Biography for Ensign JG Jason Bell, a Male Human aged 26
who is assigned to the USS Illuminar

Anthony updated this biography on

Character Physical Description



















Jason has his mother's build, highly athletic but has the annoying habit of not having to work at it to keep in shape; due to a lot of energy, not a lot of sleep and finding ways to keep active.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background


His natural mother, Admiral Jana Bell worked hard with Jason while juggling her career as a CO; spending most of time on the USS Wraith with his mother, his identity wasn't kept a secret nor was it public knowledge. Jana never told Jason who his father was. As soon as he was able, he set out on his own but never strayed far from the familiar Starfleet, even though he was far from fan, his personal life kept him close to Federation. Jason has become estranged from his mother and if Jason is away of her husband, Remae Ktell at all, its of no interest to him to engage in any relationship with the Commodore.



Worked in various civilian outposts that usually had some connection to Starfleet, whether it was construction or administration or simply being the go-to person. His education was on the job training, learning as he went and avoiding any formal education especially if it included anything to do with Starfleet.

Pre-Starfleet History


Roaming job to job, looking for something, Jason spent his time working for companies or organisations that had ties to Starfleet, but he never developed formal skills in any one area. Settling to be known a bit about everything in all disciplines. Eventually, the contraction of the Federation limited his options, and he was forced to turn to Starfleet for a home. It was far from his first choice.

Starfleet History


Medical History


Jana's medical history on being subjected to illegal genetics research has flowed to Jason, his IQ is a little higher than normal but nothing else seems to have been changed. Jason is aware of Jana's personal life as a child.



A jack of all trades, the original who can turn his hand as easily to fixing an engineering puzzle as to administrating medical aid; he can fly as ship, just and he can hold his own in any security position. Still looking for a home. A natural leader that doesn't want to lead, unorthodox in his thinking and uses past experience as much as anything he has learnt at Starfleet to solve issues and to lead people.



Jason is not in Starfleet by his first choice; they need more people, and he needed a new place to be useful in a contracting universe, he wants to be useful but he doesn't want to become a career officer like his mother. How long he will stay in the service is anyone's guess.



If he can get away with doing nothing, he will but when pressed he can engage on physical activities; he turns any personal space into a lab for when he feels like solving a problem or investigating some research that caught his eye.

Gregory noticed that the Captain had joined in the fun. If his getting drenched would help the ships morale, he was all for it. “Come on Captain, let's see what ya got,” he started calling out. “Bet those pirates have better aim than you. Just remember the point is to hit the target.”. His arm was rock steady as he found a comfortable grip on the ball in his right hand. He was aware that a number of the crew were beginning to gather around in anticipation. They spoke in low voices as he gathered himself for the throw.

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