Biography for Commander T'Larah Sullivan, a Female Vulcan/Human aged 42
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2013-11-04 18:54:20
Character Physical Description

T'Larah Sullivan

Eyes : Blue Weight : 145 lbs
Hair : brown Skin :


Height : 5.78' Blood : green
Vulcan female standing just under 6 ft with a slim but lithe build, long brown hair (down to her lower back) kept in a bun/knot when on duty. She always has a calm demeanor and walks with a determined grace.
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Her father was a Starfleet pilot and her mother was a Stellar Physicist, she accompanied her father a lot on duty assignments to space stations and larger ships that allowed family, when she wasn't with her father she was raised by her mother's brother on Vulcan. When her father's ship was assigned to help her mother's science team study the effects of pulsars on modern shield technology, the ship was distroyed. Now raised by her uncle she endured a lot of teasing from the Vulcan childeren. They called her half - human and other more foul names. Once she finished Primary School, her uncle wanted her to become a scientist like her mother. She joined the VIDA.



Vulcan Primary School, Vulcan Institute for the Defensive Arts, Starfleet Academy, Vulcan Psionics Institute, Star Fleet Marines Officer Basic Course, Marine Career Officer's Course

Pre-Starfleet History


T'Larah joined the Vulcan Institute for the Defensive Arts to spite her uncle. She stayed and learned from them until she completed the training and even worked with them for a few years until the wanderlust from her Human side called her to the stars. She resigned from the VIDA and applied to the StarFleet Academy.

Starfleet History


Her first assignment is the USS Champlain as the Assistant Tactical Chief, where she assisted in the liberation of Station Deep Space Five from the control of hostile forces. Newly promoted to Tactical Chief she participated in the battle ending in the capture of the USS Wyvern of Doenitz forces. Which earned her a promotion to full Lieutenant. She unknowingly crossed paths with and gave finacial ruin to a Nausicaan Privateer named Captain T'eetcz by winning a match at a martial arts tournament. They may cross paths again. In the battles for the push to rid sector 001 of the threat of Doenitz's forces shewas injured and placed on extended convolecent leave. Upon the completion of that leave she was reassigned as the Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Rosenante. With the resignation of the former FO, T'Larah was appointed FO of the USS Rosenante. She served with distinction until her Commission was transfered to the Marines. She took Command of the 52nd Fleet Marines, 3rd SOCOM Chimera Company.

Medical History


Her blood type is pretty rare. Her mixed species heritage has given her an interesting mix of Vulcan and Human cellular markers. (doctors call it Z+) During the battle to liberate sector 001 She suffered in addition to her physical injuries, a traumatic psychic event enabled by her developing psionic abilities and caused by the massive pain and psychic backlash of a ship full of casualties. She was admitted to the Vulcan Psionics Institute for mind-meld therapy. Master Tuvril the only mixed species healer on Vulcan, who discovered her psionic potential.



Physically she is as strong as any Vulcan, Intelligent even for a Vulcan though at first she did not train in the limited touch telepathy mind meld made famous by Vulcans. Trained by VIDA, she learned Vulcan Martial Arts of Kareel-Ifla (also known as Vulcan karate, which uses quick direct application of force to end the fight quickly and decisively) and Taroon-Ifla, (the Vulcan nerve pinch) The Path of Rha, (a mental & physical discipline that allows them to ignore things like pain, hunger and thirst for a time.) and the use of some ancient Vulcan weapons. Major in Security/Tactical and Minoring in Helm Operation, she graduated the Academy near the top of her class. (Eyes Only FO/CO and above) Master Tuvril instructed her on receptive telepathy, and projective empathy with a limited range, and limited mind meld capabilities.(Eyes Only FO/CO and above) Since transferring to the Marines she has learned a great deal more about tactics, especially the tactical use of personnel.

Other Information
Hobbies :

During her off time she enjoys physical and mental pursuits. She enjoys running on the holodeck, practicing various katas with her different martial arts and weapons disciplines. (for weapons she uses the Trillpa [Vulcan long sword] and a Vulcan Version of Terran stick fighting) She enjoys the challenge of 3D chess and enjoys testing her hand to hand abilities against other martial arts disciplines. She is also interested in learning about her Terran heritage.

General Notes


She tends to suppress her emotions like most Vulcans, but occasionally she opens up to her close friends. She keeps a Terran short haired gray tabby as a pet, named Norman. Any long term move and she brings her furry companion with her.

Awards :

Awarded Captains Commendation: For taking part in the liberation of DS5 and the defense of the Champlain from the USS Wyvern. Stardate 2407.03.04

Awarded Combat Action Ribbon: For the part played in the battle against the USS Wyvern, 2407.03.13/14

Awarded Captains Commendation: Awarded on behalf of the cartenian Commonwealth for Services rendered in the Rescue of Prince Khamal from the orion Syndicate on Stardate 2408.03.15

Awarded Starfleet Double Cross: Awarded for the selfless actions which saved the life of a fellow Starfleet officer at the cost of her own on Stardate 2408.07.19

Awarded The Order of Unity: Awarded in commemoration of services rendered during the Federation Civil War.

Awarded Squadron Commanders Commendation: Awarded on Stardate 2414.02.14 for actions above and beyond the call of duty, critical to the success of the Mission to destroy the T'Kon Sphere held by the Borg.

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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