Compile summary Your adoring FO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - ACMO Ensign Vren - 1501) (USS Mystique - Bridge - 2O Lt.(sg) CT/S Jason Dema - 1504) (USS Mystique - Bridge - ACONN Ensign (sg) Andreas Schliegler - 15:05) (USS Mystique - Bridge - 2O Lt.(sg) CT/S Jason Dema - 1508) (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - Dr. Riven Mias - 1511) (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - ACMO Ensign Vren - 1513) (USS Mystique - Sickbay - Dr. Riven MIas- 1514) (USS Mystique - Mindscape - Dr. Riven Mias- 1517) (USS Mystique - Deck 2, FO's office - Commander Saleke - 15:35) Mystique - Deck 2, FO's office - ACONN Ens(sg) Andreas Schliegler and Commander Saleke - 15:36) (USS Mystique - Bridge - Commander Saleke - 16:40) (USS Mystique - Personal office - Ensign Cynthia Darson - 1725) (USS Mystique, Personal Quarters, ACOUNS Ens(sg) Regan Alessi, 1800) (USS Mystique, Personal Quarters, ACEO Ensign (jg) Norm Harper, 1801) (USS Mystique, Ensign Alessi's Quarters, ACEO Ensign (jg) Norm Harper, 1805) (USS Mystique - Bridge - OPS, Lt. (jg) David Adams - 1830) (USS Mystique - Personal quarters - Commander Saleke - 1832) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.01 (USS Mystique - Ash's Assigned Cabin - (AOPS/CONN, Ensign) Ash Physioc -0735) (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - Dr. Riven Mias -0740) (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - ACOUNS Ens(sg) Regan Alessi - 0741) (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - Dr. Riven Mias - 0743) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin compile Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - ACMO Ensign Vren - 1501) Marto opened the door as quietly as she could and slipped into the room. She could see Dr Mias sitting quietly beside the Captain's bed, the half eaten tray of sandwiches beside him and she smiled somewhat, glad at least that he had taken the time to have something to eat. Crossing over to him she finally noticed that his eyes were closed and Marto honestly was not sure whether he was asleep or whether he was simply healing the Captain. What ever he was doing he did not register her presence in the room so Marto knelt down to his level and simply rested her hand on his arm, waiting quietly for his response. (Reply Mias) It came sooner than she had expected. His eyes snapped open and he looked at her. Marto informed him of Angeni's condition and asked him if he could help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Bridge - 2O Lt.(sg) CT/S Jason Dema - 1504) "Report." Jason said walking out of the lift. (reply all on bridge) While reports were coming in, Jason quickly took a peak on the security panel. Everything still seemed the same, at least from his part. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Bridge - ACONN Ensign (sg) Andreas Schliegler - 15:05) "Report." Andreas looked behind him and was relieved to see the Tactical Chief returning. He quickly got up from the Command Chair and made way for the senior officer. "Apparently we are now in a better ffftate fffan when you left fffe bridge, FFfir. Repairfff are progrefffing reafffonably but fffickbay ifff ffftill bufffy." Andreas shook his head. It had shocked him to the core when he found out how many people had been hurt or even died due to his mistake positioning the Mystique too close to the eddy. He sighed deeply. ~If only...~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Bridge - 2O Lt.(sg) CT/S Jason Dema - 1508) "Apparently we are now in a better ffftate fffan when you left fffe bridge, FFfir. Repairfff are progrefffing reafffonably but fffickbay ifff ffftill bufffy." Throughout the hissing, Jason could make up part of the words, but the context did reached him. Jason quickly checked the reports, and indeed he could only notice what Andreas said. repairs were 74% complete, and sickbay was still a faire on a summers-day, very busy. Jason sat back down in the command chair, and observed the Zephyr for no reason, but to keep himself busy. He could start a conversation if he wanted, but he wiped that idea away, as it would make them less alert to changes. In another way, he hoped that someone, or something would end this silence fast. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.01.31 (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - Dr. Riven Mias - 1511) Riven's journey through Vanyssa's mind was nearing an end now, she had fought him at first through her memories of course... of David Dark and others, seeming to use them as shields behind which to place herself as the shades of days gone by mouthed the arguments in her subconcious. It hadn't really been David Dark there of course, the man was long dead but she had wanted to retreat with him and them into oblivion and let her mind go forever but he had stubbornly held on to her and brought her back. She was sleeping now peacefully, Riven sighed in relief and was then vaguely aware there was a hand on his arm, holding on lightly as if to announce the presence of someone. There was no telling how long the hand had been there. He opened his eyes and had to blink them a moment to focus as he reacclimated himself to the world around him after returning from the one inside. "Dr. Vren, is there anything wrong? How long have you been here?" (Reply: Marto) "Angeni you say?" His jaw had dropped a little he noticed. ~Damn the woman!~ "Of course I'll come with you, please lead the way." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.01.31 (USS Mystique - Sickbay, Surgery Room 2 - ACMO Ensign Vren - 1513) "Dr. Vren, is there anything wrong? How long have you been here?" Marto kept her voice low so as not to disturb the patients in the room. "Only a moment Doctor however I have a problem with Angeni I could use your help with. She keeps fighting the sedatives we're giving her and to be honest I think it's more your field of expertise than mine that's needed at present." "Angeni you say?" His jaw had dropped a little he noticed. ~Damn the woman!~ "Of course I'll come with you, please lead the way." As Marto led the way back into the main ward she updated Riven on Angeni's condition. "To be honest I would like to have moved her into a side ward by now since physically she is healing well and all she needs now is a good rest. However, she seems to be fighting all our efforts to sedate her 'tooth and nail' and I'm not happy about administering any further sedatives until we get to the bottom of the reason why." Stopping at Angeni's bed she stood at the side and allowed Dr Mias to slide into the chair. Looking up at the screen above the bed she pointed out the Alpha and Delta brainwave patterns to him. "As you can see there seems to be some sort of ....." she hesitated ".... for want of a better word, battle going on in her mind. If I sedate her enough to ensure she goes to sleep it's just going to resurface at another time." (Reply Riven) "Well, I'll leave you to it then. If you need anything just shout. Can I have someone bring you more coffee, anything?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.01.31 (USS Mystique - Sickbay - Dr. Riven MIas- 1514) Riven listened closely as Marto filled him in on what she knew of Angeni's troubles. "To be honest I would like to have moved her into a side ward by now since physically she is healing well and all she needs now is a good rest. However, she seems to be fighting all our efforts to sedate her 'tooth and nail' and I'm not happy about administering any further sedatives until we get to the bottom of the reason why." She waited before he was seated beside Angeni before pointing to a readout that was troubling, imbalances in her brainwave activity caused the meter to dance in a disquieting manner and though her eyes were closed she writhed on the bed as though in pain. "As you can see there seems to be some sort of ....." she hesitated ".... for want of a better word, battle going on in her mind. If I sedate her enough to ensure she goes to sleep it's just going to resurface at another time." "I see," Riven gave only one small nod as he looked at the young woman lying before him. ~What have you gotten yourself into this time Angeni? This is going to have to stop some time, just when I think you're on the mend...~ This wasn't just any normal time though and the tampering Pattia had done could have left her more open to this episode even though he had made sure there were no traces of her control left. "Well, I'll leave you to it then. If you need anything just shout. Can I have someone bring you more coffee, anything?" He shook his head slightly, barely hearing the words as he began to sink into her mind, the sounds of the room growing distant and seeming to recede from him as he once again linked up with the mind of Angeni Windsong Trommashere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Mindscape - Dr. Riven MIas- 1517) It was like descending into a pitch black well, the feeling of boundaries and distance were far away and faint. The Betazoid frowned as he neared what felt like the bottom and he halted his descent and waited quietly for a moment wondering what he might find this time but there was no quiet meadow, no lush valley filled with trees to greet him as he reached out to find her conciousness here within the boundaries of her being. ::Angeni. Where are you Angeni?:: He was answered by a shrill scream that tore at his mind like the basest of terrors and the yellow and orange light of fire lit his minds eye like a garish beacon. She was consumed in flames before him, wailing and writhing on the deck of the ship in the hallway where he found himself. ::Angeni stop...:: He reached out but withdrew his hands as the flames scorched them. ~What?~ The scene was chilling, it seemed as though she were going to burn alive... right there within the confines of her own mind. The sight caused Rivens heart to race too, it reminded him of the dream he had about standing safely within the temple while outside hundreds of worshippers were consumed by the great blaze, a nightmare it had been but gnashingly real as he had stood thunderstruck and crying out for it to stop. The heat of the flames drove him back for an instant as he threw up his hands before his eyes to shield them in a reflexive action before realizing where he was. ~There should be no heat here, no fire that could stop me. Perhaps it's all the strength drained from me today that's left me open for this, there's only one way to stop it and if I'm not strong enough.... If I get caught up in this we both could be trapped.~ There was no other way though, he couldn't exert enough control here over her to stop it as he stood by, it was now or never. Gathering his strength he dove for her and grabbed her arms as he pulled her face close to his and shouted at her as the flames roared around them, kindling searing pain and making her face waver before him. ::Angeni look at me! Concentrate on me!:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Deck 2, FO's office - Commander Saleke - 15:35) The door slid open as Saleke was reviewing the contents of the padd containing Ashlitu Physiocs records, there was a large amount of information stored on these padds and he considering he did not have a time constraint he was taking his time going over them. "Impressive." He said in appreciation then glanced up as the door to his office opened and Ensign Schliegler walked in past the appraising eyes of the two guards stationed outside. The young man was obviously and logically attempting to garner favor as he stopped before the desk and gave a smart salute with a klacking on his boot heels in a parade ground salute. "FFFir! Enfffign FFFjiegler reporting to the Firffft Offifffer'fff Offifffe afff ordered, FFFIR!" Saleke gave him a long glance as he returned the padd to the desk before him. "Sit down Mr. Schliegler." His gaze gave away nothing as he weighed the young man who sat down before him. "First of all Ensign I want to know why you have not reported to sickbay and had your injuries tended to." (Reply: Andreas) "After this meeting you will report to medical immediately, is that understood?" (Reply: Andreas) Saleke then got to the matter at hand. "You will now explain your behavior on the bridge earlier Ensign with emphasis on disobeying a direct order following your verbal outburst." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.01.31 (USS Mystique - Deck 2, FO's office - ACONN Ens(sg) Andreas Schliegler and Commander Saleke - 15:36) Saleke gave him a long glance as he returned the padd to the desk before him. "Sit down Mr. Schliegler." His gaze gave away nothing as he weighed the young man who sat down before him. "First of all Ensign I want to know why you have not reported to sickbay and had your injuries tended to." Andreas narrowed his eyes for a second as the session didn't go as he had anticipated. It was quite a novel opening and he reminded himself never to challenge the FO to a game of tri-chess. He wished he could read something in the FO's face to assist him in damage limitation, but unfortunately the FO's face was closed. As closed as an oyster. So no help there. But if the FO could come up with novel openings, so could Andreas. He'd give truth a go, just to see where it would land him. He cleared his throat and answered the FO's gaze steadfastly with his own. "Becaufffe fffhe injury doefffn't impede my duty, Fffir. Two mifffing teefff are not enoufff to ffftop me, efffpefffially confffidering fffhe level of eckfffpertifffe of fffhe replafffementfff. No offenfffe but fffhey are hardly afff good afff I am. My work afff a teffft pilot and fffhe knowledge I got from fffhat give me a huge bonufff over any other pilot. To be fair, Fffir, I'm the beffft pilot you're ever going to get. I know the weaknefffefff of an Akira claffff and how to negate fffhem. Did you know, Fffir, when fffhey originally defffigned the Akira ffffhat fffhe fly-boyfff wanted to ffflant fffhe nafffellefff by fffeven degreefff but fffhe chief defffigner fffhought fffhey muffft have made a miffftake and planned the nafffellefff to be ffftraight? Alfffo inffftead of bringing the nafffelles furfffher forward afff requefffted fffhey inffftead brought the nafffellefff furfffher backwardfff for nofffhing more than aefffffhetic reafffonfff? Fffhat'fff why the Akira now hafff a weak fffpot in the back and fliefff like a brick. But fffince the Akira wafff never defffigned for great fffpeedfff but wafff confffidered to fly during combat at lower fffpeedfff fffhan fffhe oppofffifffion they made fffure the plafffment of the manoeuvering thrufffterfff were fffpot on. Directly fffituated around the fffentre of gravity. I know fffhat becaufffe of my background, whereafff offfher pilotfff wouldn't have had a clue. I know how to get the beffft out of the old lady. She may turn like a ffflug on impulfffe or at warp but you can turn her on a penny at low fffpeedfff. And I'm the only one around who can get that out of her. Regardleffff of my two mifffing teeth. Beffidefff, fffhe nurfffe didn't give me the imprefffion fffhat immediate medical attenfffion wafff required." "After this meeting you will report to medical immediately, is that understood?" Andreas shrugged. "Fffoundfff clear enough, Fffir," but grinned inwardly. He didn't actually say that he would have to have immediate medical treatment, now did he? "Very good then, I will notify the staff after we conclude our conversation that you are on your way to be treated. Despite your stated point communications skills are necessary for the smooth and efficient flow of information between bridge officers." Saleke said, earning him a sour smile from Andreas. ~Had he just read his mind? ~. But Saleke just continued."You will now explain your behavior on the bridge earlier Ensign with emphasis on disobeying a direct order following your verbal outburst." Andreas sighed. ~In for a penny, in for a pound~ he thought. "Becaufffe I knew it to be nefffefffary, Fffir." "Necessary? In whose opinion was it found to be necessay Ensign? Yours? Is it not true that the given outcome of an action and the steps necessary to bring about that desired outcome are for the command crew of the ship to decide?" Saleke folded his hands as Schliegler digested this, "You have exhaustively communicated that you are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Akira class and validated the report on your bio listing your experience which I factored into my decision regarding the order I gave. The course we were taking had manuevered us around the worst of the gravitic anomalies and we would have had ample room to make any necessary course adjustments had you carried out my order... which you did not." The Fly-boy half-closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to wade through the cascade of woolly words that the First Officer had uttered. He had to retry several times as as soon as he translated the words to normal talk he found he had lost the thread of the sentence again. Finally he sighed when he considered he had enough material to go on. "No, I did not, Fffir. How kind of Fffir to notifffe. But I fffaid: knew for a reafffon, Fffir. It'fff not an opinion but bafffed on factfff. Unlike Fffir'fff unfffjakeable confidenfffe in my abilitiefff, for which I am grateful, off courfffe, I hafff enoufff common fffenfffe to know fffat a ffftatement in a bio doefffn't nefffefffarily make you an expert in flying any craft you can come up wifff. I've flown a lot of fffem, that ifff true, and all of fffem I wafff able to fly quite defffently after a while. But it takefff time to get a feel for the fffjip and more time if the fffjip ifff behaving like a fffnail. I have flown fffnailfff before, Meredifff', Titanfff and Galaxiefff, I flew the lot. But fffe more fffnail character a fffjip hafff, fffe longer it takefff to learn the fffjip well. An Akira ifffn't that much of a fffnail to be fffure but ffftill enoufff to require a lot of attention and flying hourfff. I could hafff flown the Myffftique like you fffaid in the manner fffat you fffaid wifffout too many bumpfff and crafffjefff but unfortunately I do not fffink that the enemy would juffft fffit back and allow me to get the hang of the fffjip. Becaufffe fffey were ffftill behind ufff, I knew ffffat I would need to fly on the edge of a knife and for fffat I fffimply didn't hafff enoufff flying time on thifff fffjip. Fffo I went for the leaffft dangeroufff option and I fffink fffat did pay off." The Vulcan watched Schliegler closely as he answered, the Ensign had a wealth of experience and ample potential it was true but lacked discipline, it was with this consideration in mind Saleke had called this meeting; it was desirable he know where his faults lie so that he could correct them and place his full potential within reach. "There would be no logic in denying that the gambit was partially effective despite the damage to the ship however the means used to gain the outcome are undesirable. Consider the words you uttered on the bridge, computer play the selected audio clip." [Are you nu..? There was an instants pause. "You want ME to fly THIS bathtub at Warp 2 through THAT soup with all those nasty gravitational spaghetti-strings? I'm good but I'm not THAT good. This is an Akira for crying out loud, not a fancy fighter! Perhaps if I had been able to study the characteristics if this ship for a few months I MIGHT have been able to pull it off if I had a good day. No, this is suicide. As soon as an eddy halts us like it did before the wave behind us will come crashing down on us and THEN it will only aggrevate the damage we already took from hitting the eddy in the first place.] Andreas couldn't help himself but grin broadly as he reheard his own words but the smile disappated when he picked up the stern gaze of the FO. Saleke leaned forward intently. "Neither the Captain or I are above solicting recommendations from experienced officers Ensign and that would apply to yourself in this instance. In the future I will expect any such recommendations to be phrased within the correctly respectful and mandated manner. Discipline must and will be maintained on the bridge of this ship." ~Did he eat a dictionary for breakfast?~ Andreas wondered at the used phrasing. "I hope you don't expect me to ufffe thefffe kindfff of wordfff, Fffir. Fffometimefff I do not hafff fffe time to give a full account of fffe reafffonfff fffat I came up wifff. For inffftanfffe in the cafffe of what happened before, if I had given Fffir the anfffer I hafff juffft given before, by the time I would hafff menfffjoned the Titanfff, the fffjockwave would hafff difffintegrated the fffjip. What I DID fffay wafff quick, confffifffe and clear. And effective, if I may add fffat for you did allow me to fly fffe way I fffet out." Saleke nodded, "Yes I did Ensign, as I said the recommendations of the officer(s) in question are weighed during the process, it was obvious you were not confident enough to carry out the order which I gave you and a quick consideration of your manuever showed a satisfactory chance for success. As I backed you in this then the logical purpose for calling you here was to discuss the manner in which you communicated it... as I have already noted. An example of a satisfactory response would be thusly; Commander, permission to use the gravitic anomaly, in whatever manner would be necessary in the situation. It is true that such verbal responses are maintained by training... which is why I summoned you to my office." Andreas shrugged. "I agree that the firfft bit wafff a bit over fffe top, but it ifff fffe way ufff fly-boyfff communicate when fffe fffjipfff are down. I can fffee fffat for offferfff it may hafff looked like a fffjow of difffrefffpect but fffat ifff wholy unattenfffional, Fffir. But pleafffe remember, Fffir, I am a fly-boy. I live, breafff, and do everyfffing humanly pofffible to get my butt on a pilotfff fffeat. I care for little elfffe. For ufff, flying ifff way more important fffan rank or pofffifffjon. Befffidefff I hafff fffat on your fffjair, Fffir, not fffat long agon and to be honeffft, fffat ifff definitely not for me. Not at fffis time, anyway. Too many lightfff, too many reportfff, too little direct control on the action, if you catfffj my drift." The Vulcan interlaced his fingers as he considered the explanation and weighed the point (Which like the rest of the conversation from Andreas' side required a great deal of focus to cut through the slurred words) and found it to be not illogical. Science and engineering were examples of two highly technical fields that used vastly different wordings at times in the transfer of technical information and he had heard fighter/fighter communications in the past, they were known to be ... emotional and tempermental at times. Having come to that conclusion he began winding down the meeting. "Your preference for flying is understandable as you are known to be quite good at it and not all officers find their places within a command setting." Sliding his hands from the table to cross his arms he said. "The reasoning behind your response is noted but I will expect you to consider your wording more carefully in the future. I trust I have made my point?" Andreas regarded the FO for a second then shrugged. "You did, Fffir. But I won't promifff you fffat I alwayfff will ufffe correctly refffpectful and mandated wordfff in the heat of the moment, Fffir. I'll fffertainly gifff it a try, but I don't want to promifff fffomefffing fffat I might not be able to deliver. But fffe intenfffion will be fffere, for fffure, Fffir." "Very well then, you are dismissed." The Vulcan said in rising. "I do not wish to repeat this conversation and if forced to do so will enter it on your record." Andreas got up himself, then realising what the FO had just said, he plopped down again. Unbelieving he regarded the standing Saleke. "What?" Andreas asked frowning. "Fffat'fff it? Juffft a: bad boy, don't do it again??? Fffir, pleafffe, not fffat! Anyfffing but fffat! Fffir, you obvioufffly do not know me afff I know myfffelf. Fffis will only lead to me difffregard anyfffing you fffaid before! You can't let me go fffcot-free, not after fffe fffjow I put up on fffe Bridge! Fffey'll juffft be laughing about it behind your back. Befffidefff, do you hafff any idea on how it would reflect on me? I'll never be able to fffjow my fafffe again wifffout a fffnigger. No, Fffir, fffifff will not do, not do at all! I beg of you, Fffir, pleafffe reconfffider. I ffftrongly recommend...No, Fffir, I DEMAND my punifffment!" Saleke cocked his head slightly and looked pointedly at the distraught Ensign who was pleading for more punishment than he had already recieved and he was forced to conclude whoever had originally given the man his rank had been seriously remiss in his duty. It was illogical to see someone with a senior rank in such an emotionally pitiful state over a LACK OF punishment and did not bode well for his future career, it didn't take long to decide a fitting punishment that would not only satisfy those requirements but probably Schliegler as well since he seemed to wish to wear his emotional stripes as a badge of honor. Without altering his stance Saleke spoke. "You are hereby demoted in rank to Ensign Junior grade Mister Schliegler, I trust that will be satisfactory?" Pulling a black pip from a drawer of his desk he held out his hand for the gold one on the collar surrounding Andreas' neck. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Bridge - Commander Saleke - 16:40) Saleke strode onto the bridge and relieved the officer currently manning the watch then strode beside the command chair, the Zephyr was centered large and stably on the screen. "Helm lay in a course for coordinates 023346358 at 3.185 light years, he glanced toward the OPS officer David Adams. "Mr. Adams attach a tractor beam to the Zephyr." "Aye sir." David said as he complied with the order. ~Odd, what is the Commander planning I wonder.~ "Tractor beam is on line and functioning Commander, we've got her." "Course laid in sir." "Initate course at best half impulse until we have cleared the nebula." "Aye sir, half impulse." The impulse engines thrummed as the ship began moving sluggishly with the Zephyr in tow, watching the readings the navigator steered carefully away from the gravitational fields while holding as close to the plotted course as possible. "We should be out of the nebula in an hour and twenty three minutes sir." Saleke nodded, "Carry on." Then turning the watch back over to the ranking officer he turned and nursing the complaining ankle headed for the turbolift to make his way down to medical. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.01.31 (USS Mystique - Personal office - Ensign Cynthia Darson - 1725) Positron and anti-proton activity read to be rather high within the system. The particulates themselves did not exist in high concentration according to the probe's data reading, but there was definite indication of the residual effects of a massive influx within a relatively short cosmic timeframe. Material and anti-material interaction left very distinct fingerprints which lasted for thousands of years, and these seemed only a few centuries old. "So what is the cause," Cindy mused and sipped at her tea. Warm vapors from the largish mug wafted around her cheeks and the cinnamony aroma of Vulcan herbs mingled with the scent of Terra's Orange Pekoe in her nostrils. The data-stream concluded, so she ordered it to repeat more slowly and watched the information scroll down her screen a second time, but no new revelations came to mind. It would definitely require a more in-depth scan.She logged the data and sent a follow-up report to Lt. Ketal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique, Personal Quarters, ACOUNS Ens(sg) Regan Alessi, 1800) Regan sat on the sofa, hugging Menno. He had been very frightened at seeing his new friends seemingly hurt, and also by the temporary loss of contact with his mother. Once she had recovered from her ordeal and been released by the medical staff, Regan had collected Menno as soon as she could and had brought him straight back to their quarters. ::Feeling better now?:: she asked him. He nodded, but still held onto her. ::I was very frightened when I couldn't hear you:: he told her. ::I know. But I was OK, wasn't i?:: ::Yes, but I was still scared:: Regan stroked his hair. ::It's OK, little one. Nothing and no one will take me away from you:: She wondered how to distract him, then had an idea. ::I made a new friend today,:: she told him. ::Would you like to meet him? He offered to help us unpack:: Menno looked at the room, and at the still-unpacked luggage. ::What's his name?:: he asked. ::His name is Norm Harper, and he's an engineer. He's very friendly, and I think he would like to know that you and I are OK, don't you?:: ::I guess so. Could he have supper with us?:: Regan smiled. ::I'll ask, but he may be busy.:: She tapped her commbadge. "Regan Alessi to Norm Harper. I hope you're Ok after the trouble this afternoon. Would you be free to have supper with us and maybe have that unpacking party we were talking about earlier?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique, Personal Quarters, ACEO Ensign (jg) Norm Harper, 1801) Norm sat lazily on his bed one foot pressed a few inches up the wall from his pillow and the other hanging over the side of the blankets. Balanced on his chest and cradled by his hands sat a half-empty glass of beer he had replicated a few minutes earlier. It was nothing compared to the real hand-made aged beer from home, but it would suffice. He let out a huge sigh of boredom and lifted the leg from the wall until it was parallel with it and marveled at how far he could stretch. If he had been betting on it he would have lost, but as it was there was no one to bet with. He thought for a moment about writing to Tony, but wrote that idea off to boredom. There is a point when boredom consumes a person so completely that they don't bother to try to find a way out. Norm had reached this point. =^=Regan Alessi to Norm Harper. I hope you're Ok after the trouble this afternoon. Would you be free to have supper with us and maybe have that unpacking party we were talking about earlier?=^= Norm nearly jumped out of his skin at the breach of the silence. He knew he should have been wearing his comm badge any way, but he had to dig through the pile of clothes where he had peeled off his uniform to retrieve it. He tapped it as he fasted it to his fresh shirt as not to leave Regan waiting too long for a reply. "Just a little sore," he said, "but, no permanent damage." He reached out for the beer he had placed on the bedside table and disregarded it. Instead he leaned over the other side of the bed for his boots and began to slip them over his black socks. "I'll be there is a few minutes." He thought for a moment, ~I bet her son's there too.~ Then he added, "Hi, Menno... Harper out." He got up, made sure he was presentable, reached out for his music chip and exited the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique, Ensign Alessi's Quarters, ACEO Ensign (jg) Norm Harper, 1805) Norm stood in front of Regan's quarters and straighted his shirt before reaching out to the door chime. (reply Regan) Norm stepped in and looked over to the boy he assumed to be Regan's son. "You must be Menno!" He smiled and reached out a hand for Menno to shake. He was sure he would appreciate the gesture as an indication of Norm's trust of the boy's maturity. (reply Regan, Menno) He looked around at the still packed luggage and toyed with his music chip. "You like beach music?" He asked. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Bridge - OPS, Lt. (jg) David Adams - 1830) David watched the readings closely and give a heart-felt sigh of relief when the ship finally emerged from the nebula then hit the com as per orders. "Commander we've cleared the nebula, reporting in as ordered." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2406.01.31 (USS Mystique - Personal quarters - Commander Saleke - 1832) =^= Commander we've cleared the nebula, reporting in as ordered.=^= Saleke looked up from his meditative pose at the combadge lying nearby out of habit then reached over and tapped it. "Thank you Mr. Adams." Tapping it again he said, "Lt. Dema increase speed to warp 4 and procede to our destination, approximate duration at warp four is two days after which we wil increase speed to warp six assuming repairs to the engines are completed according to schedule." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.01 (USS Mystique - Ash's Assigned Cabin - (AOPS/CONN, Ensign) Ash Physioc -0735) As had, had very little sleep on the night previously. He hated sleep, it was one of the moments in his life that he felt he was at his most vulnerable. He had found a solution to him not having sleep, one of the species he had recently met in the Dela Quadrant had a meditational state which they called sleeping. It allowed Ash to get the rest he needed from sleep, yet be aware of what was happening around him. Although just to make sure it worked the last couple of nights Ash had opted to have an hours sleep also. Tonight he would go all night and see if it worked. He looked around, he was already dressed and washed. Ready for this meeting with the counsellor, he wasnt going to be taken by surprise. He went to the table and eat the already prepared food, ~mmmm delicious..~ He thought as he made his way through the food. He sat back down in the middle of the floor and waited to be picked up... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2407.02.01 (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - Dr. Riven Mias -0740) Riven was feeling refreshed this morning after a decent sleep even after the exertions of the previous day, because of Vanyssa and Alecia's loss of conciousness after the mental attack on the Hiren TQO the joint link they had shared that kept Pattia in check had been dissolved and as of yet had not been reformed. With TQO's destruction Pattia had also calmed measurably to the point Riven was content for the moment to monitor her occasionally rather than have a complete suppression of her abilities. If however she got out of hand again... he was more than willing to do so and he knew Pattia knew that, it was a club being held over her head that was very likely to keep her under control. Not only that but being in control of the ship had given her access to the ships database and allowed her to see that their claims of intent to help were indeed true and not some fantasy made up to trick her into cooperation, in speaking to her last night it had become obvious she was truly repentant over her actions earlier. Not only that but there was still a number of crewmen to be dealt with in the aftermath of the telepathic wave that had swamped many of the minds on board, everyone was concious, even Vanyssa now but there was still the unease to be dealt with. Noticing the date on the monitor he smiled, in a few more days a very special Betazoid holiday was coming up, Navir; A celebration of the universe as it expresses itself in thought and he knew Vanyssa had been preparing a surprise for the many Betazoids on board. There was a twitter from the door and he looked toward it, he wasn't expecting anyone this early then he remembered it was Regan's first official day and he had asked her to report in when she came on duty and reaching out he could feel her outside, with a grin on his face he said, "Come in Regan." (Reply: Regan) As she walked in his eyes twinkled at the blue dress she wore that was both comfortable and utilitarian in typical Betazoid style, his own robe shimmered silvery glints as he gestured to a chair. "And how are you doing this morning? Any after effects from the previous days excitement?" (REply: Regan) "Yes I do have something particularly important coming up I'd like you to sit in on before we get busy, the Commander is sending someone down for a scan this morning from the Zephyr, I'm told it it's a voluntary scan. Saleke wants to know if the fellow can be trusted, he'll be arriving shortly." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.01 (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - ACOUNS Ens(sg) Regan Alessi - 0741) =/\=Come in Regan.=/\= Regan smiled inwardly as she felt the gentle touch of Riven's mind on hers and entered. As she walked in she saw his eyes twinkle as he noticed she wore a soft blue dress instead of her uniform. "And how are you doing this morning? Any after effects from the previous days excitement?" he asked as he gestured to a chair. Regan sat down. "That's a good question," she said honestly. "Physically I'm fully recovered, mentally too. But I had a rather strange experience and I'm not sure if it was a dream or not. It seemed very real but then dreams sometimes do. But I've never had a dream like that before." She told him about her 'encounter' with Alexis, opening her mind fully to Riven so that he could see, hear, and feel what she had experienced. "I honestly don't know what to make of it," she finished with a small shudder as she remembered the dark shadow she had felt when Alexis showed her the moment of his death. (Reply Riven, room for more iyw) "I thought I would try to arrange a session with Lt Keswick today, unless there's anything else you want me to do first?" she asked, mindful that there might be other crew in need of her services as well after yesterday. "Yes I do have something particularly important coming up I'd like you to sit in on before we get busy, the Commander is sending someone down for a scan this morning from the Zephyr, I'm told it it's a voluntary scan. Saleke wants to know if the fellow can be trusted, he'll be arriving shortly." Regan gave him a surprised look. "That sounds... unusual? Who is this person? Do we know anything about him?" she said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.01 (USS Mystique - Senior Counselor's office - Dr. Riven Mias - 0743) "That's a good question," Regan said as she took a seat. "Physically I'm fully recovered, mentally too. But I had a rather strange experience and I'm not sure if it was a dream or not. It seemed very real but then dreams sometimes do. But I've never had a dream like that before." She opened her mind and Riven was intrigued at what she had undergone."I honestly don't know what to make of it," she finished with a small shudder as she remembered the dark shadow she had felt when Alexis showed her the moment of his death. "It's not all that unusual for a Betazoid or for a telepath of any race." Riven mused as he gave a far off look at the wall behind her, his inner eye on the images still fresh in her mind. "No matter the state of your relationship the fact remains you were very close to and intimate with this man for some time, this can't help but form and then strengthen the bond that arises from it. With both of you in close proximity relatively speaking at the time of his death and the psychic shock that reverberated through the telepaths of both ships it's no wonder..." He paused a moment. "It would seem since you had no way of knowing that he was indeed dead at the time that what you experienced was a mental echo of his conciousness before he went on." His piercing eyes returned to look into hers keenly. "That would have quite an effect on someone, completely awake or not. If you experience anything else like this please let me know." Crossing his right leg over his left he asked. "Now what do you have on your agenda for today?" "I thought I would try to arrange a session with Lt Keswick today, unless there's anything else you want me to do first?" she asked. "Yes I do have something particularly important coming up I'd like you to sit in on before we get busy, the Commander is sending someone down for a scan this morning from the Zephyr, I'm told it it's a voluntary scan. Saleke wants to know if the fellow can be trusted, he'll be arriving shortly." Regan gave him a surprised look. "That sounds... unusual? Who is this person? Do we know anything about him?" she said. "I actually know very little about him." Riven acknowledged. "Saleke transmitted his bio and a report on what he did on board the Zephyr, killing the Captain and crippling the ships engines with well placed explosives." he examined Regan closely to watch her reaction to the news. "He claims he was on board the Zephyr originally to ferret out a spy but has offered his knowledge on Doenitz's activities to Command and wants to leave the murderers service." It was hard not to remember what Doenitz had had done to Betazed. "I met him briefly as he came aboard yesterday." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------