Deck Plans

Deck 1


Main Bridge, Captain’s Ready Room, Officer’s Briefing Room, Multi-use offices, Escape Pod Access, Aft Bridge Airlock, and Upper Sensor Platform

Deck 2


Officer's Mess, Senior Officers and VIP Quarters, Executive Officer’s Office, Labs and Storage, Upper Sensor Platform Subsystems, Escape Pod Access, Planetary Development, Geology, Languages/Archaelogy, Biologics lab

Deck 3


Captain's Quarters, Officers' Quarters, and VIP Quarters, Equipment Storage, Torpedo Loading Maintenance, Testing Isolation Chamber, and Turbolift Maintenance.

Deck 4


Crew quarters, Explorer’s Lounge, Transporters Rooms (2 – 1P/S), Aft Photon Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Maintenance, Forward Sensor Pallet Subsystems, and Escape Pod Access

Deck 5


Sickbay, Primary Sickbay Support Systems (ICU, Biohazard Support, Radiation Treatment Wards, Surgical Ward, Critical Care, Null-Gravity Treatment, Isolation Suites, etc.), Chief Medical Officer's Office, Counselor's Office, Crew Quarters, Library, Transporter Pattern Buffers (2 - 1 P/S), Holodecks (2 – 1P/S), Sensor Gear, Escape Pod Access, Primary computer core access

Deck 6


Crew Quarters, Non-Specific Science Laboratories (6 – 5P/3S) Aux Deflector Control, Aux Computer Core, Escape Pod Access, Deuterium (Matter) Processing, Consumables Resupply Connectors, Biochemistry Lab, Physics lab, CSO's Office

Deck 7


Aux. Computer Core, Upper Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Labs, Escape Pod Access, RCS Thruster Access, Deuterium Tankage, Warp Engine Core Injector Access, Atmospheric Physics lab, High Energy Particle Physics lab

Deck 8


Astrometrics, Chief Science Officer’s Office, Deuterium Processing, Port/Starboard/Forward Docking Ports, ODN/EPS Main Trunks, Lower Cargo Bays 1&2, Deuterium Tankage, Upper Premix Chamber, And Aft Work Pod Storage

Deck 9


Cargo Loading Doors (Saucer and Engineering,) Aerowing Shuttle Dock, and Labs, Upper Aerowing Shuttle Dock, and labs

Deck 10


Main Shuttlebay, Shuttlebay Storage (SB2), Flight Control Center, Aft EV Access Airlock, Auxiliary Computer Core, Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers, Reserve Warp Engine Core, And Main Navigational Deflector

Deck 11


Main Engineering, Engineer's Office, Aft Lounge, Warp Core, Auxiliary Warp Engine, Main Computer Core, Main Navigational Deflector

Deck 12


Environmental Control, Antimatter Tankage, Main Deflector Control Systems

Deck 13


Warp Engine Core, Labs, Escape Pod Access, And Secondary ODN/EPS Trunks

Deck 14


Antimatter Processing, Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Escape Pod Access, and Ground Hover Footpad Systems.
Tactical department offices containing: (Chief of Security office, Firing range, Auxiliary control, Armory, Brig entrance checkpoint)

Deck 15


Antimatter Loading Port, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Tractor Beam Subsystems, Plasma Relay Control Rooms, and Ground Hover Footpads, Brig (4) 2 Person cells, Torpedo/Probe magazine

Gregory noticed that the Captain had joined in the fun. If his getting drenched would help the ships morale, he was all for it. “Come on Captain, let's see what ya got,” he started calling out. “Bet those pirates have better aim than you. Just remember the point is to hit the target.”. His arm was rock steady as he found a comfortable grip on the ball in his right hand. He was aware that a number of the crew were beginning to gather around in anticipation. They spoke in low voices as he gathered himself for the throw.

Version 18.01 : Designed from the ground up by Anthony Keen : Contributions from the inexhaustible creative imaginations of the membership of Star Trek : Freedom. Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, Star Trek Enterprise®, Star Trek Picard®, Star Trek Discovery®, Star Trek Lower Decks®, Star Trek Strange New Worlds® and all associated marks and characters are registered trademarks of CBS/Paramount Television. All rights reserved. Please read the extended copyright notice. All original content copyright © 1997-2022 by Star Trek Freedom. The use of anything related to “Star Trek” on the “STAR TREK : FREEDOM” web site is not meant to be an infringement on CBS/Paramount Television property rights to “Star Trek.”