Biography for Lieutenant Anthony Griffin, a Male Human aged 25
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2019-12-01 05:27:28
Character Physical Description

Anthony Griffin

Eyes : Green Weight : 200 lbs
Hair : Brown Skin :


Height : 6 foot 2 Blood : Red
Somewhat tall, average build. Short Brown Hair
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Oldest child of 2, Family alive, all on earth.



Starfleet Academy-Engineering

Pre-Starfleet History


Starfleet History


Served on Starbases for most of his career before becoming acting CEO of the Mithrandir

Medical History


No major medical injury or infermity



Competent and Capable engineer, very adept at transporter technology.

Other Information
Hobbies :

Played Baseball at the Academy

General Notes


Awards :

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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