Mission: Swords to Ploughshares, Day 7 Stardate: 2408.05.26 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO - Captain Susan Rivers - 1400) They had arrived at the Tobias system some three hours previously, and had cloaked before entering the system at one quarter impulse. Knowing that the occupants of the planet known to Starfleet as Tobias 5 (but very likely to its inhabitants as something quite different) had been on the threshold of discovering rocket science 40 years ago made it a distinct possibility that they had by now at least got some satellites up, if not attempted space flight themselves. Their caution had proved correct when the scans revealed a network of satellites orbiting Tobias 5. Running constant scans, the Boudicca had approached the moon of Tobias 5, searching for the device that Zach's files said had been hidden there. Unfortunately all scans had come back as negative and they were now taking a closer look. Traces of Zach's shuttle landing on the moon's surface were clear enough. So, unfortunately, was something else. Susan looked at the magnified image on the viewscreen. "Is that what I think it is?" she asked, rhetorically. It was clear enough to all not to need a reply. A flag bearing an alien insignia that she recognised from the files of the earlier survey of the system was firmly planted on the moon's surface, not far from Zach's landing site. The Tobians had not only made it into space, they had made it to their moon. Worse than that, there was no trace of the device at all. (Reply any on the Bridge, any) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - FO Commander Aleksander Stolev - Day 7 - 1401) Stolev's eyes flicked between the main viewscreen and his armchair console as they scanned the surface of the Tobian moon for traces of the device they had come here to retrieve. So far their results were negative, so they had moved in closer to the moon and were searching the area where he had supposedly landed both visually and with scanners. A peculiar pattern of moondust caught Stolev's attention, and he leaned forward to peer at the viewscreen. "Increase magnification on grid sector 23 beta." The area instantly enlarged, and he could now clearly make out not one, but two sets of landing marks. One was clearly a standard Starfleet shuttle; the nacelles gave the landing site a distinct configuration. However, the other marks were alien, and a closer look revealed what appeared to be a flag of some sort planted between the two landing marks. ~Well that sure complicates things, doesn't it.~ "Is that what I think it is?" asked Rivers rhetorically. "I'm afraid so," concurred Stolev. "Captain," Sprak said turning his chair from the science station so he could face the Captain. "There is no sign of the device anywhere on the moons surface. I don't think we need the legendary Sherlock Holmes to know where the device is now. There are no other signs of any warp capable ships having been in the system. I have broadened the scanning radius to include the planet looking for the distinct power profile of the device, but we may have to get close to get a more positive reading. I feel I must also warn you that if the device is now on the planets surface, in the possession of the native species, then this whole system, us included, are in grave peril. The device is NOT stable, in fact I am amazed they managed to move the device without detonating it in the first place. I can only surmise at this time that their lack of subspace technology has saved them in this instance. I would recommend we either retreat from the system, and to a safe distance, until a course of action has been decided, or we take a really deep breath and establish a standard orbit around the planet and attempt to determine the device's location and hope it doesn't detonate taking the planet, us, and the entire system with it." Rivers listened to the CSO's assessment, and nodded. "We will not retreat," she said. "This device is here and this system and its inhabitants are at risk because of us. Not this ship or crew directly but Starfleet was responsible indirectly for it being here and we are the ones tasked with retrieving it. We will do so," she added firmly. "Helm, establish standard orbit around the planet. Mr Sprak, do whatever you can to locate the device. Once we know where it is, we will then formulate a plan to retrieve it, or at the very least make it safe." (reply helm, Sprak) "In the meantime, I will see what else I can discover from Falthgood's notes that may help us. Number One, you have the Bridge. I will be on the holodeck." "Understood," replied Stolev. As she spoke, she rose and headed for the turbolift. "Deck 10," she said, then tapped her commbadge as the turbolift began moving. "Rivers to Colonel Drizzt. Meet me at Holodeck 1 as soon as you can. I need your help." Stolev shifted over to the center chair and watched the viewscreen as Tobias 5 grew gradually larger, and suddenly more ominous, as he pondered how they would retrieve the device from the planet without violating the Prime Directive, or worse, destroying the entire star system. ---------- (USS Boudicca, Bridge, CSO, Commander Sprak, 1405) Sprak had been studying the ships sensors readings on the moon they were orbiting looking for any sign of the device they'd come to destroy, with no success. After studying the readings, Sprak had reconfigured the sensors and broadened the scanning radius, though he was fairly certain where they would now find the device. "Captain," Sprak said turning his chair from the science station so he could face the Captain. "There is no sign of the device anywhere on the moons surface. I don't think we need the legendary Sherlock Holmes to know where the device is now. There are no other signs of any warp capable ships having been in the system. I have broadened the scanning radius to include the planet looking for the distinct power profile of the device, but we may have to get close to get a more positive reading. I feel I must also warn you that if the device is now on the planets surface, in the possession of the native species, then this whole system, us included, are in grave peril. The device is NOT stable, in fact I am amazed they managed to move the device without detonating it in the first place. I can only surmise at this time that their lack of subspace technology has saved them in this instance. I would recommend we either retreat from the system, and to a safe distance, until a course of action has been decided, or we take a really deep breath and establish a standard orbit around the planet and attempt to determine the device's location and hope it doesn't detonate taking the planet, us, and the entire system with it." (Reply Rivers, Any on Bridge) (posted by Wes) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO, Captain Susan Rivers - Day 7 - 1407) Susan listened to the CSO's assessment, and nodded. "We will not retreat," she said. "This device is here and this system and its inhabitants are at risk because of us. Not this ship or crew directly but Starfleet was responsible indirectly for it being here and we are the ones tasked with retrieving it. We will do so," she added firmly. "Helm, establish standard orbit around the planet. Mr Sprak, do whatever you can to locate the device. Once we know where it is, we will then formulate a plan to retrieve it, or at the very least make it safe." (reply helm, Sprak) "In the meantime, I will see what else I can discover from Falthgood's notes that may help us. Number One, you have the Bridge. I will be on the holodeck." As she spoke, she rose and headed for the turbolift. "Deck 10," she said, then tapped her commbadge as the turbolift began moving. "Rivers to Colonel Drizzt. Meet me at Holodeck 1 as soon as you can. I need your help." ---------- (USS Boudicca, Bridge, CSO, Commander Sprak, 1408) "We will not retreat," Captain Rivers said. "This device is here and this system and its inhabitants are at risk because of us. Not this ship or crew directly but Starfleet was responsible indirectly for it being here and we are the ones tasked with retrieving it. We will do so," she added firmly. "Helm, establish standard orbit around the planet. Mr Sprak, do whatever you can to locate the device. Once we know where it is, we will then formulate a plan to retrieve it, or at the very least make it safe." Sprak took a deep breath, nodded once, and turned back toward his station. "It wouldn't of exactly been retreating," He mumbled softly under his breath. "More like a strategic withdrawal. Yea, that's it, a strategic withdrawal." He only half listened as the Captain gave the issued more orders to the helm before leaving the Bridge. Sprak began tapping away on his console working to reconfigure the sensors while looking over the data that was coming in as the ship changed course toward the planet. Within seconds Sprak was once more engrossed in the sensor data coming in to the exclusion of all else. ~Finding this device and actually being able to study it will be a wonderful opportunity. Destroying it will be a real shame.~ Sometime latter Sprak was working on pin pointing the exact location of the energy signature of the device, or as close as he could get at present, when the Captain's voice suddenly jarred him from his train of thought. =/\=Rivers to all senior staff. There will be a meeting in the Observation Lounge at 1500 hours. Mandatory attendance. Rivers out.=/\= Sprak looked at the crono briefly noting the time before turning his attention once more to his sensors. ~The game is afoot.~ He thought with a small smile. ---------- (USS Boudicca - Deck 10, Holodeck - CO Captain Susan Rivers and MXO Lt Col Leonal Drizzt - 1420) "Thanks for coming along," Susan said. "I don't know what information Zach put on here but it seems to me that if we need to disable this weapon, then it will help if you know something about it. But since I don't know what else he might say, I don't want to run the program in a room full of people I hardly know." They entered the holodeck, and the door slid closed it behind them. "Computer, seal this room," Drizzt ordered. The computer beeped in reply. "Computer, activate program Zulu Foxtrot Sierra Romeo Tango One," commanded Susan. In the centre of the room, not more then a couple of feet from the pair, the image of an exceptionally tall man in Lieutenant's pips appeared, and he was wearing a pair of antique shades. The hologram, whom Drizzt assumed was Falthgood, stood frozen for a few moments before 'coming to life'. He/it looked around, and then focused his gaze on Rivers. "Susan!" the large man said, before bending down faster then a flash, tipping the Captain back, and giving her a rather deep and impromptu kiss. He tipped Susan back up after a couple of moments, "So, are you ready for kids yet? And... did you ever find those shades we lost on..." He broke off and looked over at Drizzt. The Andorian quirked an eyebrow as the hologram coughed, "Sorry, the mood took me. Lieutenant Falthgood, mad scientist extraordinare." The hologram paused and looked back at Susan- he still hadn't given her a chance to speak. "Is it safe to talk around blue-foot here?" "You can trust him as you trust me," Susan replied simply. "Zach, this is Lt Colonel Leonal Drizzt. Leonal is my life-partner, and the father of my daughter." She knew this was only a hologram, and technically she didn't have to explain things to him, but somehow, knowing Zach and what he was capable of, she decided to err on the side of caution. "Ah, alright then. So, how are you?" he smiled largely, "And what brings you to this plain..." the hologram paused and snapped a dramatic finger, three chairs appeared out of nowhere. Zach sat down, "... to this plain room?" Susan took a seat. "We're in the Tobias system, to look for the device hidden there. Since there's a planet with a pre-warp civilisation, we need to know how to deactivate and destroy it safely. I have your instructions, of course, but I need to know if there is anything else you can tell us. " The jovial look on the Lieutenant's face suddenly disappeared, and a couple of moments passed. "I have been programmed to access to knowledge of the database," he said in a voice as close to toneless as one could get. "And a few other pre-programmed responses. Ask your questions, I will tell you what I can." Susan felt a small pang almost of loss as the happy-go-lucky persona of the Zachary Falthgood she had known disappeared, to be replaced by what was almost an automaton with his face and voice. She had been very fond of Zach, and had even shed a few tears when she had received the box he had sent her and realised he was dead. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Getting maudlin wasn't going to help now. "We went to the moon specified in your notes," she said. "There was no device there. There was evidence of some kind of moon landing though, primitive space equipment, footprints. Debris. A flag. But no device. And no sign of it having been there either." "I left it in the care of the race whose planet that moon orbits." The pseudo-Zach said, matter-of-factly. "You. did. *what*?" "I guess you should read further. They had big rockets and little common sense, I had to improvise, I thought I did pretty well under the circumstances - so bite me." "I'm tempted, believe me," Susan said grimly. "What the... *hell* were you thinking, Zach?" "Hmmm. either take more unscheduled time that would make Doenitz question where I was, and why I had gone incommunicado for so long... or improvise, show up as the Prophet of their chief good Deities and set an entire civilization to watching over it as a holy relic that would blast them all to hell if it were stolen, touched or misplaced. Tell me, Susan Rivers, what would you have done?" "I would have told Doenitz to stick his head up his **** the first time he asked me to do something dodgy," Susan retorted. "But we're not talking about what I might have said or done but what you did and why." "... and then nobody would have been present to oversee his activities, head off some of the more unnecessary actions, and prepare for a future. Who else of influence and with any moral code at all existed within the structure?" "Oh, you could always justify anything," Susan snorted. "You have the gift of the gab, Zach. But the past is the past, what we have to do now is find a way to get that device away from those people. Or make it safe." "Laudable goal." he said after a pause. "Follow my directions exactly and the people should not be harmed. In fact, you might even put them on a religious golden age, having fulfilled the task assigned to them by their gods." Susan rolled her eyes. "I am not going to interfere with their civilisation any more than you have already," she snapped. "Is there a booby-trap? If the device was accessed incorrectly for example, without the correct codes being entered, would it go off?" Drizzt quirked his head to the side and stepped up next to Susan as the hologram paused for many long seconds, not moving and not speaking. Finally, the reproduction of Zach made a human gesture by pulling off his shades. "Booby trap..." the hologram said, almost in a musing tone. The tone was replaced almost immediately by his monotone: "That was one of the many cached devices I'd hidden away against the possibility of Admiral Doenitz rising to power, one that I had not recovered at the time this recording was made" Zachary said, his tone now deadly serious. "If you are going to attempt to find and deactivate it, you had better be ready for a rough ride. Although it wasn't the most deadly of the things I found, it was never meant to be a weapon at all, it -was- rather touchy. Furthermore, I enlisted the aid of the native civilization to help guard it. In order to ensure they never touched it, I had to instil in them that the device is the key to the gateway to the Darkness, which you can roughly equate to the Terran Hell although the premise is rather different. In order to retrieve it without killing most of the temple that they have it stowed in, you will have send an away team to pose as Tresan, the Goddess of Light, Yeltendy the Earth Deity, and Brensa, the Moon Deity or their emissaries. These three together are the opposite counterpart of the Lord of the Black, who rules over the Darkness and together they form a balance, the balance of life itself. You can find the basics to their religion on one of the PADDs that Zachary provided- he had to do a detailed analysis to make sure he had instilled the proper amount of fear into their society." The being paused. "The combination code to the device is 5-6-Alpha-9-five." He paused again, "This code is incorrect, it has been encrypted for security. Zachary will have given you a secure PADD of decryption keys and security subroutines, run my provided code for the correct one." Zach paused again, almost as if in thought. "Be careful when disarming the device and destroying it, if its power source is deactivated improperly, it will release a wave of energy which will disassociate all nuclear bonds across the entire system." Susan stared at him in silence for a long moment. "That we knew," she said evenly, after the pause. "Tell me something, Zach, are all these devices going to be as easy or are we just lucky with this one?" The image smiled in a lopsided manner. "Did I ever do anything ‘the easy way’?" he asked, rhetorically. "Computer, end program," was Susan's response. She had got the information she was after, and more besides. One thing she was certain of, no one was going to be impersonating deities or emissaries on her watch. Zach might have regarded the Prime Directive as a set of guidelines but that didn't mean she had to. She looked at Leonal and smiled ruefully. "Well, things just got a whole lot more interesting, didn't they." She tapped her commbadge. "Rivers to all senior staff. There will be a meeting in the Observation Lounge at 1500 hours. Mandatory attendance. Rivers out." (Reply ALL) (Posted by Jeremy Trout and Liz Geuken) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Deck 4, Shuttle Maintenance - A/CEO Lorimar - 1421) Lorimar had been working with two of his engineering crew trying to sort and inventory the remaining parts from the Runabout Astoria. After the small vessel had been stripped and renamed Phoenix, she had been lost on the away mission to stop the Planet Killer ~Along wie the loss of much more important things,~ Bob thought grimly. He had originally assigned Ensign Harris the job of redesigning and reassembling a replacement, since Runabouts and auxiliary craft were in very short supply after the war. The only way to get a 'new' vessel in the immediate future was to build one aboard the ship. Sadly, Mr. Harris had barely started the design stage when his attention was required on more immediate matters. Boudicca was still short a Runabout... so the project had to be picked up once again. He had a rough draft of some updated specifications, along with the latest revisions from Fleet Engineering. Now to 'tweak' things a bit. He uploaded the files in progress onto his PADD, and appended a short notation: "To: Any/All interested departments Re: Runabout Design Project CC: CO,FO,2O,ATT Engineering is in the process of reconstructing a replacement Runabout. Any departments having interest or input please contact A/CEO Lorimar. All suggestions welcome, anyone with mission specific requirements please come forward. Thank you in advance for your participation, Lt. Lorimar" Satisfied, Bob uploaded the message to be distributed to all department heads and assistants via the shipboard comm system. =^=Rivers to all senior staff. There will be a meeting in the Observation Lounge at 1500 hours. Mandatory attendance. Rivers out.=^= Bob tapped his commbadge, acknowledged, and then got back to the task at hand. (Reply Any interested) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - FO Commander Aleksander Stolev - Day 7 - 1435) They had been in standard orbit for a few minutes, and so far Sprak had not been able to locate the device. However, the planet was much larger than its moon, and would understandably take longer to scan, as the profile of the device was low and any scans had to be completely passive in order to avoid detonating the device or being detected by the Tobians. The comm system whistled, and Stolev instinctively looked up at the sound of the captain's voice. =^= Rivers to all senior staff. There will be a meeting in the Observation Lounge at 1500 hours. Mandatory attendance. Rivers out. = ^= "I guess she found something," he muttered to himself, hoping that whatever it was would make it easier for them to complete the mission. ----------- (USS Boudicca - Conference Room - Crewman Shadow to Sretalles - Day 7 - 1440) Shadow felt a little naughty sitting in the Captain's chair as she finished her notes for meeting preparation, but it wasn't like she was sitting in the Big Chair on the bridge or something. She wouldn't stay long, afterall, just a place to rest her rump.. besides, it squished her tail into her bum and it was terribly uncomfortable. She didn't know how Captain Susan managed to sit on it without squirming. Drinks, plenty of PADDs, mission details, department reports, notes, clean table, chairs, the place was as ready as it would get. Shadow took her customary seat on the stool behind and to the right of the Captain. Placed behind mostly so she couldn't be kicked. Not that she didn't think the Captain wouldn't find a way if she wanted, or wouldn't just send her mate to do the kicking as necessary. (Reply any) (Posted by Lorna) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Conference Room - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1445) It was almost an obsession with Dorga to arrive early for meetings. Eversince her very first staff meeting on her first assignment out of the Academy, (was that really over a decade ago?), when she'd hurtled into the meeting having run all the way there, and still arrived a minute late. Now she made sure she was always on time by arriving as early as possible. She wondered what this meeting was about, it had been right out of the blue without a lot of notice. Just as she had expected, Shadow was already there having prepared everything with her usual efficiency. Dorga greeted her with a smile and took a seat at the table after helping herself to a large glass of ice water. Soon after her fellow Vulcan/Klingon hybrid arrived and she gave him a welcoming smile. As each of the other officers arrived, Dorga would look up from the PADD she was reading and greet them cordially before reading more. It was always a good opportunity to catch up on personnel files, or making reports while waiting for a meeting to start. (reply any) (posted by Sal) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - A/CEO Lorimar - 1448) Bob walked into the Observation Lounge, comfortably early for a change. He was getting better at managing his time, barring emergencies of course. With a polite nod to those already present, he took his usual seat. (Reply Any) (Posted by Russ) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Conference Room - ATT- Lt. Cmdr- Matthew McLaren - 1450) Matthew had spent the last couple of days working with Shun to perfect and assemble the new grav chair. This one was more upright than the last and Matthew preferred the raised design to the recumbent version that he had used prior. Besides the smaller chassis, there was also the advantage that the more upright model took up less space on the horizontal plane. This meant that not only could the chair more easily fit into a turbo lift car, but that he could now share it with a couple of other officers without making them feel claustrophobic. The doors to the lounge hissed open and Matthew drifted in with the ease of a veteran pilot. The Chief counselor greeted him and he returned her greeting. His transfer to the ATT department was now official and Matthew couldn't be happier. He had completed his first project and was already looking into his second. He had even had time to send Ensign Harris a few modification suggestions for the design of the replacement runabout that was being constructed in the Maintenance bay. He had a woman that loved him, he had work to occupy him, and the freedom to conduct his own work as he desired. For the first time since his accident, Matthew was genuinely happy. He no longer looked at the physical limitations as a hindrance, but more as a challenge to be overcome. He had been spending a great deal of time reading technical papers on Neural interface chips and neural chip-to-nerve interaction studies. That research teamed with the data that Lorimar had provided on the micro servos and microsensors, had planted a seed that Matthew was starting to grow in his fertile imagination. In his own mind, if nowhere else, he truly believed that technology could solve any problem, if applied correctly. He had a problem and he had technology. The solution would be coming along soon enough. He stopped his chair at the end of the table, where there would be the most room, then lowered it so that the foot of the chair hovered just a few millimeters above the floor of the lounge. He would still be sitting higher than just about anyone else except maybe Zzt, but it was the lowest that he could get. Matthew activated his PADD and continued reading up on the research that he was doing while he waited for the meeting to begin. (reply Any) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Conference Room - ACOP- Lt. Tollian Yalix- 1452) Tollian walked in a few minutes early as was his habit, when asked to attend meetings. He was greeted by and returned a greeting to the Second Officer. There were already a few officers present and Tollian took a few moments to claim a chair before filling a glass with cold crisp water and taking his seat. He smiled and nodded at the Captain's yeoman in silent appreciation for her consideration and sat waiting for the captain to arrive and the meeting to begin. (reply any) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (USS Boudicca -Deck 1 -Observation Lounge - ACMO Ens.(Jg) Tau Renora - 1453) Dr. Tau entered the Observation Lounge. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be here, but scuttlebutt among the crew about the Captain led him to believe that if this were an overstepping of his rank, an official reprimand was probably not forthcoming. None of the scattering of officers already present, however, seemed concerned, so he slipped quietly into the furthest chair from the Captain's chair. Here he could have more control over how much he spoke, if at all, during the conversation. It's not that he was planning on remaining silent, it's just that that usually what ended happening in situations like this, whether or not he wanted it. He sat back, smiled briefly at the ones who made eye contact with him, and then sank back into his own thoughts waiting for the Captain to arrive. (Reply any) (Posted by Rori) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, CSO Commander Sprak, 14.58) Sprak walked into the Observation Lounge, his nose buried in a PADD that contained all the latest sensor data. He had linked it directly to the science station on the Bridge and was receiving updated sensor data as it came in. ~Fascinating.~ He thought to himself, his tail whipping about absently behind him as he studied the complex energy profile of the device. Absently, Sprak made his way over to his chair and hopped up into it, never taking his eyes off his PADD. "The quantum variance is very intriguing," He said to himself, "Wonder if it could pierce the dimensional barrier if the power level was increased sufficiently? Maybe even the temporal barrier." (Reply Any at Meeting) (Posted by Wes) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, ATT Lt. Commander Zzt, 14.59) Zzt walked in at the last possible moment turning sideways and bowing down in order to fit through the door way. Once inside, he stood to his full height, stretched his neck and shoulders. He curled his lips back from his fangs as he smiled at everyone in the room, wiggling his claws in greeting to everyone. Lifting his snout he sniffed the air taking in everyone scent before moving over to his usual spot and sat down cross legged on the floor. He looked around confused for a moment before looking over at the Captain's yeomen. ~What was her name again?~ He thought briefly before it came to him. "Yeomen Shoe-dew, where snack?" He asked the Yeoman, looking around again for the large bowel of berries and nuts that the Yeoman had given him at the last meeting (Reply Shadow IYW) (Posted by Wes) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, Crewman Shadow to Sretalles, 1459.5) "Yeomen Shoe-dew, where snack?" He asked the Yeoman, looking around again for the large bowel of berries and nuts that the Yeoman had given him at the last meeting Shadow blinked, startled that the very big engineer was talking to her and licked her whiskers nervously. "I apologize Sir Zzt, I did not have the time or resources to create an appropriate environment to assist with your meeting process." A bit stilted, but it was better than twisting her tail and saying 'Well, there was that whole spitting on half the senior crew incident at the last meeting..' (Reply Zzt :) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - FO Commander Aleksander Stolev - Day 7 - 1500) Stolev walked into the Observation Lounge just as the chronometer display switched from 1459 to 1500, and took his usual seat to the right of the head of the table. He leaned back in the chair and waited for Rivers to arrive, eager to hear about what she found in Falthgood's notes. (reply any at meeting) (posted by Aaron) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/SC Lieutenant(jg) Detron Trei - 15.00) Detron walked into the Observation Lounge and took a seat near the front. He placed his PADD on the table and went to the replicator for some Earl Gray. He returned to his seat and waited for the rest to arrive. (Reply Any at meeting) (Posted by Edward) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1500.5) It had been about twenty-five or so minutes since the Captain had stated a meeting for the senior staff. Niles had been working, on some reports that needed to be done, on the bridge at tactical two. One after another, officers left for the Observation Lounge. Soon enough, Lt. Trei himself, went there on the dot and left him to take over until his return. Niles had been on the bridge for a minute, before finally deciding to head to the meeting. He gestured another officer to take his position. The officer moved from her station to his and he walked around the circular bridge to the Observation Lounge. Niles smiled when he entered, but felt a little awkward. When he entered, everyone was seated and ready to go. Besides the fact that Detron was coming from the replicator with a cup of some kind of drink. He walked around the table to sit next to his superior tactical officer. He pulled up a chair and sat down. ~Am I late?~ (Reply Any in Room) (Posted by Niles George) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/SC lieutenat(jg) Detron Trei - 15.01) Detron saw his assistant sit next to him with a worried look on his face like he was late for the meeting. Detron turned to Niles. "You are not late Niles. The drink I have in front of me is Earl Gray. Earl Gray is a fine form of English tea." (Reply George, any at meeting) (Posted by Edward) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1502) Niles had just made himself comfortable when Detron had stated he wasn't late and describe what kind of drink he had. Detron described it as some form of English tea. Niles sighed in relieve that he wasn't late, but still had some hint of personal insufficiency. He quickly shook it off and just kept smiling. Turning his attention back to the "Earl Gary," that he thought sounded interesting to try, he turned to talk to Detron. "I think I might go try some," he said standing up slowly not to interrupt anyone's conversation. He gracefully walked over to the replicator. He politely asked the computer for some Earl Gary tea. Even if he knew the computer wouldn't care about manners. It soon materialized a cup full of liquid. He reached in and took it out of the space in the wall. Spinning around on his heel, he headed to his seat. Niles took a quick sip, but stopped dead in his tracks. The drink was a taste of citrus favor. It had a kick. Trying to keep a quieted voice, he leaned over to Trei, "Is it supposed to be so... strong?" Niles said with some internal mirth, but he didn't expect to have an answer on a such rhetorical question. (Reply Trei, IYW) He continued to seat back into his seat and pondered how anyone could stand the sharp taste. But as he continued to take sips, the once strong English tea, mellowed out. Soon enough, the drink had become something that his taste buds could get used to. After setting the only sixth-eighth full glass down on the table, he slowly began to nudge it away from him. ~Who ever his Earl guy is, I've had enough of him.~ He looked around the room at the other officers and out the window, while waiting for the meeting to begin. He was sure it would be very soon... ... As sure as life on other planets existed. (Reply Any) (Posted by Niles George) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/SC Lieutenant(jg) Detron Trei - 15.03) Detron smiled in amusement as Niles drank Earl Gray for the first time. Niles reacted to the strong kick Earl Gray provided, but soon calmed down as the taste calmed down as well. Detron gave a quick look of disappointment when Niles pushed it out from his seat. ~Can't handle the kick can you? Grin.~ (Reply George iyw) (Posted by Edward) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - CO - Captain Susan Rivers - 1504) Susan walked into the Observation Lounge a few minutes late, having first stopped off in her quarters to collect the PADDs Zach had sent her and check the information on them with what the holo-Zach had told her in the holodeck. It had taken her a little longer than she had anticipated to track down all the pertinent notes, and she now realised why she had overlooked it at first. Zach had used a complex notation method and the extra information was in an addendum to his original notes which she had originally thought to refer to another section. Having gone through everything again, cross-referencing all the information, she was now certain she had everything. "I apologise for my lateness, ladies and gentlemen" she said abruptly as she took her seat, placing a small pile of PADDs on the table in front of her. "It took longer than I anticipated to gather all the relevant information." (reply any iyw) "As some of you know, we are tasked with something extra aside from the survey of this system." She gave a brief overview of the device they were looking for, for the benefit of those who were not already familiar with the information, and then continued. "That device was not where we believed it to be, on the moon of Tobias V. At first we believed it had been removed by the inhabitants of the planet, who have achieved space flight in the years in between the last survey of this system and today. It seems that the late Captain Falthgood changed his mind about the wisdom of leaving the device on the moon, rightly as it now appeared. What he decided to do, however, I cannot condone. He chose to impersonate the Prophet of their deities and entrusted the device to the safe-keeping of the Temple of the Divine Three and the priests who run the religion. He told them it was the key to the gateway of the Darkness which considering the effect it would have if it went off is probably not inaccurate." She activated the screen. "These are the details of their religion. Tresan, the Goddess of Light, Yeltendy the Earth Deity, and Brensa, the Moon Deity are the Divine Three; they are the opposite counterparts of the Lord of the Black, who rules over the Darkness and together they form a balance, the balance of life itself. Further details can be found on these PADDs - " she indicated the PADDs she had placed on the table - "which you will later need to read and absorb. The correct code for disabling the device are also in those PADDs. We will have to be very careful when disarming the device and destroying it; if the power source is deactivated incorrectly it will release a wave of energy which will disassociate all nuclear bonds across the entire system." She laced her fingers on the table in front of her. "That is, however, not our immediate problem as I'm sure you realise. Our immediate problem is how to gain access to the device in the first place. I have ruled out Captain Falthgood's suggestion of impersonating one of the Deities or their emissary; I believe the Prime Directive has already been abused enough. Therefore, we need an alternative plan. I propose an away team to go to the planet and attempt to gain access to the device in order to make it safe. Once it is, we will use the transporter to remove it from the temple and replace it with a duplicate, without the destructive capability of course." She looked at Louis and Tau. "Doctors, you will need to find a way to alter the away team's appearance so that they look like normal inhabitants. Louis, I believe you were studying the information supplied in the previous system survey - will you need more in-depth scans taken before you can work out what needs to be done?" (Reply Louis, Tau, room for more) "Lieutenant Lorimar, Commander Sprak, I will need the two of you to make a mock-up of the device for the substitution. Dimensions and images can be found on your PADDs; it will need to be exact. How long would you anticipate for that?" (Reply Bob, Sprak) "Lieutenant Trei, Ensign George, you will need to study the security at the Temple; we need to know what the away team may encounter." (reply Detron, Niles) "Sasha, I want you to put together an away team capable of achieving our objective. Without bloodshed, Sasha. These people are innocent pawns in a game not of their making." She paused for a moment. "Does anyone have anything to add? Commander Sprak, I would particularly appreciate your input on what you have been able to learn so far." (Reply ALL in the meeting, any) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/SC Lieutenant(jg) Detron Trei - 15.05) After Detron heard the orders from Captain Rivers, He responded. "Understood sir. I will work with Niles on that immediately. Would you need me on the bridge when the away team is in action sir? Detron waited for the response. (Reply Rivers, George) (Posted by Edward) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1506) The doors opened and the Captain walked into the room. At the time, Niles had been looking over some of the security teams latest reports, on his PADD. He was doing so like he did everyday. Inventory, shift changes, so on and so on. All looked good. He set the PADD down, on the table, in front of his cup of Earl Gray. Then, he focused his attention to the Captain. She had started making an apology by being late. She continued on to showing everyone a displayed view of a device. The one they were after by the look of it. She described the device was not on the moon anymore, but on the Tobias V itself. Niles's eyes widen in dismay. Carrying on with the briefing, Susan explained that the civilization had gained space flight since the last survey and started talking about their religious beliefs. Next, she indicated that the PADDs she had in front of her had all the details of the religion. Niles took notice of the PADDs and grabbed his off the table. He silently began transferring files from a PADD at the end of the table, he didn't know which one, to his. Thinking the action over, he decided to wait and canceled the transfer. ~Maybe I should wait.~ "Lieutenant Trei, Ensign George, you will need to study the security at the Temple; we need to know what the away team may encounter," said a voice, echoing across the table. Niles snapped his attention to the Captain again. "Understood, Sir. I will work with Niles on that immediately. Would you need me on the bridge, when the away team is in action sir?" asked Trei. Niles, before realizing it, his mouth had opened and words were coming out. Actual words! Could this been a sign that he was coming out of his shell of being a quiet-type officer, and now learned how to speck on instinct? Not likely. This was probably caused by a simple mental response of panic from the sound of his name. "Lieutenant, Captain, if it is alright with you both. I would like to request to go to the planet with the away team. I could try to infiltrate the temple, disguised as a priest or such and could use my tricorder to scan the temple and record passive bio-scans. Stationed bio-scans that are organized in key areas, could be reason to believe they're guards to protect that specific area. In addition, if there are routine repeating bio-scan patterns, that could mean patrolling guards. During these scans, I would be using a live up- link to the ship's database. That way we can get a detailed map of the temple. Plus, where and when the guards are and will be. Maybe if we can find a heavily guarded area, of the temple, we can find the device." Whether that was a simple mental response of panic or not, that was the first idea that Niles had given a loud to everyone to hear. He was surprisingly satisfied, with himself, either the idea passed or not. (Reply Rivers, Trei, Any) (Posted by Niles George) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1501) Uncharacteristically, the Captain was late for the meeting she'd called, which surprised Dorga as in all the meetings the 2O had been to, Susan had always been prompt. ~If she's late there has to be a good reason.~ The big bear had been the last of the summoned officers to arrive, she'd greeted him with a nod as he'd grinned at them all and wiggled his claws at everyone before parking his furry rear on the floor and demanded to know where the snacks were, making Dorga smile because she knew for a fact that there were no snacks because Zzt was overzealous in his enjoyment of them. He was a very messy eater. When Susan finally arrived she apologized for being late and placed a small piles of PADDs on the table in before her, stating it had taken longer to gather the relevant information that she had anticipated. "As some of you know, we are tasked with something extra aside from the survey of this system." After giving a brief overview of the device they were seeking for the benefit of those who were not already familiar with the information, she told them that the device that was believed to be on the moon of Tobias V was not there. She explained that the inhabitants of the planet had achieved space flight in the years in between the last survey of the system and now and it was believed that they had found the device at first, but Captain Falthgood had changed his mind about leaving the device on the moon. "....What he decided to do, however, I cannot condone. He chose to impersonate the Prophet of their deities and entrusted the device to the safe-keeping of the Temple of the Divine Three and the priests who run the religion. He told them it was the key to the gateway of the Darkness which considering the effect it would have if it went off is probably not inaccurate." ~Oh isn't that just stellar!~ Dorga thought, wondering how idiots like Falthgood alway managed to succeed in getting things completely screwed up and endangering millions of lives. The Captain activated the screen and gave the assembled officers the details of their religion, naming the Deities of the Divine Three, who apparently were the the opposite counterparts of the Lord of the Black, the ruler of Darkness and together formed a balance. Then Susan indicated the PADDs she'd brought along, stating that further details could be found on them, and that they were to read and absorb the contents. The correct code for disabling the device were also in the PADDs. Susan warned them that they would have to be very careful when disarming the device and destroying it. ...if the power source is deactivated incorrectly it will release a wave of energy which will disassociate all nuclear bonds across the entire system." ~Well, isn't that just wonderful, how are we going to get a hold of the device?~ Dorga's question was answered immediately by the Captain, who stated that getting to the was their immediate problem. She went on to say she'd ruled out Falthgood's suggestion of impersonating one of the Deities or their emissary; believing the Prime Directive had already been abused enough. The 2O had to agree with her there. So an alternative plan was required. "....I propose an away team to go to the planet and attempt to gain access to the device in order to make it safe. Once it is, we will use the transporter to remove it from the temple and replace it with a duplicate, without the destructive capability of course." It sounded like a workable plan to Dorga, the question was, how were they to get into the Temple, couldn't they transport directly in? The Doctors were charged with altering the away team's appearance to resemble the general populace. the CEO and CSO had the job of making the substitution device for which the specifications were on the PADDs. Security's job was to study the security at the Temple so they would know what the away team might encounter. "Understood, Sir. I will work with Niles on that immediately. Would you need me on the bridge, when the away team is in action sir?" Trei asked. Niles spoke up directly after him requesting to be a member of the away team, saying he could try to infiltrate the temple disguised as a priest or such and then could utilize his tricorder to scan the temple and record bio-scans. "...During these scans, I would be using a live up-link to the ship's database. That way we can get a detailed map of the temple. Plus, where and when the guards are and will be. Maybe if we can find a heavily guarded area, of the temple, we can find the device." Dorga wasn't so sure that Niles would get away with pretending to be a priest, though his idea about tracking the guards had merit. It was logical to assume that a place that was well guarded would hold their prized possessions, however it could also be a ploy to divert possible thieves from the real place. As expected the FO was to be in charge of the away team and would put together a team he thought were capable of achieving the objective without any harm coming to the aboriginal people. The Captain paused for a moment and Dorga reached for one of the PADDs. "Does anyone have anything to add? Commander Sprak, I would particularly appreciate your input on what you have been able to learn so far." After Sprak had replied, Dorga spoke her piece. "I recommend that Ensign George not attempt to infiltrate the Temple as a priest. Priests are generally well known and prominent characters, and although I think his reasoning about the guards is valid and has merit, it might be just as likely that the device is hidden away in a place that is not well guarded, in order to fool possible thieves into believing it is well guarded, and therefore direct their attempts at accessing it, from the true location. Therefore if any scans are done, searches of both likely locations would be in order. All temples I have known of always have treasures to safeguard and had secret places that only the most high of priests know about to store it." (Reply ALL in the meeting, any) (Posted by Sal) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, Crewman Shadow to Sretalles, 1507) "I have thoughts," Shadow offered, very tentatively. Captain Susan had said *anyone* but she wasn't quite sure it was her place to speak, but who knew more about 'primitive' societies than herself in this room? Bard Arania, perhaps knew much more, but she was not here. Maybe her mate knew more by association, but.. (Reply whomever - I'm gonna assume a speak up :P ) "Priests are those who sings for the soul, yes? Very important peoples, they would not travel alone. They would have guards. You would need important priest to get to important places. There you have way in and protection for our people." She felt very nervous with all the adults watching her. She sat on her hands so she wouldn't wring her tail furless. "I would think - you should find important priest of this religion and study him, and then pretend to be him visiting this temple. It may be an interrupt in their individual lives to have this priest asleep and temporarily kidnapped, but less damage over all?" She'd heard 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one' so many times during training, she hoped she applied it properly in this meeting. (Reply whomever) "The other thought, was, perhaps, you should have your team practice living like the world? I would think Bard Arania could help greatly in adjusting to life without great technologies." Shadow just hoped she hadn't made a complete fool of herself in front of the adults, surely the holodeck could emulate the world. At least Captain Susan hadn't kicked her! (Reply any/all) (Posted by Lorna) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - ACMO Tau Renora Ens.(Jg) - 1507) "Doctors, you will need to find a way to alter the away team's appearance so that they look like normal inhabitants. Louis, I believe you were studying the information supplied in the previous system survey - will you need more in-depth scans taken before you can work out what needs to be done?" The Captain had ended her opening introduction, listed her own plans for handling the situation, and was now seeking advice from her officers. And despite his own pseudo-plan to watch the meeting silently from the sidelines, she had looked straight at the young half-Bajoran doctor when she began her first request, that of the medical staff, drawing the eyes of everyone around the table. With dozens of eyes upon him, as well as Captain River's own intensely blazing green pair, he decided to revise his strategy. Although Renora had become very familiar with the previous survey, having read it through a few times since Louis had given him a copy several days ago, he let his boss have the first response to the Captain's request, before adding his own thoughts. (Reply Louis Fickett) The CMO finished, satisfied his message was clear; Renora jumped at the moment. "As for my own thoughts," he began, trying actively to make his voice as confident and determined as Louis was a moment ago, or Capt. River's when she arrived, "We could make a passable disguise with our current information, but the more the better. In fact, if I could recommend, that we send out a preliminary scout team. They will have our best disguises, but we'll make use of shortcuts... for instance if we make them away team look like chronic patients of some malady, we'd be able to make liberal use of bandages. It could also excuse certain gaps in our current information." He paused and looked around, breaking his eyes from the Captain, who he had been talking to up until know. He looked around the table, but no one seemed to object to his initial ideas, so he smiled and let himself detail his idea more clearly. "The only purpose of this scout team, would be to gather the medical and physiological information we need to send the actual away team. With holoimages of even a few farmers, we could make nearly impenetrable disguises. Which bring us to the second problem we'll need to deal with." He let his eyes wander, focusing on everyone in attendance for a sentence or two. Naturally, he'd rather let his eyes drift to the windows, or to captain Rivers, but he wouldn't let himself lose focus. He was speeding up now, as he struggled to express the images in his head into words, and as the information became more intuitive and accessible to him, he knew he'd have to concentrate on his words and prevent himself from losing everyone on a tangent, or losing his own place in his thoughts. The rest of the room the ship and everyone on it seemed to disappear, and Renora felt more like he was talking to himself, alone. This made the words come easier, but every time he felt himself in this state, he forced himself back to the ship, and let his eyes move to the next officer. "None of these previous surveyors ever set foot on Tobias V: we don't currently know what to expect in terms of local atmosphere and indigenous pathogens, and in disguise an away team won't have the luxury of EV suits. If we inoculate the scout team with an overabundance of vaccines, and run full medical scans upon arrival, we'll be able to, if necessary, make more specialized vaccines for the larger away team." Here Renora smiled, it was the perfect segue way into his own self-indulgence. "Of course, I couldn't in good conscience recommend anyone but myself for this first, and potentially hazardous, scout team. And, as a doctor, I'd have the ability to cope with any surprise shoreside. And as CMO, my good associate Dr. Fickett, though more capable than myself, is far too vital to send away on such a... risky mission." Renora took a quick look at Louis who just smiled privately. The CMO knew of his subordinate's desire for away missions. The ACMO stopped and took a breath. He looked around, and confident he had expressed his idea clearly, or at least, clearly enough. (Reply any in meeting) He sat back, twisting the PADD between and through his fingers, listening to the rest of his peers offer up their own particular brand of advice. He especially agreed with Ensign George's plan to attempt to dissuade suspicion by posing as commoners. Renora nodded fervently at his suggestion. He would've like to say 'I agree with Niles', but held back at the last minute, and the chance soon passed. He did, however, make sure many senior officer saw him nod at the suggestion. 'Next briefing, I'll be more vocal,' Renora vowed to himself, knowing there was only a fifty percent chance he actually would. Still, he was pleased with his involvement this time around. He had had daydreams, admittedly ludicrous ones, while waiting for the briefing to start, of opening his mouth to speak, instantly being berated, and while dodging heavy items lobbed at his head, is dragged by his heels from the observation lounge to the airlock. (Reply any/all/every) (Posted by Rori) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - CMO Lt. Louis Fickett - Day 7 - 1507) "Doctors, you will need to find a way to alter the away team's appearance so that they look like normal inhabitants. Louis, I believe you were studying the information supplied in the previous system survey - will you need more in-depth scans taken before you can work out what needs to be done?" asked the Captain. Louis nodded. "The survey from before was done entirely using orbital scans, fifty years ago, so by any modern standards the techniques used were quite archaic. We will need a closer look -- at the very least updated orbital scans, though I'd feel more comfortable if we could get something higher- resolution." He tapped a few commands into the console by his chair, and what information they had came up on the viewscreen, which included a crude CGI rendition of a humanoid. The humanoid had a distinctly metallic sheen to its skin, hair, and eyes. "The distinguishing characteristic of this race, as you can see on the monitor, is the biopigment process," said Louis. "As best as we can tell from the old survey, the hue of skin, hair, and eyes is generally proportional to the concentrations of various conductive metals in the surrounding environment. Something about their biochemistry latches onto these elements and incorporates them into their pigment." Leaning back in his chair, Louis pushed his glasses back up his nose as he gazed thoughtfully at the image on the screen. "I'd sure rather have more information before trying to disguise an away team that's presumably going to be traipsing about in some of their more heavily trafficked areas." At this, Dr. Tau spoke up. His suggestion to send a biological scout team was a good one, though Louis was still concerned that if they weren't believable enough, they'd run into some trouble. He also hoped that the scout team wouldn't run into some incurable disease, though those types of things they ought to be able to detect with modern scanning equipment. "Of course, I couldn't in good conscience recommend anyone but myself for this first, and potentially hazardous, scout team. And, as a doctor, I'd have the ability to cope with any surprise shoreside. And as CMO, my good associate Dr. Fickett, though more capable than myself, is far too vital to send away on such a... risky mission." Louis raised an eyebrow at this one but said nothing aloud. Clearly his new assistant was a go-getter, and his enthusiasm pleased Louis. (reply any) (posted by Aaron) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1508) "I recommend that Ensign George not attempt to infiltrate the Temple as a priest. Priests are generally well known and prominent characters, and although I think his reasoning about the guards is valid and has merit, it might be just as likely that the device is hidden away in a place that is not well guarded, in order to fool possible thieves into believing it is well guarded, and therefore direct their attempts at accessing it, from the true location. Therefore if any scans are done, searches of both likely locations would be in order. All temples I have known of always have treasures to safeguard and had secret places that only the most high of priests know about to store it," said Dorga. "Priests are those who sings for the soul, yes? Very important peoples, they would not travel alone. They would have guards. You would need important priest to get to important places. There you have way in and protection for our people. I would think - you should find important priest of this religion and study him, and then pretend to be him visiting this temple. It may be an interrupt in their individual lives to have this priest asleep and temporarily kidnapped, but less damage over all?" replied Shadow which you could tell was nervous. "The other thought," Shadow continued, "was, perhaps, you should have your team practice living like the world? I would think Bard Arania could help greatly in adjusting to life without great technologies." Niles at this point, stunned anyone even considered his idea, thought it over again. This time in his own consciousness. "Maybe, if we can find out if the temple has visitors, we can get in," he said still thinking of his whole point, "I mean, Dorga, I see that impersonating priests can be very risky and then again, Shadow, that finding and being an important priest can possibly gain us access to the temple. Although, we can't be sure yet that every priest or priest with authority, knows where the device even is. Guards for that matter too." Niles could tell everyone was a little confused to see his point, so far. (Reply Any, IYW) "What if we look at this plan in an entire new way. Why not go like normal civilians. See, in the centuries of almost every religion I know, free normal everyday people, go to the temple to praise/ worship their God(s). So maybe, if we go to act like we are there to worship their Gods, they might be willing to let us pass. If not, we distract the guards while the others sneak passed. Then do some scans from then on. But, before we can sneak pass, we would need to know if they have any alarms or surveillance devices." ~I think, I may be getting in a little deep.~ He thought, while biting his lower lip gently. (Reply Any/All/Every/Parts/Room for more/Join the party/Come on in/See Above - :P -) (Posted by Niles George) ----------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, CSO, Commander Sprak, 1508) "Lieutenant Lorimar, Commander Sprak, I will need the two of you to make a mock-up of the device for the substitution. Dimensions and images can be found on your PADDs; it will need to be exact. How long would you anticipate for that?" Captain Rivers asked, looking at both of them. Sprak raised a brow and looked over at Lorimar, deciding to defer to the experienced engineer on this particular matter. (Reply Lorimar) There was some discussions on how best to gather strategic information about the lay out and security measures around the temple, and presumed hiding place of the artifact. Again, Sprak decided to defer to those more knowledgeable than he on the subject and remained silent but listening with some interest. ~Doubt I will be included on the Away Team to the surface.~ He thought a little disappointedly. ~Would have been nice to do some field studies on the native inhabitants as well as some hands on scans of the artifact. Oh, well.~ After the discussion had wound down Captain Rivers moved on to the next subject. Eventually, she turned to look at him. "Does anyone have anything to add? Commander Sprak, I would particularly appreciate your input on what you have been able to learn so far." "Of course, Captain," Sprak said, with a smile and nod of his head. He picked up his PADD and typed in a some commands. Suddenly the rooms lights dimmed slightly and the holo-projector in the conference table hummed to life. A three dimensional image of the artifact appeared in the middle of the table and slowly rotated allowing everyone a good look. Sprak cleared his throat before beginning. "The artifact is believed to be anywhere between 35,000 to 55,000 years old," He started, speaking loudly enough so everyone could hear him. "It's exact purpose is not entirely clear, but it is theorized that it's original purpose was not as a weapon. It is extremely sensitive to subspace energy fields, and acts as a type of subspace field amplifier. This fact, along with the fact that is seems to have suffered a fair amount of damage over the millennia make it extremely unstable. We do know that it's power source is NOT matter\anti-matter in nature but something of equivalent power. Looking over the data that was collected on it previously, I hypothesize that the artifact is in fact a component of a much larger device. Perhaps an intergalactic portal or interdemensional portal. As long as it's power source is active it will be impossible for us to use the transporter to move the device, in fact that will most likely cause it to explode. It would also be prudent to limit the amount of expose of subspace fields around the device. I have been discussing with Commander's Zzt and McLaren on the best way to scan the device to surmise it's current state before going about the disarming process. We hope to have some specially modified tri-corders and a few other scanning devices ready and in place by the time we have acquired access to the artifact." Sprak looked at Commander Zzt and McLaren to see if either of them had anything to add. (Reply Zzt, McLaren, Rivers, Any at Meeting) (posted by Wes) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Conference Room - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1509) Young Shadow had made some interesting remarks about priests being important enough to have guards when traveling, which would give them a way in. She suggested that they study an important priest and then pretend to be him to visit the temple. Shadow also suggested they consult Bard Arania about adjusting to as life without great technologies. Niles was first to reply. "Maybe, if we can find out if the temple has visitors, I mean, Dorga, I see that impersonating priests can be very risky and then again, Shadow, that finding and being an important priest can possibly gain us access to the temple. Although, we can't be sure yet that every priest or priest with authority, knows where the device even is. Guards for that matter too." At being addressed by her first name and never having given the Ensign permission to use it, Dorga's left eyebrow rose. Dorga was after all, Second Officer of the Boudicca and also his superior in rank, and this *was* work, not an informal party or therapy session or any other off duty occasion when she wouldn't have minded quite so much. Even she, being on first name terms with the Captain, never addressed or referred to her as anything else but Captain during working hours. The 2O considered reprimanding Ensign George right then and there but decided she would not embarrass him in front of the others and the conversation was continuing unheeded, however she did send him a scathing glare and made note to draw him aside to make him aware of his error, later on. Ensign George suggested they go as normal civilians on some kind of pilgrimage and if the guards wouldn't let them pass, some could distract them while others sneaked past them and wondered if they had any security alarms. ~Hard to do if they are guarding a doorway, I would imagine. ~ Dorga thought, ~and I fully expect that a civilization that is on par with 20th Century Earth, would have alarms.~ She noted the new ACMO enthusiastically nodding in agreement with Ensign George, and had to wonder if some of those gathered were thinking more of a medieval culture rather than one that had space travel capabilities, where it was highly unlikely that bandage clad, diseased people would be wandering around freely. However, she remained quiet, continuing to listen to all the suggestions the gathered officers were giving as the discussion was flowing well. (Reply ALL in the meeting, any) (Posted by Sal) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, ATT- Lt. Cmdr. Matthew McLaren, 1512) Matthew listened to the data as it was presented. This situation was worse than the one that they had encountered on Iradon, in so many ways. There, a member of the crew had become a god-like entity and threatened to completely destroy any possibility that the Prime Directive could have ever applied. Here, something similar had happened, although this time it wasn't a member of the ship's crew, but a now-long-dead Captain who had used an alien religion to hide away a device that could potentially destroy everything in the system. He almost wondered if it wouldn't just be easier to break the directive in this case and pose as emissaries of the gods. Sure, there were hundreds of rules that prohibited it, and even more that turned it into a serious crime. He understood that the directive was important and why it was there, and even why it was important to adhere to it. But there were times when he just believed, like now, that it should be set aside. He was very glad that he wasn't the one making the decisions. He knew that Susan had a good head on her shoulders and that if she felt that they needed to discard the Prime Directive, then when it became necessary, she'd do so. Until then, he'd follow her lead, and stay on track. A plan was put forward and revised and discussed and Matthew just followed along, because some of the information that he had was still working out some sort of puzzle in the back of his head. He tapped out a few pieces of information on his PADD as he listened to the discussion. It wasn't until the lights dimmed and the holographic projectors activated that he looked back up from the concept idea that he was working on to secure the device. The CSO had taken the floor and was providing some information for those present. "The artifact is believed to be anywhere between 35,000 to 55,000 years old," He started, speaking loudly enough so everyone could hear him. "It's exact purpose is not entirely clear, but it is theorized that it's original purpose was not as a weapon. It is extremely sensitive to subspace energy fields, and acts as a type of subspace field amplifier." ~That leaves out transporters and most sensing equipment.~ Matthew thought. "This fact, " the CSO continued, "...along with the fact that is seems to have suffered a fair amount of damage over the millennia make it extremely unstable. We do know that it's power source is NOT matter\anti-matter in nature but something of equivalent power. Looking over the data that was collected on it previously, I hypothesize that the artifact is in fact a component of a much larger device. Perhaps an intergalactic portal or interdemensional portal. As long as it's power source is active it will be impossible for us to use the transporter to move the device, in fact that will most likely cause it to explode. It would also be prudent to limit the amount of exposure of subspace fields around the device." ~You can say that again~ Matthew thought, although an idea was forming in the forefront of his brain. "I have been discussing with Commander's Zzt and McLaren on the best way to scan the device to surmise it's current state before going about the disarming process. We hope to have some specially modified tricorders and a few other scanning devices ready and in place by the time we have acquired access to the artifact." Sprak looked at Commander Zzt the at Matthew as if seeking further input. Matthew took that as his cue to speak. "Forgive me for not standing." He began, smiling as he spoke. "There are a couple of concerns where initiating any sort of deep molecular scan is concerned. We must work on the basic assumption that this device is powered by some sort of as of yet undefined higher order quantum reaction. Which is to say, a micro reactor, quantum singularity, cosmic string, Neutrino generator, or some other such type of core power generating system. Where this becomes an issue is that all the primary scanning methods that we can use at present, phased photonic imaging, Isotopic decay mapping, neutrino scanning and so on, could possibly interfere with most of the higher order quantum reactions that /COULD/ be the devices power source. Without a great deal of lab time, it is relatively improbable that we will be able to determine exactly how it is powered and which process /MIGHT/ be safest to use for a detailed scan. Additionally, judging by the power levels that this device puts out, any dummy device that we were to create, if it were to be convincing, would also have to possess come sort of quantum level reactionary power source. All of which pose their own unique set of problems over both the short term and long term life of the device." He paused. "In this regard, however, we may have been fortunate in our recent interaction with the Planet Killer, as hard as that is to believe. As you are all aware, we were suffering significant problems as a result of subspace interference. To combat this, we did develop a few shielded components for our computer core and with them we have developed the process of making those components, that could be of use to us here." "I am almost of the opinion that this device is nothing more than a controlled and a contained subspace rupture, something akin to a controlled isolytic burst, which in turn is bleeding power from the tear into normal space. That would explain a couple of observations such as why it would magnify subspace waves. I believe that is happening as a result of subspace harmonic symbiosis- basically that the device is trying to /STRETCH/ the rupture so that it encompasses the source of the new emissions of subspace and in so doing causes a more vigorous reaction between subspace/space barrier contained in the device." "Where our recent experience comes into play is that we have the ability and the knowledge to create a container that will completely isolate the device from any other sort of subspace energy, including that which is ambient. If my concept is even remotely close to accurate, the decreased interaction of the subspace harmonic symbiosis and the device will cause the power plant of the device to weaken, or perhaps quit entirely. Theoretically we could even transport such a container by shuttle safely, although I wouldn't chance transporting it by transporter." "But before we do any thing to the device we need to inspect it /PRIOR/ to any actions that would need to be taken to render it transportable or harmless. That means more than one trip to the device's location. And that we'll have to get there without the use of transporters." Matthew concluded. (reply Any) (Posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - A/CEO Lorimar - 1508) Bob had been quietly taking in the ideas as they were presented by various officers, trying to make them dovetail with his own thoughts. A question was put to him by the Captain and he noted the Science Officer glancing in his direction. Clearly, Commander Sprak wanted him to field it. ~Very well then, I'll put mah oar in the water~ He glanced briefly at the PADD which he had been working on, then addressed the Captain and the rest. "Ma'am, not knowin' the precise makeup and function of the device makes it a tricky job indeed," he began. Fabrication requirements and various difficult factors swirled about in his mind. "Ah'd say a bare minimum of twelve hours from the start. To be honest, it might well be as much as twenty four, working straight through. Call it eighteen tae twenty four hours, minimum Captain. That's after we hae the detailed information from a close survey of it of course." ~Assuming no major unforseen problems creep up, which they usually do...~ (Reply Any) He listened to the enthusiastic discussion which followed, as he worked away on the PADD in front of him, trying to come up with a starting point for the fabrication. He was quite absorbed in the engineering aspects of the task, and barely heard the various thoughts on how to gain access to the device. When McLaren and Sprak expounded on thier theories of the device he stopped working and gave their theories his full attention. The problem of course, was that all the discussion, whatever merit it might have was just that... theoretical. They needed hard data on the device, and soon. He waited for a break in the conversation; he had a couple points to add, and thought they might just be important. Bob had quite a few ideas about making the exchange once they had gained access to the device. Getting to it, of course, was going to be problematic at best. He listened with an open mind to the various options presented. As he did, something else occurred to him. He added it to his list of mental notes. He listened to the new Doctor whom he had yet to meet. "Of course, I couldn't in good conscience recommend anyone but myself for this first, and potentially hazardous, scout team. And, as a doctor, I'd have the ability to cope with any surprise shoreside. And as CMO, my good associate Dr. Fickett, though more capable than myself, is far too vital to send away on such a... risky mission." Bob cleared his throat and spoke up. "Ladies and Gentlemen, if ah may... a couple mair points." He cast a glance around the table at the assembled officers before pressing on. "Security is hardly mah baileywick. However, ah point oot that we need close access tae the device tae scan it in order tae make an effective and believable copy. Security can take many forms of course. The device could be guarded by armed troops, locked away, protected by an electronic frontier... worst of all, it might be in plain sight. Suppose this 'icon' of thier culture is on public display? That might be most problematic of all in terms of getting tae it." He paused a moment, letting that thought hang in the air. "Commanders Sprak and McLaren both make very interestin' assertions. Given the wee bit of available information we have, ah tend tae agree wie their assessments. We may well be able tae act as they suggest... a simple shell game with our copy and oot we go. However, ah must in guid conscience suggest at least one other possibility: tis' possible that the device acts as a 'black body' of sorts. What ah mean is, its routine operation may be powered by the simple -- there's nothing simple aboot it really, but I digress -- process of absorbing ambient energy. It may simply absorb background radiation, cosmic or solar energy... kinetic forces... whatever. That may just work in concert with the dimensional tap or subspace rift that they mentioned. In any case... we must be verra, verra careful in interrupting or shutting doon the device. If it is a gateway of some sort, or even if its a dimensional tap or something similar... we must shut it down so that the aperture closes in a controlled fashion. Else, we may trigger the verra destruction we are tryin' tae prevent." (Reply Any) (Posted by Russ) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, AOPS- Lt. Tollian Yalix, 1513) Tollian had listened to every word that had been spoken thus far. He was concerned about the possibilities that something would go wrong and that there would need to be an interaction with the natives. He had been on many first contacts over his career, including the decidedly different species traveling in their generation ship to Iradon, and the Efrosian felt that he had the necessary experience to be of use to away team. "Not to change the subject," he said as he stood immediately after Matthew McLaren wrapped up his theoretical musings. "But it has occurred to me that at some point we may have to make some sort of direct contact with these people. In the best situation, only on an individual level, but on the worst on a level with their governing or theological body. As I have many contacts and observational missions throughout my years of experience in Starfleet, I would like to volunteer to participate on the away team." With that the Efrosian operations officer took his seat and allowed the conversation to continue. (reply Any) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Crewman Shadow to Sretalles - Day 7 - 1513) Shadow was happy when the senior officers made note of her words and continued the meeting on without her. She'd had a brief, heart stopping, moment of thought that the first officer was about to ask her questions. She didn't know what a pre-warp society was like, but she knew that they didn't have medical advances they did, and that they couldn't summon food from walls. She was fairly confident that between herself and Bard Arania they'd have a better idea of the day to day life of an industrial society than the average Starfleet citizen. She was designing a holoprogram as Lady Dorga had shown her on the available data of the planet below. One ear was recording every word of the meeting so she could note it all down later. "Needs a marine's expertise." appeared in text on her screen. Shadow's nose wrinkled in irritation and she tapped back, "What do you know of pre-warp society?" "I grew up in the slums of Luna, I know a lot about backwards society and lack of energy powered technology." came the swift reply. Shadow was startled that Rameriz's written language was flawless. If he knew all the words, why did he phrase them verbally so strangely? "I'll make the suggestion to the Captain. LATER." She wasn't going to speak up in the meeting a second time. She didn't think the Captain would get upset for offering words when it pathed past conflict, but bringing the sore point holo-marine up when it could be saved for later probably wouldn't impress her Captain much. Besides, she really didn't want the very intimidating first officer looking her way again like she knew anything useful and could answer questions. She was very happy to have her tail wrapped around her right arm in a comforting squeeze and to talk to a slightly insane holoprogram. She realized that Rameriz didn't have access to wander about the Boudicca like he had the Rose. She'd have to talk with Loren and come up with a plan. Maybe a nice engineer would exchange a useful for some holo-projector thingys in her quarters. She had enough room for a lap loom after all, and she was pretty sure Lady Lieutenant Dorga would know how to get one from the computer.. the Lady seemed to know a little of everything. "Hey - Ensign Harold has some great holoprograms of beach volleyball!" Rameriz suddenly sent to her PADD. "Don't. Wanna. Know." Shadow sent back and found the button on the bottom that disengaged the connection to the main computer. She wouldn't have live update feed, but she also wouldn't recieve descriptions of furless bouncy breasted women from a randy holoprogram. (Reply any/all) (posted by Lorna) ---------- (USS Boudicca, Observation Lounge, CSO Commander Sprak, 15:13) Sprak was taking notes on his PADD listening to everything being said as he worked on some of the problems that were being discussed. Lt. Commander McLaren was talking about the device and what he was saying suddenly caused Sprak to look up from his PADD in surprise. "...Additionally, judging by the power levels that this device puts out, any dummy device that we were to create, if it were to be convincing, would also have to possess come sort of quantum level reactionary power source. All of which pose their own unique set of problems over both the short term and long term life of the device." ~No. No. No! That will not do! Not at all!~ Sprak thought as McLaren continued talking followed by others who didn't seem to grasp the scope of the problem before them. Sprak looked at each speaker waiting anxiously for the opportunity to but in again himself. After what seemed to Sprak an inordinate amount of time and right after Commander Stolev was naming the members of the first away team Sprak decided he had to speak now or never. "I'm sorry to interrupt," He began, trying to get everyone's attention by waving his arms over his head afraid the meeting was about to end. Once he had everyone's attention he over lapped his hands in front of him, took a deep breath and continued. "I feel I must point out that our decoy can NOT contain ANY advanced technology of ANY kind. In fact we must construct it with materials indigenous to the planet below, otherwise we ourselves will be violating the Prime Directive. We can not leave anything that could influence the natural evolution of this race or their society. Some may argue that damage has already been done due to Captain Falthgood's putting the artifact in their custody. I do not feel that is justification for us to abandoned one of the founding principles we swore to uphold when we joined Star Fleet. We must take very careful and measured steps to orchestrate things so that they are left believing that the device was stolen by non-extra terrestrials. It is sheer folly on our part to assume that they won't, in time, learn that their religious artifact has been stolen. I think the Captain realizes this, but some of us may not. The decoy only needs to fool them long enough for us to neutralize and remove the artifact from the surface and leave them and their world in peace." He turned to look at Captain Rivers specifically. "Captain, I would like your permission to put together a team to work out a suitable 'cover' story. Come up with clues we can purposely leave behind that would point suspicion toward some native culprit rather than aliens from across the galaxy." (Reply Rivers, Any at Meeting) (Posted by Wes the Nit Pick) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - FO Commander Aleksander Stolev - Day 7 - 1515) Stolev sat quietly, listening to the Captain give the rundown of the information they had so far and the input of the various other officers, tapping a few notes into his PADD as he did so. Eventually, the Captain turned to Stolev. "Sasha, I want you to put together an away team capable of achieving our objective. Without bloodshed, Sasha. These people are innocent pawns in a game not of their making." Stolev nodded. "Understood. I've already started that," he replied with a glance down at his PADD. The meeting continued for a few more minutes. Once productive discussion seemed to be winding down, Stolev leaned forward. "All right, first order of business is to send a scout team down to gain more information. Dr. Tau, Mr. Deston, and Mr. George will comprise the scout team. Avoid any contact with the natives unless absolutely unavoidable. This is an information gathering mission only, to enable us to perfect our disguises and our temporary integration into their society. Report to sickbay immediately for disguise treatments, and leave as soon as you're ready. Upon your return, the medical department will take charge of preparing the larger away team for the extraction mission. Any questions?" (reply any/all) (posted by Aaron) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Captain Susan Rivers - 1517) Detron had asked if he would be needed on the Bridge whilst the away team was in actions, and almost immediately Niles had volunteered to go on the away team. "We will decide later, Lieutenant Trei, whether or not you will also be part of the away team. The recovery of the device will be a difficult mission, and your expertise may well be needed as well as Ensign George's," Susan told him. She wished she could have given him a more definite answer but until they had decided the members of the away team she couldn't be more specific. There was some suggestion of disguise, and it seemed that some of the people around the table were thinking the society on Tobias V was very primitive. To be sure technologically speaking they were a long way behind the Federation but they were, Susan knew from her perusal of the reports of the last survey of the system, by no means primitive. She was relieved to hear Dorga dismiss the idea. There was, however, Susan considered, merit in the idea of visiting the temple in the guise of ordinary worshippers. She was also pleased to see that Shadow had a contribution to make; it was good to see her shy yeoman come out of her shell a little. Lorimar and Sprak were as usual well-informed and had constructive ideas. McLaren too had some good ideas, but when he mentioned giving the dummy device a power source way beyond the technology of the planet in question, Susan knew that was a definite no. The Prime Directive forbade such an action, and rightly too. Besides, she wasn't about to give them a working device. All she wanted was to buy them some time. Something that *looked* like the device itself would do just fine. It didn't have to *work*. She supposed that some kind of batteries mimicking those of the society on the planet would do if lights were required to flicker on and off. Of course they would fail eventually but that wouldn't matter if the dummy were constructed of elements found on Tobias V. ~Maybe we could put a small label on it saying 'batteries not included'~ she thought to herself with a flicker of amusement, although her face did not betray her thoughts or her amusement at them. There was no shortage of volunteers to go on the away mission, which came as no surprise to Susan. The chance to view first hand a society some 400 years behind their own was something which didn't come around every day and she regretted not being able to go herself. However, she had every confidence in Sasha to lead the away team and successfully deactivate and retrieve the device. She approved the suggestion to send a small team down to do a preliminary survey, and Sasha stated that Tau, Deston and George would form the scout team. It was at this point that Sprak spoke up, voicing concerns with some of what had been said which echoed Susan's own. He insisted that the dummy or decoy device had to be made using indigenous materials and could contain absolutely no advanced technology of any kind, reminding everyone of the Prime Directive and how imperative it was that it should not be broken. Susan looked approvingly at the CSO; on several occasions, she knew, the Prime Directive had been broken by one captain or another in the name of expediency and she didn't approve of that. She nodded her agreement as Sprak stated that it was foolish to believe the people in charge of the device would not at some point realise that the real one had been stolen and a decoy left in its place, and that it was extremely important that they should believe it had been taken by someone on their planet. Finally he spoke directly to Susan. "Captain, I would like your permission to put together a team to work out a suitable 'cover' story. Come up with clues we can purposely leave behind that would point suspicion toward some native culprit rather than aliens from across the galaxy." "Agreed, Commander. Put together your team and create a cover story that will stand up to scrutiny on Tobias V. You are right; the Prime Directive is to be upheld at all costs, not whenever it happens to suit us. As for indigenous materials, use whatever scans you need to ascertain what is available on the planet; we will need to know also whether they can be replicated on the ship or will need to be obtained down there." (Reply Sprak, any iyw) "Thank you all for your input," Susan said. "Commander Stolev, I look forward to the report from the scout team." She looked around the table. "I would like us to be ready to send the larger away team, to retrieve the device, in two days. But if more time is needed, so that we are completely ready, then you will have all the time you need. Keep Commander Stolev and me informed. If there are no other questions or concerns, you are all dismissed." (Reply any) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (USS Bouudicca- Observation Lounge - TAC/SC Lieutenant(jg) Detron Trei - 15.19) Detron heard the discussion and made some notes in his PADD. He nodded that he understood what Captain Rivers said of waiting to be needed. "Understood sir. I will wait to be called for an away team." Detron sat as the meeting came to a close. Detron began to leave the Observation lounge as the meeting ended. (Reply Any at Meeting) (Posted by Edward) ----------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1520) ~This has to be one of the most interesting staff meetings I have ever attended, except perhaps the one about the Oracle.~ Thought Dorga, after listening to all the individual input that had been divulged. All the department heads had given excellent suggestions and the 2O could see that the Captain was considering them all. Susan would digest and ponder the merits of each and then decide on a game plan for the mission. Now the meeting was winding down and the Captain approved the idea of a small scouting party to go ahead of the main away team to prepare a cover story. The main away team would be assembled by the FO, as he would know best who to take along. Strong emphasis was placed on the Prime Directive being adhered to. There had been no shortage of volunteers to go down, so Dorga hadn't done so, if her presence was required then she would be told, although she half hoped she could go, it was a rare opportunity to see life at an earlier stage of civilization. She wished she had been on the Boudicca when they'd gone to Iradon, now that would have been something to see, no power sources, no metropolises, no factories. Simpler times, and living off the land. It had a certain appeal to her. "Thank you all for your input," The Captain said. "Commander Stolev, I look forward to the report from the scout team." She looked around the table. "I would like us to be ready to send the larger away team, to retrieve the device, in two days. But if more time is needed, so that we are completely ready, then you will have all the time you need. Keep Commander Stolev and me informed. If there are no other questions or concerns, you are all dismissed." Dorga stood up, with the meeting officially over she had something she needed to do. She looked over at Niles George. "Mister George, remain behind when everyone has gone, I wish to talk to you." (Reply George, any) (Posted by Sal) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1521) After Niles had finished talking, he then looked around to the other officers. When he finally came around to look at Lieutenant Nooras, she was at a stone hard stare. Worst of all, it was at him. Niles's mind, snapped. Never before had he had a look of worry, from one of his own. His head was filled, no, flooded, with thoughts of what he could of done to make such a stare. Had it been that she thought I was cutting off the Yeoman; or perhaps, she thought he was trying to disprove her statements. Either way, he had no idea what he had done. Eventually, she glanced quickly to the new ACMO, Mr. Renora if had heard it right, and continued listening to other officers. Niles, who was once confident in his last statements, was now slowly fading into a thinking mental darkness. Just when he had thought he had made some improvement, it was snatched away. Like a caterpillar, that just about reaches the top of a tree, before a robin comes and swiftly takes it away. He could not place what he did wrong. ~Unless... Unless, I hadn't done anything erroneous. Maybe she just suddenly had something on her mind and went into a stare.~ Niles calmed a tad bit. ~Just happening to be looking in his direction.~ He, in spite of the theory, bit his lower lip and decided to remain calm the unobtrusive the rest of the meeting. Officer-after-officer had exchanged opinions, views, and other ideas for sometime now. The Captain who turned to Commander Stolev, finally asked for an away team being able to succeed in our mission. Stolev effortlessly responded, "All right, first order of business is to send a scout team down to gain more information. Dr. Tau, Mr. Deston, and Mr. George will comprise the scout team. Avoid any contact with the natives unless absolutely unavoidable. This is an information gathering mission only, to enable us to perfect our disguises and our temporary integration into their society. Report to sickbay immediately for disguise treatments, and leave as soon as you're ready. Upon your return, the medical department will take charge of preparing the larger away team for the extraction mission. Any questions?" Niles had no questions, at the time, to give. Though, he did seem to have the courage for a small smile. He liked away missions, but also understood the severity of this one. It was time for payback of the merciless invaders that held him hostage. He had no intention of going for revenge, but was going to make sure, that the plan they 'were' planning was completely and utterly impossible to achieve, by anyone, again. "Thank you all for your input," Susan said. "Commander Stolev, I look forward to the report from the scout team." She looked around the table. "I would like us to be ready to send the larger away team, to retrieve the device, in two days. But if more time is needed, so that we are completely ready, then you will have all the time you need. Keep Commander Stolev and me informed. If there are no other questions or concerns, you are all dismissed," said the Captain to conclude the meeting. At this point, Niles had almost completely forgotten about Ms. Nooras almost stare. When the Captain had ended the meeting, Niles had just stood up and headed for the door with the rest of the officers. Before, something caught him by surprise. "Mister George, remain behind when everyone has gone, I wish to talk to you," said Dorga's gentle, but with a small piece of animosity, voice coming from behind his back. Niles stopped gradually, so no one would have to run into him. He looked up at a forty-five degree as he stopped and then after a second he dropped it down to the same degree. His fearing thought was becoming reality. He clutched both his hands to fists leisurely, that were at his sides, during while he was halting also. After relaxing his fists and straighting his head to look parallel with the floor ahead, he turned around. He slickly, in one motion, went into the traditional security posture while turning around. Hands grasped together behind his back, chin straight, and widened leg stance. He respectfully moved over to the side for officers still leaving the room, and watched as officers eyed him while departing. Niles at last stepped up to the table. On the opposite side that the Lieutenant was sitting. Keeping a straight face, he remained standing with his straight posture. He waited for Dorga to speck and prepared for the worst. (Reply Nooras) (Posted by Niles George) --------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1522) "Mister George, remain behind when everyone has gone, I wish to talk to you." Dorga's tone was cool, but not cold enough to freeze the man in his tracks. She almost smiled as she saw the Ensign, who was sprightly heading towards the door, gradually stop as if he was in slow motion. As a counselor highly trained to observe body language, she noted how his head came up in surprise and then his hands become fists. It was obvious he was nervous and he took a second to adjust his posture and relax a little. He turned around and stepped aside to allow the departing officers to pass through the doorway, standing at ease and to one side of the door until the last of them had cleared the room, then he walked over to the table where the 2O was seated, watching him impassively as he finally stood rigidly across the table from her, apparently waiting for her to speak. Dorga gave him her usual one perfunctory nod and ordered him to sit down. When he was seated she spoke, watching him closely and wondering if he had any idea at all why she'd told him to remain behind. Most likely he had no clue, for surely if he had he would never have breached protocol as he had. Well she would now find out. "Tell me why you think I called you back to speak to you, Ensign?" She asked as she interlaced her fingers on the table top and looked unwaveringly into his eyes, her left eyebrow lifting slightly. (Reply George) (Posted by Sal) ----------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1523) Dorga gave Niles a slight nod and ordered him to sit down. Niles looked at the seat and determined he should do what she asked of him. When he was seated, he cross his left leg over the right and locked his fingers on his lap. If he was going to be a nuisance to someone, then he'd do it comfortably. She then started specking, watching him closely. "Tell me why you think I called you back to speak to you, Ensign?" She asked as she interweaved her fingers on the table top and looked unwaveringly into his eyes, her left eyebrow lifting slightly. "I'm..." Niles spoke trying to pick his words wisely. "... not sure. There are a lot of reasons that could be why." He commenced shacking his head, to some extent, back and forth. Then he looked somewhat away from the direction of Nooras, while trying to think. He then turned back to look at her, "Honestly, I just don't know." After closing his mouth, he began unnoticeably clenching his teeth. Hoping, that he had not just failed a pop quiz question, from the officer across the table; or was not going to make things worse for himself. He subsequently went back to his usual straight face. (Reply Nooras) (Posted by Niles George) ----------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1524) "I'm..." Niles spoke trying to pick his words wisely. "... not sure. There are a lot of reasons that could be why." He shook his head and averted his eyes so he wasn't looking directly at Dorga, giving her the impression he was unwilling to meet her gaze or giving his reply more thought. The Ensign turned back to look at her, "Honestly, I just don't know." Dorga gave a perfunctory nod again. "Then I will tell you why, but first I want to say that your thoughts and input at the meeting impressed me. I am pleased you weren't nervous about speaking up." The 2O stated. "Having said that, the reason you are seated there is because you made a grave error in judgment by calling me Dorga during your comments, Ensign George. I am second officer of this ship and of superior rank, and although I am not adverse to being called by my given name during informal parties by anyone, or by my equals or superiors during work hours, it is correct protocol that we address each other appropriately while we are on duty or at staff meetings." (reply Ens. George) "I am sure you will not make that mistake again, Mister George, and now, since you said so, what are the other reasons you thought I'd be wanting to talk to you. Perhaps I can assist you if you are having problems." (Reply George) (Posted by Sal) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - TAC/ASC - Ensign JG Niles George - 1525) "Then I will tell you why, but first I want to say that your thoughts and input at the meeting impressed me. I am pleased you weren't nervous about speaking up." The 2O stated. Which made Niles smile a bit. "Having said that, the reason you are seated there is because you made a grave error in judgment by calling me Dorga during your comments, Ensign George. I am second officer of this ship and of superior rank, and although I am not adverse to being called by my given name during informal parties by anyone, or by my equals or superiors during work hours, it is correct protocol that we address each other appropriately while we are on duty or at staff meetings." That was enough to make Niles's straight face, turn into complete shock. His mouth open and eyes wide. "I..." He couldn't speck. He had thought of a lot of reasons for being there, but misaddressing an officer wasn't one of them. His nadir thought for his being there, was that he had bumped the table with his leg accidentally during the meeting. Apparently, that wasn't it. "I had?!?" Niles said sounding a little confused. Trying to recall what he had said earlier. Most of it was a blur, and didn't remember much of the meeting, that he was 'just' at. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I didn't know I had addressed you in that manner. Conceivably, in my train of thought during the meeting, I hadn't realized it. It won't happen, again." "I am sure you will not make that mistake again, Mister George, and now, since you said so, what are the other reasons you thought I'd be wanting to talk to you. Perhaps I can assist you if you are having problems." "Well, frankly, I had thought you were feeling as if..." he cleared his throat, that felt as if it was clogged with no more than a straw's width opening, "Sorry... as if I had, negated your comments for the mission," he said trying to sound as clear and apologetic as he could. (Reply "Lieutenant" Nooras - ;D) (Posted by Niles George) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - 2O/CCOUNS/Lt. Dorga 'cha Nooras - 1526) Ensign George's straight face changed to one of shock when Dorga told him of his misdemeanor. Obviously he had no idea that he'd done it even before he replied. "I..." His mouthed moved but nothing came out and finally he blurted. "I had?!?" Then came the expected apology. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant, I didn't know I had addressed you in that manner. Conceivably, in my train of thought during the meeting, I hadn't realized it. It won't happen, again." Another perfunctory nod from Dorga met his apology. "I am sure you will not make that mistake again, Mister George, and now, since you said so, what are the other reasons you thought I'd be wanting to talk to you? Perhaps I can assist you if you are having problems." "Well, frankly, I had thought you were feeling as if..." he cleared his throat. "Sorry... as if I had, negated your comments for the mission," he said, his tone apologetic. "That is relevant to such meetings and not reprimandable in my view, Ensign. It was an information and brain storming meeting where everyone's input is sought. You must always speak your ideas even if they do question or negate a senior officers. Naturally there will be differences of opinion and I certainly don't expect my input to always be irrefutable...." Dorga smiled at him as she lifted her arms and shrugged. "Just most of the time." (reply George iyw) She stood up and gathered up the PADD the Captain had given her, to study later in her office. "Dismissed, Mister George." She told him and then strode out of the lounge. (Reply 'Ensign' George iyw :P) (Posted by Sal)