearing the emblem,” Archibald continued, looking up at the man’s arm. “I have no problem with you wearing that, Ensign, only with what it represents. Looting, privateering and piracy. Not something I would expect a Star Fleet Officer to be proud of. Let me be clear, Mister Raschen, in the event of war we all have done things that were regrettable but necessary, beastly but required. But the war is now over and what was once acceptable isn’t anymore. I pride myself on running a tight ship, Ensign. A very tight ship and I will not accept any behavior outside what is generally considered acceptable behavior. You have been found guilty of mutiny and treason and as far as I am aware both convictions are still current. Now my question to you is, Ensign, will you abide by the laws and regulations of Star Fleet and the Federation? Because they WILL be enforced by me.” Respectfully, yet unflinchingly looking Stakes in the eyes as he spoke, Chance nodded his head, acknowledging everything the skipper had said and not objecting to any of it. “Sir, I completely understand your concerns and reservations about me and I don’t blame you in the least. I do thank you for allowing me to keep this.” He said as he rubbed the patch on his arm during his second statement. “I started wearing this emblem during the early days of the Cardassian-Federation war; and since then I have fought for the Ferengi against the Orions and the Orions against the Ferengi and I got well paid on both occasions; I had also spent the better part of the time between wars tracking down and freeing Starfleet and Marine Corps personnel held in military prisons in enemy territories, as well as destroy enemy shipping in an attempt to forestall their build up along our borders Sir; and on the Federation Council’s payroll the whole time. Now I have made some bad decisions sir; and I understand that I have to atone for the terrible things I’ve done. The last Vulcan that mind-melded with me sir, had nightmares until she sought counselling. I promise you that I will do my best not to be any trouble to you sir; so yes, I will do my best to abide by the laws and regs of the fleet and the fed. I do suggest that you read over what the fleet psychologist wrote in my dossier sir; and please understand that I’m not afraid to come up with ideas and make suggestions no matter how crazy they may seem sir.” Chance felt like he just burned another bridge, figuratively speaking; but didn’t promise any more than he was sure he could deliver. ~I wouldn’t be in this position if I had told D’rajevon to go Ffff himself. But Nnooo, I had to take his money and say ‘sure, I can steal a ship intact’. Thank God delivery of the ship was considered C.O.D. and I didn’t make any promises about delivery more than ‘maybe’. ~ (Reply Stakes (room for more)) (Posted by Charlie) (Starbase Geneva - The Laughing Ferengi - OPS Officer Ensign Cattia ‘Kit’ Spero - 1928) Kit looked at her cards, and then at the others around the table. On her head was the neural net the establishment insisted all telepaths wore when playing at the tables. She had no problem with it; she didn’t see why she or anyone else should have an unfair advantage. “What’d’you say then, Starfleet?” She was sitting on a royal flush ace up, the best hand she’d had all evening. In fact the only really decent hand she’d had all evening. She was poised to take the rest of the table to the cleaners, and make back all the credits she’d lost and a good deal more. “I’ll see you,” she said evenly. “And raise you five strips of latinum.” She pushed them forward, her last remaining stash, then looked at the others, waiting to see their reaction. They’d either call her or fold, she reckoned. Hopefully call, that would add to her winnings. Just then, at the worst possible moment, her commbadge beeped. =/\=Ensign Cattia Spero, you are to report in to the USS Dennison Bridge immediately=/\= ~Oh WHAT!! Not NOW!!~ The Bajoran who had won most of her money already grinned broadly. “Oh dear, Starfleet, looks like you’ll have to go. What a shame. I was looking forward to seeing what miserable hand you’ve been bluffing with this time.” Kit scowled. House rules were that if you left in the middle of a hand, all the money you’d bet was left. She knew that, she just hadn’t expected to be called away tonight. True, the new CO had been expected but *tomorrow* she’d been told, not *tonight*. Unfortunately orders were orders. And she knew of this particular CO’s reputation for being a stickler. If only the d**n call had come five minutes earlier, or five minutes later. “I’m sure you were,” she said sarcastically, placing her cards face down as she stood up. She took off the net and placed it on the table. ::***** you, *******:: she sent to him as she walked away. The last thing she heard as she left the bar was his laughter as he turned over her cards and saw what she’d been forced to leave behind. ( Starbase Geneva - Holodeck 1 - Ens.sg Night - 1930) Elenor let herself relax as the court reset, the spinning disc whirring in the air, propelled by nothing, and flickered from a neutral white into a hostile red. As she ran from her starting position, she fired the phaser at the disc, sending the target at an absurd angle towards the back wall of her opponent. A flurry of phaser fire later had Night breathless, crouched on her knees, disarmed of her phaser and with the spinning velocity disc haring down at her, bouncing off her elbow. [...Point Computer.... Game... Computer...] [...Play again???] Ele considered her options, but it looked like she had no other plans; Nymes was on call, Dee had been called back to base about something or other. “Computer, restart match.” =/\= Automated message: Ensign Elenor Night report to the USS Dennison immediately. =/\= “Belay last command, computer. End programme.” (USS Dennison - Bridge - OPS Officer Cattia ‘Kit’ Spero - 1938) Stepping onto the Bridge Kit looked around curiously. It was her first time on the Dennison, and since she’d only been informed of her assignment to the ship that morning, by her CO, she hadn’t had time to look up much about it. She did know who the CO was, though. Hard not to, when his wife was an Admiral and you served on her flagship. The Bridge was empty, so she guessed Captain Stakes must be in his Ready Room. The door was closed, though, indicating someone was in there with him already. Kit leaned against the back of the command chair, gloomily contemplating her misfortune and awaiting the summons from the Old Man. When the door finally opened and another ensign wearing gold came out, she pushed herself off the chair and entered the Ready Room. “Operations Officer Ensign Cattia Spero reporting as ordered, Sir!” she said, coming smartly to attention the regulation distance in front of Captain Stakes’s desk. (Reply Stakes, any) (Posted by Liz) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - CO - Captain Archibald Stakes - 1941) “Operations Officer Ensign Cattia Spero reporting as ordered, Sir!” “Mister Spero,” Archibald responded. “ Please be seated.” He waited for her to do so. “I thought it best if we had a one to one before you begin your duty, Ensign,” Archibald started. “Just so we understand one another.” Archibald considered his next move. “You may believe that the stories that have gone round the Star regarding me and my style of leadership are exaggerated. You may believe that because my wife is an Admiral, she must know better how to maintain order or command a star ship.” He could just imagine the face that Lydia would pull at the next words. “In both cases you would be sorely mistaken. I am my own master and quite capable of setting the course that I think is required for the ship. You may like it, you may hate it, that is completely up to you. But you *will* follow the orders that I set. In my vision, whether you ‘like’ the commanding officer or not, orders will be obeyed. You may feel that we operate differently on this ship and you would be right. Rules will not be bent on this vessel.” Archibald nodded at her. “I understand from the Admiral, that you have a ‘certain skill’ with regards to computers. In that case I wish to instill upon you that I will frown upon any ‘unexpected’ computer ‘malfunctions’ that may happen whilst you are on board.” Deciding that he had said enough on the subject, Archibald continued. “You will work together with Ensign Raschen. I will expect a third officer to be vetted by the two of you to take charge of the third part when the vessel is in tri-vector mode. I will also expect a large amount of synchronisation between the three of you.” Archibald regarded the woman. “Any questions, Ensign?” (Reply by Kit, any) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - Ops Officer, Ensign Cattia Spero - 1943) “I thought it best if we had a one to one before you begin your duty, Ensign,” Captain Stakes began, after Kit had sat down. “Just so we understand one another.” Kit looked enquiringly at him. She found Captain Stakes very hard to ‘read’ as to his mood; he kept his emotions in check pretty strongly. “You may believe that the stories that have gone round the Star regarding me and my style of leadership are exaggerated. You may believe that because my wife is an Admiral, she must know better how to maintain order or command a star ship. In both cases you would be sorely mistaken. I am my own master and quite capable of setting the course that I think is required for the ship. You may like it, you may hate it, that is completely up to you. But you *will* follow the orders that I set. In my vision, whether you ‘like’ the commanding officer or not, orders will be obeyed. You may feel that we operate differently on this ship and you would be right. Rules will not be bent on this vessel.” Kit stared at the Captain in surprise. The word on the Star had been, ‘If you think the Admiral’s a hard-a** just be thankful you don’t serve under *Captain* Stakes.’ Kit had no reason to doubt it either. She’d seen enough of Captain Stakes during the journey from Earth to Phoenix to believe it all. Not that Kit had had much to do with him, far from it. But enough to guess that the tales were true. “Understood, Sir.” He nodded at her. “I understand from the Admiral, that you have a ‘certain skill’ with regards to computers. In that case I wish to instil upon you that I will frown upon any ‘unexpected’ computer ‘malfunctions’ that may happen whilst you are on board.” Kit was mystified. She hadn’t played any pranks in years. Not since her first year in the Academy. Well, aside from making the computer greet the former XO of the Star with “who’s a pretty boy then” whenever he logged on in his personal quarters. But that was his own fault for thinking that being the Admiral’s XO ranked him somewhat above the Admiral as well as everyone else. He also seemed to think he was the universe’s gift to female junior ensigns, and that his rank meant they’d leap into bed with him. But the Admiral hadn’t known Kit was responsible... had she? Maybe she had. She’d certainly given Kit an odd glance when the XO had complained, loudly, about it in a meeting. He’d left not long after another ensign had complained to her head of department about him. And the Admiral had several times afterwards asked Kit to use her skills during her time aboard the Star. “I do have a skill with computers, Sir, yes. One that has been found useful by my commanding officers during my service aboard the Star, as I hope it will be by you too, Sir. And it is my duty to fix computer malfunctions, Sir, not to cause them.” Technically ‘Pretty Boy’ hadn’t been a malfunction. It had been a program. It hadn’t affected the computer operation at all. Not even for the XO in question. “You will work together with Ensign Raschen. I will expect a third officer to be vetted by the two of you to take charge of the third part when the vessel is in tri-vector mode. I will also expect a large amount of synchronisation between the three of you. Any questions, Ensign?” She had a lot, like where her quarters were and when she could move in, but the only one she could think of that the Captain could answer was the one she asked. “When may I start my duties, Sir?” (Reply by Stakes) (Posted by Liz) (USS Dennison - Bridge - ACONN Ens.sg Elenor Night - 1959) Ele, showered and changed into her uniform, golden pip beaming at her neck, stood at the side of the door to the ready room, wondering what was going on. At last, answers seemed to be forthcoming, as the door opened, allowing an officer that Night hadn’t met out of the room. He looked like he still had the dazzle in his eyes, a new recruit; one who hadn’t been through hell and back. Night shook herself of her thoughts, and waited for permission to enter the ready room. (reply Stakes) “Yes sir. Assistant CONN Ensign Night reporting as ordered.” (reply Stakes) (posted by GC) (Geneva, Promenade, Dr Nymes 20:01) “Enjoy the evening, Lewis, we’ve got it covered now. I’ll bleep you if you are needed.” “Thanks, Az. I’ll take a walk, back soon.” Nymes returned, and exited sickbay in his white scrub suit, his rank displayed on his chest, tricorder and commbadge in his pockets. Nymes waved back to Saike Aziem, the Bajoran triage nurse who had taken over at the Geneva Sickbay, and wandered out into the Promenade, beginning to enjoy his night on call, taking in the diverse sounds and sights that the base now afforded in its post war incarnation. Laughter now played out of many of the bars, differing dramatically from the solemn silences heard just 5 months previously, as the population returned, businesses reopened and lives began the difficult journey along the road to recovery. It wouoldn’t be normal for so many years, if not lifetimes; too many families had lost a member, so many sons a father, or a mother. Hatred was still in the air, questions over alliegance turning casual greetings into feuds spanning weeks, turning neighbours against each other. Nymes stopped outside Tyra’s bar, wondering what the event was inside, and wandered in. (Geneva, Tyra’s Bar, Dr Nymes 2007) “What can I get you, Doc?” The waitress began, playfully. “We’ve got the generics here, synthehol, but some proper stuff just arrived from Trill...” “I’ll take a tonic, Tyra... On call tonight.” Tyra’s disappointment was clear, but she desisted from trying to sell the Trill the alcoholic contents of the last cargo run. “Here you go!” “...”Nymes muttered a noncommital thanks, and walked around to find somewhere to sit, taking the stairs to the upper level. “I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAID NOW; YOU ARE A MURDERER!!” Nymes snapped his head round at the voice that carried across the balcony to him; it emanated from a worse-for-wear human, dishevelled and obviously intoxicated on what Lewis could only suppose was not the generic synthehol. The man was gesticulating at an officer in uniform, an ensign by the looks of him, his red collar suggesting his duty station involved piloting of some sort. “...There’s not a day that goes by...” the red collar said, before the drunk started again. “AND I’ll KILL YOU FOR IT” Nymes had walked around to the compartment containing the two tables, the drunkand his, for want of a better word, date sat on the left, the officer, on his own, at the right hand side. “Anything wrong, ensign?” “Nothing at all, sir. Just-” The drunk had lunged at the officer, the broken bottle drawing blood as it lacerated the officer’s abdomen, as the intoxicated protagonist fell onto the floor, sobbing but deranged, laughing at his action. The woman had started screaming before the red blood had time to stain the uniform, before the young officer’s eyes had gone wide in terror, and pain. “No you don’t sir.” Nymes warned the now chuckling drunk, the madman, as the trill guided him to the floor, pinned down. “Nymes to Ops. Security to Tyra’s Bar, level two. Two to take into custody. Urgent Medical beam out to Sickbay, on my commbadge location - two to beam out, on my mark.” The first offduty officer arrived to check the commotion, and was dragooned into security duties by the doctor, taking over from Nymes with the lunatic protagonist. Free from restraining the drunkard, Nymes immediately took over the situation, taking the officer’s uniform jacket off, exposing the wound that span across his lower ribs to his umbilicus, a deep wound that was obviously contaminated with glass. “Knees up, ensign, press there, hard.” Nymes guided his hand to the wound as more appropriate Security arrived. “what’s your name, son?” “Joseph L...l...lane, sir.” The man was shivering, going into shock, cold and clammy to the touch. “Thats okay, Joe... I’ll take care of you. How old are you?” “Ttt..twenty-tt..three sir.... I w...was starting a p..p..post on the D..d..dennison soon...” “Thats good, Joe, You’ll be working with me... lets get you to sickbay.”Nymes paused, turning to the security guys behind him. “Finally, gentlemen. Please take this man into custody. Solitary and for psych review, please.” =/\= Ops on standby, Dr Nymes =/\= “Energise.” (USS Dennison - Ready Room - CO, Captain Archibald Stakes - 20.01) “Next!” came the voice from Archibald through the still opened door to the Bridge “Yes sir. Assistant CONN Ensign Night reporting as ordered.” Archibald looked at his console and noted down the time in his head before he shut it. “Thank you Ensign, please take a seat,” he said nodding at the other side of the desk. He waited for her to do so before he started. “As you may have gathered, Ensign, I am the new commanding officer of the Dennison, Captain Archibald Stakes. Nice to meet you and nice of you to be prompt, although that seems to be in line with your personnel file.” Archibald regarded her through narrowed eyes. “However, for starters, due to personnel leaving you are hereby promoted to CONN. There is a replacement ACONN officer, an Ensign Simmons, who will be arriving on board tomorrow. As I will expect three CONN officers to take charge of the pilot seats of the ship when in tri-vector mode, your first assignment will be to find a third flying officer and train with him or her and Ensign Simmons until you are all at similar levels of understanding the ship’s flight characteristics and manoeuvering procedures.” (Reply Ele) Archibald nodded. “Then, Ensign, I must admit I am having problems with your personnel file. In my experience in Star Fleet I have come to expect certain character traits or ghosts from the past to appear in them, yet in your case I couldn’t find a single thing. Now it could be that you are a perfect Star Fleet officer, which I personally doubt as I do not believe that they exist, or you are better at keeping the skeletons hidden in your closet. Care to enlighten me, Mister Night?” (reply Ele, room for more) (posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - ACONN Ens Elenor Night - 20.02) “Yes sir. Assistant CONN Ensign Night reporting as ordered.” Ele saw a stranger, sitting comfortably at his desk, smoothly proffering her a seat at the desk.”Thank you Ensign, please take a seat,” - which she did without comment, waiting for her superior to guide the conversation. “As you may have gathered, Ensign, I am the new commanding officer of the Dennison, Captain Archibald Stakes. Nice to meet you and nice of you to be prompt, although that seems to be in line with your personnel file.” The captain seemed thorough and pensieve, and regarded her through narrowed eyes. “However, for starters, due to personnel leaving you are hereby promoted to CONN. There is a replacement ACONN officer, an Ensign Simmons, who will be arriving on board tomorrow. As I will expect three CONN officers to take charge of the pilot seats of the ship when in tri-vector mode, your first assignment will be to find a third flying officer and train with him or her and Ensign Simmons until you are all at similar levels of understanding the ship’s flight characteristics and manoeuvering procedures.” Ele nodded, thankful for the opportunity to act as CONN once again, even if it was due to the Dennison Haemmoraging command officers to other lines of work. “I’ll get on to shortlists, sir.” Archibald nodded. “Then, Ensign, I must admit I am having problems with your personnel file. In my experience in Star Fleet I have come to expect certain character traits or ghosts from the past to appear in them, yet in your case I couldn’t find a single thing. Now it could be that you are a perfect Star Fleet officer, which I personally doubt as I do not believe that they exist, or you are better at keeping the skeletons hidden in your closet. Care to enlighten me, Mister Night?” Ele noted the use of the masculine to refer to her, but her professionalism overrode her displeasure at the pleasantry. According to custom, command officers were allocated to the masculine line, feminism may have come leaps and bounds, but some traditions were obviously still in the perview of mankind. “Where do you want me to start, sir? I served on the USS Brilliant when I gained my commission, serving as ACONN, promoted in the battlefield to CONN, and reassigned to the Dennison within the first year. SInce then I’ve been assistant CONN to Lt Lea, and Lt-Cdr Banowsky, running as Flight Operations when required. I am a pilot first and foremost, though, sir, and loyal to the federation at that. If you want any answers, sir, feel free to ask them.” (reply Stakes room for more) (posted by GC) ( Starbase Geneva- Habitat ring- Ben Soma- 20:20) Ben was wondering around the habitat ring looking into this shop and that. There were still alot of people wandering around the area shopping. He had spent an hour relaxing in a lounge and thought it was time to stretch his legs a bit. He wondered what it was going to be like serving on the Dennison, what would the captain and crew be like. Ben stopped outside of a small shop and looked inside at the merchandise on display. ~ I’d better enjoy the free time while I can. May not have any for a while.~ Ben was surprised to hear his name come over the starbases intercom. [ Ensigns Soma, Sanok, and Divay report to the USS Dennison immediately.] Ben once again headed to the lift and and announced his destination as the lower docking ring. The lift began its decent and Ben made sure he was still holding the PADD containing his orders. The lift came to a stop and Ben proceeded to the umbilical with the security ensign. He showed the PADD to the ensign who waved him on. Ben heard foots steps behind him and turned to see two more ensigns following him. Ben entered the darkened bridge of the Dennison and walked over to the ready room door, he straightened his uniform before stepping into the doors sensor range. When he had composed himself he stepped into range of the sensor that would alert his presence to Captain Stakes. The door opened and Ben stepped inside the ready room. He stopped in front of Stakes desk, came to attention and said. “ Ensign Ben Soma reporting as ordered Captain.” Then Ben raised his right arm and offered the PADD he was carrying to Captain Stakes, all the while remaining at attention. ( reply Stakes) ( posted by Milo Young ) (Starbase Geneva, Sickbay, Dr Nymes 2025) As the Sickbay materialised around the pair, Nymes started talking, and talking fast. “Stab wound, abdomen. Glass wound. Prep theatre, fast bleep on call staff. Full bioscan and replicate 12 units,” “Yes, Doctor.” Nymes relinquished his hold on the officer as the nurses bustled around the man, placing IV access and conducting the bioscans. “DDoctor! I want to see the Doctor!” Lane demanded, as the trill was lost to view. “I’m here, Joseph. We need to take you to theatre, now. I’m going to get ready for theatre. I’ll see you there.” “Yes sir.” Nymes turned and walked to theatre - he immediately scrubbed in, the red surgical suit overlaid onto his white clothes. The patient was anaesthetised, the junior ACMO of Geneva looking tired already at the start of his on-call. “Let’s get going then, everyone. Computer, start Operation Log. Dr Nymes, CMO Dennison, operating, ACMO Geneva Wallace, Assisting.” [...confirmed...] (USS Dennison - Shrekt’s Quarters - TAC/SC Lt (sg) Joan Shrekt - 2030) [Lieutenant Shrekt. You are to report in to the USS Dennison bridge immediately. End of message] A piercing shriek sounded. A deep voice swore. A commanding voice said breathlessly, “Stop! Computer, who sent that message?” [Captain Stakes] ~Blast~ Shrekt thought, as she uttered, “Get out!” The doors opened twice before Shrekt found herself alone and staring in the mirror muttering under her breath several select adjectives she had acquired in her long association with her family. The litany continued as she wiped the sweat from her brow and ducked into the sonic shower for a quick refreshment. Unfortunately she had run out moments later, as she slid into her uniform and looked back in the mirror to make sure she was suitable. She tugged at her collar, lingering a bit at her rank pips. They missed their third compatriot, but there was nothing to be done about it. She brushed her auburn hair and checked her shoes to make sure they shone. Satisfied, she stalked out of her quarters for the nearby turbolift. (USS Dennison - Bridge - TAC/SC Lt (sg) Joan Shrekt - 2040) The doors slid open on the turbolift and Shrekt stepped out and moved crisply to the center chair. “Sir! Lieutenant Shrekt reporting as ordered.” she said, her body at perfect attention as her father had shown her all those many years ago. (Reply Stakes, Any) (posted by Kaweo Kanoho) (USS Dennison – Bridge – CO, Captain Archibald Stakes – 2041) “Sir! Lieutenant Shrekt reporting as ordered.” Archibald narrowed his eyes as he regarded the newcomer. “Oh yes, Lieutenant. Follow me, please.” (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CO, Captain Archibald Stakes – 2042) “Take a seat, Lieutenant.” Archibald said as he sat himself down and waited for the door to shut. “Welcome on board, Mister Shrekt,” he started, flipping open his console. “I am Archibald Stakes, Captain of this vessel,” he said with a nod, studying the fifty year old woman in front of him. “And you are .... Joan Shrekt.” he continued after closing down his screen. He didn’t need any reminders about her. “And part of the Shrekt-clan.” he said . “The notorious Shrekt-clan.” he followed on, studying her face. “Is your father still alive?” he asked. “Still keeping well away from Star Fleet, I trust?” (reply Joan) NRPG: Major Shrekt was the second MCO on the Nimitz about 10 years ago and a bit of a strange fellow, if I remember correctly, who left Star Fleet service to track down his offspring. Joan is his daughter and as such for Archibald a source of possible trouble. RPG: Archibald shrugged. “As long as you remember that I do not allow for any shenanigans to happen on my ship, I think we might get on reasonably well, Lieutenant.” (Reply by Joan, room for more) (posted by Adrie Geuken) (Dennison, Outside Captain’s Ready Room, Ensign jg Sanok, 2058) Six months. What a six months it had been. First, Sanok had been assigned to the Dennison, just one of the guys, one of the grunts. He had worked his way up to ATAC, being personally assigned by Captain Davis to stay with Divay, making sure whose side he was on. After that, came the Darsons arrest and the Chance Debacle. It was an exciting time for the young Vulcan that had chosen to forsake the traditions of his people, by keeping his emotions. He had nowhere to go but up. Then came the final battle of the war. Boom! Sanok had been struck so hard by the emotional after affect, the overwhelming feelings caused by friends and comrades lost forever, that he reeled under the weight of them. In fact, he had become so distraught, that after a counseling session with Alosar, he began meditating, trying to remember what he had learned in his youth, that which he had rejected, so he could purge the emotions he once valued so highly. Once the Dennison had been placed into dry dock for repairs, and the crew had been assigned to shore duty, Sanok continued his meditations at every opportunity. If he wasn’t on a security shift on the station or tending to a biological need, he was meditating. However, since he was a junior officer, he did not have quarters of his own, but had a roommate, things had become distracting and difficult. Becoming increasingly agitated, Sanok had gone to the chief counselor on the station, explained his situation, and requested a special leave of absence so he could return to Vulcan. After a thorough examination, and the usual bureaucratic red tape (Where did the Humans come up with that term?), his leave was granted. Booking passage to Vulcan, he immediately sought the Kohlinar masters and resumed the training he had forsaken. He concluded by completing the tal’oth ritual. Believing himself to be purged of his emotions, Sanok returned to active duty. Now, standing outside the captain’s ready room on the Dennison after being summoned, he was ready to face the first test. Sanok stepped forward and the door slid open. A Human man he didn’t know, wearing captain’s pips, was sitting at the table. A security officer, another Human man he didn’t know, was already present. “Ensign junior grade Sanok reporting as ordered, sir.” Sanok stood rigidly, his hands clasped behind his back, his face expressionless. Apparently, it was time to meet his new captain. (Reply Stakes) (Posted by Robert Brown) (Starbase Geneva - Transient Officers Quarters - Ensign Mia Simmons - 2100) Her feet HURT. Who knew Esme could walk so far and try on so many clothes and outfits. While she’d passed Federation physical training like everyone else, she wasn’t built for walking for hours over kilometres of deck plating. It seemed one thing the Stakes women were good at was shopping and dragging a mystified Aquadrian in their wake. Oh, they’d tried to get her to pick her own off duty clothes, but really, she was perfectly happy with her selachimorphic leather top and long shorts. She didn’t understand why anyone would want to wear all those loose things that would catch on everything anyway. And the colours! You’d blind your mate at fifteen paces! She kicked off the issue boots and rubbed her arches as she sank into the bed. Oh, Esme had done well, she’d actually found a bed that would feel like a sack of rocks to lie on. The Yeoman had promised her something ‘more suitable’ on ship, but didn’t know if it would be ready before they left. Well, worst came to worst, she’d petition the counsellor to let her sleep in a holosuite for a few days until something was ready. Anything had to be better than sponging down several times a day again. She’d pulled up the technical files of the Dennison and had the computer list them off to her as she crawled out of the uniform she suspected could stand up by itself by this point. She’d have to get another one, which meant convincing a replicator scissors weren’t weapons. She called up the replicator menu to see a certain Yeoman had already altered it’s files to suit a raw meat eating, gilled necked, human. Looked like the uniforms would be pre-modified. She wondered if she could recommend Esme for a medal. She had a sim run set for 0430 so she could at least pretend to be familiar with the Dennison together and its various parts before stepping foot on the bridge. She was just incredibly glad she wasn’t going to be the one pulling her out of dock. Probably wouldn’t impress the starch commanding Stakes much if she bumped into something without yet having a feel for the vessel. A yawn that threatened to rip her face in half and she decided she could just listen to specs in her sleep. She flomped onto the bed, and pulled the blanket around her, not bothering to climb under the covers. Another day, another starship, another system and new things to explore. Life could be a lot worse! (reply none) (posted by Lorna) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CO, Captain Archibald Stakes – 2101) “Ensign Ben Soma reporting as ordered Captain.” Archibald nodded as he accepted the PADD. “Welcome on board, Mister Soma, I am Ar....” Archibald fell silent as the door slid open again, and a Vulcan entered the room. “Ensign junior grade Sanok reporting as ordered, sir.” Again Archibald nodded. “Thank you, Mister Sanok, now all we have to do is wai.......” For the second time Archibald fell silent as his computer beeped, indicating that a message had arrived, “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he said as he flipped open his console. The written message came from Earth and was from somebody in the staff of Admiral Linden. The subject line read: Re: Ash Divay and Archibald accessed the message, making sure the other officers could not see it. “Captain. We understand you are searching for Ensign Ash Divay. Discontinue your search, the Ensign is performing a special operation under the supervision of Admiral Linden. Once he has finished his assignment, the Ensign will be made available to you again, if he so wishes. Keep him on your crew list. No further communication about this matter will be allowed. General staff, Admiral Linden.” The marks at the bottom of the message showed Archibald it to be genuine. He shut down the console slowly and looked at the two officers in front of him. “Ensign Divay will not join us for the foreseeable future,” he commented. “I will not go into the reasons, only that they suffice for me. If anyone asks you for the whereabouts of Ensign Divay, you will keep stumm and inform me afterwards. And I mean *anyone*. Whether it is a friend, a lover or someone you never saw before. I hope I made myself clear. “ (Reply Ben, Sanok) Archibald nodded. “Good, as I started to say, I am Archibald Stakes, the new commanding officer of this vessel. Mister Sanok, Mister Soma here is new to this ship. I expect you will show him his quarters on the base and show him around the ship once the engineers are gone. As for your duties, Lieutenant Shrekt will no doubt fill you in on those, but I feel I should stress that I have strong views on Star Fleet Protocol and Regulations. As such I expect your full cooperation in ensuring that they are followed strictly. Rules and Regulations are there for a purpose and it is my task to ensure that they are enforced. You, as security officers, are my arms with which I maintain them. Fail me in this and I will fail you.” Archibald regarded the two officers for a few seconds. “Good then, gentlemen, any questions?” (Reply by Ben, Sanok, room for more) (posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – Ensign (jg) Ben Soma- 2105) “ Excuse me, gentlemen,” Captain Stakes said as he opened the console on his desk. He read what was displayed as Ben and Sanok patiently waited for their new CO to continue the meeting. Captain Stakes shut down the console and said as he regarded the young officers, “Ensign Divay will not join us for the foreseable future,” he commented. “I will not go into the reasons, only that they suffice for me. If anyone asks you for the whereabouts of Ensign Divay, you will keep stumm and inform me afterwards. And I mean *anyone*. Whether it is a friend, a lover or someone you never saw before. I hope I made myself clear. “ This was obviously a matter that concerned security. Ben looked at Captain Stakes and replied, “ Understood Captain.” Captain Stakes nodded as the young officers made their replies. “Good, as I started to say, I am Archibald Stakes, the new commanding officer of this vessel. Mister Sanok, Mister Soma here is new to this ship. I expect you will show him his quarters on the base and show him around the ship once the engineers are gone. As for your duties, Lieutenant Shrekt will no doubt fill you in on those, but I feel I should stress that I have strong views on Star Fleet Protocol and Regulations. As such I expect your full cooperation in ensuring that they are followed strictly. Rules and Regulations are there for a purpose and it is my task to ensure that they are enforced. You, as security officers, are my arms with which I maintain them. Fail me in this and I will fail you.” Ben let the captains last words sink in. As a security officer on the Dennison it was his duty to ensure safety for the ship and crew. Security personel were to make sure that all regulations and procedures were upheld, and Captain Stakes was emphasizing that point now. ~ An assignment worthy of a samurai~ Ben thought as he digested the information. ~ Fathers insistence on discipline will serve me well~ Captain Stakes regarded the two officers for a few seconds and said, “Good then, gentlemen, any questions?” Ben was about to say that he had no questions for Captain Stakes when he remembered his fathers katana. He mulled the request over in his mind before giving his voice to it. “ Captain,” Ben started, “ I have an item that I would like to bring on board. It is a katana that was left to me by my father. I would like clearence to bring it aborad, Sir.” Ben realized his request may seem a bit odd to Captain Stakes. But he also knew it was his duty to inform his captain of any unusual weapons brought aboard the ship by anyone. (reply Stakes) ( posted by Milo Young) (USS Dennison, Captain’s Ready Room, Ensign jg Sanok, 2106) Stakes said, “Ensign Divay will not join us for the foreseeable future. I will not go into the reasons, only that they suffice for me. If anyone asks you for the whereabouts of Ensign Divay, you will keep stumm and inform me afterwards, and I mean *anyone*. Whether it is a friend, a lover, or someone you never saw before. I hope I made myself clear.” “Understood, Captain,” said the other officer. “Yes, sir,” said Sanok. He wondered what that was about. “Good, as I started to say, I am Archibald Stakes, the new commanding officer of this vessel.” Sanok was correct. This was their new captain. He began to feel regret that Captain Davis had to leave because of medical reasons. She had promoted him and trusted him. She gave him his first chance at helping to run the security department. He would miss her. Realizing that he was feeling, he shook himself internally and rejected those feelings, suppressing the emotions. “Mister Sanok, Mister Soma here is new to this ship,” said Stakes. “I expect you will show him his quarters on the base and show him around the ship once the engineers are gone.” Sanok nodded. “As for your duties,” said Stakes, “Lieutenant Shrekt will no doubt fill you in on those, but I feel I should stress that I have strong views on Starfleet protocol and regulations. As such I expect your full cooperation in ensuring that they are followed strictly. Rules and regulations are there for a purpose and it is my task to ensure that they are enforced. You, as security officers, are my arms with which I maintain them. Fail me in this and I will fail you.” Lieutenant Shrekt? In addition to a new captain, they had received a new Chief of Security. There were some serious changes occurring on the Dennison. Sanok decided that he was glad Captain Stakes was so strict regarding protocols, rules, and regulations. This would help Sanok in his task of keeping his emotions suppressed. This couldn’t have happened at a better time. “Good then, gentlemen. Any questions?” said Stakes. “Captain, I have an item that I would like to bring on board,” said Soma. “It is a katana that was left to me by my father. I would like clearance to bring it aboard, sir.” Sanok didn’t think this would be a problem, as he had heard of many officers that had such things on display in their quarters. However, would Stakes feel the same? Things were definitely going to be different on the Dennison. (Reply Stakes, Soma) (Posted by Robert Brown) (USS Dennison – Ready Room – CO - Captain Archibald Stakes - 2107) “ Captain,” the newly arrived Ensign started, “ I have an item that I would like to bring on board. It is a katana that was left to me by my father. I would like clearance to bring it aboard, Sir.” Archibald nodded for a second. “I do not think that that would be a problem, Ensign, provided that the weapon was to be displayed in your personal quarters only and measures were taken to ensure it could not be misappropriated for nefarious purposes. However, if you were planning to use it for purposes other than display then it will not be acceptable. We have holodecks on board where you safely can satisfy your need for handling the weapon. They are rather sharp if I remember correctly.” (Reply Ben, Sanok, iyw) “Any more questions, gentlemen? If not you are dismissed.” Archibald nodded at the two. (Reply Ben, Sanok, iyw) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (Starbase Geneva - Sickbay - Dr Nymes - 2109) Nymes concentrated as a bead of sweat formed on his forehead, gained its critical weight and began its enevitable journey down his nose, tickling the trill’s skin as it traversed the doctor’s face. The operation was well-underway, the initial survey had suggested minimal abdominal organ involvement - Ensign Lane had been lucky that the glass hadn’t severed an artery - but the contamination of the wound called for a more thorough approach when it came to clearing the wound, and stabilising the vasculature. “Dr Wallace, start antibiotics, please.” “Yes sir.” =/\= Automated Message for Dr Nymes - Report to USS Dennison Bridge, Immediately =/\= Nymes looked up at the ACMO’s face, at the look of terror at the request that had been made, unspoken, of himself. “Don’t worry, Dr Wallace. I’m not going anywhere until this operation is completed.” “Thank you, sir.” The voice didn’t give enough of the signs of relief that the man was experiencing. ( USS Dennison- Ready Room- Ensign (jg) Ben Soma- 2109) Captain Stakes nodded at Ben after he asked about bringing his fathers Katana aboard the Dennison. Ben was unsure of how his new CO would react to his request. ~ If he denies my request I will have to place the sword in storage~ Ben thought to himself. ~ Although I would prefer to have it here with me.~ “I do not think that that would be a problem, Ensign, provided that the weapon was to be displayed in your personal quarters only and measures were taken to ensure it could not be misappropriated for nefarious purposes.” Captain Stakes said to Ben. “However, if you were planning to use it for purposes other than display then it will not be acceptable. We have holodecks on board where you safely can satisfy your need for handling the weapon. They are rather sharp if I remember correctly.” Ben understood Captain Stakes concerns regarding the sword. The blade was extremely sharp and in the wrongs hands would become a very dangerous weapon. Captain Stakes was right about the holodeck being the safest environment for its use. Ben regarded Captain Stakes as he replied. “ I assure you Captain, the sword is for display purposes only. I will take all precautions to secure it in my quarters. The sword has never been used in a combat situation and will not be used in that manner while it is in my posession.” Ben hoped that Captain Stakes was convinced that the sword would be secured from possible theft. After a breif pause Ben spoke again with a slight nod towards Captain Stakes. “ Thank you Sir.” “Any more questions, gentlemen? If not you are dismissed.” Captain Stakes said as he nodded to the two young officers. ( reply Stakes, Sanok iyw) ( posted by Milo Young ) (USS Dennison, Captain’s Ready Room, Ensign (jg) Sanok, 2111) “Thank you, sir,” said Soma. Sanok knew displaying weapons was permitted under Starfleet regulations. However, Sanok thought Captain Stakes would have found some technicality to not allow Soma to keep it on board. Then again, since Stakes was such a stickler for regulations, Sanok shouldn’t have thought that at all. Balancing logic, with suppressing emotions, was more difficult than he had anticipated. “Any more questions, gentlemen? If not, you are dismissed,” said Stakes. Sanok had nothing else to say. Stakes had made his position very clear, and Sanok knew what his duties were. While waiting to see if Soma had anything to say, Sanok wondered how some of the other senior staff would react to this new captain and his ways. He was particularly thinking of Raschen and Dr. Nymes. Raschen would surely not be the type of officer someone like Stakes would even want on his ship. Raschen was proficient at doing what Humans called, thinking outside the box. Sanok surmised a commanding officer like Stakes wouldn’t appreciate that sort of thinking. He likely wouldn’t even allow a box. Sanok chuckled inwardly, then immediately suppressed it. Dr. Nymes was a dedicated doctor and officer. Yet, he had been given a bad deal by Starfleet. He wondered how the good doctor would feel serving under Stakes. In any case, things were certainly unexpectantly different on the Dennison. (Reply Stakes, Soma) (Posted by Robert Brown) (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Captain Archibald Stakes, 21:25) With a face set at ten minutes into thunderstorm, Archibald drummed his fingers on the desk, until he finally had had enough. “Computer! Locate Doctor Nymes!” [Doctor Nymes is on Starbase Geneva, Sickbay, operation room 3.] Archibald frowned. “What is the status of operation room 3?” [Status of operation room 3 is locked due to medical procedure being undertaken.] Archibald shook his head then having another thought, he tapped his comm badge. “Captain Stakes to Starbase security. Please post a detail at the entrance to the Geneva sickbay. If Doctor Nymes leaves the sickbay facilities and goes anywhere other than directly to the USS Dennison, you are to arrest him and hold him in your brig until further notice.” There was a silence. =/\= And what would the Doctor be charged with, Sir? =/\= finally the reply came. “Gross insubordination,” Archibald stated, “and willful disobedience of a direct order.” Again there was silence. =/\= Yes, Sir. We will comply.=/\= “Of course,” Archibald replied. “And you will inform me when you have apprehended him. Stakes out.” The CO cursed as he pushed his seat backwards. ~There was always the one, wasn’t there?~ (USS Dennison - Personal Quarters - Counselor- Lt. Alosar - 2150) There was no other way to put it. Alosar had been relieved that the Dennison had been asked to postpone their mission. But in saying that he was relieved implied that there was an emotion behind his... feelings. It implied that he was concerned. It implied that he based his personal desires on some kind of emotion. And yet it was the most logical decision to be made. Apparently the emotional infestation of humans was harder to fight than the Vulcan had thought at first. And so he contemplated his position in silent meditation. What was the basis of his concerns? The first was Lt. Darsons. Although they had had several sessions over the past few months, she did not seem to be able to reveal more than she had before. The only progress was that, apparently, the frequency of her dreams has lessened, but the intensity seems to have strengthened. Alosar was concerned that the only real way to get to the bottom of this was through a mind meld. Then there was the case of Charles Raschen. He had been most elusive and unresponsive to most of his attempts to meet. It was clear that the only conversation the two would have would on an official capacity. However, with the enforced shore leave had left him even harder to find. The CMO, Dr. Nymes, was just as elusive, but at least they had managed to talk. Although little came from their conversations other than the fact that he was angry over the situation that he had found himself in. Apparently he felt that he had been punished for doing his duty, on more than one occasion. This was not for Alosar to judge, as he had not been present at any of the times that the doctor had made any transgressions. In Alosar’s experience the doctor was disgruntled but an adequate physician. And then there was Sanok. Although Alosar was still unconvinced of the what motivated his fellow Vulcan to purge his emotions, he could not deny the logic of his road, and so agreed to ask for him to have a leave of absence to go back to the their homeworld for the training that he needed. With an effort he took in a deep breath, and as he breathed out he found the sources of his anomalous sensations and began to search for the logic that could get it all to make sense to him. His meditation was suddenly interrupted by a beep from the ships comm system. [Lieutenant Alosar, you are to report in to the USS Dennison bridge immediately. End of message *BEEP*] Although Alosar was aware of the message, it took him a moment to bring his mind back to the present. With a deep cleansing breath he opened his eyes. The chronometer on his wall confirmed the time that he kept in his head. He rolled his neck muscles and stretched his shoulders, then stood up. Then he went to his sleeping chamber to put on a fresh uniform. (USS Dennison - Bridge - Counselor- Lt. Alosar - 2159) When Alosar stepped on to the bridge he couldn’t help but notice how it lacked personnel. There were no command officers there, so logically he would be expected in the captain’s Ready Room. He stepped towards the door and hit the door chime. Although he was expected, he knew that human manners required him to ring the chime and wait for the door to open. Once it opened he stepped inside. (USS Dennison - Ready Room - Counselor- Lt. Alosar - 2200) Inside the Ready Room he was met by an officer that he had never seen before. The man was definitely from a military stock, as told by the way he wore his hair, and the manner in which he sat behind his desk. This was a man who radiated order and discipline. Alosar allowed his right eyebrow to raise slightly, but it was the only indication of any form of surprise. He stood just inside the doorway, waiting to be invited further in, as he was uncertain to who this person was, though logic would dictate that, since he wore captain’s pips he was the ships new CO. “How may I be of service, sir?” Alosar asked. He was asked to be there so, logically the person at the desk already knew who he was. To report in as himself would be redundant. The question was, who was he? (reply Stakes) (posted by Al Muir) (USS Dennison - Ready Room - CO - Captain Archibald Stakes - 2201) “How may I be of service, sir?” The CO narrowed his eyes at the unexpected greeting but then caught himself. Alosar was a Vulcan. He nodded. “By sitting down, Lieutenant and listening to me or to engage in a discussion if you decide that to be appropriate. You must have already deduced that I am the new commanding officer of this vessel. My name is Archibald Stakes.” Archibald nodded once and considered if he needed to explain his ‘requirements’. Considering that certain expectations may have been raised by the way the former CO, Captain Davis, had conducted herself, he thought it best to be clear. “In short, Mister Alosar, I believe in Duty and the Regulations. I pride myself on running a tight ship. You will assist me.” The last bit was superfluous, he just realised. Of course Alosar would do his duty. Archibald sighed inwardly. “I have observed that certain crewmembers will react with more or less open rebellion when faced with a stringent regime.” Better. “I will need you and your department to observe and defuse those tendencies before they can disrupt the vessel.” he ended, then as an after thought. “Duty before self-fulfillment.” Archibald nodded to the counsellor, as a signal that the Vulcan could speak if he felt it necessary. (Reply Alosar) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (Starbase Geneva - Sickbay - Dr Nymes - 2215) Time ticked on, as Nymes completed the painstaking task of removing the minuted shards of glass from the wound, having stabilised the man as quickly and as safely as he could. He was working with a monitor, the computer scanning the wound as Nymes worked, highlighting the areas needing further treatment, but finally both computer and Trill were satisfied. “Computer, end recording of operation. File in medical notes.” [...completed and filed...] Nymes stood back from the table, and nodded to Dr Wallace. “Your patient, ensign.” “Understood, sir.” Stretching his neck, Nymes walked away from theatre, disposing of his theatre gown and walking, with haste, back to the docking ring, unaware of his bloodied appearance. As he drew surprised glances from the security checkpoint, Nymes walked up the ramp to the Bridge, and sighing, saying a silent prayer for the patient, he stepped inside. (reply any) (posted by GC) (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Captain Archibald Stakes, 22:25) Archibald realised that his annoyance level were rising again. He was about to tap his comm badge again, when his computer beeped, informing him of another message that had arrived. “Captain. We apologise but due to required restructuring by order of Admiral Linden Ensign Kotal has been transferred to the USS Rosenante to serve there. We are currently searching for a replacement officer for the USS Dennison and will inform you once we have succeeded. General staff, Admiral Linden.” Archibald closed his eyes and nearly let out an unbelieving laugh. This was getting ridiculous. Not just one but now two officers had vanished from sight, with no other explanation than that an Admiral Linden was yanking the chains. He shook his head and got up from his chair, closing his screen in the process. He had better things to do than to wait for a wayward officer. There was still plenty that needed to be organised and with the ways things were going he needed some time to put it all in perspective. “Lights off,” he barked at the computer and stepped out of his ready room. (USS Dennison, Bridge, Captain Archibald Stakes, 22:28) Stepping back into the cool red glow of the emergency lighting had an unexpected soothing effect on him. Or it could be that even in the dimmed light his chair was plainly visible, inviting him to have one more sit in her. With a half smile, Archibald obeyed the call, and sighed as he sat down. “We’ll go to places together, you and me,” he said, feeling the texture of the arm rest covers before hitting it with his hand as he got up. “But not just yet,” he mumbled, then, taking one more look around the Bridge, he made his way to the door that led to the rest of Deck 1. However, just as he was about to get out, the door slid unexpectedly open and an officer in bloodied uniform walked onto the Bridge. Recognising the man from his personnel file, Archibald narrowed his eyes. “Doctor Nymes,” he said slowly. Biting his suddenly re-risen anger back, he managed to keep a straight face. “Mister Nymes, when you receive a direct order, you will follow it. You will not discuss it, you will not debate it, you will not decide whether you want to or need to follow it. You will follow it, plain and simple. If there are circumstances beyond your control that prohibit you from following an order then you will, *immediately*, inform the command crew of this vessel of that so they can revise the order if they feel it appropriate. As it is, by not informing us, you willfully disobeyed a direct order. No if’s, no but’s. And if you think that I would lean towards leniency as it is my first day as commanding officer, let me tell you that on my first day on the Boudicca, in the first half hour in fact, I already had one of the crew in the brig. Do you want me to continue that trend, Ensign?” Archibald took a step back. “Tomorrow morning, Mister Nymes, you will present yourself properly attired in my Ready Room at eight o’clock and not one second later and we will continue our discussion, or we will leave this starbase without you on board. Dismissed.” (Reply by Lewis, any) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Dennison - Bridge - CMO Nymes 2229) “Doctor Nymes,” he said slowly. Biting his suddenly re-risen anger back, he managed to keep a straight face. “Mister Nymes, when you receive a direct order, you will follow it. You will not discuss it, you will not debate it, you will not decide whether you want to or need to follow it. You will follow it, plain and simple. If there are circumstances beyond your control that prohibit you from following an order then you will, *immediately*, inform the command crew of this vessel of that so they can revise the order if they feel it appropriate. As it is, by not informing us, you willfully disobeyed a direct order. No if’s, no but’s. And if you think that I would lean towards leniency as it is my first day as commanding officer, let me tell you that on my first day on the Boudicca, in the first half hour in fact, I already had one of the crew in the brig. Do you want me to continue that trend, Ensign?” Archibald took a step back. “Tomorrow morning, Mister Nymes, you will present yourself properly attired in my Ready Room at eight o’clock and not one second later and we will continue our discussion, or we will leave this starbase without you on board. Dismissed.” ~Yes... sir. ~ Nymes thought. First impressions being everything, Lewis could see that the pompous man in front of him had no regard for the medical profession in the slightest, nor the capacity to understand what his command entailed. The fact that he had not even taken in Nymes’ appearance, the trill still sporting the claret blood of his patient from the initial stabbing, it was clear to Nymes that it was the West fiasco all over again; a man so elevated by his rank that he forgot the finer details of morality, of simple common sense. He didn’t voice this, of course, but a betazoid would have enjoyed the sheer power of his bemusedment. (U.S.S. Dennison–Bridge, Commander Trevan West-2305) “Captain, a moment if you will with you and Commander McDermott.” asked Trevan. (Reply Stakes) “Thank you sir.” (USS Dennison, Ready Room, Commander Trevan West, 2306) “Sir, I will get right to the point.” he said, “With regards to my position with Starfleet Intelligence, there are a few things you and Eric need to know.” (reply Stakes, McDermott) Trevan went on to explain the same thing he stated to Commander Banowsky and Captain Davis when he came aboard, “I am not a good spy, nor do I intend to be one. I was recruited by them against my will. I was ordered to do this job. Now, as you know I am a firm believer in the chain of command. My job is to do whatever they want me to do. I will follow their orders, as long as they don’t conflict with your sir,” he said taking a deep breath, “If a conflict exists, you will be notified about it.” (reply Stakes) “Now with regards to classified information. I deem it to be on a need to know basis. If I deem it necessary for you and Commander McDermott to know certain information, I will of course provide it to you. In both of your computers there is a file that you are required to read and imprint. It’s a standard Class Six agreement stating that whatever I tell you, goes to your grave.” he said bluntly. Again, Trevan shifted on the spot. He was uneasy dealing with Captain Stakes, as they had not served together yet. “But as I stated, I follow their orders first. If no orders exist, I will of course follow yours sir. And,” he added, “if my orders from Intel seem to me to harm the Dennison and her crew, I will not follow them. As I said, I am not a spy. I am a former Engineer turned command officer. I have no issues with that. Are there any questions that you two want to ask me? (reply Stakes, McDermott) “That will be in tomorrow’s mission briefing sir.” (USS Dennison, Intelligence Office, Commander Trevan West, 2335) Trevan was in his office for the first time in almost seven months. Thankfully his security had not been breached. It only taken a few moments to bring his computers back online and to establish a secure link with Starfleet Intelligence. Pouring a coffee at this late hour was not what he had in mind, but seeing the list of communications for him pushed his need for it. Looking at the display, he could see that most of the items on it were out of date and had been cancelled later. There were only two that were really for him, the rest were just some routine security issues that always seem to come his way. The first one on the list opened to reveal just plain text on their current mission to investigate the mysterious signal from the Maltorians. Trevan read it twice before he was sure he wasn’t seeing things. That had a tendency to happen when he was sleepy, and he didn’t want to make any errors for his new Captain. “West to Dale Bracken,” he said, making sure that he would get Dale this time, “I am sorry to bother you Lieutenant at this late hour, but we need to speak directly and I don’t want to do it over the comm. Can you come down to my office please?” (reply Bracken) “The guard will inform me when you are here. West out.” Now, Trevan had not had time yet to completely digest everything thrown at him, but he was sure of one thing. This was going to complicate matters. (reply Stakes, McDermott, Bracken) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Personal Quarters – CSO/a2O – 2336) The day, had been a long one. Now, as the chronometer turned its weary way toward midnight, Dale had finally got to bed. The long days she was used to, ever since her academy days, the shifts, lectures and research had made for long working hours. She stretched out, her body beginning to relax, the final movement of the music that she had put on drew itself to a close, and the remaining smells from the evening meal had only now properly dissipated, stolen away by the room’s climate control. These moments were rare, and the serenity was... =/\=West to Dale Bracken, I am sorry to bother you Lieutenant at this late hour, but we need to speak directly and I don’t want to do it over the comm. Can you come down to my office please? =/\= ~...utterly shattered~ She reached over to the commbadge that was left on the nightstand. “Understood Sir, Give me 5 I’ll be right down.” “The guard will inform me when you are here. West out.” She sighed gently, but smiled despite the situation. She had almost gotten used to this. Dale knew it was an exaggeration, but it felt like there wasn’t a night goes by without being some kind of call out. She wondered how Lewis coped. Dimly, guiltily, she realised that their paths hadn’t crossed much in the last few weeks. Dale pulled on a uniform, and fixing the communicator back to her chest, she made her way toward the turbolift. (USS Dennison – Intelligence Office – CSO/a2O – 2340) She saw the guard long before she reached the office. He was serious about his business, and his manner showed that he would stand no nonsense at all, As she approached him, approached the door to West’s office, he stepped forward slightly, then seeing who she was, relaxed. “Good Evening Sir. I’ll tell the Commander that you’re here.” He stepped away, and walked through the door, which opened as he stepped toward it. Dimly She heard him address the Commander, announcing her presence. “Commander, Lieutenant Bracken, CSO, is outside to see you.” (Reply West) A second or two later, he re-emerged, nodding to her, allowing her past. She stepped forward, and into the Intel Office, yawning only very slightly as she did so. “You wanted to see me Sir.” (Reply West) (Posted by Mark) (USS Dennison – Intelligence Office – Commander Trevan West – 2342) “Good Evening Sir. I’ll tell the Commander that you’re here.” He stepped away, and walked through the door, which opened as he stepped toward it. Dimly She heard him address the Commander, announcing her presence. “Commander, Lieutenant Bracken, CSO, is outside to see you.” “Very well, send her in please and see that we are not disturbed.” replied West. A second or two later, he re-emerged, nodding to her, allowing her past. She stepped forward, and into the Intel Office, yawning only very slightly as she did so. “You wanted to see me Sir.” Trevan didn’t even get up to greet her, he was too tired. “I did. I just received a message from my superiors regarding our current mission.” (reply Bracken) “Well, it seems I’ve underestimated their resourcefulness then haven’t I?” he said trying to force a smile, but it was not a smiling matter at all. Trevan began to explain the situation to her as best as he could. Trying to make heads or tails of what the intelligence community was trying to do was guess work at it’s best. “It seems that my pals,” he said stressing the word ‘pals’ as sarcastic as he could, “have heard about our little mission. I have received, well not orders, but a strong suggestion, that if we encounter this culture in any way, shape, or form, that I am to run intensive scans of their technology, acquire it if I can, and deliver it back to them.” It was hard to gauge the reaction of Dale on this comment. (reply Bracken) Trevan got up finally and sat on the corner of his desk, looked around for a moment and then spoke, “I am not happy about Dale!” he said, “You think I want to start a relationship with a culture we haven’t seen in over a hundred years by stealing?!” (reply Bracken) “Sorry,” he said and he meant it, “I brought this to your attention as this will complicate matters greatly for you, as well as for me, and I am unsure. A position I am not used to.” (reply Bracken) Again Trevan took a moment to consider his reply, “Well, I know it’s only a suggestion from them. But it was a damn strong one. I am afraid that if I don’t, they will find someone else to do it, and that frightens me even more.” Trevan rubbed his hands against his face, betraying his stress level to Dale. “I mean, we don’t know anything about these people for the last hundred years and the first thing they want me to do is betray them.” Trevan moved the display over to face the both of them, “There it is,” he said to her, “I’m not lying about it.” (reply Bracken) (posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Intelligence Office – CSO/a2O Dale Bracken – 2343) “You wanted to see me Sir.” Trevan didn’t even get up to greet her, he was too tired. “I did. I just received a message from my superiors regarding our current mission.” Dale sighed, and sat down. “I was under the impression that they were having trouble decoding the signal.” “Well, it seems I’ve underestimated their resourcefulness then haven’t I?” he said trying to force a smile, but it was not a smiling matter at all. Trevan began to explain the situation to her as best as he could. Trying to make heads or tails of what the intelligence community was trying to do was guess work at its best. “It seems that my pals,” he said stressing the word ‘pals’ as sarcastic as he could, “have heard about our little mission. I have received, well not orders, but a strong suggestion, that if we encounter this culture in any way, shape, or form, that I am to run intensive scans of their technology, acquire it if I can, and deliver it back to them.” Dale’s face remained impassive, in the last year her dealings with Fleet Intel, she had learned one thing; not to be surprised by some of the things that they did. Trevan got up finally and sat on the corner of his desk, looked around for a moment and then spoke, “I am not happy about Dale!” he said, “You think I want to start a relationship with a culture we haven’t seen in over a hundred years by stealing?!” They had been in this position before, tiredness was beginning to force little niggles, irritation which wouldn’t normally happen. She decided to head this one off at the pass, dispensing with the formality. “Hey, you make it sound like it was my suggestion.” “Sorry,” he said and he meant it, “I brought this to your attention as this will complicate matters greatly for you, as well as for me, and I am unsure. A position I am not used to.” Dale laughed, “You and me both. I’m the one with the creative solutions remember?” She stood up, and made her way to the replicator and checking that West didn’t need a refill, grabbed herself a coffee. “So, is this SFI’s order? Meet the newbies, Go steal their stuff!” Again Trevan took a moment to consider his reply, “Well, I know it’s only a suggestion from them. But it was a damn strong one. I am afraid that if I don’t, they will find someone else to do it, and that frightens me even more.” Trevan rubbed his hands against his face, betraying his stress level to Dale. “I mean, we don’t know anything about these people for the last hundred years and the first thing they want me to do is betray them.” Trevan moved the display over to face the both of them, “There it is,” he said to her, “I’m not lying about it.” Dale began to read, rubbing her temples slightly, perhaps subconsciously mimicking West’s previous action. “Indeed,” She reached the end of the message. “You know...” Dale began, pausing to sip her coffee. “During the meeting earlier, Stakes suggested that my mother’s services would be needed. Now, at the time, I’ll admit, i had my doubts. Now though. I’m wondering if it isn’t too close to the truth.” (reply West) Dale nodded, her attention, already drawn back to the data onscreen. “Is this correct, this assessment?” She had carried on reading, looking at the political and Sociological assessment of the Maltorians. “According to this the technology is beyond us, but...have you read this? According to this the whole...dear god Trevan, this can’t be right. At the risk of sounding stupid, Fleet Intel has to be wrong.” (Reply West) (posted by Mark) (USS Dennison – Intelligence Office – Commander Trevan West– 2344) Dale laughed, “You and me both. I’m the one with the creative solutions remember?” She stood up, and made her way to the replicator and checking that West didn’t need a refill, grabbed herself a coffee. “So, is this SFI’s order? Meet the newbies, Go steal their stuff!” Again Trevan took a moment to consider his reply, “Well, I know it’s only a suggestion from them. But it was a damn strong one. I am afraid that if I don’t, they will find someone else to do it, and that frightens me even more.” Trevan rubbed his hands against his face, betraying his stress level to Dale. “I mean, we don’t know anything about these people for the last hundred years and the first thing they want me to do is betray them.” Trevan moved the display over to face the both of them, “There it is,” he said to her, “I’m not lying about it.” Dale began to read, rubbing her temples slightly, perhaps subconsciously mimicking West’s previous action. “Indeed,” She reached the end of the message. “You know...” Dale began, pausing to sip her coffee. “During the meeting earlier, Stakes suggested that my mother’s services would be needed. Now, at the time, I’ll admit, I had my doubts. Now though. I’m wondering if it isn’t too close to the truth.” Trevan looked shocked, “He said that did he? Hmm.” he said trailing off into thought. Dale nodded, her attention, already drawn back to the data onscreen. “Is this correct, this assessment?” She had carried on reading, looking at the political and Sociological assessment of the Maltorians. “According to this the technology is beyond us, but...have you read this? According to this the whole...dear god Trevan, this can’t be right. At the risk of sounding stupid, Fleet Intel has to be wrong.” Trevan had thought about that, “They aren’t. This was checked twice, and from the looks of their recent history, it seems accurate.” he stated, smelling the coffee from Dale’s cup. It made him think of home for a moment. “I think it’s time to call the senior staff in on this. This has become more delicate than we thought.” (reply Bracken) “I know, I know. He’s not going to like it, but it needs to be done. We can set it for early morning, say 0600. Which means we both will need sleep to keep our minds sharp.” (reply Bracken) “Agreed,” he replied and tapped his badge, “West to Captain Stakes, my apologies sir for contacting you at this hour but I need to call a Starfleet Intelligence Briefing for 0600 hours tomorrow. Everyone must attend, no exceptions.” (reply Stakes) “Sorry sir, it needs to be done.” replied Trevan, while giving a shrug to Dale. (reply Stakes) “Yes, it involves the status of our current mission,” he stated. (reply Stakes) “Goodnight sir. West out.” he said and then leaned over to his display panel. Trevan brought up the screen and sent his message out to all the senior staff of the Dennison, “Thanks Dale, I’ll need you to assist me on the briefing tomorrow as well, pleasant dreams,” he added. (reply Stakes, Bracken) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) Healer in the Tower Stardate: 2408.01.09 Day: 184 ( USS Dennison- Ben Soma’s Quarters- Ensign (jg) Ben Soma- 0500) A shrill alarm woke Ben. Then he heard the computer say, [ Time is 0500 ] Ben rolled out of bed and walked over to the sink and mirror, took a look at his reflection and said to himself, “ Good morning Ensign, you could use a shave.” After shaving Ben had a quick shower, pulled on his uniform and once again walked to the mirror for a look. ~ Much better~ He thought as he regarded his reflection. Satisfied that he looked presentable he proceded to the replicator for a cup of coffee and some toast. After he finished his breakfast Ben said, “Computer, what is the present time?” [ The time is 0537 ] Came the computers prompt relpy. ~ Time to head to the meeting~ Ben thought as he headed to the door. When he had exited his quarters Ben walked down the corridor in search of a Turbolift. (USS Dennison – Quarters– Commander Trevan West– 0515) ‘It was going to be one of those days’ thought Trevan as he woke up from his small amount of sleep. He felt as if he has been tossing all night, and that wasn’t probably far from the truth. Dragging his feet along the carpet over to the sink and mirror he took a look at himself, and saw the craters under his eyes that were big enough to hide a shuttlecraft, staring back at him. The cold water didn’t do much to perk him up, but it did clear out the fuzz on his brain. After a shave and shower, he placed his uniform on and grabbed his data PADD and headed out the door. (USS Dennison, Briefing Room, Commander Trevan West, 0538) It was still at least twenty minutes before anyone showed up and that was good, since he needed time to set everything up. Tevan was hoping Dale would show before the meeting started, he hated setting up alone. Replicating a few pitchers of juice and coffee, he placed them on the table for everyone. He was of course assuming that they needed them. Sitting a chair at the table he began to review the data on the main screen, making sure it was all in the right order and that it all made sense. Once he was finished, he replicated a small holographic unit and placed it in front of himself. Looking at the clock on the panel, he could see that he had to do something he wasn’t good at....killing time. (reply all) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher (USS Dennison – Briefing Room – First Officer - Commander Eric McDermott – 0545) McDermott had a busy day planned out for himself so when he had heard about Commander West’s meeting it had been no hardship on him. He’d already planned on being up early so it was a simple matter of reshuffling his schedule so that he could attend the meeting. He was in his office by 0530 where he discussed the day’s schedule with his yeoman and T’vel who had arrived only minutes after he had. Leaving them to continue organizing for the grueling series of meetings that he would be having later Eric headed for the Briefing Room arriving early, as was his standard. As he walked into the room he noted that West had already arrived and nodding he said, “Good morning commander I-” The sudden stab of pain that shot up along his spinal column nearly caused his knees to buckle and he grabbed at the small of his back gasping in pain. Stumbling forward he grasped the edge of the table and took several deep breaths before looking up at West who was looking concerned. (Reply: West) Glancing around him McDermott was relieved that they were still alone and shaking his head he said, “It’s nothing Commander I’m fine.” (Reply: West, any as needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) (USS Dennison – Briefing Room – Commander Trevan West– 0546) Trevan had been sitting in the chair with it facing the window when he heard the door open, ‘someone’s early’ he thought ‘must be Dale’. He turned to see Commander McDermott. As he walked into the room he noted that West had already arrived and nodding he said, “Good morning commander I-” Trevan was concerned at the sudden halt in Eric’s sentence and the stumble wasn’t normal. Glancing around him McDermott was relieved that they were still alone and shaking his head he said, “It’s nothing Commander I’m fine.” Trevan walked up to McDermott, “Eric, do you think I am stupid?” he asked. (reply McDermott) “Then why treat me like I am. I am a very observant person, and I know you well enough to know something is bothering you physically,” he said while maintaining eye contact with the man not two feet from him, “I have put off saying something, and I shouldn’t have left it this long,” he said pausing to take a deep breath, “What the hell is going on?!” he said in a loud voice. Thankfully no-one was there to hear it. ‘Either he’s going to answer me, or, take a swing at me’ thought West. (reply McDermott,) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) ( USS Dennison- Briefing Room, Commander Trevan West- 0548) “ Commanders, am I interrupting anything?” Trevan looked at the man for a moment, totally not knowing who he was, he assumed he was a new transfer officer. “No not at all Ensign,” he said to Ben, then leaning over to Eric, “We will talk later,” he said in a whisper. Trevan walked towards the Ensign, “Welcome aboard Ensign, I am Commander Trevan West, ships Executive Officer and Intelligence Officer,” he said and then put up his hand towards McDermott, “Please, no Intelligence jokes. It’s too early,” (reply Soma) “Just waiting for the rest to arrive. Grab a seat and a PADD and perhaps you could tell me about yourself. Where did you come from?” he said, already knowing much about this officer. (reply Soma) (Reply Everyone) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) (USS Dennison – Briefing Room – First Officer - Commander Eric McDermott – 0549) West walked up to McDermott, “Eric, do you think I am stupid?” he asked. Eric leveled a quelling glare at West but it simply bounced off the other man. McDermott knew the other man was not stupid and he had been willing to pretend that nothing was wrong as long as West had been willing to pretend that he did not notice anything. Obviously that equation had changed. Eyes narrowed he said, “No and I don’t believe I’ve ever implied as much either Commander West.” “Then why treat me like I am. I am a very observant person, and I know you well enough to know something is bothering you physically,” he said while maintaining eye contact with the man not two feet from him, “I have put off saying something, and I shouldn’t have left it this long,” he said pausing to take a deep breath, “What the hell is going on?!” he said in a loud voice. Thankfully no one was there to hear it. ‘Either he’s going to answer me, or, take a swing at me’ thought West. “Commanders, am I interrupting anything?” McDermott glanced over at the young Ensign for a moment and then back at West who was whispering, “We will talk later.” Nodding to West he responded with, “I will make myself available at your convenience Commander.” Turning to the Ensign who had just introduced himself Eric said, “Don’t worry about it Ensign Soma it was nothing important enough that can’t be dealt with later.” He offered the young man a firendly nod. Moving away from the other two officers Eric took his place at the head of the table and busied himself with his schedule PADD sending several possible times when he was open for a meeting to West’s PADD so that the man could pick a time convenient to both of them. (Reply: Any as needed) (Posted By: Ken Thacker) ( USS Dennison- Breifing Room- Ensign (jg) Ben Soma- 0550) “ No not at all Ensign,” Commander West said to Ben as he leaned in and whispered something to Commander Mcdermott. Then Commander West walked towards Ben,”Welcome aboard Ensign, I am Commander Trevan West, ships Executive Officer and Intelligence Officer,” he said and then put up his hand towards McDermott, “Please, no Intelligence jokes. It’s too early,” Ben looked at Commander West and took in his appearence, he was a few inches taller than Ben and was broad shouldered.~ I’ll have to remember to stay on his good side~ Ben thought to himself. Then Ben decided it was time to introduce himself to the commanders. “ Thank you for the welcome Sir. I am Ensign junior grade Ben Soma, assistant tactical cheif for the Dennison. “ Ben thought that it was a little odd that no other officers were present for the meeting yet. “ Commander, where is everyone?” Ben asked. “Just waiting for the rest to arrive. Grab a seat and a PADD and perhaps you could tell me about yourself. Where did you come from?” Commander West answered. Ben took a seat and a PADD and began to give the commander a little information on himself. “ Well Sir, I’m from Earth. My parents opperated a freighter, delivering different supplies and what not all around. Few years ago I stayed planet side while my parents went of on thier run and never returned. The report I received said it was the Borg. After that I hopped around on various ships and bases doing a little of everything.” Ben paused to take a deep breath, his parents deaths was a great shock to him and the wounds had not completely healed yet. After a few seconds he continued. “ I settled on Starbase 85 for a few years as a shuttle pilot, carrying cargo and passengers to and from base. After a while I decided to join Starfleet and become an officer. Four years at the academy and now I’m here on the Dennison.” Ben finished his short bio and regarded Commander West. “ Sir, if I may. What is the general concern of this meeting?” (reply West) (posted by Milo Young) (USS Dennison – Briefing room – CSO/a2O Bracken – 0550) Dale strode into the briefing room, a couple of PADDs in hand, that the duty Science Officer had handed her as she had passed the labs on the way to the briefing room. It contained the duty rostas, and the second contained current status of research in the different areas of her departments. “Good morning Commanders. How are we at this ridiculous hour of the morning?” Dale had never been a morning person. (Reply Mcdermott/West) “Indeed.” She turned to West. “Trevan, I read through some of the intel again last night, the more I think about it, the more concerned I become. If we do get to meet the Maltorians, we are going to have to play our cards very close to our chest.” (Reply West) “Yes I know. We shall see.” She had seen the junior Ensign around the Dennison. She was slightly ashamed to realise that she had not actually spoken to him. “Please, Forgive me Ensign, Good Morning, and welcome to the Dennison, even at this hour in the morning, she’s a magnificent ship. Lieutenant Dale Bracken, CSO and acting Second Officer” (Reply Soma) (Posted by Mark Howard) ( USS Dennison- Briefing Room- Commander Trevan West- 0551) “Just waiting for the rest to arrive. Grab a seat and a PADD and perhaps you could tell me about yourself. Where did you come from?” Commander West answered. Ben took a seat and a PADD and began to give the commander a little information on himself. “ Well Sir, I’m from Earth. My parents operated a freighter, delivering different supplies and what not all around. Few years ago I stayed planet side while my parents went of on their run and never returned. The report I received said it was the Borg. After that I hopped around on various ships and bases doing a little of everything.” Ben paused to take a deep breath, his parents deaths was a great shock to him and the wounds had not completely healed yet. After a few seconds he continued. “ I settled on Starbase 85 for a few years as a shuttle pilot, carrying cargo and passengers to and from base. After a while I decided to join Starfleet and become an officer. Four years at the academy and now I’m here on the Dennison.” Ben finished his short bio and regarded Commander West. “ Sir, if I may. What is the general concern of this meeting?” Trevan smiled, ‘a fresh mind’ he thought, “First off, I am sorry about your parents,” he said, “and secondly, the general concern of this meeting is to discuss certain issues regarding our current mission with the Maltorians. This is not a mission briefing. It’s an intelligence briefing, so this will focus more on geo-political status, cultural issues and things of that nature that has come up in the last twenty-four hours.” Trevan had hoped not to get into fine detail at this moment in time, “I will get into further detail in the briefing, suffice it to say that security is one concern we have which is why I am glad you are here.” he replied and grabbed a second cup of coffee from the table. Smelled the fresh roasted beans, or, what the computer thought fresh coffee should smell like anyway. Nonetheless, it still smelled and tasted good, and that was the important thing. “Sorry, where are my manners, please help yourself Ensign. It’s here for everybody as I know it’s quite early in the morning.” (reply Soma) Then Trevan heard Dale Bracken behind him “Good morning Commanders. How are we at this ridiculous hour of the morning?” Dale had never been a morning person. Trevan smiled, “As good as I can be for 0600.” “Indeed.” She turned to West. “Trevan, I read through some of the Intel again last night, the more I think about it, the more concerned I become. If we do get to meet the Maltorians, we are going to have to play our cards very close to our chest.” “You spent last night reading!? Are you crazy?” he asked not really expecting a reply, “I am concerned as well, and we will address in this briefing. I don’t even think we can play close to our chest, I think we need to keep our cards up our sleeves. This is not good.” he replied. “Yes I know. We shall see.” She had seen the junior Ensign around the Dennison. She was slightly ashamed to realize that she had not actually spoken to him. “Please, Forgive me Ensign, Good Morning, and welcome to the Dennison, even at this hour in the morning, she’s a magnificent ship. Lieutenant Dale Bracken, CSO and acting Second Officer” Trevan thought that was nice of her, she was a great ship. (reply Everyone) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) ( USS Dennison- Breifing Room- Ensign (jg) Ben Soma- 0552) “First off, I am sorry about your parents,” Commander West said, “and secondly, the general concern of this meeting is to discuss certain issues regarding our current mission with the Maltorians. This is not a mission briefing. It’s an intelligence briefing, so this will focus more on geo-political status, cultural issues and things of that nature that has come up in the last twenty-four hours.” “I will get into further detail in the briefing, suffice it to say that security is one concern we have which is why I am glad you are here.” he replied and grabbed a cup of coffee from the table. “Sorry, where are my manners, please help yourself Ensign. It’s here for everybody as I know it’s quite early in the morning.” Ben Thanked the Commander and took a cup of coffee for himself, took in the aroma and thought to himself ~ I have a feeling I will be needing a few of these before the day is over~ The breifing room door chose that particular moment to swish open. Ben looked towrds the door as someone else entered. The young woman was around Ben’s height and by the pips on her collar she was a Lieutenant junior grade. Ben thought she was a little young for the rank but was unaware of her service record. She spoke to Commander West for a while before turning towards Ben and saying, “Please, Forgive me Ensign, Good Morning, and welcome to the Dennison, even at this hour in the morning, she’s a magnificent ship. Lieutenant Dale Bracken, CSO and acting Second Officer” “ Good morning Lieutenant Bracken,” Ben said.” I am Ensign junior grade Ben Soma, assistant tactical cheif. Thank you for the welcome.” ( reply Bracken/West/Mcdermott) ( posted by Milo Young) (U.S.S. Dennison–Briefing Room–Ops Ensign Chance Raschen-0554) Chance was whistling the tune ‘Dixie Land’ as he walked through the door to the Briefing Room with a spring in his step. On the way up from his quarters, he kept thinking about the female Andorian sergeant that he had spent another heavily intimate evening with the night before in her personal quarters onboard the U.S.S. Plantation. Chance remembered meeting So’nia at the costume party his mom had hosted aboard his grandpa’s ship, S.S. Bounty, the month before. They had become fast friends, and shortly after the party, ‘friends with benefits’. As he took notice of the looks on the faces of those present and the time on the wall mounted chronometer; he was glad he was early, but hoped he really wasn’t the last one in. “How’s everyone doin’ this morning?” Chance asked trying not to sound too chipper, but polite just the same as he sat down in a random, unreserved seat with a Cheshire cat grin on his face. (Reply any and/or all) (Posted by Charlie) (USS Dennison - Bridge - CMO Nymes - 0759) Nymes stood relaxed in a new, clean uniform; PADD in hand, happy in the news he had received from Dr Wallace just moments before; the young pilot was out of the woods, and had recovered well from the anaesthesia. Nymes had uploaded the man’s biography into the PADD, and the on call logs for the operation, with the security logs of the station appended along side them. All in all, by the book. Nymes stood ready to rebut the accusations made by the supposed new commanding officer, even though he hadn’t been introduced. Tapping the door chime, Nymes waited for his summons, and receiving it, entered. “Sir, Dr Nymes, CMO Dennison, reporting as ordered” He said, professionally. “Before you start, please allow me to submit my reasons for being late yesterday; As the Duty on Call Officer, I was required to perform surgery during the hours you wished to see me, otherwise an officer would have been murdered. You can see the duty medical logs as supplied by myself and the duty anaesthetist, along with security and operations logs appended if you required them. “As I am sure you are aware, sir, SFM mandates that all seconded medical personnel are required to finish their duty station if any recall orders are received, unless sufficent cover is provided alongside that order. This is to ensure continuity of care for any patients. I admit I was at fault not to contact the ship, but my understanding was that the Dennison was stood down without overnight crew. I stand by my actions - unless I had commited to that surgery, as I have said, there would be one less officer in the 52nd; and your first action as CO of this ship would be to notify his next of kin.” Nymes handed the man the PADD, with the officers details. “Ensign Joseph Lane, Junior CONN officer, posted to the USS Dennison Stardate 2408.01.09.” Nymes watched for any reaction from the man, waiting for the expected fury of a captain scorned. “Today is his first day.” (reply Stakes) (Posted by GC)