Biography for Ensign JG Zara Khatri , a female Humam aged 22
who is assigned to the Starbase Freedom

Mary updated this biography on 2023-10-28 12:00:56

Character Physical Description






115 lbs









5 feet 4




Zara is 5′ 4″ tall and 115 pounds. She is fit and her build is toned. As a scientist, she believes she should set an example of being in good health and physical fitness.

History, Education and Skills

Family and Background


Zara is the youngest of four children, with three older brothers. Her mother stayed home to raise the children. Her father is a professor at the university in the capital city.



Zara attended college on her home world, receiving a doctorate in astrophysics at age 17.

Pre-Starfleet History


Zara Khatri was born on the colony world Lorica of Indian descent. It was settled mostly by Humans, but there were a mix of other Federation races. Zara’s father is a professor at the college in the capital city. Her mother stayed home to care for Zara and her three older brothers. Being the youngest and the only girl, she learned to be tough and to stand up for herself. She was also a tomboy, but still maintained being girlish and feminine. Her name means 'blooming flower'. Beginning with the fourth generation born on Lorica, something odd was happening. It was initially noticed with Betazoid children, but then also to other races. About ten percent of the children were born with a brain chemistry making them psi null. They could not be read by telepaths nor could empaths sense their emotions. Betazoids affected by this had no telepathic abilities. They were similar to the four-lobed brains of Ferengi. It was discovered there was an element in the soil used to grow crops that caused the phenomenon. There were no other affects and nothing harmful developed. Zara was one of the children born that way. As a young child, Zara was advanced for her age. She learned to talk much earlier, having a keen and inquisitive mind. Her bright eyes seemed to always be observing and learning. It was determined that Zara had exceptional intelligence and mental acuity. Tests revealed Zara was a child prodigy with a genius IQ and an eidetic memory. Growing up, there was something inside Zara that said her place was among the stars. She was drawn to studying astronomy and galactic history. Her parents bought her a telescope and she would spend hours scanning the heavens. Lying on a blanket, staring at the sky or camping out, became joys. Zara's parents wanted her to learn and appreciate her Indian culture, so they sent her to classes to learn traditional dance. At first Zara hated it, as it took her from her studies. Over time, she learned to love it, as she came to understand the meanings of the moves and musical accompaniment, as well as the grace and discipline. Zara wanted to be a scientist, as she was highly intelligent, but that changed when she was fourteen. A group of children were playing in the woods. One of the boys fell out of a tree, breaking an arm and suffering a deep cut. Zara controlled the bleeding while someone ran for help. She was credited with saving his life. After that, her attention turned to medicine, but her love for science eventually won. At seventeen, Zara graduated from college with a doctorate in astrophysics. Needing to discover, explore, and learn more, she applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. Leaving for Earth was both a happy and sad day, but a new adventure was beginning.

Starfleet History


Zara’s first year in the academy was easy for her. Since she was from a colony world populated by many races, she already knew how to get along with people different from herself, as well as respecting cultural beliefs. Her experience was made better by her roommate, Tanya Harper, who was studying to be a nurse. Since Zara wasn’t from Earth, Tanya was her friend and guide in learning about, enjoying, and experiencing humanity’s home world. Over their academy years, they became like sisters. Classes were almost too easy for Zara because of her intelligence and thirst for knowledge. This led to Zara seeking advanced courses when possible. In addition to studying science, she minored as a medic. In Zara's senior year on her cadet cruise on the USS Hiddekel, she experienced something that seared a memory she would never forget. It was when she saw her first crewmate die in the line of duty. A freighter had crashed onto a desolate planet after a pirate attack. Answering the distress call, Zara was part of the away team sent to rescue the survivors. They were attacked by pirates still pursuing the cargo and the CMO was mortally wounded by disruptor fire. As a medic, Zara used all her skills, but was unable to save him. It hit her so hard, she needed several counseling sessions. When completing her four years at the academy, Zara majored in general science, with a minor as a medic. She was commissioned as an Ensign junior grade.

Medical History


Zara is healthy and fit. She is a psi null and unreadable by telepaths.



Zara has a genius IQ and eidetic memory. She can do complicated math in her head. She performs traditional Hindu dance. Zara speaks English and Hindi and has an Indian accent.



Growing up, Zara was outgoing and the alpha female in her group of friends. She was the one that would think of new games to play or decide what to do that day. The other kids looked to her to know what to do if something happened. She was generally the smartest person in the room and she knew it. Sometimes this led to her letting others know it, too, though she looked at it as being truthful and confident. Arguments rose from this and a few fistfights with other girls. Learning to work with others and to respect them for who and what they were, is still a learning process.



Zara enjoys camping out at night and studying the stars. Reading and learning are relaxing to her. She enjoys cricket and football (soccer). Zara studied traditional Hindu dance when she was a girl. Work and research are her favorite things to do. She often throws herself into it so deeply, she can forget to eat or sleep. She plays Tetris.

"This all seems like a waste, I mean everything, maybe even rebuilding the federation.” Kaz wasn’t actually talking to anyone just thinking out loud. “All this death, these people are suffering and can we even make a difference by being here.”, Kaz generally didn’t have such a negative outlook on things but the last few months had been taxing and he had started to second guess all his life choices.

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