NRPG: Umm... excuse me. Oh my. Um... I'm to be your, uh, substitute compiler. *checks chart* It says here the other guy is umm.. on vacation... and at this point, I'm supposed to give your the uh... compile index. So, uh.., here it is. Day 1 (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1008) (USS Boudicca - Deck 4 - acting Couns Ensign Oggie Marsh - 1835) (USS Boudicca - Personal Quarters - ACMO Gates - 1837) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO Gates - 1930) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - MO Ens(Jg) Dr. Jahlen - 1932) Day 6 (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters - CIV Arania - 1320) (USS Boudicca - Private Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1322) (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters - CIV Arania - 1324) (USS Boudicca - Private Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1326) (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters- CIV Arania - 1327) Day 7 (USS Boudicca - Admiral's Office - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:00) (USS Boudicca - Personal Quarters - CIV Arania - 1844) Day 8 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 08:00) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO Gates - 08:10) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:12) (USS Boudicca - Bridge - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:13) RPG: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Fires of Heaven, Day 1 Stardate: 2407.06.28 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1008) "Um.. I'm not sure what to say.. Than-thank you sir." Jael managed. "Thank you for the advice and the compliments... Sir." She repeated. "I should best check into that situation you indicated, no? Can't waste any time" "Ensign, just consider it alright? And if you want to talk, you can always come to see me. I'm here to help and guide you. You are dismissed unless you have anything else you'd like to say?" He added hoping that she might come out of her shell some. "No?" he said. "Very well then, please report when you have an answer on that problem for me. That will be all." (reply Al-Sharif) (posted by Daniel Greene) (USS Boudicca - Deck 4 - acting Couns Ensign Oggie Marsh - 1835) Oggie sighed and pulled up his trousers that kept starting to lower themselves at regular intervals. He realised that the amount of exercise his marine tormentor put him through, which seemed only to increase as time progressed, would mean that he should get new sized trousers every half week now, rather than once a week. He looked down at his stomach and grunted when he could see the tips of his shoes beneath it. ~That really was too much,~ he considered. ~Am I not to be left with any dignity?~ He shook his head then looked ahead, remembering the reason why he had made the trek all to this section. He looked at the numbers on the door as he walked past. ~23, 25, 27, ahh, 29, there we are.~ He stopped, pulled his trousers up and pressed the enunciator. He waited for the door to open and he stepped inside, wearing his warmest smile, which was also a genuine one, as he as always looked forward to a new crew member. "Evening Georgia, I'm not intruding, am I? Just thought I drop by and say hi. As we are going to be close colleagues. Oggie's the name. Oggie Marsh but everybody calls me Oggie. Everybody but Archibald, that is. But I still haven't lost my hope for him to see the light. I'm the counsellor, by the way. And I understand that you are skilled in that field too? Good, I think we'll be a smashing team, you and me. I can just feel it. Anyway, are you settling in alright? Don't need a few helping hands? Not mine, of course. oh, sorry, you don't mind me calling you Georgia, do you? I call everyone by their first name, even our staunch Commander." Oggie fell silent for a second, but only to take another breather. He had examined the room from the corners of his eyes when he had entered it and also her. He couldn't be sure but everything told him that she needed some human company. It didn't necessarily needed to be him, but she should start opening herself open to others soon. "Say, I got an idea. Do you fancy a decent dinner? My treat." He tapped his slinking, but still considerable gout, just to show that he knew how to enjoy himself gastronomically. (reply Georgia) (posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Boudicca - Personal Quarters - ACMO Gates - 1837) By the time it had filtered through to Georgias brain that someone had rung her doorbell, the person in question was already standing just inside her door, smiling. She did her best to hide her tear stained cheeks from him, as she hastily wiped them. "Evening Georgia, I'm not intruding, am I? Just thought I drop by and say hi. As we are going to be close colleagues. Oggie's the name. Oggie Marsh but everybody calls me Oggie. Everybody but Archibald, that is. But I still haven't lost my hope for him to see the light. I'm the counselor, by the way. And I understand that you are skilled in that field too? Good, I think we'll be a smashing team, you and me. I can just feel it. Anyway, are you settling in alright? Don't need a few helping hands? Not mine, of course. oh, sorry, you don't mind me calling you Georgia, do you? I call everyone by their first name, even our staunch Commander." The Counselor fell silent for a moment, while Georgias mind raced. ~I'll bet it was the Captain who sent him, its not normal to be greeted by the counselor when you're only just on board surely~ She felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger, not sure whether he actually required an answer for all of his questions or if it was his normal way of speaking. ~maybe trying to confuse me into confiding in him, who knows~ She watched him as his eyes took in the room. "Say, I got an idea. Do you fancy a decent dinner? My treat." He heartily tapped his gut. Georgia resisted the urge she had to put her head in her hands and tell him to just leave her alone, because she knew that would only make him more determined in whatever crusade he appeared to be on. She sighed, hoping he wouldn't notice, and got to her feet. The last thing she really felt like doing was eating, especially after the way her day so far had gone since she boarded. "It's nice to meet you, um, Oggie did you say? It's very nice of you to come and see me. Um, I'm not really sure if I could stomach a meal right now. It's just, well you probably heard what happened earlier in the Captains Office. I had abit of an upset stomach. But thank you for the offer, um......" She stood awkwardly, wondering how she could get rid of him, because it didn't look like he was in any hurry to leave. (reply Oggie?) (posted by Wendy) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO Gates - 1930) Having eventually managed to extricate herself from Oggie's company, Georgia had made her way to Sickbay. Of course she knew it should've been her first port of call after she had reported in, but then things didn't always turn out how you planned them. She entered feeling a tad nervous and wondered how the staff were feeling getting a new graduate as their ACMO. ~lets hope I haven't put anyone’s nose out of joint~ She'd heard stories at Academy of doctors resenting the new ACMO's, feeling they were taking a job that should go to one of the crew who were already there. Of course they had been 3rd or 4th hand stories so nobody could really say just how accurate they actually were. She made her way through to what looked to be the office, and noticed its tidy, sterile appearance. Someone had obviously done a good job of keeping it neat. ~I just hope I can do the same~ There were 3 Padds sitting in the middle of the desk and Georgia took a furtive glance around her before picking them up. Although she knew she had a right to look at them, it still felt like she was snooping for some reason. She was browsing through the information on them when there was a sound behind her, and a Nurse entered the room. The Padd in Georgias hands slipped and fell to the floor with a loud clunk, and she felt her cheeks going red. (reply Mason?, any) (posted by Wendy) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - MO Ens(Jg) Dr. Jahlen - 1932) Jahlen had volunteered to work Beta shift, there really wasn't much else for her to do except spend time alone in her quarters. She'd far rather be in Sickbay doing something useful. It seemed as if she'd just been way to busy preparing for the upcoming battle to have any kind of social life. Sickbay *was* her social life. She'd heard there was a new ACMO aboard but hadn't met her yet. There had been gossip, something about Dr. Gates and the Goat. Jahlen has quickly put a stop to snide jokes about it when she'd heard some of the nurses talking together and giggling, reminding them that they were professionals and would act accordingly, and that nobody was to repeat such waffle again on pain of suffering never-ending inventory duty. Jahlen had naturally wondered why she or one of her colleagues hadn't been picked as ACMO, hadn't she done an excellent job during the many harrowing battles they'd undergone? But it wasn't her place to criticize or resent the newcomer, it was her place to work with her team no matter who they were. She had just returned from a break in ten-forward when she heard a noise come from the Doctor(s) Office. It sounded like somebody had dropped something. She hoped nothing had been broken. With an exasperated sigh, Jahlen moved quickly to the office door to see a Nurse looking with surprise at a new face, a 'flushed with embarrassment' face. No doubt the one who had dropped the PADD on the deck. A bit of a klutz by all accounts. "Hello, who are you?" Jahlen asked. Could this be the elusive Dr. Gates? (reply Gates) Jahlen stepped closer, "I am pleased to meet you, I am Doctor Jahlen." (reply Gates, Mason?, any) (posted by Sal) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Fires of Heaven, Day 6 Stardate: 2407.07.03 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters - CIV Arania - 1320) Arania sank to her knees at Matthew's feet and gently removed each of his boots. Slowly she began to massage one of his feet. He moaned with delight and she giggled at him. "You know you don't have to do that Arania. Although I freely admit I really enjoy it. " She gave him an impish grin as she continued massaging. "Enjoy it much you do, and relaxing it makes you, so 'tis a little thing I for you can do....What do you carry?" She asked, curiosity getting the best of her as her fingers worked his toes and the soles of his foot. It was a very pretty package. "Oh this." he said smiling down at her. "It's a gift for a very special person in my life." He held the box out to her. "for you, my dearest." Now foot massaging was forgotten about as she reached eagerly for the gift. Never in her life had she been given gifts so freely. Most of the time her day of birth came and went without any acknowledgment from family or Temple, so she was like a small child at Xmas whenever she got something new. Even so, the bow was taken off carefully and the lid removed and placed aside. Matthew watched as she finally extracted something from the box that resembled a small rush bed mat, except it wasn't made of rushes, and it was also the wrong color and texture. Had Matthew got her a bed mat to sleep on? It was very narrow but naturally she would use it rather than the bed if that was what he wanted, but why? She looked at him perplexed not sure what to do with it. "Strange it is, what be it?" "Let me show you." he replied and took the mat from her. He untied the string and unrolled the mat on the floor. The background was black and it was lined with strips of white and gold. "You turn it on, by pressing here." he told her. " then touch a couple of the white or gold keys and you'll know exactly what it's for." As he had shown her, Arania pressed the on and off tab. The thing made a soft buzzing noise as it started up and several integrated tabs lit up along the top. "Oh how pretty it is!" She exclaimed with delight and just as he had told her, she touched first a white key then a gold and gasped with astonishment, the sounds that came from it were like nothing she had ever heard before, but she recognized the musical notes and chords as she began experimenting with it. Her eyes widened with wonder as she pressed different tabs that changed the sounds to entirely different kinds of instruments. "How is it possible that it can sound like a flute, or drums? A wondrous thing this is! I shall treasure it forever." She stated, her voice quivering with excitement as she realized that this would be so easy to carry around with her, she could make all kinds of music anywhere she went rather than just use one instrument which often restricted the kinds of music she could play, though she loved all her instruments dearly and would never put them aside. (reply Matthew) "What is it called?" She asked, pausing in her exploration of the device. (reply Matthew) (posted by Sal) (USS Boudicca - Private Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1322) "How is it possible that it can sound like a flute, or drums? A wondrous thing this is! I shall treasure it forever." She stated, her voice quivering with excitement as she realized that this would be so easy to carry around with her, she could make all kinds of music anywhere she went rather than just use one instrument which often restricted the kinds of music she could play, though she loved all her instruments dearly and would never put them aside. Matthew smiled. "The short answer, Arania, is electronics and recorded sounds, that can be selected from a large memory. The important thing isn't how right now, it's that you can take it with you anywhere, anytime." "What is it called?" She asked, pausing in her exploration of the device. "Well some people call it a keyboard, others a synthesizer. I call it yours." He paused now, his smile fading slightly. "Arania, I really need to talk to you about something serious. It's not a pleasant subject, but it has to be done." Matthew said. "Come sit next to me." He patted the couch next to him. (reply Arania) "You know that I love you more than anything else, and you know well enough by now that I am an officer on this ship of some importance. I have a very important duty to do. You've been on the ship now for three months and you know that we are in a civil war. We've been through some small battles in that time, so you understand what I mean." (reply Arania) "There is a massive battle coming that is going to decide once and for all whether we will all live in freedom or as slaves and outcasts. It's going to be very bloody with terrible weapons used on both sides. And a lot of people are going to die." (reply Arania) "I have to do my duty Arania. I have to go and fight in this battle, and you won't be able to come with me." (reply Arania) (posted by Daniel Greene) (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters - CIV Arania - 1324) Matthew smiled and explained that the instrument worked with electronics and recorded sounds that could be selected from a large memory. Arania knew from talks they'd had before, that the ship's computer had a very large memory, so she figured that maybe there was a small computer inside it. "...The important thing isn't how right now, it's that you can take it with you anywhere, anytime." "What is it called?" She asked, pausing in her exploration of the device. "Well some people call it a keyboard, others a synthesizer. I call it yours." He paused and Arania laughed at his joke. Then his face became solemn. "Arania, I really need to talk to you about something serious. It's not a pleasant subject, but it has to be done." Matthew said. "Come sit next to me." He patted the couch next to him. The young woman delight in her new instrument dissipated at the thought of unpleasant things. Whatever could it be to change his mood so quickly? She sat down beside him and caressed his forearm gently with a palm. "What is it beloved?" "You know that I love you more than anything else, and you know well enough by now that I am an officer on this ship of some importance. I have a very important duty to do. You've been on the ship now for three months and you know that we are in a civil war. We've been through some small battles in that time, so you understand what I mean." Oh yes, Arania remembered how the ship would lurch and things would fall off shelves and tables at times and the lights would change colors. She also vividly remembered how civil war was on Iradon. The blood, the dirt, the smoke and stench of burning flesh and spilled guts. War was a terrible thing. She nodded mutely, not already knowing she wouldn't like what he had to say. "There is a massive battle coming that is going to decide once and for all whether we will all live in freedom or as slaves and outcasts. It's going to be very bloody with terrible weapons used on both sides. And a lot of people are going to die." She clutched at his sleeve with both small hands, wringing the cloth desperately between her fingers. "Don't go Matthew, stay behind. Lose you I cannot, I will surely die if you die!" Her eyes begged him. "I have to do my duty Arania. I have to go and fight in this battle, and you won't be able to come with me." "NO!" She shouted sharply, astonishing herself at the vehemence of her tone, but she continued with resolve. Tears sprang to her eyes. "No, Arania stays with you, she leaves not, while you in danger are placed...Ara belongs with Matthew." She declared, reverting to third person as she spoke with the passion she felt. (reply Matthew) (posted by Sal) (USS Boudicca - Private Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-- 1326) "NO!" She shouted sharply. Matthew hadn't expected quite this level of denial. He had expected her to argue and perhaps cry. Tears sprang to her eyes. "No, Arania stays with you, she leaves not, while you in danger are placed...Ara belongs with Matthew." She declared, reverting to third person as she spoke with the passion she felt. He reached out and pulled her close to him, holding her in his arms. He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. "Yes you do and Matthew belongs with Arania. But sometimes we are forced to do things we don't want dearest. I don't want you to go, I need you to understand that. I'd never send you away if I could stop it. But this isn't something I have any say in." He hugged her. He could feel her tears wetting the collar of his uniform. "Arania, I've made arrangements." he said flatly " You remember John and Francesca? I've spoken to them and asked them if you could stay with them for a little while. They're good people and they will make sure that you are looked after. I've also transferred all my credits into a special account for you. Fran will help you manage your money." (reply Arania) "You know I have nothing but love for you. And as soon as this bloody business is over, I'll come back to Geneva and we'll be together again, Goddess willing." He turned her face up to him and wiped away her tears with the tips of his fingers. He kissed her on the lips. "If I could go with you I would, but I can no more ignore this duty of mine, then you could turn away from the Goddess. I wish it wasn't so, but it is." (reply Arania) (posted by Daniel Greene) (USS Boudicca, Private Quarters- CIV Arania - 1327) Passionately, Arania refused to leave Matthew, telling him that she belonged with him, reverting to third person as she spoke. He reached out and pulled her close to him to hold her in his strong arms. He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. "Yes you do and Matthew belongs with Arania. But sometimes we are forced to do things we don't want dearest. I don't want you to go, I need you to understand that. I'd never send you away if I could stop it. But this isn't something I have any say in." He hugged her close and she held on to him as if she'd never let go. How could he make her leave him? Matthew spoke of the arrangements he'd made. "You remember John and Francesca?" She nodded mutely, her head moving on his shoulder, it obviously was pointless in any further rebelliousness, but she was still determined to stay. "I've spoken to them and asked them if you could stay with them for a little while. They're good people and they will make sure that you are looked after. I've also transferred all my credits into a special account for you. Fran will help you manage your money." Arania pulled slightly away from his embrace and gazed up into his face. "Your money, you must not give all to Arania!" It made her feel as if he didn't think he would return, but his next words proved her mistaken. "You know I have nothing but love for you. And as soon as this bloody business is over, I'll come back to Geneva and we'll be together again, Goddess willing." He turned her face up to him and wiped away her tears with the tips of his fingers. He kissed her on the lips. "If I could go with you I would, but I can no more ignore this duty of mine, then you could turn away from the Goddess. I wish it wasn't so, but it is." Grabbing his large hand she pressed it to her cheek and then kissed the palm as she calmed a little. She knew he would never desert his duty. "Understand I do, but like it not and will not leave you if avoid it I can." She leaned in close and kissed his lips tenderly. "For keeping me here, I will pray to the Goddess." She declared, rolling up the keyboard he'd brought her for she certainly didn't feel much like playing. Tucking the keyboard under her arm, she went to the bedroom to the small shrine she'd built for Her worship and placed the keyboard beneath the small altar. Just being here helped calm her fears as she went through the familiar rituals before praying. (reply Matthew iyw) (posted by Sal) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Fires of Heaven, Day 7 Stardate: 2407.07.04 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Boudicca - Admiral's Office - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:00) Archibald nodded at the Admiral as he entered his office. "Admiral. Thank you for seeing me. I just wanted to tell you that the Boudicca is now battle-ready. Last upgrades have been completed and the crew is as ready as ever. Did you see the last alertness exercise? Two forty-eight. It may not be a record but to shave off one and a half minute in just a few days. They deserve a commendation for that. Do I have your permission?" (reply Sevant) Archibald licked his lips, still not sure how to word what he was about to say. "Sir, there iS one more thing, sir. I think it is about time for you to get the h**l off my ship, Sir. We are going to be in the frontline of the attack as will be all of your other senior staff. The risk of losing all of our senior commanders in the frontline is too big. In this case, it is time to eat your stupid pride and move to a ship to the back of the line, where you can direct the battle from relative safety. I appreciate that there will be little place of safety anywhere but having a force commander direct the battle from the midst of the battle is not just dangerous, it is also bl**dy stupid. Sir." Archibald stood still, his face as impassive as ever, waiting for the storm to hit him (Reply Sevant) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) (USS Boudicca - Personal Quarters - CIV Arania - 1844) Kneeling before the small grotto to the Goddess Alzarna that she had made in the corner of the bedroom, Arania lit the candles surrounding the small statue of her Goddess, that Matthew had replicated from memory of the one he'd seen on Iradon, and flicked some sweetly scented water on the alter. She stared at the gently flickering flames through a blur of tears, remembering what had just occurred a short while ago in Ten Forward, where she'd been playing music for the diners and staff. It was official, now she could no longer deny it, and the pain in her chest crushed the breath from her. Surely her heart was breaking? Arania definitely would have to leave the ship. On the morrow she must say 'Goddess speed' to her love, and take her leave of him because Commander Stakes, acting Captain of the ship had sent his 'yoman' to tell her and Mei Ling the bad news. She hadn't really believed him when he'd told her she'd have to go. Hadn't she managed to get through the battles the ship had been in since she'd come aboard? Never fussing or panicking, so Arania had thought he was just trying to get rid of her, well not so much as get rid, that implied she wasn't wanted...No, it was more like get her somewhere safe because he was scared she'd come to harm. That what he had said about there being a battle involving not just one or two or even four ships, but tens of tens and that many lives would be taken; a battle unlike any she had ever seen or could imagine...was true. He was always worrying about her, taking care of her as if she was some precious, fragile treasure he had to guard from harm, so naturally she had refused the previous day when he'd brought the subject up, she really didn't want to leave him now that she'd found her true love, a soul mate she had thought would never be hers, and she thought he'd been exaggerating so that she would leave willingly. But, some how knowing it was orders from his superiors, made her feel better about it, to know that he would have kept her with him if he were able to meant so much to her, and for sure she would never desert him no matter what. Gladly she would die with him, were he not to survive - if she'd had a choice. But there was no choice, she must go in the morning like it or not and she would be brave about it for Matthew's sake, there would be no shedding of tears or hysterical departures, no clinging to him as if she'd never let him go, for she was Arania dera Iradon and had survived so much strife. so much loss, surely she would survive her heart being torn in two until they were together again. No, she would not put him through that knowing what lay ahead for her beloved, when he would need to just think about the performance of his duty. If it was the Goddess' will that he perish, his last memory of her would be the love shining in her eyes as she kissed him farewell and the easing of his mind to know that she was no longer in any danger. Wiping the tears from her eyes and stretching out on her stomach, arms outspread, Arania prayed fervently in Iradonian for her Goddess to spare her lover and bring him safely back to her. "But, Blessed Mother of All, should it be your desire to have his essence in the Shining Lands, grant your devoted servant, Arania, a swift and merciful death, so she may join him in eternity soon after...Thy will be done." She repeated her plea to Her twice more before rising to kneel again, her mind slipping in to a trance-like state that would strengthen her for the ordeal ahead. (Reply none) (Posted by Sal) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Fires of Heaven, Day 8 Stardate: 2407.07.05 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Boudicca - Bridge - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 08:00) "Sir." Archibald looked up towards the OPS position. "The shuttle has left, Sir." Archibald nodded. Now that the civilians were safely out of the way, the time had come to be open. He turned in his chair towards the Tactical position. "Mister Laroon, commence complete communication lockdown. Only you, Admiral Sevant, Commander Stolev, Colonel Straton or myself may override it. Any other signals coming from this vessel are to be hunted down and extinguished. Prepare your men." (Reply Lorak) Archibald pulled his top down and took a second to steady himself, before flicking the switch that would start the ship-wide hail. "Now hear this, now hear this, This is the Commanding Officer speaking. Be notified that we are now under complete communication lockdown. Any unauthorised communication will be dealt with and severely punished. However, now that we are alone, I wish to take this opportunity to inform you of what is going to happen today. Later today, at a time determined by Admiral Sevant, The USS Boudicca will move out together with the fifty other ships in our group, to fight the final battle. We have the honour of spearheading the attack on the last great defense line that Doenitz still has, the Mars Defense Perimeter. It will be our task, and the task of the group that we are part of, to breach those defenses and open the way for other units of our 52nd Fleet to take the final battle to Earth. Seeing the resistance that we can expect, let there be no mistake, we will have our hands full. But I have no doubt that in the end, we *will* prevail. There is no option, the Mars Defense Perimeter *must* be breached. And we *will* do it. But if ever was the time for all of us to stand and be counted, this will be that time. We will face everything that Doenitz will have to throw at us, but with every wave, his final defenses will be weakened. So we must stand firm and show resolve at all times and wreak as much damage as we can to the enemy line. That is our task, that is our purpose. And one that I am confident that we will be fulfilling. Until we get the call from the Admiral, I will expect this fine crew to be ready to depart at a moment's notice and be prepared. That is all. Stakes out." Archibald licked his lips and got up from his chair. "Commander Stolev, you have the Bridge. I will be in my ready room." (Reply ALL) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO Gates - 08:10) It had only been a week, yet Georgia felt she had managed to find her niche in Sickbay. She had discovered that her department was already running quite efficiently, thanks to the Staff Nurse Beatrix Mason, and Doctor Jahlen. Both of them in their own way had helped ease Georgia in to her new role. She had the feeling that there may have been abit of gossip before her first staff meeting, about the goat incident. She wasn't sure if what had happened in the Ready Room was common knowledge yet and preferred to think it wasn't. She wasn't sure she could face her staff if it was. ~I don't want them to think I'm totally inept~ The nurses, although sometimes a tad scatterbrained and gossipy, were happy in their work, and didn't seem to mind having a new boss. Georgia wasn't quite sure yet how the more senior doctors felt, but she was trying not to let if bother her. She knew she just had to throw herself into her job, and prove that she was capable, and they would hopefully accept her. =^=Now hear this, now hear this, This is the Commanding Officer speaking. Be notified that we are now under complete communication lockdown. Any unauthorised communication will be dealt with and severely punished. However, now that we are alone, I wish to take this opportunity to inform you of what is going to happen today. Later today, at a time determined by Admiral Sevant, The USS Boudicca will move out together with the fifty other ships in our group, to fight the final battle. We have the honour of spearheading the attack on the last great defense line that Doenitz still has, the Mars Defense Perimeter. It will be our task, and the task of the group that we are part of, to breach those defenses and open the way for other units of our 52nd Fleet to take the final battle to Earth. Seeing the resistance that we can expect, let there be no mistake, we will have our hands full. But I have no doubt that in the end, we *will* prevail. There is no option, the Mars Defense Perimeter *must* be breached. And we *will* do it. But if ever was the time for all of us to stand and be counted, this will be that time. We will face everything that Doenitz will have to throw at us, but with every wave, his final defenses will be weakened. So we must stand firm and show resolve at all times and wreak as much damage as we can to the enemy line. That is our task, that is our purpose. And one that I am confident that we will be fulfilling. Until we get the call from the Admiral, I will expect this fine crew to be ready to depart at a moment's notice and be prepared. That is all. Stakes out.=^= Georgia shuddered, not just at the thought of the upcoming battle, but at the sound of Stakes voice. She doubted she would live her shameful meeting with him down in a hurry. The bright side of it was that she had thus far managed to keep out of his sight since her arrival and it was something she hoped would continue. "Nurse Mason? I know we've got everything organised, thanks to your hard work, but maybe a last minute check is on the cards? And could you arrange maybe a meeting of the senior medics this afternoon in my office. I'll expect you to be there of course." (reply Mason?) (posted by Wendy) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:12) =/\= Sir? =/\= Archibald looked up from the reports on his screen. "Yes, Mister Stolev?" =/\= Word has arrived from the Admiral, Sir. =/\= "And the word is, Commander?" =/\= Cross the River Acheron, Sir.=/\= Archibald sat back for a second and sighed. ""Very well, Mister Stolev, pass on the word to the other ships. I'm on my way." (USS Boudicca - Bridge - acting CO - Commander Archibald Stakes - 14:13) When Archibald entered the Bridge, he watched the viewscreen and saw the first ships already moving into position. "Mister Sevant, take us underway to Alpha point. Yellow alert. Ready all systems. Gentlemen, this is it. Earth awaits us in four days time." "Sir, Vanguard group is following and ready to proceed." Archibald nodded. "Very well, Mister Sevant, new course, 390:29. Move at full impulse until we leave the system then go to warp. Warp 8." He then looked at Stolev and made a gesture not to get up from the command chair. "Mister Stolev, inform the Admiral. We are underway." (Reply ALL) (Posted by Adrie Geuken) NPRG: Who the heck is this?!? -USS Boudicca, NCC 49901 Star Trek: Freedom -